Chapter Eight

Kir reached over, feeling for Logan and Jordan. Neither one of his lovers were in bed. He wondered if the morning fun had started without him. He grinned and opened his eyes, picturing the two of them together on the chaise in the living room, devouring each other's bodies.


He tilted his head, surprised at the disgust in Jordan's voice. He got up and padded naked out of the bedroom to see what was going on.

"Just try it. You might like it."

Oh, curiouser and curiouser. They weren't in the living room. Where, oh where have my lovers gone?

He was in an incredibly good mood, probably due to the incredibly good sex they'd had the night before.

He was looking forward to round two (or was that three?) today.

"And I might like having my legs shaved with a chainsaw, but somehow I doubt it."

That's coming from the kitchen. He peeked around the edge of the doorway to see Logan holding a tiny cup towards Jordan.

"C'mon. I think you'll like espresso."

Jordan put her hands on her hips. “Espresso is just a fancy name for liquid road tar. Can't you fix me something that tastes better? Like puree of two-day-dead skunk?"

"You have to know what espresso tastes like if you're going to cook with it."

"Then I won't cook with it."

"Don't you want to learn how to make things like tiramisu?"

She looked at Logan like he was very, very stupid. “Haven't you heard of the Italian Market? Hello!


Logan shook his head and drank the espresso.

Kir leaned his head on the doorframe and started laughing. Looks like the cooking lessons are back on.

"What the hell are you laughing at, blondie?"

Kir walked out of the kitchen, shaking his head. “I'm going to take a shower. Anyone want to join me?"

"Ooh, hot blond wetness? Count me in!"

Logan ran past him to the bedroom, shedding clothes as he went.

"Nah, I'm going to make a pot of coffee and check my email while the laptop is free. Okay?"

Kir looked back and saw Jordan fiddling with the coffeemaker. “You sure?"

She looked up and smiled at him lazily. “Yeah. I need my caffeine fix. You two, um, enjoy yourselves.”

She waggled her eyebrows, her cheeks heating.

He walked back to her, enjoying the way her eyes roamed down his body to lock on his cock. When she licked her lips he had to stifle a groan. He tilted her face up and leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “Are you sure you're okay with all of this?"

"If you keep asking me I'm going to start wondering if you're okay with all of this."

His smile was heated as he replied, “I have a redhead waiting in the shower and a brunette waiting for me in the kitchen. Trust me, I'm okay with it."

"Hmm, tough choice, huh?” She rubbed her cheek against his hand affectionately.

"Kir! Get your ass in here before I use up all the hot water!"

Kir rolled his eyes. Jordan laughed and pushed him out of the kitchen. “You'd better hurry up or the hot water won't be the only thing Logan uses up!"

Kir stopped, turned, and grabbed her hand. “I have an idea.” He dragged her towards the bedroom.

"So do I, and it involves a coffee mug and Gmail."

"Trust me, this is better.” He heard Logan splashing in the shower. Perfect . He pulled Jordan in behind him and closed the door. He picked her up and sat her down on the countertop, ignoring her pout. He leaned on the countertop, arms braced on either side of her body. “Choose."

"Um. Maxwell House?” She grinned up at him weakly.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Choose. Do I suck Logan off, or do I fuck him?"

He saw her look over his shoulder and turned. Logan was staring at them and slowly stroking his erection.

She gulped and took a deep breath. Then she leaned in to whisper in his ear. He could feel her body trembling against him and he closed his eyes in gratitude. She was turned on. Her rich, feminine smell and her tiny, tell-tale shivers made him want to lick her all over. “If you fuck him and you both come, who will fuck me?"

Kir leaned back and matched her grin for grin.

Logan watched his two loves share identical heated grins, his hand stroking up and down his cock. Yum.

Looks like Kir wants to play and he's gotten Jordan to go along with it.

He relaxed back against the shower wall, content for the moment to let his lovers play with him. He'd sneaked out of bed late last night and reinforced the wards, just in case Jordan somehow “accidentally”

wiped them away again. Their home was as safe as he could make it.


His hand paused as Kir entered the shower with him. His free hand tangled in the damp strands of Kir's hair as Kir started nibbling at his neck.

He saw Jordan begin to remove her clothes, a wicked little smile on her face, and his heart lurched.

Yes. Home.

He moaned as Kir sank to his knees in front of him. He felt the wet swipe of Kir's tongue on the underside of his cock and shivered. He kept his eyes on Jordan, watching her reactions, letting her see his. Her skin was flushed, her breath coming faster as she watched Kir pleasure him with his tongue.

Kir sucked him down, taking him to the root, and the back of Logan's head hit the shower wall with a thump. He kept his eyes open through sheer force of will, wanting to watch Jordan, but it was a damn hard thing to do when Kir's tongue was lashing the head of his cock.

Kir took him back down his throat again, his eyes closed as he hummed in appreciation. Logan hissed at the added sensation, his hips thrusting forward in an involuntary movement. He pulled back, trying not to

choke Kir, but Kir pulled on both his hips and swallowed him down as far as he would go.

"Holy fuck.” Logan wasn't going to last long if Kir kept that up. He looked down to see Kir's heated gaze locked on his face as he pulled back slowly. His tongue felt incredible, his mouth wet and warm. He couldn't help himself; he grabbed the sides of Kir's head and slowly sank between those warm lips. “Are you gonna let me fuck you, babe?"

Kir shook his head.

"No?” Logan sank deeper, hitting the back of Kir's throat. “You want me to come in that pretty mouth?"

Kir nodded.

Logan turned his head and looked at Jordan through the fall of his wet hair as he slowly fucked Kir's mouth. She was playing with her nipples, staring at where the two men were joined, her eyes glazed with passion.

Logan grinned. “Jordan?"

She looked up and licked her lips.

"What do you want, sweetheart? Both of us, or one of us?"


It was a good thing he had a hold of Kir's head, because Kir stopped moving. Logan didn't. “Should I come in Kir's mouth, or are you up for something different?” And she'd better decide soon, because Kir was engulfing his cock again, all the way ... Damn.

Jordan bit her lip, her gaze once more caught by the sight of him fucking Kir's mouth. “I want...” She cleared her throat. “I want to watch."

Logan's grin turned feral as he moved his hands. One went to the back of Kir's head, gathering the wet strands, moving him in a sure rhythm his hips matched.

The other gestured Jordan closer, and she came, her body moving like a wet dream. He reached out with his free hand and cupped her breast, rolling the nipple between two fingers.

Kir's fingers stroked past his perineum to stroke his hole, and Logan knew he wasn't going to be allowed to last much longer. He leaned to the side and took Jordan's nipple into his mouth just as Kir's finger entered his anus, fucking into him in sync with his mouth. He bit and nipped gently, enjoying Jordan's gasps. Her hands flew to his head, holding him in place. He matched his sucking to Kir's, moaning around her flesh as Kir found his prostate. He could feel his balls pulling up, the tingling down his spine signaling his impending orgasm.

When Kir hummed again he lost it, coming in his lover's mouth with a loud groan. He released Jordan's nipple, falling against the shower wall as Kir sucked him dry.

He collapsed in the tub as his knees gave out. “Shit, babe.” He laughed as Kir bent and gave him one last, long lick, the smug look on his face amusing as hell. He reached out and stroked Kir's cheek. “Love you, babe."

"Love you, too."

"I wanna watch you fuck Jordan now."

Kir looked up at Jordan, the look on his face hotter than any fire Logan had ever started. “My pleasure.” And he stood with a grace and power that had Logan shivering in renewed desire.

Jordan gulped as Kir slinked out of the shower, hard, hot cock dripping wet from the water and waving menacingly in front of him.

When he held up one hand and crooked his finger, she nearly ran for it. Some primal instinct inside her told her that this was more than just a fucking from two hot men; this was a claiming, the two of them forever putting their stamp on her.

Like they didn't do that last night.

She moved forward like a sleepwalker, knowing that they'd already claimed her whether they knew it or not. She stepped into Kir's open arms, enjoying the feel of him as he wrapped himself around her. “Do your worst, blondie."

The snort from the shower had her grinning up at Kir, easing the strange tension that had filled her at Kir's command. She looked past Kir to see Logan washing up, his cock already hardening as he ran the washcloth over his body. “Yeah, babe. Do your worst."

"Oh, I intend to."

Jordan gasped as Kir picked her up, put her on the counter and entered her in one long, slow thrust. By the time he was fully seated she would swear she could taste him in the back of her throat.

"Love you,” he whispered against her lips before taking her mouth the way he'd taken her body, slowly and thoroughly.

She kissed him back, pouring all of her love into it, trying to say without words what she knew he wanted to hear.

"Fuck!” Kir's mouth lifted from hers with a gasp, his hips stilling in mid-thrust. “Logan, warn me, damn it!"

"You didn't honestly think you two were going to have all the fun, did you?"

Kir frowned over his shoulder. Jordan saw Logan, really, really close behind Kir. Kir was quivering, his eyes closing on a sigh as Logan's hips rolled.

"Logan, are you...?"

He laughed huskily. “Hot, wet, blond sandwich. Lunchtime."

Jordan shook her head, her eyes wide. Kir moaned. He opened his eyes and she gasped; the pupils were pure white.

Logan bit down on Kir's neck and thrust inside him once, twice, as hard as he could, pounding into Kir's ass. The movement pushed Kir into her and she groaned, wrapping her legs as best she could around both men.

She put one arm around Kir's neck, the other around Logan's, and squeezed her vaginal muscles as hard as she could.

Kir's eyes nearly crossed and he choked, throwing his head back to land against Logan's shoulder. “Do that again.” His voice deepened the way it had the other day, but this time instead of the instinctive fear she'd felt, tingles worked their way down her spine.

"Do what?"

"Both. Either. Fuck me, both of you."

Logan's gaze locked on her face. He blew her a kiss as flames began flickering in and out in his hair.

“Our pleasure."

There wasn't much Jordan could do, pinned to the countertop the way she was, but she did her best.

She pulled with her legs, tightening her muscles, loving the feel of Kir's cock fucking into her as Logan pounded into him from behind.

It was the weirdest, hottest thing she'd ever experienced. Logan's hands were on Kir's hips, fingertips digging in, pulling him back, and pushing him forward as he moved in and out, in and out...

Kir's hands were playing with her breasts, twisting and pulling at her nipples, making them burn with need. Her pussy was clutching at him all on its own now as her arousal hit new heights.

"Stroke yourself, sweetheart. Come on Kir's cock."

She nodded at Logan and leaned back, resting on one elbow. She reached down and began stroking her clit, loving the little gasps and moans Kir and Logan made as they watched her.

Logan's strokes became faster, his thrusts harder. Kir's cock was swelling inside her, his face a study of tormented ecstasy.

His eyes closed on a groan, and opened again, the inhuman whites, grays, and blues covering them completely. A spring storm. I can see the storm in his eyes. He grabbed hold of her hips, pulling her to him as Logan pushed at him from behind.

"Oh, fuck, babe.” Logan groaned and bit down again on Kir's shoulder, his thrusts becoming erratic as he came in his lover's ass.

Kir's inhumanly beautiful eyes glowed as he gasped, “Come for me."

Jordan screamed, her whole body clenching around the cock in her pussy, her toes curling, her hands clenching.

Kir's roar of completion drowned them both out.

They collapsed together on the bed, too spent to do anything other than pant.

"Now do you believe me?"

She looked over Kir's heaving chest at Logan, and frowned. “About what?"

"We love you."

Kir watched with sleepy eyes as the two most stubborn people he knew stared at one another over his body. He put an arm around each of them and cuddled them against him. Neither one fought him.

He smiled, his heart turning over when their hands met on his belly and clasped.

"Yes. I believe you."

He waited, somehow knowing what was going to happen. The smile he felt Jordan hiding against his side might have been a big clue.

" And?” Logan drawled. He felt Logan clutch Jordan's hand a little bit tighter.

"And what?” Jordan's muffled voice was filled with laughter.

"Isn't there something you're supposed to say back?"

She lifted her head from his side with a weary sigh Kir didn't believe for a minute. “Isn't that the woman's line?"

Logan growled.

Kir sighed and looked at Logan. “I love you.” Then he looked at Jordan. “And I love you .” He smiled sweetly at Jordan. “See how easy that was?"

"You know, if I wasn't half-dead from exhaustion, I'd act all coy and ask you guys to prove it again.”

Her head settled on his shoulder and she yawned. “Haven't even had my caffeine yet, damn it.” Kir felt her grip Logan's hand back. “Makin’ me say I love you's before I've had my coffee. Pains in my ass."

Kir couldn't keep the grin off his face as he felt Logan collapse next to him in relief. “No, that would be pain in my ass.” He leered down at her smugly. “He'll be a pain in your ass tonight."

He started laughing when her jaw dropped open, her gaze surreptitiously checking out Logan's flaccid cock. He was still laughing when the two of them got up and headed into the kitchen for Jordan's all-important coffee, shaking their heads at him and grinning like children.

Jordan stared out the window at Rittenhouse Square, her jaw hanging open. “Kir?"

Logan shook his head, smiling. Apparently, they'd made Kir very, very happy, and Rittenhouse Square was now blooming with the results.

Kir was looking down at the Square with a smile. “Huh. Pretty."

Logan snorted.

Jordan rolled her eyes and turned away from the window. “Any news on Grimm?"

Logan stared down at her. “No. Why?"

"Because I'm going to go insane if I don't get out of this condo."

Logan leered at her. “We have ways to keep you busy.” He waggled his eyebrows.

"There are only so many times a day you can have sex."

"Sure. One o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock..."

He grinned when she glared at him.

The strains of Enya's “Boadicea” drifted from the den. Kir went to the den and came back with Logan's cell phone. He handed the Bluetooth to Logan, who put it in his ear.

Jordan's eyebrows rose when she heard Logan's ringtone. “What is that?"

"Give me that.” Logan answered his phone, blushing. He glared at Kir, daring him to say anything, promising retribution if he did. I have got to change my ringtone.

Kir whispered in her ear, “It's Enya."

Jordan choked. “Enya?"

Logan, smiling tightly, answered the phone. “Yo, Logan here.” He stomped into the den, trying his hardest to ignore Jordan's muffled laughter.

He sat at the desk and booted the computer. He wanted to see how well the YouTube video's spell was working, and the best way to do that was to check it out online.

"It's Travis. I've got Morgan and Magnus almost detoxed. How's Jordan?"

Ours, finally. “Feeling much better."

"That's good."

Logan rolled his eyes and opened the YouTube link.

"By the way, does Jordan know she's married?"

Logan froze. How in the hell ... ?

Travis chuckled. “Guess not. Give the bride a kiss for me, will ya?"

"When hell freezes over.” All of Jordan's present and future kisses were reserved for him and Kir.

Travis laughed. “Take care, okay? Talk to you later."

"Bye.” He hung up and clicked on the YouTube video, watching closely to make sure that the spell was

still in place, grumbling about nosy detectives.

"Hey, Logan. You want some?” Jordan held up the coffee pot and shook it.

"No thanks. I gotta run. Be back in a bit.” He walked out the front door, not even looking at her.



Jordan turned to Kir, putting the coffee pot back down on its burner. “Logan just left."

Kir blinked slowly. “Left?"

The disbelief in his voice worried her. “Just walked out the door."

Kir tensed. “Did he kiss you good-bye?"

"No.” Jordan shook her head, worried about Kir. His pupils were white.

"What room did he come out of?"

She pointed to the den, following behind as Kir rushed into the room.

"Damn. Shit. Grimm has him."


"Look. Thanks to Logan, you should be able to see it."

He was grabbing his car keys off the hook while she glanced at the screen. Sure enough, something glowed on the edges of her vision, something blue-white and very cold. “What the hell is that?"

He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the door, not giving her a chance to see what it was. “A spell."


"A spell! Look, Logan was probably checking to make sure the spell on the video hadn't been tampered with. He would have left himself open. If Rina cast the spell, Logan would be vulnerable to it."

"Rina? Who's Rina?"

He dragged her to the stairs and opened the door. “Val's mom, and Grimm's mistress."

"Mistress?” Jordan pictured her wrinkled old grandfather getting it on with another wrinkled, gray-haired lady. “Ew."

He was dragging her down the steps as fast as she could go. “Don't think of it as grandpa lovin', because Grimm doesn't really look like you think he looks. Remember, he's a shapeshifter."

"Right. Oh! You mean he's hot under the wrinkles?” She thought about that as they took another corner

at high speed. “Double-ew.” She landed hard on the next landing, but Kir didn't stop tugging her on.

“Why are we taking the stairs?"

"I'm hoping to beat the elevator to the bottom.” Kir took the next corner at speed.

"From the twenty-second floor?” Jordan was only grateful he'd grabbed her good hand to tug her along.

It took them a few minutes to run all the way down to the first floor and out the door. Jordan's legs would probably never forgive her, but if Grimm had Logan the burn would be worth it. “Why is he vulnerable to Rina's magic?"

"Opposite elements. Rina's a frost Jotun, Logan's a heat Jotun."

"Oh.” They made it to the front door in time to see Logan stepping into a silver Porsche. He turned and looked at them and mouthed a word just as the car took off down the street to the blare of horns.

"Shit! Did you catch that?"

Jordan ran back into the building, Kir right behind her. “Yes. Jamie ."

She was dialing Travis's number as she ran.
