Chapter Six

Kir leaned back against the base of the chaise lounge, his head resting against Logan's knee, and sighed contentedly. Jordan's head was resting in his lap, her gaze riveted to the plasma TV and the movie playing on it. Bless you, Netflix. Picking up Bed of Roses had been a stroke of genius. The female lead was just getting the idea that, perhaps, kicking Christian Slater out of her life had been the worst mistake she'd ever made. He was hoping Jordan's quick mind would pick up on the hint he was trying to give her.

Jordan frowned, and clicked the pause button. “I don't get it."

Logan leaned down and offered her another bite of s'more. “What don't you get, sweetheart?"

She swallowed before answering. Kir had the strongest urge to lean down and lick that little bit of chocolate that had escaped and was now decorating the corner of her mouth. “He does everything, and I mean everything , right, but she runs him off because she's afraid of being hurt.” She shook her head, confusion all over her features. “I mean, how often do you find the perfect guy? And then to just send him away?"

Kir grunted. He'd already found the perfect guy, but he could kind of understand where what's-her-face was coming from. He picked up the box and read the actress's name: Mary Stuart Masterson. “Fear does weird things to some people."

"She fixes this, right? I mean, does he take her back?"

Kir took a bite of the s'more Logan held down for him and let his lover answer. “Wouldn't that be spoiling the movie?"

"But I want to know.” She pouted up at them.

"Then watch.” Kir shook his head sadly. “Are you one of those people?"

" Those people?"

"The ones who read the back of the book before they ever begin it."

She frowned. “There's nothing wrong with a little foreknowledge."

"If you say so.” He grinned as Logan dropped the last bite of s'more into her mouth when she opened it to protest. “Do you want to watch the rest of the movie?"

Her eyelids were already drooping; the pain meds the doctors had her on were seriously sapping her energy. “I want to know what happens."

"Stay awake for a few more minutes, and you'll know.” Kir started the movie back up, but didn't really watch it. He was too busy watching her, absorbing every nuance of her face and expressions as she sleepily watched the two lovers reconcile.

He heard a sniff above him and smiled. Looked like both the people he loved were suckers for a good chick flick. The moment Slater whispered, “Stay,” both of them sniffled.

He thought about teasing Logan about what a girl he could be, but he didn't want both of them pounding on him.

The credits started rolling, and Jordan's eyes fluttered shut on a soft sigh. He sat patiently, not moving, waiting for her to fall asleep.

"I'll take her to bed.” Logan stood, smiling down at the two of them. His eyes were suspiciously bright.

Kir waited until Logan picked Jordan up, careful of her wounded shoulder, and carried her to their room.

Their room. Their bed. It felt better every time he thought it. He stood up and quickly cleaned up the food wrappers and put the movie away, knowing Logan would come out to fetch him if he took too long.

Logan came back into the room quicker than Kir thought he would. He grabbed Kir by the back of the head and kissed him, long and hard. By the time he was done, two other things were long and hard, too.

“Love you, babe. Gonna go take a shower."

Kir's chuckle was pained. He had a pretty good idea what Logan would do in the shower; the same thing Kir was planning on doing once he was done. “Bastard."

Logan tossed him a grin over his shoulder. “I'll save you some body wash, blondie."

He got a startled laugh when he flipped Logan the bird. He flopped back on the couch, grinning at how quickly the water turned on. He looked down at his tented sweatpants and laughed softly. “Wait your turn."

Two days later Logan rounded the corner to the kitchen to find Kir and Jordan in the kitchen. “Put it down."

The two started, looking towards him, guilt written all over their faces. “What?"

"If I have one more slice of pizza I'm going to start singing Sinatra songs."

Kir winced. Jordan stared at him curiously. “His singing voice sucks."

Logan rolled his eyes. “Out of my kitchen, people. I'll cook."

Jordan moved as quickly as she could out of his way. “Yum."

Kir sighed and followed her. “We could have spent this time cuddling, you know."

Logan tipped Kir's chin up and gave him a quick kiss. “Stop pouting, babe.” He grinned down at his lover. “Jordan does it better."

"I heard that!"

Logan snorted. The girl had a set of lungs on her that would do a drill sergeant proud, a trait she and her sister seemed to share. However, the pain still in her voice was driving him mad. “Sit your pretty ass down and let me take care of the food, okay?"

"Asshole,” he heard her mutter.

"Later, dear."

Logan looked at Kir in shock, not surprised to see the same expression on Kir's face. The twin echo of their reply still hung in the air as Jordan made her way back into the kitchen, practically snarling at the two of them.

She shook her finger at them, wincing a little with the movement. “I heard that! You two are a goddamn menace.” She shook her head and left the kitchen, still muttering to herself as he and Kir started to laugh.

"Go make sure our girl stays put, would you?” Logan patted Kir's ass as he made his way out of the kitchen. He could hear them talking softly, Kir's voice low and soothing as he probably apologized for the comments in the kitchen.

"Oh, God ."

The low, throaty moan caught his undivided attention.

"Just a little to the right. Oh, yeah. Right there."

He stepped out of the doorway to the kitchen and peeked into the living room. He could see the top of Kir's head and his broad shoulders as he moved sinuously over what had to be Jordan lying on the sofa.

Kir had his shirt off, all those muscles gleaming in the light coming in from the bank of windows.

Logan swallowed hard as another long, throaty moan sounded from the unseen Jordan. The look of sheer pleasure on Kir's face wasn't helping, either. “Just fucking kill me now, people."

Kir looked up, a wicked grin on his face. “Jordan's sore."

"Kir's got the most incredible hands I've ever felt."

He moved around the sofa to see Jordan sprawled boneless, face down on the sofa, her head pillowed in her arms. An expression of agonized bliss graced her face. She, too, was shirtless, clothes having become something of an optional accessory in the last week.

He knelt by her head and waited for her eyes to open. When she smiled at him, all sleepy and sensuous, he damn near came in his jeans. He leaned forward, sipping at her lips in gentle bites until she moaned and let him into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. “Feel better, baby?"

"Mm-hmm.” She sank even further into the sofa with a contented sigh. He couldn't help himself. He kissed her again, long, slow and languorous. He loved the feel of her moving under Kir's hands while he made love to her mouth.

She broke the kiss with a soft sigh. “Do you know something I've always wanted to do but didn't have the guts to try?"

I can think of about a dozen things I'd love to teach you that you've never tried, little girl. Logan shook his head. “No. What?"

"Mmm.” She practically purred as Kir stroked her back. “Cooking."

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kir's hands stop. He wasn't surprised at all when all three of them whimpered. “Cooking?"

"My mom is a really good cook, but I could never pick up the knack.” She shifted under Kir, wiggling her ass against his jean-clad erection. Kir's swift intake of breath was swiftly followed by his shudder.

“You're a fucking fabulous cook.” The way she moaned fabulous had Logan practically panting.

The little tease.

She opened those sleepy eyes again and he was lost. “So, will you teach me?"

Logan knew she was manipulating him, but right at that moment he didn't care. If she wanted to play, that was fine by him. The time for playing was almost over. She accepted their hands on her skin, their kisses and touches, with ease. All she had left to do was accept their hearts, and if teasing and provoking them helped her do that, then bring it on.

Kir climbed off Jordan's back. “I'm going to go take a shower.” He left, limping, more than likely hobbled by the erection Jordan had caused.

She wrinkled her nose. “I know cleanliness is next to godliness, but don't you guys take it a little too far?"

There really was no way to answer that, so he stood up. “Kitchen, you little tease."

"Oh, baby. Pass me the spatula.” She stood, needing only a little help, threw her shirt back on and practically dragged him to the kitchen.

What the hell am I doing?

Jordan watched as Logan chopped onions, noting the ease with which he did so. His hands moved with confidence, his big body relaxed as he chatted with her. Even his erection didn't seem to bother him any, much to her surprise.

How do I tell him it's bothering the hell out of me? The urge to throw both men down on the floor and have her wicked way with them was getting stronger as she got better. She so desperately wanted a taste of them she was about ready to die if she didn't get it soon.

She couldn't quite figure out what had come over her back in the living room. Accepting Kir's offer of a massage had been totally innocent, but once he'd gotten his hands on her, she couldn't resist teasing them both. Hearing Logan moving into the room had just added fuel to the fire. It had become one of her favorite hobbies of late, watching the two men squirm.

She felt so comfortable around them both, like she could just let go and fly and they'd be there to catch her when she came back down. There wasn't anyone else she felt that way about, and it still had the power to frighten her.

She knew they were using her recovery time to win her over, and she also knew she was allowing it. If she wanted to leave, she knew she could, godly powers be damned. While they would try to persuade her otherwise they wouldn't try to stop her. No, she was staying as much for herself as for them. She wanted to see where this would lead, even if that meant she'd wind up with two men in her heart and her life.

And who the hell am I kidding? They're already there. She might lie to others, but she'd learned a long time ago not to lie to herself.

"And then I said, suck my cock, and he did."


Jordan took her gaze off of his hands (and his dick) to see Logan smirking at her.

"Have you heard a single word I've said?"

Well, I heard ‘suck my cock', but somehow I don't think it's wise to mention that. “Maybe?” She grinned and batted her lashes at him.

Logan snorted. “Right.” He patted her on her rear. “Get me the green, yellow and red peppers out of the fridge, will you, sweetheart?"

She got the peppers, glad when she heard the water stop. “Are you going to take a shower now?"

Logan grunted. “Fucking tease."

She giggled as she dropped the peppers next to the onion.

The tangy smell of chili was beginning to fill the air as Kir came into the kitchen. He gave each of them an absent peck on the lips before lifting the lid off the pot. “Chili? Cool.” He turned to Logan and bit his lip.

“Shower's all yours."

Jordan couldn't help it. “You keep rubbin’ at it it's gonna fall off."

She heard Logan choke on the beer he'd just opened.

She squeaked as Kir pushed her up against the countertop and took her lips in a wild, erotic kiss that curled her toes. “Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm a fertility god.” He leaned forward just enough so that the next words were whispered against her lips, arching his hips so that his erection brushed against her in light, teasing strokes. “It's not going to fall off.” He pulled away from her, winked, and sauntered out of the kitchen.

"Damn.” She locked her knees to stop from hitting the floor.

"Amen.” Logan leaned against the counter next to her, peering around to watch Kir as he sat at the dinette table. “My turn to get squeaky clean.” He leaned in for his own kiss, and Jordan couldn't resist accepting him any more than she could have resisted Kir.

She pulled away from the kiss with a low laugh. “You are both so bad."

"Mm, but you love us anyway.” It was his turn to saunter off, arrogance written all over his stride.

Damn. She hated it when arrogant men were right.

Grimm leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile wreathing his face. It had taken him a while to unravel Loki's spell, but he'd finally succeeded. Now all he had to do was place his own spell on the video, and he'd have Loki right in the palm of his hand.

And when he had Loki, he'd have Baldur right where he wanted him.

Victory was going to taste oh, so sweet.

The knock on his door distracted him. He shut down the program and called, “Enter."

Val stepped into the room. “Sir, there are some security issues we need to deal with."

"Baldur and Loki?"

Val, the idiot, thought he could hide his emotions from his father, but the swiftly hidden grimace told its own tale. “No, sir. Simply business."

He settled back and listened while Val droned on, approving what the boy wanted with an impatient

wave of his hand. No matter how incompetent the boy was in other areas, when it came to personal security Val was the best he'd run across. “Very well, implement the changes.” He leaned forward, an eager smile on his face. “And prepare the special basement rooms for an extended visit, would you?"

The boy nodded, too swiftly for Grimm to get an accurate gauge of his feelings. “Yes, sir.” He bowed his way out, not bothering to await further instructions. After all, the boy knew exactly what he wanted.

Grimm reopened the video and began weaving his own compulsion spell around it. He couldn't wait until Loki saw it. Once he did, Grimm would have him, and Baldur, in the palm of his hand.

Val stepped into the basement with a shiver. Here was where his father took care of problems that couldn't be handled with his “secret weapon". He only wished he knew what his father's secret weapon was; without that knowledge, he was helpless to stop whatever Grimm did to get the Aesir and Vanir to follow him so blindly. But the old man had made sure Val had no way to discover his secret.

Val reached out and stroked the side of the wooden cross, hoping against hope that whatever it was Grimm had planned, failed. He had to figure out what Grimm was up to, and he had to do it fast .

Because if Grimm got someone into these rooms, they were never coming out again, except in a body bag.

A very small one.

"It's been two weeks. I think I can go home now."

Kir didn't even look up from his laptop. “Uh-uh."


She sighed and began pacing again. “I need to go to work."



She growled. “I'm bored out of my tits and I'm going to start hurting people, especially people named Kir and Logan , if I don't get to do something!"

Kir kept his head down; no way did he want to get in the middle of the fight he sensed was brewing between his two lovers.

If they didn't stop bickering soon, though, he might be forced to kill them himself. Preferably with something dull and full of splinters.

"Play solitaire."

Her lip curled. “No."

"Go online and check your email."

"Kir has the laptop. That, and I already checked it today. Five times ."

"Watch TV."

"Do you want to watch soap operas or home improvement shows? Because I don't."

"Fine. Jump out the window and see if you can fly."

Silence. Kir looked up to see Logan and Jordan glaring at one another.

"Are you two done?"


Kir pinched the bridge of his nose. They were giving him a headache. There had been no activity from Grimm and it was driving the two of them crazy. Add in the fact that Jordan was feeling better, and pushier, by the day, and one of them was going to snap.

When they weren't fighting, however, they were a blast to be around. Logan had decided to teach Jordan how to cook, with somewhat mixed results. Jordan's idea of a home cooked meal was a TV

dinner with mashed potatoes in it. Truthfully, Kir wasn't much better. As far as he was concerned, pizza was the perfect food. And if you got the right toppings it hit everything on the food pyramid at the same time.

How could you go wrong with that?

They'd cuddled together, kissed each other ... yeah, for the most part, things were going really well.

They'd teased her with little flares of power, hoping to ease her into accepting that they weren't really human. Kir started it by bringing in a pot of mums and making them bloom just to make her smile after a really tough, painful day. Logan toasted marshmallows on little wooden skewers, using his inner flame and his fingers to brown everything to perfection.

They'd managed to turn bedtime into the best time of the day, despite the fact that they weren't having sex yet. Watching Logan and Jordan horse around in their huge bathroom, jostling each other for a spot at the same sink, was a hoot. Hips got bumped, asses got whacked with towels, and a tickle fight usually ensued. Logan was careful of Jordan's shoulder, too, stopping everything the minute she winced.

The three of them slept in the same bed, of course. Jordan had protested at first, but after two nights of being manually put to bed she'd given up fighting them on it.

Unfortunately, time was dragging on, and tempers were becoming shorter and shorter. She was very sore at first, wincing with every small movement of her shoulder, causing the two of them to treat her like spun glass. He could tell it was beginning to grate on her nerves, but neither one of them could live with her hurting herself again. She kept pushing and pushing, trying to do things that the doctor had told her were off limits for the time being. They'd even brought in a physical therapist so she wouldn't have to go to a clinic. She'd told Logan in private that, while she was making progress, Jordan was her own worst enemy. If she wasn't careful, she would overwork her shoulder, causing even more damage. Kir was just about ready to sit on her to get her to stop, and Logan was beginning to growl at any slightest movement.

Her repeated request to leave so she could “get some work done", despite doctor's orders, was driving them ape-shit. Hell, even Jamie was getting fed up with her sister.

Today, the cooking lesson had been reduced to “Please pass the salt".

Add in the fact that he and Logan were horny as hell, and you had a volatile mix guaranteed to blow up.

Having Jordan snuggle up to him in her sleep, then turn around and snuggle Logan, was driving them insane. He sighed wearily. Man. This wooing crap sucks. He made a mental note to pick up more body wash. They were going through it at an alarming rate. He had the feeling Logan was just as squeaky clean as he was. He'd ordered something online that would hopefully relieve their boredom, but it hadn't arrived yet. He wondered how long it would take them to convince Jordan to play the game naked.

The phone rang.

Then again ... He grinned and stood, moving to the front door. “I think the present I got both of you may be here."

They stopped bickering and turned to stare at him. “What present?"

"You got us a present?” Logan bumped Jordan with his elbow. “Kir gets the best presents."

Kir was still grinning as he picked up the phone. “Hello?"

"Is this Kiran Tait?"

Kir sucked in a breath as the familiar voice washed over him. “Who is this?” We're not ready yet, damn it! How did he find us?

"I think you know."


"Please, don't hang up."

"Kir?” He felt Logan's hand on the small of his back. “What's wrong, babe?"

He put one hand over the receiver and stared at Logan, eyes wide. “Travis."

"I'd like to come up and speak to the three of you, if you don't mind.” Travis Yardley-Rudiger's voice was soft and pleading. “Please."

"I don't think so!"

"I owe you both an apology, and I want to offer my assistance. Please, Kiran."

Logan must have heard Travis's words, because he frowned. “No fucking way."

"I don't blame Logan for being angry with me, but I think I can help."

Logan was shaking his head no when Jordan's hand passed them by and took the receiver. “C'mon up, Travis. We'll be waiting.” She hung up the phone and stared at them both. “Don't worry; everything's going to be fine."

She started to walk away, Logan and Kir both glaring after her. “Why did you let him up?"

She turned, hands on hips, and tilted her head. “Am I right in thinking you two plan on me living with you


"Try forever.” Kir ground his teeth. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Does that make this my home?"

"Damn straight.” Logan was frowning too.

She smiled sweetly. “Then that means I can have friends over. Right?"

"Jordan...” Kir didn't get a chance to finish the sentence, because the doorbell rang. Kir opened the front door to find a large blond man in a pair of dark blue jeans and a green polo shirt standing in the doorway.

The big man stirred, his dark blue eyes searching behind Kir. “Jordan?"

"Hey, Travis!"

The man shoved his way inside the condo. Kir groaned as he saw the missing right hand. Great. Just great. He pinched the bridge of his nose again. The headache was getting worse.

"How the fuck did you get through the wards?"

Kir turned to see Logan standing in front of Jordan protectively, his eyes glowing infernally red. Jordan was waving and smiling at Travis.

Travis ignored Logan and focused on Jordan. “Are you in danger?"

She frowned. “No."

"You're here of your own free will?"




Logan flicked a glance behind him. “Mostly?"

She rolled her eyes and stepped past him. “Logan, Kir, this is my boss, Travis."

"We know."

"We hired you, remember?"

She raspberried them, much to Travis's obvious relief. He relaxed visibly. “You're okay?"

"Not quite.” As Travis tensed up again, Jordan walked over and pulled him into a hug.

It was Logan and Kir's turn to tense. “Jordan.” He did not like seeing her hug other men. It made him want to growl and pound his chest like an idiot.

Or better yet, pound Travis until the other man let her go.

Travis glared at them over Jordan's head before turning his concerned gaze back down to her. “What happened? I get a hysterical email from Jamie claiming you were shot. You haven't been to your apartment in almost three weeks, there's a YouTube video that's driving Grimm nuts and a note to come visit you before you lose your mind and castrate someone. And what's this about you being ‘not quite’


"Note?” Logan glared again at Jordan. “What note?"

She shrugged. “I wrote Travis and asked him to come here and take over the case."


Logan's hissed disbelief echoed Kir's own emotions. What is she talking about?

"You guys obviously don't trust me to get the job done, so I called backup."

"It's not about trust, damn it!"

Kir ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Logan's right. It has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with the bullet wound."

Travis, his arm protectively cradling the much smaller Jordan to his side, stared down at her. “Bullet wound? You were shot?"

"Guys, I'm okay! How many times do I have to wave my arms around to prove it?” She pushed away from Travis, jumping up and down and waving her arms around like a maniac. Kir saw the wince she tried to hide and had the urge to turn her over his knee.

"Stop hurting yourself!"

Kir winced at Logan's bellow. Flames were flickering around his body, leaving small scorch marks in the wood. He eyed the blackened marks and rolled his eyes. Maybe we should have gone with stone or ceramic instead of maple.

"Stop yelling at me!"

"Stop being a moron!” Logan threw his hands up in the air and growled. “I cannot fucking believe you think you can run out of the house and chase down fucking Grimm in his own fucking back yard and take him down three weeks after you've been fucking shot! Shit!"

Travis wiped his lips in a futile attempt to hide his grin. “Stubborn little thing, isn't she?"

Jordan gasped in outrage as Logan pulled his hair. “Yes."

"I am not!"

Logan rolled his eyes. He bent his body, limping awkwardly in a circle. “No no, it's all right, it's only a flesh wound. I can run the marathon, clean the Empire State Building and still cure cancer before lunch!

No problemo! Let me get right on that."

"I'm fine, Logan!"

Logan tapped his foot. “Who here thinks Jordan is just fine, raise your right hand waaaay over your head.” He raised both brows when Jordan tried, wincing as she did so.

"Oh, bite me, ass-wipe!"

Kir turned to Travis, ignoring the two bickering idiots in the middle of the hallway. “Coffee?"

"Love some, thanks."

"Follow me.” He led the way into the kitchen and started making the coffee. “Has she always been like that?"


Kir turned to see Travis studying him closely. “How've you been, Tyr?"

"Frantic, not knowing where Jordan was. And call me Travis, please; Jordan doesn't know."

"I see she rectified that situation. And she doesn't know yet . Odds are she will soon."

Travis nodded, not looking entirely happy about that. “I know."

"Logan and I will have to have words with her about contacting you without consulting us first.” He was no less pissed at Jordan than Logan was. He was just better at hiding it.

Travis's jaw clenched, but he didn't answer the taunt.

"Frankly I'm surprised you didn't come in guns blazing. Why didn't you?"

"A couple of reasons. First, Jordan asked me not to. She said the two of you were clients. She wants me to take over your case."

Before he could argue the term clients , he heard Logan move towards the kitchen. “Bullshit, Lefty.”

Logan pushed his way into the room and stood just in front of Kir. “She's not quitting, and I sure as hell don't want your help."

"Then why did you come to my agency?"

"Because we wanted Jordan. She just happened to work for you."

Logan was leering at Jordan, who rolled her eyes and stepped out from behind Travis. “Knock it off.


"Get over here, Jordan."

Her eyebrows rose slowly at the commanding tone in Logan's voice.


He could practically feel Logan vibrating between the need to protect both Jordan and himself, and having them so far apart made that impossible. “Please, Jordan.” Kir held out his hand.

She sighed and stepped forward, taking his hand. He turned to Logan with a grin. “See? I told you she likes me better."

Logan gritted his teeth and smiled. “Right now I don't like either of you."

Kir turned to Travis. “What's your other reason for being here?"

Travis took a deep breath. “I owe you both an apology. A big one.” He frowned, his gaze on Kir. “Can we discuss this in private?"

"I don't think so.” Logan was still between Kir, Jordan and Travis.

Travis nodded, looking uncertain. “I meant with you and Kir."

"Why would you owe them an apology? You don't know them.” Jordan's eyes blanked, a sure sign she was working something out in her mind. Travis grimaced just as she gasped. “Son of a bitch! "

Travis held up his hand, his expression pleading. “Now, Jordan, don't get mad, okay?"

"Travis Yardley-Rudiger? How could I not see that? That's almost as bad as Grey! ” She glared at Travis. “Don't any of you have an original thought in your heads?"

"I do,” Kir grinned, holding up a hand.


Jordan turned her glare on Logan. “Oh, really, Logan ?"

Kir smirked.

"Has anyone ever told me the truth? Anyone at all?"

The lost sound of her voice had him turning to her and pulling her into his arms. “Uh-huh."

"Yes. Of course.” Logan's hands went around her waist as he cradled her to him, front to back. “We did the day we met you, remember?” His tone had gone from angry and resentful to soft and soothing. His gaze, still glued to Travis, was anything but soft.

Travis put his hand down. “Would you have believed me if I told you?"

Jordan stared at him for a moment. “Probably not.” She pushed away from Logan and Kir and faced Travis. “But there are things you could have done to make me believe. Just like Frick and Frack here did."

"Hey!” Logan smacked her on the ass.

"Ow!” She rubbed the sore spot, glaring at Logan over her shoulder.

Kir sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. If the two of them didn't knock it off, he was breaking out the splintery stick.

"I'm surprised you didn't offer to order in pizza, or to shine his boots.” Logan sipped the extra-sweet coffee he favored and sneered at Kir over the rim of the mug. Kir was staring at Travis like he'd never seen the man before, and Jordan was sulking on the chaise, all curled up in herself and pouting at everyone equally.

"Shush.” Kir waved a hand at him, ignoring Logan's snort. “You want to tell us what's really going on?"

"I saw the video.” Travis shook his head, staring down at his coffee cup. “It was like a veil was lifted from my eyes."

Logan exchanged a quick look with Kir. “When was the last time you ate with Grimm?"

Travis looked up, confused. “What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has everything to do with everything.” Logan sneered. “Or did you think your brain just suddenly started functioning again?"

Travis's eyes narrowed. “Oh, please. Are you telling me Grimm somehow has all of the Aesir and Vanir drugged or something?"

Logan nodded. “Yup, that about covers it."

Travis looked stunned, not that Logan gave a crap. “You've got to be kidding me."

"Just don't eat anything that might possibly have apple in it.” Kir took a sip of his coffee, looking completely unconcerned.

Travis looked back and forth between the two of them. “Apple? "

"The golden apples of Idun? The ones that supposedly keep the gods eternally youthful? When the hell do you think dear old Grimm last allowed us a taste, hmm?"

Travis sat back, his brows lowered, his gaze turned inward. “He uses the apples to control the Aesir."

"Finally,” Logan muttered, “someone gets it."

"Why didn't it work when Grimm wanted Guardian Investigations bought out by Grimm and Sons? I remember you ranting that it would be a cold day in Hell, blah blah blah.” Logan looked over to see Jordan frowning.

Travis grimaced. “I'd been out of the country for a while, remember?"

"And you didn't attend any of the family dinners, and haven't been back since.” Her legs uncurled and she sat up a bit, a good sign as far as Logan was concerned.

He was still going to spank her ass for calling Travis, however. From the look on Kir's face, he would have some help holding her down for it.

"I even remember how mad he was that you refused to share a drink with him."

The two of them stared at each other in grim understanding. Travis was the first to sit back. “Fuck. He's got all of them snowed."

"And docile. Remember, shepherds love sheep."

Travis stood and went to the laptop, Logan right on his heels. He wasn't having Travis messing around with their computer files and maybe finding out some things he wasn't ready for anyone, namely Jordan, to know yet.

Travis opened an internet connection and hopped over to YouTube, bringing up the video Logan and Kir had made. He frowned and clicked on something. “Seems like Grimm is trying to take your video down."

Logan snorted. “Yeah, good luck with that, Old Man."

Travis stood. “I gather you have some sort of spell on the video?"

Logan shrugged. “Of course.” He took a sip of his coffee, staring over the rim at Travis. He wanted the other man to understand that, as far as Logan was concerned, he was still here under protest.

"Be nice, Logan."

He turned and stared at Jordan, who was frowning at him again. He was getting damn tired of her frowning at him. “Why the hell should I?"

"This is Grimm's fault not,” she waved her hand at Travis and grimaced, “Tyr's."

"Travis.” Travis was staring at something on the computer screen as he corrected her.

"Whatever.” She shook herself all over. “This is getting more bizarre by the moment, you know that, right?"

Logan snorted.

"I mean it, Logan. Travis isn't just my boss, he's my friend."

He ground his teeth together.

She raised her eyebrow and cocked her hip, like she expected him to just give in and play nice with the enemy.

"He was under the influence of the apples, just like the rest of them.” She tilted her head. “Doesn't that mean I'm the enemy, too?"



"But I had the apples, too, remember? If Grimm had decided to tell me to, I dunno, marry Magnus or Morgan, I'd be a Grimm right now.” Her face paled. “What if he'd called my cell phone and ordered me to kill you? Wouldn't I have to obey?"

All three men were shaking their heads before she'd finished. “You'd need a bit more persuasion than that.” Logan walked over to her and took her hand. “He'd have to have you under the influence, and then explain things to you in such a way that you believed them utterly."

"So it's more like you're highly suggestible, not really completely under his control?"


"Oh. So how did you break free?"

He grinned, knowing how cold he looked and not caring. “Why do you think we didn't get along all that well?"

"It didn't work on you?"

"Oh, it worked, all right.” Logan sat on the chaise and pulled her into his lap, curling his hand around her hip. She settled down absently against him, making herself comfortable, a fact neither Kir nor he missed.

They'd lived with her long enough to know that her temper burned bright but swift, especially if you could engage her curiosity. “But I figured it out and started pretending to eat. The effects wore off."

"Enabling you to save Kir when no one else could."

He nodded. Kir was smiling, Travis looked disturbed, and Jordan was grinning. “Damn, I knew you were clever."

He rolled his eyes. For a millennium or more he'd defined clever.

When her lips brushed his cheek he stilled. It was the first spontaneous, freely given display of affection she'd bestowed on either of them. He grinned at Kir and mouthed, See? She likes me better.

Kir chuckled.

"Travis, any idea what we can do next? Until Tweedledee and Tweedledum allow me out of the condo there isn't much I can do other than online stuff.” She glared at Kir and Logan equally. “Which is why I called you in."

Travis opened his mouth to answer when a knock sounded on the front door. They stared at it.


"I didn't order in pizza, Logan, honest."

Logan tensed as Kir went to answer the door, setting Jordan back on the sofa and standing quickly.

“Kir!” He strode towards his lover.

"I know, I know! Sit, Kir. Stay. Woof.” Kir leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

"Don't pout, babe. Jordan does it better.” Logan opened the front door with a grin.

The punch hurt almost as much as Jordan's piercing shriek. He looked up from his position on the floor to see the twin sons of Thor standing over him, fists clenched, murder in their eyes.

"How the fuck did you get through the wards?"

Kir pushed both men back, ignoring their futile attempts to land a blow on him. “Gentlemen, if you'll just calm down, I'm certain we can come to some sort of understanding."

"Die, imposter!” Magnus Grimm threw another punch, looking startled when it glanced off that invisible shield Kir was endowed with.

"Die!” Morgan Grimm echoed his brother's movements a split second after, with the same effects.

Logan leaned up on his elbows and glared at them. “Again, I ask: How did you get through the fucking wards? "

"You must be slipping, Loki. There are no wards.” Magnus glared down at him, his blue eyes fierce, his face nearly matching his red hair as he tried to land blow after blow on Kir and failed.

Morgan managed to get behind Kir and began raining blows on the back of his head. If he'd succeeded in landing just one, Kir would have been unconscious. Instead, he looked like the world's largest bobblehead, as the repeat blows bounced his head forward.

" Guys! ” Jordan bellowed, her hands cupped around her mouth. “Stop!"

"Did they hurt you?” Morgan bellowed back, turning to stare at her. He kicked Logan's leg in the process, looking grimly delighted when Logan hissed in pain.

Logan stood. He felt his fires building inside him. Oh, goody. I haven't had a really good fight in a long, long time. His smile was feral as his fists lit up. “Hey, pretty boy. Did Daddy send you out here to do his dirty work?"

"Logan, knock it off."

"Tell that to your stepbrothers, Jordan.” He and Morgan began to dance around one another, both waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Really, Magnus, you'd think you'd know me. You're my damn nephew, after all.” Kir was still trying to hold off Magnus, the elder twin, with little luck; neither one of them was willing to let the twins anywhere near Jordan, which was severely hampering their movements.

Morgan, the bastard, feinted left, and Logan fell for it. He got past Logan, pulling Jordan behind him, both of her wrists grasped in one big hand. “We're leaving now, sis."

Jordan gasped in pain as Morgan, all unknowing, put pressure on her shoulder wound.

Thunder cracked. Lightning struck just outside the building, blinding anyone who looked out the window. Kir turned, his eyes dark blue, the irises white as snow. Dark clouds drifted across their surface like reflections in a pond. He completely ignored Magnus’ last punch; his head didn't even move. “Get

your hands off of her. Now ."

Logan shivered at the low timber of his lover's voice. Shit. Baldur's been roused. From the sheet of rain that was suddenly coming down outside, Kir was severely pissed.

Magnus’ eyes were wide, but he refused to let go, holding Jordan behind him despite her desperate attempts to get free. “No. I refuse to hand my sister over to a murderer."

Kir's eyes closed and his head tilted back.

Logan felt a chill go down his spine as power built around Kir. “Kir, no."

When Kir opened his eyes, a spring storm, grey and white and blue all swirled together, danced across them. They were totally inhuman. Light pulsed around him, dappled green as the light that shone through new leaves. "Let her go." His voice was the softest and most dangerous Logan had heard in centuries.

Morgan and Magnus both looked confused at Kir's display. “That's not possible,” Magnus whispered, moving around the glowing Kir. “It has to be a trick."

"No trick.” Logan stood slowly and approached Kir, his eyes never wavering from his lover's face. The last time he'd seen that look on Kir's face was when he'd found Logan tied to the mountain. “Love?"

Kir blinked, some of the anger receding from his face, but his gaze remained riveted to Morgan.

"Morgan? You need to let go of Jordan now.” Travis stepped carefully between Kir and Morgan, gently pulling Jordan's hands out of Morgan's grasp.

"It has to be a trick.” Magnus pushed Logan aside and tried to touch Kir.

Before Logan could react, light flashed, thunder sounded, and Magnus was flying across the room. His unconscious body slammed into the wall, cracking the drywall. A blackened spot on the maple floors attested to where the lightning had struck, only inches away from Magnus.

Fuck. He'd never seen Kir do that .

"Don't ever touch Logan again.” Those stormy eyes drifted back to Morgan. He looked coldly indifferent. “Care to take a turn?"

"Kir?” Logan got between them again, knowing how close his lover was to losing it. Kir wasn't a killer, and Logan wasn't about to allow him to become one now. “We're safe now, blondie."

Kir shook his head slowly. “No, we're not. The wards are down."

Logan blinked and looked over Kir's shoulder. “No they're not.” He blinked again and frowned. “Yes, they are."

He turned slowly and glared at Jordan, who looked confused. “What?"

"You took the wards down."

"I did not!"

Logan snorted. “You did so."

"Did not!"

"Children.” Kir's voice was lazily amused. “Play nice."

Logan started to turn and answer him when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Morgan lift a gun.

The barrel was aimed right for Kir.

"No!” Logan dove, trying to get between Kir and the bullet.

Everything seemed to happen at once. Morgan went flying back, the bullet missing Kir by a good foot.

Jordan screamed again as Travis let go of her. His hand was out, fingers spread, encasing both Morgan and Magnus in cages of force. The larger man was also glowing.

Travis turned glowing, blind eyes on Logan and Kir, his gaze unfocused. “Justice has been a long time coming for the two of you.” He grinned, a self-mocking expression that Logan was all too familiar with.

He'd seen it in his own mirror one too many times. “But I'm here now.” He turned to the two young men groggily getting to their feet, identical expressions of hatred on their faces. “Don't worry about these two; I'll take them off somewhere where they can get over the effects of Grimm's drugs, then I'll do my best to pound some sense into them."

"Um, Travis?"

"Yes, Jordan?"

She gestured towards her eyes. “You might wanna, you know, wear your sunglasses when you leave.”

The men looked at her, and she shrugged. “What? I'm just sayin'.” She took a deep breath and turned to Kir with a shaky grin. “Want to order in pizza?"

Logan exchanged a look with Kir, grateful to see his eyes had returned to normal. She'd seen almost all there was to see of them, and she wasn't afraid.

He was done waiting. As soon as Travis and the others left, her ass was theirs.
