Chapter 4

Mark arranged a limo for Leah’s party. The driver picked us up and drove to a disco club called the Limelight. It was a legendary place, with a glass dance floor over a massive fish tank. Mark had finagled his way onto the VIP list, so the limo dropped us at the head of the line, which already stretched to the road.

The inside of the club was an assault on the senses, a maelstrom of light, sound, and heat. I immediately regretted my sport coat. The girls wore slinky party dresses, so they didn’t have to worry about heatstroke. I took off my jacket while Mark tried to get us seats in one of the curtained booths.

Unfortunately, we weren’t rich or famous enough.

“Hey, I tried,” he shouted over the music.

Erin spotted a table with someone she knew. She and Leah headed that direction, while Mark and I made our way to the bar. We joined them about ten minutes later with four Long Island iced teas.

“Paul, you remember Mindy,” Erin shouted in my ear. She gestured at a pretty girl sitting next to her.

“Yeah, of course,” I lied. I shook her hand. “Great to see you again.”

I introduced myself to her date, who looked like he came from a Sears catalog: Fashion Trend Yuppie, Also Available in Tall.

“And you remember Landon,” Erin said.

I turned to the other guy and shook his hand. Then my eyes widened. I knew him.

“Hey, man!” He pulled me into a hug. “Great to see you. How you been?”

“Great! You?” I turned to Mark. “Landon and I were on the wrestling

team together, back in high school. He was a year behind me.”

Landon introduced us to his girlfriend, Diane, and then something in my memory clicked. Landon had a twin sister. I looked at Mindy.

She laughed. “I knew you didn’t remember me!”

“I…” I hung my head. “I’m an idiot.”

“It’s okay.”

“The last time I saw you…”

“I was skinny and flat-chested.” She laughed.

“Well, you don’t have that problem anymore. So, what’ve you been up to?”

We spent the next few hours talking, drinking, and having a good time. I even spent some time on the dance floor, mostly with Leah or Mindy, much to her date’s annoyance. She didn’t seem to care. Mr. Fashion Trend even disappeared for about an hour, and no one noticed until he reappeared to tell Landon he was leaving.

“I told Landon I don’t wanna date one of his frat buddies,” Mindy said in my ear. Her look told me exactly who she did want to date.

Leah gave me a wink and headed to the dance floor with Mark.

I put an arm around Mindy and pulled her close. Might as well enjoy myself, I decided.

We partied a while longer and fended off several people who offered to sell us coke. Mark was incredibly cool about it, and made us sound like we were too well-connected to need extra party favors.

I was buzzed enough to be curious what it was like, but not so drunk that I was willing to try, even when Mindy hinted that she might like to.

A small part of me laughed at how much my attitudes had changed. I used to think drugs were only for losers. And being gay was wrong. And relationships were simple. Period, full stop, end of discussion. Somewhere along the line I must have realized that the world wasn’t black and white.

Mindy pulled me back to reality before I could ride away on my high horse. We danced for a couple of songs before she maneuvered me toward a little alcove near the stage. We started making out. Plenty of other couples were doing the same, including a surprising number of gay men.

Two of them jostled us and then moved away with a wave of apology.

Mindy overreacted.

“Relax,” I told her.

“They make me wanna barf.”


“You aren’t grossed out?”

“Why should I be? People are people. Besides, I have better things to do.”


“Yeah. Like tell you how good you look.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself.”

I was just wondering how far I wanted to take things when Mark appeared beside us.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he said. “Landon needs your help, Mindy. He’s drunk.”

“Can’t Diane take care of him?”

“’Fraid not,” he said apologetically. “She tried, but…”

Mindy huffed. “He always does this.”

We went back to the table, where Landon had more or less passed out. He was bigger than me, and Diane was doing her best to keep him upright. We decided it was a good time to leave. Mark and I ducked under Landon’s arms, while the girls gathered our things from the table.

We carried him to his car and laid him on the back seat. Mindy rummaged in the glove compartment until she found a pen and scrap of paper. She scrawled her phone number and handed it to me. Then she gave me a boozy kiss that was half-goodbye, half-invitation. Erin and Leah both smirked as I helped her into the passenger seat and shut the door.

“God, that took forever,” Mark said as they drove off.


“You’re such a goof,” Leah said, and rose to kiss me.

“Come on,” Mark said. “Let’s find the limo and get the real party started.”

Mark had also booked rooms at a hotel, since the Coulter house was already full of family. Elizabeth’s parents had flown in from England and were staying in the main house. Her sister and brother-in-law had just arrived from Scotland. They currently occupied the pool house with their two grown children.

I chuckled at the thought of trying to have an orgy with all those people

around. Fortunately, Mark interrupted before the scene in my head turned into an X-rated episode of The Benny Hill Show.

“Sorry about what happened back there,” he said as the limo pulled away from the club. “Landon and the girls were fun and all, but they aren’t swingers.”

“Ah. Right.”

“So,” he finished matter-of-factly, “I had to keep buying Landon drinks.”

My eyebrows shot up. “You mean you got him drunk on purpose?”

“Yeah. But he wasn’t really the problem. Mindy was.”

I looked at Leah out of the corner of my eye. She was more amused than annoyed.

“She wasn’t going to let you go until you took her home.”

“Um, no,” Erin agreed.

“So I had to figure a way to get rid of them, without hurting anyone’s feelings.”

“Tonight is a private party,” Leah said. “Now, isn’t there some rule that says the birthday girl gets a kiss?”

Who was I to refuse?

Mark and Erin began making out too.

I pulled Leah’s hand to my lap, and she began squeezing my resurgent erection.

“Don’t get too carried away,” Mark said. “We’ll be there soon.” A couple of minutes later, he moved Erin’s hand from his own lap. He turned around to see where we were.

“Better cover up,” he said absently, and I realized that Erin’s breast was exposed.

She grinned at me and waited until the last second before she lifted the strap of her dress.

The limo pulled to a stop outside the hotel entrance. Mark and I helped the girls out of the back while the driver unloaded our small overnight bags from the trunk.

“I checked in this afternoon,” Mark said as we grabbed the bags and headed into the lobby. “Adjoining rooms,” he added, and pulled a key from his pocket. “We can party in one and sleep in the other.”

We tossed our bags on the beds, and the girls disappeared into the bathroom.

“Grab the ice bucket,” Mark said as he opened the door to the other room.

“Why? Duh. Never mind.”

“Be right back,” he said. “Make yourself comfortable.”

I poked around the room—a standard hotel double—and then decided to turn on some music. Mark had brought a boom box. Trip would’ve made a special mix tape just for the party, but Mark hadn’t brought any, even store-bought ones. So I turned on the radio and found a station I remembered from my high school days.

“We’re all set,” Mark said when he returned. He put the buckets on the table and plunged two bottles of champagne into the ice. “I brought the stuff to make B-52s. You wanna hand me those bottles?”

He lined up shot glasses and filled them partway with Kahlúa. I watched in fascination as he used the back of a spoon to add Baileys Irish Cream.

Then he carefully finished with a layer of Grand Marnier.

“They’re a pain to make and cost a fortune,” he said, “but they’re awesome.”

The girls emerged from the other room. I glanced their way and did a double take.

“We were overdressed,” Erin explained.

I felt a twinge of guilt when I looked at her. The feeling passed quickly, though, and I let my eyes roam over her nude body. I winked at her and turned to Leah.

She smiled, warm and inviting. I drank in the sight of her, from tousled dark hair to painted toenails. Then my eyes returned to her face, and I felt a surge of emotion. She must have felt it too, because she looked away quickly.

I glanced at Mark, but he hadn’t seen it.

“God, you look awesome,” he said. “Both of you.”

He crossed to Leah and held her in his arms.

For a moment I wished things had gone differently between us. But they hadn’t, I told myself, and now she was with him.

I’d missed my chance with Wren too. She said we wouldn’t have made a good couple, but I wasn’t so sure.

Erin slid her arm around my waist. I automatically put mine around her shoulders.

“You okay?” she asked quietly.

“Yeah. Just… thinking.”

“I could tell. You get this look.”

“That obvious, huh?”

“You and Mom… you’re so alike. You overthink everything.”

“So you’re an expert on Mom now?”

“Have to be,” she said flippantly. “Never be able to do anything otherwise.”


“You’d better watch out, though.”

“Why’s that?”

“Means I’m an expert on you too.”

I chuckled. “Somehow I doubt it.”

Mark and Leah pulled apart before Erin could reply.

“Hey,” Mark said, “who wants shots? They’re your favorite.”

“Really? B-52s?”

“Yeah. Come on.” He handed out shot glasses. “Happy birthday!”

Leah smiled as we echoed the toast.

I paused with the glass at my lips and realized that I should sip instead of toss it back. I tasted the first two layers, but didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Then I grimaced my way through the Kahlúa.

“What’s the matter?” Mark said.

Leah chuckled. “He doesn’t like coffee.”

“That’ll change,” Erin said out of the side of her mouth.

I shot her a curious look, which she ignored.

“Hey,” she said, louder, “you guys are still dressed.”

“We’d better fix that,” Leah said.

A look passed between them.

Erin set her empty shot glass on the table and began unbuttoning my shirt.

I glanced at Mark. “Um… hey, Erin… why don’t you help Leah instead?”

“Why? Are you shy?”

I wasn’t sure how to react as she undressed me. On one hand, we were nudists, and we saw each other’s bodies all the time. On the other hand, we rarely touched each other. Worse, I hadn’t had any female attention in more than a month, and the little head didn’t care who it was, sister or not.

Erin smirked and made sure to press her breasts against me when she took off my shirt. Then she unzipped my pants and surreptitiously tickled my balls through my underwear. Finally she knelt in front of me to pull off my trousers and boxers. She tugged them far enough down to reveal my pubic hair and the base of my semi-hard cock, which bent as the elastic waistband

inched lower.

Then she leaned close and looked up at me with a knowing grin. She gave my boxers a quick tug. My cock sprang up and hit her in the chin. She feigned surprise, but pulled back slowly. My dick bounced gently in front of her, so close that I could feel her breath as she laughed.

I silently begged Leah to hurry up with Mark. If she didn’t, I was likely to

“There,” Leah said. “That’s better. He’s all ready for you, Erin.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as the girls switched places.

Leah knelt in front of me. “Ooh, what’s this?”

“It’s a hard-on,” Erin said. “You’re supposed to suck it.”

“Really? I never would have guessed.”

“I can show you, if you like.”

“I might need some help later,” Leah said, “but I think I’m fine for now.”

She planted a kiss on the tip of my shaft. Then she kissed toward my balls and sang, “Happy birthday to me…”

Erin grinned and turned her attention to Mark. She teased him for a bit and then started sucking in earnest. I felt a touch of déjà vu as I watched. She looked a lot like Mom, including the way she held his hips as she bobbed her head.

Leah continued humming “Happy Birthday” while she nuzzled my balls.

She sucked one into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, which sent shivers of pleasure up my spine. Then she did the same to the other. I stroked her hair and gently guided her toward the tip of my shaft. She closed her eyes and began sucking.

A few minutes later Mark groaned and emptied his balls in Erin’s mouth.

She looked up at him as she swallowed. His dick didn’t go soft, so she kept going. The sight was enough to push me over the edge. Leah pumped the base of my shaft and sucked the head until I coated her tongue. She closed her eyes to savor the taste.

“Ready for round two?” Mark said. He nodded toward the beds.

“Together or separate?”

“Together,” the girls said in unison.

“Your wish is our command.”

Leah stifled a snort of laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Long story,” I said. “Just be glad Wren isn’t here. She’d’ve bitten you.

Or worse.”

“I’ll tell you later,” Leah promised as I helped her to her feet.

I sat on the bed and gestured for her to join me in a sixty-nine. She swung a leg over my head and aimed my cock at her mouth.

Erin lay beside us and played with her nipples as Mark went down on her.

After about ten minutes he stood, lifted her legs, and slid into her. She groaned and pulled him toward her. He began thrusting with easy strokes.

I patted Leah on the flank. “Let me get behind you.”

She moved into position, and I entered her from behind. Mark watched as I began fucking her with long, slow strokes. I maneuvered her toward Erin, and they immediately began kissing and playing with each other’s nipples.

Mark rubbed Erin’s clit while he fucked her. After several minutes she cried out softly and clutched the bedspread. Leah kissed her and twisted her nipple. Erin went rigid and held her breath at the moment of climax.

She beckoned to Mark when it passed. “Come up here. We need your dick.”

He climbed onto the bed. Leah began sucking his cock while Erin licked his balls. The temperature in Leah’s pussy went up a couple of degrees. I held her hips and buried my hard-on as deep as I could. Then I reached around and found her clit. The dense little button slid under my fingers as I started rubbing. I rocked my hips at the same time, and my cock moved within her.

Mark eventually groaned and held Leah’s head as he erupted in her mouth. Afterward he sat back on his heels. His cock was still semi-hard.

Semen oozed from the tip and made a small damp spot on the bedspread.

I released Leah’s clit and held her hips as I began thrusting. I quickly worked up to a pounding rhythm. She cried out each time my hips slapped her ass. After less than a minute, she let out a moan and went rigid. I buried my cock and grunted as heat and moisture flooded her pussy.

She collapsed on Erin’s chest when her orgasm finally dwindled to aftershocks.

Erin looked up at me, her eyes alight with mischief. “Your turn.”

“Um, I’m good for the moment.”

Leah looked over her shoulder. “I wanna taste you. Just…” She laughed.

“Gimme a sec.”

“Take your time. No rush.”

“Want me to do it?” Erin teased.

I glanced at Mark, but he didn’t seem the least bit shocked.

“Not on your life,” Leah said. “I’m the birthday girl, remember?”

“No problem. Just checking.”

Leah pushed herself up. My shaft slid out, shiny with her juices. She turned and saw it, and her eyes lit with excitement. She sighed in pleasure when she tasted herself on my cock.

Erin grinned and propped herself on one elbow to watch her friend suck me off.

I came after barely a minute. Leah moaned in surprise when the torrent didn’t slow after the first couple of spurts. They eventually tailed off, though, and she pursed her lips.

She held my semen in her mouth instead of swallowing. Then she tilted her head back and turned to Mark to show him.

“Holy crap! How do you do it, man? I mean, that’s more than a mouthful!”

“You can say that again,” Erin joked.

Leah closed her mouth and swallowed twice. She took a deep breath and then smiled in satisfaction.

“All right, who’s ready for champagne?” Mark climbed off the bed without waiting for an answer.

He had a full erection. Again. I blinked in surprise. He hadn’t been playing with himself, so it was probably from watching me and Leah.

Whatever floats your boat, I thought.

“Sorry about the plastic cups,” he said as he poured. “I couldn’t find my mom’s picnic set.”

“I have a toast,” Leah said once we all had cups.

Mark looked surprised, but adjusted quickly. “Oh. Okay.”

“To the best friends a girl could have.”

Mark opened the second bottle of champagne and refilled our cups. He also mixed another round of shots. I still had a buzz, but I drank one anyway.

Then I relaxed and let the chitchat flow around me. Erin dropped a couple of hints that Leah and Mark might want some time to themselves, but I was drunk enough that I didn’t entirely trust myself to be alone with her. I pretended I hadn’t heard, and she finally gave up.

The conversation eventually wound down, and I hinted through a yawn,

“This has been a really fun night.”

“A perfect night,” Leah agreed. Then she glanced at Erin. “Well, almost.”

“Eh, it’s all right,” Erin said with a shrug.

Thwarted but not annoyed, I thought in relief.

“But I’d like to borrow Mark for a bit.”

He’d drunk as much as I had, yet he had some secret reserve of energy.

He leapt up.

“Your wish is my command!”

Leah and I both laughed.

“What is it about that phrase?” he said, a bit deflated.

“Ignore us,” I told him.

“Whatever.” He extended a hand to Erin. His dick was completely hard.


Erin joined him on the other bed. She was worked up already and didn’t bother with foreplay. She simply climbed on top and set his cock at her pussy. She sat back and began moving her hips.

Leah and I watched for a bit, and I felt my own energy returning.

“You in the mood for another round?” I asked her.

“Sure. But first… can we shower?”

“I’d like that.”

All of her things were in the other bathroom, so I followed her into the adjoining room.

“Why didn’t you come over here with Erin?” she asked. “I mean, that’s why we didn’t invite anyone else. Are you worried about Mark? He’s totally cool with it.”

I shook my head.

“Then… what?”

I shrugged and left it at that.

Leah gazed at me thoughtfully. “Sometimes I just don’t get you.”

“I’m a pain in the butt, I know. Lots of people would agree.”

“You’re a goof.”

“But I’m your goof.”

Her smile wavered and turned melancholy. “Do you ever wonder…?”

“Yeah. All the time.”

The silence grew uncomfortable.

“Ready for that shower?” I asked.

“I need to pee first.”

I gestured. “Go ahead.”

“Don’t be silly.” She took my hand and tugged me into the bathroom.

She used the toilet while we waited for the shower to heat up. Then I pulled aside the curtain and followed her into the tub.

All of a sudden she turned and wrapped her arms around me.

I held her lithe, water-slick body against mine.

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you too.”

“And if things were different…”

“They aren’t,” I said, a little too curtly.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I want you to be happy.”

We made love again after Mark and Erin went to sleep. Part of me felt like I was betraying his friendship, but Leah and I would always have something between us, something that had existed long before he’d met her. If only I’d realized it sooner.

“Ah, well,” I said aloud, softly. “If wishes were horses…”

Leah rolled toward me in the dark. She held my face and kissed me. Then she reached between us and found my penis. She massaged and slowly coaxed it to life.

“Are you sure?” I whispered.


“Get on your stomach.” I straddled her hips and slid into her without looking.

She sighed and clutched the pillow.

I kissed her neck.

She turned her head and found my lips.

I began thrusting gently.

Mark and Erin slept on.
