Starring the unforgettable Becky Bloomwood, shopper extraordinaire …

The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic

(also published as Confessions of a Shopaholic)

Meet Becky – a journalist who spends all her time telling people how to manage money, and all her leisure time spending it. But the letters from her bank manager are getting harder to ignore. Can she ever escape this dream world, find true love … and regain the use of her credit card?

Shopaholic Abroad

Becky’s life is peachy. Her balance is in the black – well, nearly – and now her boyfriend has asked her to move to New York with him. Can Becky keep the man and the clothes when there’s so much temptation around every corner?

Shopaholic Ties the Knot

Becky finally has the perfect job, the perfect man and, at last, the perfect wedding. Or rather, weddings … How has Becky ended up with not one, but two big days?

Shopaholic & Sister

Becky has received some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister! But how will she cope when she realizes her sister is not a shopper … but a skinflint?

Skopaholic & Baby

Becky is pregnant! But being Becky, she decides to shop around – for a new, more expensive obstetrician – and unwittingly ends up employing Luke’s ex-girlfriend! How will Becky make it through the longest nine months of her life?

Mini Shopaholic

Times are hard, so Becky’s Cutting Back. She has the perfect idea: throw a budget-busting birthday party. But her daughter Minnie can turn the simplest event into chaos. Whose turn will it be to sit on the naughty step?
