This book has had a long journey and many incarnations. I’m very grateful to everyone who helped along the way: the friends, generous authors, readers, critique groups, writing groups, plotters and brainstormers who gave ongoing support, suggestions and encouragement (and chocolate). Special thanks to Thalia Andrews and Deborah Snider, who provided love and positive motivation, and Esri Allbritten and Laurie Hawkins who spent lots of time in restaurants with me, discussing plots and sharing publishing stories. Couldn’t have done it without you! Much appreciation to all the wonderful professionals at Quercus Books and especially my editor, Jo Fletcher, who believes in me and my strange vampire world. I’m very lucky to have her. Hugs to my agent, Robert Gottlieb of Trident Media Group, and his vision for me and my books, and to Elaine English who steered me through some choppy legal waters. It’s been an amazing experience.
