“What was the party for?” Dawson interrupted when I got silent, thinking about the party.
“I don’t know, some software launch or something,” I lied. I wasn’t about to tell him Drew owned fifteen different jewelry stores throughout the country. It wouldn’t be hard to pinpoint the Callaway name to them now that I had volunteered the old man’s name. It was better that he thought he was some kind of software developer from Indiana. Maybe someday I would tell him, but not yet. I couldn’t take the chance. I knew Dawson would go after him, and probably end up dead.
“Why did he not want you to be alone with this man?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I still don’t know. I never did figure out what his interest was in me. Drew had told me the first time that I met him that his father was none of my business, but I’m not so sure if the guy was truly his dad.”
“Did you ever meet any of his family?”
“No. I don’t even know if he had family, other than Mr. Callaway.”
“What happened after the party?”
“Let’s go up to the house, and save that for another time,” I tried.
He pulled me toward him causing me to knock over my sand creation with my foot. He kissed the corner of my mouth and then whispered.
“I love you, Riley, and that was a real nice try,” he smiled.
I leaned my back to his side, and he put his arm around me.
“We left almost immediately after Mr. Callaway was wheeled away. Drew didn’t say a word all the way home. He did put his hand out for my rings once again which I without a problem, I handed over to him.”
“Where are you going?” Drew asked once we were inside.
“To change?” I said in a question, asking for permission.
“Uh-uh, go to the gym. I want you to watch.”
I knew he was talking about the mirrored wall, but I asked anyway. “Watch what?”
That was the first blow to my face that night, and the blood from my lip ran down my sky blue dress.
“That!” he demanded and shoved me toward the gym.
I looked around the gym puzzled. The room was empty. The weight bench, the elliptical, the treadmill, it was all gone. Other than the one padded bench, and the small refrigerator in the corner where bottles of water were kept, the room was empty, and I didn’t understand why. I took a towel from a rack in the gym and dabbed it on my already swollen lip, glad that it was still there.
I jumped when I heard the doorknob turn, but it hadn’t turned at all. I was hearing it lock. I walked over to it and sure enough, I was locked in. I didn’t understand that either. All Drew had to do was tell me to stay in there, and I would have. It was just another one of his mind games.
I stood there for probably ten minutes waiting for I didn’t know what. I just knew that his plan wasn’t to lock me in that room and leave me alone. I took a deep breath and walked to the far wall. I slid down the wall and sat on the shiny hardwood flooring.
“Stand up!” I heard him say through an intercom that I didn’t know was there.
Okay. Here we go with the head games.
I stood up but stayed leaning against the wall.
“Walk to the middle of the room and stand in front of the mirror. You need to see what a stupid bitch you are.”
I wanted to yell, fuck you. It was a very strong urge, but I didn’t do it. I walked to the middle of the room and stood in front of the mirror like a proper little submissive.
It must have been fifteen minutes before he spoke again, and that was because I spoke first.
“Can I take off my heels?” I asked to the empty room.
“Did I say you could take off your heels?”
I rolled my eyes and didn’t answer. My feet where killing me and my lower calves were starting to ache.
“You can take off the dress,” he said.
I didn’t want to take off the dress. I wanted to take off the damn shoes. The dress was the only thing that I had on. It was cut low so I couldn’t wear a bra with it, and of course I wasn’t allowed to wear panties. I did as he requested and slid the dress from my shoulders, and down to the floor.
“Turn around,” I heard him say from wherever the hell he was.
I turned a half a turn, and he told me to keep going. I turned some more and when I stopped he told me to keep turning.
What the fuck.
I was standing naked in the middle of the room wearing three inch stilettos, and he wanted me to play ring around the fucking rosy. I managed to play his stupid game for about fifteen minutes, and I couldn’t do it anymore. My legs felt like jello, and were going to give out. That’s exactly what happened. My ankle twisted, and I went down. I sat on the floor and grabbed my ankle. It hurt so bad. I thought for sure it was broken.
Drew laughed. I slid the heel from my foot and flung it across the room. I didn’t know where the cameras were, but that was what I was aiming for.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he warned.
I couldn’t help it. I had enough. My ankle hurt. My legs felt like they were going to fall off from prancing around like some idiot for him, and my tongue wouldn’t stay away from my swollen lip.
“Fuck you!” I yelled. I hadn’t said anything remotely close to that since my first week there.
He didn’t say anything. I knew that he would be bursting through the door at any second. I didn’t care. I was pissed.
He didn’t come, and all of a sudden the room went pitch black. That made me supremely happy. The bastard couldn’t see me anymore. I removed the other shoe. My ankle still hurt, but I knew that it wasn’t broken. The lights stayed off for maybe twenty minutes. I slammed my eyes shut all of a sudden at the bright light while my eyes tried adjust to the abrupt brightness.
“Move to the middle of the room,” I heard him say.
I started to stand and then stopped. I didn’t care because it hurt to stand on my ankle.
I did as he said, and crawled like an animal back to the center. I sat in the middle of the room waiting for instructions. He didn’t send anymore, and my heart sank when I heard the door being unlocked.
I knew I was in for a night of hell as soon as I saw the look in his eyes and the bag that he carried, at least until he got off anyway.
He stood right in front of me and looked down.
“What did you say to him?” he asked in an angry tone.
“Nothing,” I said, taking my second blow to my face
“You’re a liar. What did you say?”
“He only asked if I was happy and how I was doing. I told him yes that I was happy, and I was doing fine.”
He grabbed my hair and pulled his face close to mine. “What did I tell you before we went there?”
“I tried not to talk to him without you. You’re the coward that walked away.”
I didn’t mean to say the last part out loud. It just came out, and I knew that I would pay for it.
“Stand up,” he demanded.
I stood, and he turned me sideways so that he could get a nice long stroke when he brought his hand to my bare ass. It hurt. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but I wasn’t going to let him know that. He made sure that we were facing the mirror so that I could watch.
“You’ve been here five years. Are you ever going to learn to do what you’re told?”
Should I tell him to go to hell now or later?
“I don’t know what you want. Nothing I could do would ever make you happy.”
I took another welt from his hand on that one.
“Did I tell you to talk?”
“Yeah, kind of. You did ask me a question,” I smartly said. What was wrong with me? I never defied Drew nor did I smart off to him.
Third crack to my naked ass.
“Sit,” he demanded.
I did, and he made me turn toward the mirror. He stood behind me and reached into his bag of goodies. It wasn’t anything new, and I had been introduced to that vibrator before.
He turned it on high power and ran around my collarbone and to my nipple while he watched our reflection in the mirror.
“Do you think you’re going to come, Morgan?” He whispered in my ear. I could smell the whisky on his breath.
Well that’s a stupid question.
“And why not?” he asked, teasing my nipple with the vibration. “Keep your eyes on the mirror,” he demanded when I turned away.
“Because I was a bad girl.”
Fucking asshole.
I was twenty four and had to tell him that I was a bad girl. I hated him. I could have shot him in the head and never felt bad about it. I could have even spit on him while he bled out and died.
“Spread your legs, bad girl.”
I did as I was told, and he moved the vibration between my legs. He pulled my hands back so that I could lean back more and hold myself up. I tried not to moan as he slid the vibrator up my already wet folds.
Stupid vagina, always taking his side.
“Does that feel good, bad girl?”
It was a trick question. I didn’t answer.
Drew moved around and sat in front of me, spreading me as far as my legs would allow. He rubbed the hard plastic vibrator down to my anus, and I knew exactly where it was going to end up.
“Open your eyes,” he demanded when I felt the vibrator penetrate my opening.
He slid it in slowly, enjoying the show as his free hand massaged my wet core. I was okay with that. I was used to being violated there. It was the next device that he pulled from his bag that I despised. I almost stopped breathing when he pulled out the rod that would send an electrical current through all of my female parts, bring me to an almost immediate orgasm, and then stop. I hated that stupid thing and would have loved to shove it up his ass.
He smiled broadly when he saw the look on my face. He moved the vibrator in and out of my ass a few times, torturing me with the rod in his hand. I just wished he would hurry up and get it over with, but that was too easy. He got off on seeing the distress written all over my face.
“This hurts my knees. Move onto the bench,” he demanded.
Poor fucking baby.
I didn’t mind the bench. The floor was rather hard. I limped when I put pressure on my sore ankle. Drew sat at the end of the bench and put both my feet on the tops of his legs. The vibrator was slowly moved back to where Drew wanted it. He brought the wand to my clit, and I jumped. He laughed. It wasn’t turned on.
He pressed his thumb inside of me while he moved the vibrator in and out of me. I wanted to come, oh how I wanted to come. He continued his toying on me and then stood to remove his clothes. He moved to the top of me and stroked himself on my lips a little, before telling me to open my mouth. He fucked my mouth until he was close. I wished he would have just finished so that I could be finished. He wasn’t about to do that. He wanted to play.
He moved back to below me, straddling the bench and placing my feet back on his legs.
“I want to see if I can feel this too,” he said, pulling me toward his erection, sliding into me. He hissed as he pulled my hips in and out of him a couple of times, but stopped. I knew he was getting close, and if he would just allow some friction to his shaft we could be done with his charade.
He laughed again when I tensed as he turned on the rod that was going to drive me insane. It truly was a torturing rod, and no matter how hard you tried. You couldn’t come with it.
He pushed himself deep inside of me, and I held my breath as he brought the tip of the rod to my core. He did it in slow motion, rubbing it in as much as he could. He split me more with his thumb and forefinger and watched my face as he quickly touched my clit. I called out in pleasuring pain. He rubbed me with his thumb, spread me again with his fingers, and repeated the process.
“I don’t feel any current, but you tighten around my cock like crazy.”
Glad you’re enjoying it, fuckface.
I didn’t know how much more I was going to be able to take. I wanted nothing more out of life than to be released at that moment. I don’t know why thirteen, but that is how many times I had to endure the torturing rod. He probably wasn’t even counting, and that was the magic number that he had gotten bored with it. I breathed a sigh of relief when he laid it on the floor.
“Roll over,” he demanded, pulling the other object from my rectum.
I lay on the skinny bench, and he moved my hands back wanting me to spread myself for his entrance.
“Turn your head,” he demanded, wanting me to watch. I did, not removing my hands from behind me, and he pushed my hair from my eyes. I watched and felt the drip from the cool gel.
“Keep your eyes opened,” he demanded when I tightened them after feeling him penetrate my opening. He frantically pumped in and out of my ass, and I knew it was just a matter of time before he let go. He didn’t. He pulled out and told me to get up.
I got up, and he lay on the bench with his hands above his head. He stared up at me like I was stupid or something. He bucked his hips, and I didn’t know whether he wanted me to sit on him or give him a blowjob. He jumped up and hit me right across my right eye.
“Sit down!” he screamed and lay back down.
He moaned as I took him in and out of my ass for a few minutes, and finally, he released.
He stood and dressed as I caught a glimpse of my battered face in the mirror. He left, locking the door behind him.
It was just a matter of time before the room went black again. I used the opportunity to release myself. I knew I only needed a minute and hoped the lights didn’t come back on before I was done. They didn’t, and although I didn’t want to stay in the empty room, I wasn’t frustrated anymore.
I was squirming in the warm sand after talking about it with Dawson. I needed relief.
“He kept you in the room all night?” Dawson asked.
“Yes. Can we go up to the house now?”
“You still haven’t told me how you got out.”
I leaned over and kissed him. “Daw, I can’t right now. I need for you to take me up to the house and back to bed.”
“Talking about it makes you want to have sex, doesn’t it?”
“I don’t know if it makes me want to have sex, but it definitely makes me frustrated.”
What Dawson did next took me by surprise. He took off his jacket and laid it across my lap.
“Lay back,” he whispered to my lips.
“What are you doing?” I asked, already listening.
“Taking care of you, so you’ll keep talking to me.”
I looked around at the empty beach. John would be walking back soon, but as soon as I felt him unbutton my jeans and slide down the zipper, I didn’t care.
“Damn, you do need taken care of,” Dawson agreed, feeling how wet I was.
It was quick. I don’t know if it even took five minutes. I softly moaned, and Dawson kissed me, really kissed me.
“I love you,” he said on my lips.
“Hmmm, I love you too,” I replied, still trying to come down from what had just happened.
“Okay, you spent the night in the room,” Dawson said, getting right back to what I didn’t want to talk about anymore.
“Three nights. The only light that I saw for three days was when I opened the little refrigerator. It almost blinded me every time I reached in for water or the veggies and fruit that he had left for me. He knew he was locking me in that room before we ever went to that stupid party. By the time I got out of there. I was ready to go crazy. I think that was the whole point.”
I stopped there, and although I wasn’t happy about the house fire in town, coming across Dawson’s hand held scanner, I was happy that he had to leave for a while. That was enough for one day.
Dawson was gone for around three hours. I had a nice supper made when he got back.
“Hmm, something smells heavenly,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the side of my neck in the kitchen.
“Cube steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and rolls,” I described as I turned to him. “And you smell like smoke. Is everyone okay?”
“Yeah, everyone was fine. The house is pretty much history though. Do I have time for a shower?”
“Yes, I’ll set the table.”
I was just getting our two plates down from the cabinet when Lauren came in.
“I swear I could smell your cooking from inside my house,” she said, sitting at the table.
I laughed and grabbed another plate. She would just be at my house later looking for food anyway. I figured she may as well join us, not that she wasn’t going to anyway.
“Do you ever eat at home?” Dawson asked, coming to join not only me, but Lauren now too.
“Not really. Why would I?” she asked, and the bad part was, she was dead serious.
She did stay and help clean up and was gone right after.
Dawson and I settled into the sofa to watch Sunday night football. I had never watched football until that fall. It was one of my favorite past times with him. We had our favorite teams and mine happened to be the 49ers. His was Green Bay. I loved for him to sit and explain the plays to me while I cuddled up to him on the couch. I had never felt so safe and secure before him, and I cherished the feel of his arms strongly around me.
I was glad for the distraction and was really hoping that he didn’t bring up Drew again that night. I knew that he wasn’t going to drop it for good, but I was eager to let it go for a night.
“Take your sweats off,” he requested, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch.
“What are you going to do me, Sherriff?” I asked in a flirty tone as he lifted me out of them himself.
He didn’t answer. “Roll over,” he requested.
He didn’t do what I was expecting at all, and massaged me from my neck to my feet. I don’t think I have ever felt anything so relaxing in my life. His strong hands felt amazing as he rubbed the tension right out of me. I’m sure I moaned more than once.
“Roll over,” he said again. This time with a more raspy sensual tone.
Hold your horses’ vagina.
I was instantly aroused when he slowly and seductively slid my panties over my hips. He ran his hand down my chest and my stomach. I swear his hands were magical. Not really. I knew I felt this way with him because he loved me, and wanted me to feel just what I was feeling.
Dawson made slow love to me and stared down at me with the most emotional eyes ever. I was sure that he could see my battered soul. That’s how deep he was into me.
“I love you, Riley,” he whispered as he pressed himself in and out of me.
“Hmm, I love you too, Daw,” I was spent. I tried to wait on him, but I couldn’t. I moaned a soft physical moan and let go.
Once I was coherent enough after the amazing orgasm, I opened my eyes and looked up at him.
He bent and kissed me softly. “I love pleasing you,” he smiled. I was happy that he loved it. I loved that he loved it.
We lay on the sofa naked, tangled in each other, and finished watching the game. He got up and took my hand after turning off the television. We again lay naked engrossed in each other.
“Do you want to talk?” he whispered in the dark.
“That’s a rhetorical question,” I stated, and he snickered.
“You don’t have to talk anymore tonight,” he said, stressing the word tonight, meaning that I was going to talk.
I didn’t have any recurring nightmares that night. I was actually surprised that I didn’t with all the reminiscing that Dawson insisted on.
We spent the next few nights at Dawson’s house because he just couldn’t wait for one more day to start a fire in his fire place. It was cozy, and I loved sitting in front of it wrapped in his arms. I loved making love in front of it even more. He hadn’t asked me about my past anymore, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to bring it up.
We went to bed fairly early one night while at his house, and I have no idea what triggered it. I was happy and in love, not thinking about Drew at all. I did have a nightmare, and woke up panting and gasping for air, with Dawson holding me tight.
“You’re okay. I’ve got you,” he whispered over and over as I came to my senses.
“Shhhh, I’m right here, Ry.”
I realized that he really was there, and instantly relaxed.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, kissing my head.
“No. Just don’t let me go.”
I never did tell Dawson about my dream that night, but I did come to the conclusion that he only asked about my past when I woke him in a panic. That was my new goal in life. Don’t have a nightmare and Dawson wouldn’t ask about where I had come from. That dream too was very real, although it had nothing at all to do with my life with Drew. It was about Dawson. Derik had shot him in the head right in front of me while Drew dragged me by my hair to the awaiting limousine. It haunted me for days. I would never forgive myself if something happened to him because of me. I didn’t think that I could live without him. He was too much a part of me, and I loved him more than anything in life.
I started taking three instead of two of Starlight’s all natural sleep aids. It helped. I slept sound without being haunted from my past. It had been almost a month since I had woken trembling, and scared.
Dawson and I, Lauren and Levi all got together at Star’s for Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun yelling at the television at our favorite football teams. Star was an awesome cook, and I think everyone ate more than their fair share. We didn’t leave Star’s until almost midnight, and I went home with Dawson, only because neither of us wanted to be woken by my annoying neighbor who we both loved dearly. We just wanted to sleep in.
We went right to bed and for some reason Dawson decided that I needed to talk again. I was extremely annoyed with him. We had a great day and had just made beautiful love together, and he wanted to go and ruin it.
“You still haven’t told me how you got away from Drew,” he said with a soft kiss. I was glad that it was dark, and he couldn’t see me roll my eyes.
I rolled over to my side, and he snuggled up to my back.
“I’m too tired for that,” I stated. I wasn’t tired at all. I just didn’t want to end a perfect day with that.
“You can’t avoid it forever, Ry.”
“I could if you would shut up about it.”
“But, you know that I’m not going to.”
I sat up. I was pissed. I didn’t know where it was coming from because I didn’t have that emotion. I was never allowed to have that emotion. I didn’t care. If he wanted to do this then that’s what we were going to do.
“Fine, Dawson. What would you like to know? Would you like to hear more about how fucked up my sex life was or were you thinking more along the lines of when he beat the shit out of me?” I asked, angrily.
“Riley, uh-uh, we’re not doing this. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Damnit all the way to hell. Why did he have to be so good to me?
“I’m sorry,” I apologized, and he pulled me to him.
We lay quietly for a long time. The only noise was a dog barking down the street somewhere, and his occasional kiss to my head every now and then.
“Rebecca came into my room once I was allowed out of the gym,” I began, and I felt Dawson hold me a little tighter. “I didn’t feel well. My face was pretty busted up, and my ankle was black and blue. She got close enough when she sat my supper on my night stand so that she couldn’t be heard through Drew’s security system, and whispered.
“I have a plan.”
I looked at her, and she looked back with eyes that told me not to speak. She winked and left me with a little bit of hope.
A week later Derik drove us to the library and for some reason followed us in. I assumed it was because Drew had told him to.
That didn’t stop Rebecca. She got a magazine and pretended to point and talk about an article.
“You need to take some of his money,” she started.
I looked at her with a, you’re crazy expression, and she gave me a look to turn back to the book.
I turned back to the magazine. “How the hell do you propose that I do that?”
“I know where he keeps the key to his office. We’ll wait until he is out of town and go in.”
“And do what?”
“I have been in that office numerous times. We can get on his computer. We’ll open a fake account, and you can start moving some money.”
“You’re nuts. What the hell am I supposed to do with it once I have it?”
“I have been talking to a lady that is going to help you get a new identity.”
I looked up at her again, and she tapped the page and pretended to laugh, knowing that Derik was watching us.
“He’ll find me, Rebecca,” I assured her.
“Not with a new identity and a move someplace in the middle of nowhere.”
I looked up to her again, but this time she didn’t point at the magazine. She smiled a warm, it’ll be okay, smile.
“I’m scared,” I admitted.
“You are scared every time you see that bastard come home. Would you rather be scared with him or without him?”
I thought about what she was suggesting nonstop. I tried all evening to read the book that I had gotten from the library, but my mind kept going to her plan. Could I really just disappear and become someone else? The thought of it caused a flood of adrenalin. I wondered where I would live, what my new name would be, having my own car, a job. I could have a job and not be forced to stay home all the time.
I jumped when Derik and Drew walked into the living room, arguing about losing a big account. I closed my book and started to leave them alone.
“Don’t move,” Drew demanded with a pointed finger in my direction. He never looked at me and kept going with the conversation. I listened closer. Maybe I should start paying more attention. If I was somehow going to steal his money, I should probably know a little more about it.
“It’s not dead yet, Drew, just calm down,” Derik said, sucking up to him.
“He’s looking at a two hundred thousand dollar cushion cut diamond with 2 trapezoid cut diamonds on the sides totaling 1.63 ctw. I have nothing of that magnitude.”
“I’ll find something,” Derik promised. I hated him.
“You better hope you do,” Drew threatened. “Get out of here, I need to relieve some stress,” he demanded. I was about to be his stress relief.
Drew walked over and closed the pocket doors behind him. He sat on the couch and took my book.
“John Grisham? Didn’t he make a movie?”
Yeah, a bunch asshole.
“Yes, a few.”
Drew pulled my back to his chest and handed me the book. “Read it to me,” he demanded, spreading my legs.
Why? You’re too ignorant to understand it anyway.
“Read it to you?” I asked.
“Morgan,” he warned. “You know that I hate it when you repeat stupid questions. Yes, start from the beginning and read it,” he demanded.
It was an older book, but I had never read it before, but always wanted to. I was only allowed to check one a week out, and I wasn’t allowed to download anything on my Kindle. He took care of the books that I was to read on it. All of a sudden I was happy to be reading The Rain Maker to him. I would have hated to read the smut from my Kindle to him. I was thankful that he never thought about it.
Drew sat up a little and removed his shirt, and then slid to the far end of the couch. He patted the sofa between his legs and I slid in. I hated being nestled into his bare chest. There was nothing sexy about it at all. I don’t mean him. He was sexy as hell, but only on the outside.
I started from the beginning as he pulled my sundress over my legs and caressed the inside of my leg. I swear if I could disown my vagina I would have. I had no idea what I was reading. The closer his fingers came to my sex that I was sure was already wet, the harder it was for me to read. I stopped when his fingers slid up me.
“Keep reading.”
I knew my breathing was becoming erratic, and I didn’t even know if I was reading in order. I could have been reading the same sentence over and over and wouldn’t have known it. My eyes closed briefly when he applied soft circular motion to my bullet.
“You’re all wet, Morgan,” he whispered to my hair.
You think?
I don’t know if it was guilt from the light bruising still on my face or what it was, but Drew was a lot more attentive that night than he normally was. I was trying my damnedest to focus on what I was reading and not the way his fingers were antagonizing me.
“Come for me,” he requested, picking up speed.
I was afraid that it was a trick. I kept reading.
He moved from behind me to in front of me, spreading my legs on each side of him. I squirmed into his fingers as he slid his middle finger inside of me while his thumb tortured my clit.
“Keep reading,” he said when I stopped.
He did let me come, but it wasn’t easy. I wasn’t allowed to stop reading, not even when I was breaking and spiraling from my reached ecstasy.
Drew stood and removed his dress pants and told me once again to keep reading when I stopped. He lifted my legs to my chest. I knew he wasn’t paying one bit of attention to what I was reading. It was nothing but a mind game. I stopped reading again when he came between my legs on his knees and entered me. Again, he reminded me that I was to keep reading.
I didn’t want to read. I wanted to come again, and I knew that the chances of me being allowed to do that were slim to none. Drew moved in and out of me while his thumb circled my core, and I tried my best to focus on the words in front of me.