“Stay,” Max said in a throaty whisper.

I shivered. My eyes closed. My head sank deeper into the pillow and Max’s scent was all around me. It made saying no twice as hard.

“I can’t,” I said weakly. “I gotta…”

I had to do something. I just didn’t know what that something was. Everything that was important in my life seemed to fade in Max’s arms.

His head was bent as his lips traveled down my neck. Pieces of his hair brushed against my skin, making me shiver. The minute we stepped inside his house we came at each other with this frantic, all-consuming need to touch.

“I really gotta go,” I groaned with frustration.

Max lips stopped moving. He looked up. His lips were damp and slightly parted. I wanted nothing more than to stay right there, curl my hands into his hair, and drag his lips to mine.

He rolled over and lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He was breathing heavily, his abs becoming defined with each breath.

I jumped out of his bed before I changed my mind and turned back around and jumped him.

Max rolled onto his side. “Why do you have to go?”

“I just need to,” I said absently.

I walked around the room, searching for my shoes. Pieces of clothing were scattered across the floor. Max’s jacket. My cardigan was tossed in the corner.

“Everything is okay now.”

Lana moved into her new apartment a week ago. And while it was a huge relief that she wasn’t underneath her dad’s thumb anymore I couldn’t just shut her out; I carried her with me wherever I went.

I continued to stay with her. I would hear her crying herself to sleep, or sometimes screaming out. I asked her if everything was okay. She would never answer me, even though I knew she could hear me.

“Everything is okay. Right?”

I found one heel next to the door. “Yes… but…”

“But what?” Max said.

I looked at Max. The other heel was partially underneath the bed. I put both on and walked over to him.

Max sat up and slid to the edge of the bed. His hands were on the bed, shirt still unbuttoned. He opened his legs and I walked in between them, staring down at him.

“Things have just been… difficult,” I said carefully.

Max stared at me. “How difficult?”

“Pretty difficult.”

I was being generous. There were some days that seemed like everything was going to be all right. But then there were those days where it felt like I was in hell with Lana. It felt like the world was crumbling down around her, around me. It sucks the will to live out of you. Leaves your energy depleted, and steals your happiness.

And the next day would be okay. Lana would have to start over, rebuilding her happiness. All I could do was watch.

His hands curled around my hips. I stood frozen in place. “Just stay,” Max said. “Stay here. I’ll take away all those worries for a few hours.”

His eyes were heavy lidded and the right side of his lips curved up in a half-smile that should’ve been innocent. It was anything but. My defenses instantly crumbled.

With one tug, I was on top of him. His hands held me tightly against his warm body. His kiss was slow on purpose. Meant to drive me insane. Meant to coax me into staying the night with him. He did these slow, little licks that made me moan. My mouth opened. My body relaxed deeper into his. He sucked on my lower lip and tugged gently. I barely noticed the sting. Not when his hands moved up and down my thighs.

I gasped into his mouth.

His fingers found the zipper of my dress and slowly dragged it down.

My dress parted, allowing him to slip his hands inside. Fingers grazed my spine. I sucked on his tongue with hunger. My body wanted it all. I wanted pleasure from his hand and I wanted to see every part of him. It was this frantic need that made me shake.

His touch always seemed to take me to another place, where my worries and fears unraveled and slipped away from my body.

I pushed myself off of him and took off my dress.

He stared at me, his eyes blazing.

“You’re gorgeous,” he growled.

Right then, I felt it. He did that to me. Made me feel beautiful and confident and so powerful.

Max shed his shirt. It dropped next to my dress. My hands moved down his stomach, tracing ridged muscles.

A sheen of sweet started to form on his brow the longer I touched him.

I finally reached his pants. I toyed with the button.

Max’s breathing became heavy.

I unzipped his pants slowly, just like he did with my dress. His hips lifted instinctively. I shoved his pants and boxers down around his ankles. I looked down at him. I tingled with anticipation and I reached out and curled my fingers around his dick.

My touch varied: switching between feather light, to holding him tight. I touched him with fascination. There’s nothing like being free and having a man underneath you, losing control and giving it all to you.

He hissed in a sharp breath. His entire body was frozen, like it was carved from stone. While I continued to torture, I leaned over him. My left hand splayed against the sheets. His eyes opened long enough to meet my gaze. His pupils were dilated with lust and there was a dazed expression on his face. Knowing that I put that expression on his face made me damp in between my legs. I kissed him hard. He breathed through his nose and dropped his head against the mattress.

An anguish laugh escaped him. “You trying to kill me?” he groaned.

I leaned even closer. “You want me to stop?”

“Hell no.”

I smiled against his lips and tightened my grip. When his breathing started to turn into panting and his strong body jerked beneath me, I pulled away. I stood up to take off my underwear and bra.

Max lifted his head and stared at me. His eyes were hot, scanning every inch of my skin.

“Keep the heels on.”

I lifted a brow.

“My heels, hmm?”

I watched as he put the condom on with quick, steady hands.

He sat back and opened up his arms. I crawled over him, my knees on either side of his body. The tip of him rubbed against me and if I rose a bit higher he would slip inside of me and I would feel nothing but him.

“If you’re going to kill me, do it right. Straddle me.”

I paused. It was brief. A millisecond to brace myself for everything that was about to happen.

I straddled him.

His hands moved from my waist and curved around my breasts. His palms brushed against my nipples and a breathy moan escaped my lips.

“Rise up to your knees,” he said.

I obeyed.

“Guide me inside that tight pussy. Go slowly. Sink down until you’re wrapped around me as tight as a glove. And don’t stop until you’re screaming my name.”

I felt a jolt go through my body.

I followed his directions and slid down his dick slowly. My eyes closed. My legs started to quiver. For the past few weeks I’d been drained of energy. But this… this changed everything.

I moved up and back down just as slowly. All those tingles, that seemed to ricochet wildly beneath my skin, he felt too.

“Fuck!” he shouted, drawing out the first syllable with anguish.

His hips lifted up, meeting me every time I moved back down. Our rhythm became faster and faster. Muscles started to burn and right when those tingles in my body were about to burst open, he flipped me over.

Cold air touched my skin. And I didn’t get a warning or head start. Max covered me in a half-tackle. One of his hands laid flat on the sheets, the other was wrapped around my waist. My hair pooled over the side of the bed.

Our lips collided as he moved into me powerfully, taking over, moving frantically. A wild look was in his eyes. All I could do was hold onto him tightly.

I was starting to slip under.

“I’m gonna…” I panted. My voice faded away as he thrust into me.

“What are you gonna do, love?” Max said gruffly, his eyes never leaving my face.

Come. That’s what I wanted. That’s what I was seconds away from. My eyes were close to shutting. I was ready to close out the world just for those few seconds of pure bliss.

But he held my jaw in between his thumb and index finger. Max wasn’t demanding. He was asking me not to shut him out.

The headboard rattled. I could smell the tangy scent of our sweat. My fingertips sank into his skin, holding him as close to me as humanly possible. My body started to spasm and I kept my eyes open.

I would share this with him.

I didn’t scream his name. I could barely breathe, let alone speak.

Max came seconds later. His was jaw was slack and his eyes were heavy, but he kept them open.

My control and the solid ground beneath me slipped away. And I was falling, frantically reaching for something to break my fall. It was a fast descent. Only lasted a few seconds.

Max buried his face into the crook of my shoulder. Then my eyes finally closed as I realized that I didn’t just love this man, I would give him everything… and if that wasn’t enough I would let him take what he needed, just as long as he returned my love.

He shifted slightly. His eyelashes fluttered against my skin. His lips parted, and grazed against my neck. And the next four words out of his mouth almost killed me.

“God, I love you.”
