Chapter 24

The next morning, Drew and I had another round of sex. No. It wasn’t sex at all. He made slow passionate love to me while exploring my soul with his penetrating gaze into my eyes. It was great, unbelievable, and right on target with what I needed at the time.

I sat up, deciding whether or not I felt sick. I didn’t. I pulled on a shirt and slid into my panties. As soon as my feet were planted on the plush carpet, I felt it and ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth.

Fucking, son of a bitch.

I turned to look at Drew between my bouts of heaving into the toilet. He was staring at me with a bewildered look. He knew.

I looked at him through the mirror as I brushed away the nasty taste in my mouth. The tooth paste smell almost had me running back to the toilet. Drew never spoke. I swear he was in shock. I couldn’t help it at the time. He didn’t have to speak. I had to lie back down.

I brushed past him and sprawled across the bed with a groan.

“Morgan?” he questioned, sitting on the bed with me.

“Yes, Drew. I am pretty sure I am.”

“Is it mine, Morgan?” he asked.

Fucking, shit…shit…shit…

“I don’t know,” I told him honestly.

He stood and paced the bedroom, running his fingers through his hair.

“I fucking knew it,” he yelled.


“What did you know, Drew?” I asked, exasperated, already.

“I knew you fucked him. You don’t fucking care anymore about me now than you did before you ever left here.”

Damn, he was pissed. I sat up. I was on the verge of being pissed myself.

“Really, Drew? You’re going to go there?”

“Where the fuck would you like for me to go, Morgan?”

“To hell right now,” I yelled. “What the hell, Drew? You don’t get that right. You fucking raped me, beat the hell out of me, humiliated me, and I be God Damned if you are going to stand here and fucking judge me for falling in love with another man. Fuck you!” I screamed.

Drew grabbed me by both of my arms.

“I have fucking apologized for the things that I did ten times over. I have been trying everything that I know to do, to make you realize how much I fucking love you. You don’t have the right. You throw that shit up to me every time you get pissed off.”

“I’m scared, Drew,” I spit out. He had a cold dark glaze in his eyes. I was scared. I wanted him to let me go, and stop screaming in my face.

He let me go, and stormed out. He locked himself in his office until it was time to go.

We were both dressed in black and rode the backseat in total silence. He stared out the window, resting his chin on his fist. I didn’t say a word. I didn’t know what to say. I could understand him being upset, and I was trying to be mature about it and not just say fuck it and run away back to my mom’s.

I walked to the coffin with my hand in Drew’s. Mr. Callaway looked good. I thought his face looked a little sunken in, but overall he looked to be at peace.

“There aren’t many people here,” I whispered to Drew, looking at the empty chairs.

“Mr. Callaway wasn’t the most liked man,” he replied. I thought that it was sad, but could understand it. I had seen how he talked down on Drew the few times that I had seen them together. I looked around for Justin. I never saw him. His parents must not have been too fond of him either.

I almost felt like there should have been more said at the funeral, but there really wasn’t. It was a simple funeral with very few people. There wasn’t even a graveside service per Mr. Callaway’s request.

Drew opened my door and held my wrist before I could slide in. “I’m sorry, Morgan. I’m trying my best to comprehend that my wife may be carrying another man’s child,” he said. I could understand that. I touched his cheek and smiled, letting him know that I understood.

“Can’t you pin point the time frame. I can’t stand not knowing,” Drew said on the drive back to the house.


“No, Drew. I can’t do that. I was with you three times in the two days that you were in Maine, and I was with him three times the following day.”

Drew shook his head. He was angry again. I would be too, I guess.

I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Dawson.

What the fuck? Neither of them had called the whole time I was at my moms. Not once did either of them call to see how I was, and now they both decide to pop back into my life at the same time.

Drew sent Marta home as soon as we were back. He went into his office and I followed, removing my heels. I watched as he typed in the search.

“Can you have a paternity test while being pregnant?”

“Drew, I’m not even a hundred percent sure that I am pregnant,” I protested.

“You’re a week late, you have been sick for the past two mornings, but feel better shortly after. You are tired, and hungry. I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant.”

“There!” he said, excited.

You could have a paternity test while being pregnant. I didn’t know that fact.

“Yeah, read the rest. The court system needs to be involved before a physician will even do it. It’s not safe for the baby,” I said pointing to the article that he was reading.

“In rare cases,” he pointed out. “How far along do you think you are? We have to do it before the 14th week.”

“Drew, will you stop.”

“No, Morgan. If we can do this, we are. I am not spending the next nine months waiting to see if this is my kid. I can’t. I will end up hating you over it. How far along do you think you are?”

“Not very, six weeks maybe,” I answered. I wasn’t doing this before the baby. It was right there in plain English. There was a chance that it could harm the fetus.

Drew wasn’t listening to me. He was on the phone calling his judge friend. The one that forced me to marry him, I was sure. I listened while he explained the situation, and of course the crooked judge agreed to sign whatever he needed to have signed.

He called Judith Bishop next, the gynecologist that used to come and give me my birth control shot every three months.

“She’ll be here in about an hour,” Drew exclaimed. I wanted to run away. He was going over my head and doing whatever Drew wanted to do. It pissed me off.

“Maybe, you could ask what I think before you go making plans for me,” I stated with an angry tone.

“It doesn’t fucking matter what you think,” he said just as angry. Okay, this was the Drew that I hated. This was the Drew that disregarded my feelings. I was secretly wishing that the baby turned out to be Dawson’s. Dawson would never treat me this way.

I stormed out of his office, and up to my own room. I wanted to call my mom, but I didn’t because I knew that Drew had probably already turned his computer to my room. He was more than likely watching me through the cameras, and he could hear every word that I said.

I took my funeral clothes off and pulled on a comfortable pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I lay across the bed, staring up at the ceiling for probably twenty minutes or so in the same position.

My cellphone rang, and after it had quit I text my mother and told her that I would call her back. It rang again a few minutes later. It was Dawson. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted Dawson. I needed Dawson. I wasn’t sure what to do. I knew, or I had a pretty good suspicion that Drew would hear every word I said. He hadn’t called in weeks if I ignored him he might think that I didn’t want to talk to him. I did.

Fuck Drew…

“Hi,” I answered, sitting up and crossing my legs.

“Hey, beautiful,” he softly spoke. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath at the sound of his voice. I missed him. I wanted to be in his arms. And no, it wasn’t because I was mad at Drew. I really missed him. I hadn’t heard from him in almost a month.

“How are you?” I asked.

“Good, besides the fact that I miss you like crazy,” he replied. “How are you?”

“I’m okay,” I lied. I was never going to be okay. Every time I thought I was making progress, life decided to throw another curve ball.

“You don’t sound okay. Where are you?”


“Oh,” he said with a hurt tone.

“I just got here yesterday. Mr. Callaway passed away, and I had to come here for the funeral. I’m leaving tomorrow.” I hoped Drew heard that.

“Please tell me that you are coming home to me,” he begged.

“I am coming there,” I said.

“But not home to me, right?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Are you any closer to deciding what you want than you were before you left?”

I snorted. Fuck no, I wasn’t, and I had just gone and made things ten times more complicated.

“I haven’t been doing what I left to do,” I told him honestly. “I spent over a month at the beach with my mom and my little sister,” I explained. I was happy that he dropped it and didn’t try and pressure or badger me about it. He asked about my mom, my sister, and I told him about Jason. I talked to him for forty five minutes. It felt good. I told him that I had to go when Drew knocked on the door with Judith.

“I love you, Ry.”

“I love you too,” I said it. I didn’t care if Drew was standing right in front of me. I didn’t even care about the hurt look on his face. He deserved it.

“How are you, Morgan?” Judith asked.

“Fine,” I said with a bit of an attitude. I never did like her, and if I was pregnant she was not being my doctor.

“Do you think you can go to the bathroom?” she asked, halting the nice act. She picked up on my defiance right away.

“Do I have a choice?”

“Morgan,” Drew chastised.

I took the cup from Judith’s hand and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door a little harder than I meant to.

I left the cup on the sink and walked out of the bathroom, right past the both of them and downstairs to the pool. I didn’t want to know the results. I knew that I was pregnant, and I didn’t want Judith fucking Bishop to be the one to tell me the fact that I already knew. Fuck both of them. I wished I had my car. I wanted to leave. I didn’t want to be there for one more second.

I sat on the side of the pool, swirling my feet around the not so cool water. It was hot, very hot, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to be in that evil house full of demons.

“What are you doing, Morgan?” Drew asked, in a calmer voice from the door.

“Nothing,” I snapped.

“Come inside,” he politely requested.


“So we can talk,” he said with a little more annoyance.

“So we can talk or so you can tell me what I am doing?” I replied still sitting by the pool, not about to budge. I spent six years of my life listening to this man tell me when, where, how, what, and why, no not why, it was never any of my business, why. I wasn’t about to bow down to him.

“Please come in the house. It’s a hundred degrees out here.”

I got up and walked past him and into the kitchen. He followed. Marta was preparing our supper. I took a bottle of water and sat at the island.

“Can you leave us, Marta?” He asked. She smiled and walked out.

Drew straddled the stool beside me. “Look at me,” he softy spoke.

I turned my head to his, but I didn’t look at him. I looked past his right shoulder at one of the replaced, tiny cameras that I had broken. What? Was he afraid someone was going to steal his food?

Stupid idiot. Stupid fucking idiot…

“Don’t you want to know what the results are?”

I did look into his eyes with that, dead on with my cold, despicable glare. “I already know what they are.”

“She can do the paternity test, and she can do the abortion if it turns out to be his.”

Damnit, what the hell did I do with that gun?…

“One, Judith is not doing shit with any test. Two, Judith is not touching me. I will find my own physician, and three. What would ever give you the idea that I would even consider an abortion?”

“I knew you would say every bit of what you just said,” he admitted.

“Then, why would you even suggest any of it?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Wishful thinking, I guess. What do you want, Morgan?”

“Not you,” I assured him. He snickered.

“You want to run back to your boring little life in Maine, back to your safe little sheriff.” He replied with a tone. It wasn’t a question, it was more of a statement.

“Boring? Let me explain to you what boring is. Boring is being trapped in this house for six, very long years. Boring is being allowed to leave the house escorted to go to one place and check out one book. Boring is being locked in a room with nothing in it for days, boring is…”

“Stop, Morgan. You want to leave? I’m not forcing you to stay. You’re free to go whenever you want.”

“Fine. I want to go now,” I demanded.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked, I knew he wanted me to say back to my mom’s. I kind of wanted to go there too, but I was pissed. My only goal in life at that moment was to hurt him.

“Maine,” I spouted off with one word.

He took his cellphone from his pocket.

“I need the plane ready in an hour,” he said in the phone glaring at me.


I didn’t want to leave like that. I knew that he was trying to do what he thought was best. Hurting me wasn’t his intention, but damnit, he couldn’t just tell me what I was doing anymore. I felt like a real shit. I felt even worse when he kissed my lips softly and whispered that he loved me before he turned and walked away. Could somebody please explain how this got turned around? I wasn’t the bitch here, was I?

I was just getting ready to go to him when Marta let Celeste in, Celeste in her long legs, short pencil skirt, and beautiful flowing blonde hair.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Kelley,” she smiled, carrying an arm full of folders.

“Hello,” I smiled back as she made her way to Drew’s office.

I went upstairs and packed the clothes that I had taken to North Carolina with me. I didn’t really need two thousand dollar dresses in Maine.

I walked past Drew’s closed office door. I couldn’t believe that he was going to let me go without a word. He never came out.

My face instantly turned red when I opened the door to Gary. The same Gary that the last time I saw, my legs were wrapped around Drew’s waist in the back of the plane.

He took my bag and said goodbye to Marta. Drew was really letting me leave without one word.

I was happy when we landed that Drew had already arranged for me to have a ride. I really didn’t want to call Dawson, and it was getting pretty late. I knew that Lauren would be in bed already.

I smiled when I got out of the car at my mowed lawn, and then again at my stack of mail on the table. Dawson was still taking care of me even though I had been a fucked up mess around him over the last couple of months. No. I had always been a mess around him, from day one, and he was always there for me. I opened the sliding glass door, went around and opened windows, and sprayed a can of Lysol around the house. I guess the humidity from the hot days and the closed up house caused the musty smell.

I soaked in a hot bath and ran my hand over my belly. I swear I could see a bump already.

“Oh, little baby, what a mess you are coming into,” I said out loud.

I smiled, and got out of the tub when I heard Dawson.

“Ry?” he called.

I pulled on my robe from the hook behind the bathroom door which I also noticed the musty smell on. I made a mental note to throw it in the wash.

I’m such an idiot. I walked right into the man’s arms. I had serious problems.

Dawson placed his hands on my back and pulled me to him with a smile and a kiss. I think maybe my vagina was on break, pissed off, or just not interested in making love to Dawson. It wasn’t giving me fits like normal when one of these men touched me. I know it was because it wasn’t what I needed. I needed someone to understand me, someone to confide in without being judged. Was Dawson that someone? I was about to find out. He had just as much right to know about the baby as Drew did.

“I’m going to get dressed. I’ll be right back,” I said, pulling away from him. I couldn’t help but notice how our fingers seemed to linger as he let me go.

“Do you want a beer?” he called.

Hmmm. No alcohol for a while. “No, I think I’m just going to have tea,” I called out.

Dawson had the tea kettle on the stove when I came out.

“I didn’t think you would be back this soon. How was the funeral?”

I didn’t think I would be either. I shrugged my shoulders. “Fine, I guess. There weren’t many people there, but it was nice.”

“Do you want to sit outside?” he asked, pouring hot water over the teabag.


I watched Dawson put the teaspoon of honey in my cup. I’d bet that Drew didn’t even know how I liked my tea. Dawson got himself a beer and carried my cup. I slid the door open for him, and he paused. He moved his head and kissed me lightly with a smile. I smiled back. I could tell that he was happy to see me, and he had missed me.

We sat at the table. Dawson didn’t sit across from me. He slid his chair around so that we were both looking out to the endless sea.

“How did you know that I was home?” I asked.

He smiled. “Lauren text me.”

I smiled too.

“You okay, Ry?” he asked, and for the life of me I don’t know what happened. My guess was the hormones were a little wacky, but I started crying. I don’t mean a tear escaped. I bawled like a baby. He held his arm around me, not speaking. I’m sure he had no idea what to say. He held me, kissed my head, and rubbed circles around my back.

Once I was able to stop sobbing like some sort of lunatic, I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and smiled up at him.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized.

Dawson walked into the house and came back with a box of tissues. I pulled one from the box and blew my nose.

“What’s going on, Ry?” he asked, taking my hand. I ran my hand over his light blue t-shirt where the blue was darker from my wet tears. He looked down.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not the first time you cried in my shirt,” he said.

“Why are you so good to me?” I asked. I didn’t deserve him any more than a child molester deserved to keep their private parts. I had been so rotten to him, but could I really help it. I still didn’t know what the hell to do. I loved Drew. There was no doubt in my mind. I loved Dawson too, and now I had to go and throw a baby in the middle. Fucked up, that’s what it was.

“Because I love you,” he quietly said.

“I’m pregnant, Daw.” There, I said it. It was out. I was afraid to look at him. I was afraid that he was going to get up and walk out of my life, for good this time. It was really stupid of me. Dawson wasn’t that man. Dawson would be right there for as long as I would let him. I knew he would. I heard him take a deep breath and looked down at his hand caressing mine.

“Is it mine, Ry?”

I felt a sudden sense of déjà vu. I had already had this conversation.

“I don’t know, Dawson.” I was honest with him. I was done lying to Dawson Bade. Whether we were together or not, I was telling him everything.

I spent the next two hours, pouring my heart out to him. He knew that I was worth more than Bill Gates. I told him about Drew and Derik’s plan to dispose of me once Mr. Callaway had passed, and how they hadn’t expected him to live but a few months. I told him about him being forced to marry me or be cut out of his will. He knew about my mother being paid off too. I told him everything, even the demand from Drew that I have this paternity test.

“I can’t understand how you can love this guy, Ry. And don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not trying to be a dick. I just don’t understand. I want to go dig his grave right now.”

I snorted and traced his fingers with mine. “He wanted me to have an abortion if the baby turns out to be yours.”

“I’m afraid if you let him talk you into that, I would dig his grave.”

I picked my ringing cellphone up from the table. I answered it. I wasn’t hiding anything from either one of them anymore. If that sent them both running to the hills then so be it.

“I just wanted to make sure that you made it home okay,” Drew said on the other end.

“Yes. I’m home.” That’s all I said. I didn’t know what to say to him.

“Are you flying back to North Carolina or do you want me to send for your car?”

“I’m staying here for a while, but you don’t have to send someone to drive my car. I have my Honda. My mom said that it was fine there.”

“You’re not driving my baby around in that jalopy you call a car.”

“My car is fine until I go out there. I promised Caroline I would come back before school started.”

“I promised her I would go sea glass hunting with her next week. We were supposed to go spend a couple of days there, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember.” I didn’t say any more than that again. He picked up on it. He knew.

“He’s there, isn’t he?”


“That didn’t take two minutes. I’ll talk to you later, Morgan.”

I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. My phone was blinking, call ended, two minutes, twelve seconds in my hand.

“You know what, Riley?” Dawson said, taking my hand and holding my knuckles to his lips.

Oh, boy. Here it comes.


“I think that you have been through enough shit for ten life times. I think you should divorce him, marry me and let me take care of you and my baby for the rest of your life.”

Shit, maybe I should just do the paternity test. I had a feeling that I would be hearing this from both fathers for nine months. I didn’t respond and only smiled.

Dawson never left me that night. He didn’t try anything that involved being naked, and I was glad. I think my vagina was on strike anyway, I never heard a peep. Dawson held me close all night, caressing my back and planting soft, sweet kisses on my forehead. I knew that Dawson made the most sense. I knew that Dawson would be the simpler of the two solutions if there were a simple solution.

I woke late to an empty bed. Dawson had left for work. I lay in bed reviewing my options for a long time. For whatever reason, I decided at the moment that I was going to stop fretting over any of it. I wasn’t going to try and decide anything. Whatever happened, happened. I really needed to clean the ceiling fan.

I got up, started coffee and did just that. I cleaned the ceiling fan, drank coffee on my deck while listening to Lauren and Levi. I even laughed when Lauren told a caller that she was a black, Jewish girl from Kentucky. I went to town and had lunch at Millie’s, stopped and visited with Star, and then walked along the beach.

I was slowly settling back into my life in Maine. I had a man that adored me, friends that loved me, a house that I treasured, and an ocean for solitude. Drew did have my car driven to me, but I didn’t drive it. I drove my old Honda. The BMW was a little out of place there, and I felt more like me in the Honda. I wasn’t some rich girl that doted on the finer things of life, well technically I was a rich girl, but I didn’t feel like one.

I hadn’t heard from Drew for almost two weeks. I felt in my heart that I was doing the right thing. Dawson loved me, and I loved him. I had fun with Dawson, and yes we were having sex. It wasn’t anything like Drew, and I had, not even close. Dawson was in it for the love making which was fine by me. He made sure that my needs were met, and took his sweet, slow time. I didn’t need the fucked up sex life that Drew and I shared. This was what I needed, right here in nowhere Maine, where life was simple.

Lauren took a week’s vacation about a month after I was home and she and I spent a week with my mom on the beach. Lauren loved it. She was a bigger kid than Caroline was and spent her days hunting sea glass, playing dumb little girl games, sitting on the beach with binoculars searching for dolphins and shopping. Caroline loved her just as much as Lauren loved Caroline. It was funny. I never pictured Lauren being good around little girls. She was.

My mom made sure that Lauren and I had a room so that we didn’t have to bunk with Caroline although Caroline camped with us all but two of the six nights we were there. It was mid-August, and one night Caroline insisted that we sleep on the beach and watch the meteor shower. It was the perfect night for it. We all lay out on the beach, including my mom, on top of sleeping bags and watched the fireball sky. The last count that we had was somewhere in the ballpark of a hundred. Some of them were quick and small, and some of them felt like they were coming right at us. I had never watched a meteor shower before. It was amazing, and Caroline had so many wishes. It was comical. I myself made only one wish. I wished that the baby growing inside of me would be Dawson’s.

On the fifth day that we were there Drew called. We were eating breakfast on the private deck, goofing off with Caroline. My heart sank when I saw his name. What the fuck. I needed him not to call. I needed to stay as far away from him as possible, and I sure as hell didn’t need to hear his voice right now.

“Hello,” I cautiously answered.

“Hey, where are you?” he asked, no hey beautiful, I miss you, nothing just a cold tone. I should have been happy that he wasn’t being nice. It should have made it easier, but it didn’t. I wanted him to want me. It was dumb, but none the less, it was what I wanted.

“I’m at my mom’s with Lauren. Why?”

“I’m flying there so that you can sign a power of attorney,” he said.

“For what?”

“So that I can work. I have a stack of shit on my desk that needs your signature. I need you to sign a power of attorney so that I don’t have to rely on you to take care of it.”

“Okay,” I replied. I didn’t care about that. I wouldn’t know what I was signing anyway. “When are you coming?”

“I should be there by three.”

“Today?!?” I asked shocked. I didn’t mean to sound so surprised. It just came out that way.

“Is that a problem?”

“No. That will be fine,” I answered. It wasn’t fine. I didn’t want to see Drew. I couldn’t see Drew.

“See ya later then,” he replied and hung up.

I called Dawson and told him that he was coming. I wasn’t going to feel guilty for him being there and hiding it from him. I was done with that. Dawson was okay with it. He trusted me.

Stupid boy…

The only thing that Dawson was concerned with was me signing something that was going to leave me with nothing and I would give it all to Drew. I didn’t care. I didn’t want any of it. I had a four thousand dollar a month trust fund for the rest of my life without having anything to do with diamonds, stores, stocks, negotiations or conference calls. That was more money than I had ever had in my life and more than enough to live on.

I was a nervous wreck the entire afternoon. I’m not sure why. I had a feeling he would pop in and out. I bet that he didn’t mention the baby or anything else about us. I was right.

I was in Lauren’s and my shared room, taking a shower and getting ready. I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to look nice for him. I pulled on blue short shorts and a pink cami that made my breasts look bigger than they actually were. Well, maybe they were a little bigger. I was just finishing up with my make up when I heard the tap on the door. I thought it was Caroline. It wasn’t even two yet.

“It’s open,” I called, spritzing a dab of perfume on.

I froze. I wasn’t expecting to see Drew.

Really vagina?

I hadn’t had that response in quite some time, and I had almost forgotten all about the arguments that I had with my own sex. He looked good. I mean really good. I had lived with the man for six years and never saw him in a pair of jeans. He was in jeans that looked delicious on him, a tight gray t-shirt that showed that he was ripped. He had been using the new equipment in the gym. I smirked a little. I knew he had dressed for me too. He had a thin beard almost in a line along his jaw line. It was sexy as hell.

His eyes scanned my body and then back to my eyes. He closed the door, and my heart started to beat out of my chest.

Fuck, fuck and fuck…

He walked to me with half a smile while I still stood like some sort of stupid, destitute derelict. He picked up the black sea glass hanging from around my neck and smiled as if he was saying, I own you. Jesus H. Christ did he smell good. What happened next probably bought me a one way ticket straight to hell. He kissed me. I kissed him back. I still hadn’t spoken when he turned to lock the door.


He lifted his shirt over his head, and I swear I felt an orgasm coming on. I don’t think my clitoris had ever throbbed like that from the sight of anything, ever.

“Take your clothes off,” he demanded in a low ass sexy tone.

I did just that. I stood in front of the bastard and undressed as his hungry eyes watched.

He walked behind me and moved my hair off of my shoulder, lightly kissing the crook of my neck. “I want to spank you, Morgan. Do you want me to spank you?” he whispered in my ear. My eyes closed as I felt his warm words on my tender skin.

“Yes,” I managed to get out.

Yes?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?

I felt him smile on my skin. He moved away from me and sat on my bed. He nodded, and I knew what to do. I positioned myself across his lap placing my upper body on the bed. I swear I wasn’t thinking about one God Damned thing, not how ludicrous this was, not Dawson who trusted me, and not that this man hadn’t even spoken to me in almost a month. I knew one thing and one thing only. I knew that I wanted him to fuck me and was only aware of my wet pussy throbbing after every blow and then the sensual massage calming the sting.

After exactly five tantalizing, sexually frustrating smacks to my bare ass, Drew dipped his finger inside of me. I wanted to come. I wanted to come right that second. He slid from beneath me and told me to spread my legs.

No problem…

I rolled to my back and did just that. I think I made it all of about three strokes from his twisted tongue strokes before I was writhing beneath his mouth. He stopped when I started to call out in heavenly agony.

Damnit, I hated when he did that.

“Shhhh,” he said, taking my mouth. I could taste my juices as his tongue entwined with mine. “I’m going to fuck you now,” he whispered to my lips as he released himself from the constricting jeans. He drove himself into me. There was nothing slow about it. It almost sent me over the edge again. He knew it. He was playing his fucked up mind games. He wasn’t letting me come.

“You want me to fuck you up the ass, don’t you, Morgan?” he asked, staring down at me.


What the fuck? Who the hell keeps speaking for me?

He moved my leg to the side. He did go slower with that. Inch by inch, he pushed into my tight ass as his fingers penetrated my nub. Once I was relaxed and accepted him, he fucked me, I mean really fucked me. I had to scream into the comforter as I was sent into a mind blowing, fucked up as hell, orgasm. I was ordained to hell, no doubt about it.

Drew pulled me up, and we got dressed. “Let’s go, Celeste is waiting down stairs with the paperwork,” he said, opening the door.

“You brought Celeste?” I asked pissed off as hell. “Did you fuck her on the plane before you popped in to fuck me?”

“I didn’t pop into fuck you. I had no intentions of fucking you and no, I didn’t fuck Celeste on the plane. If I did, do you really have room to talk?” he asked as we walked out.

Good point…

Lauren knew. She fucking knew. She stood on the far side of the deck with her arms crossed, glaring at me. I sat with Celeste, and she was the one to go over everything that I had no clue what she was talking about. I just signed the X’s that she told me to sign. Drew never took his eyes from me. Damnit all the way to hell.

I walked out to their waiting car and Drew pulled me close to him. “Take care of my baby,” he said.

“It was good seeing you again,” Celeste said, smiling. Okay she was nice, and I may or may not have liked her had she not been spending so much time with my husband looking like that.
