Chapter Five


"He's alive, Oliver."

Grimm blinked, the blood rushing to his head as his temples throbbed. “Frederica, what are you talking about?"

"Our son, Oliver. Baldur is alive ."

He sighed, trying his best to sound weary while his mind scrambled on how she could know the truth after all this time. “Darling, you know he's not. Hermod himself confirmed it when he saw Baldur in the Underworld.” And wasn't it a relief that Hermod was as stupid as he was gullible, or he would have noticed that Baldur was breathing .

Hermod was also known to be honest to a fault. He'd seen Baldur in Hel; therefore, Baldur must be dead, reinforcing the lie he'd told.

Good old Hermod. Grimm wondered if he was enjoying the Underworld as much as Hodr was.

"Have you had your tonic today, sweetheart?"

She paused, her breathing harsh over the phone. “No."

The extra-strength potion he'd made for her to take while Baldur and Loki were so close to his home territory would take the edge off her nosiness. “Take some, before you make yourself ill over this travesty of a hoax. I'll deal with Loki myself. I promise you that."

She paused again, then meekly said, “All right."

He heard her sipping and smiled. Stupid cow. Keeping her docile had been remarkably easy once he figured out the secret of the apples. “Now, go rest, and allow me to deal with Loki's treachery."

"I've sent you the link to the video he made, Oliver.” He could hear her stifling tears. “It looks so much

like our Baldur, right down to the eyes."

Grimm's blood ran cold at the thought. “I'll take a look, my dear. Go rest."

She sniffed. “Will you be home tonight?"

He thought of Rina, and the silken present she'd promised him that night. “No, dear, I think I'd better take care of this problem as soon as possible. Don't you think?"

She sighed. “Of course."

In his most loving, caring voice, Grimm said, “Get some rest. I love you.” He practically gagged on the words.

"I love you too."

He hung up, and opened the email Frigg had sent him.

By the end of the video, his entire office was covered in frost.

Val clicked open the email link his father had sent him. Deal with this! had been the subject line. Val had no idea what had the Old Man's briefs in a bunch this time...

His jaw dropped open in shock as Baldur's face took up his screen. He clicked on the “play” button.

"Hello, Aesir and Vanir.” Baldur's beautiful voice purred in Old Norse. Those pale eyes were cold as ice. “I think you all know who I am. Or maybe not.” Baldur moved back, smiling gently as he did so. Val shivered. “After all, you've been trying to kill me for centuries now, haven't you? Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of it."

The sudden deepening of his voice had Val leaning forward in his chair. What are they up to?

"Ever since that day in the Thing, you have hunted us and hounded us. You have given us no peace. You have murdered wives and sons, turned brother against brother, and destroyed lives in your quest to destroy my lover. But enough is enough. I will tolerate no more.

"A week ago Jordan Grey was shot trying to protect Loki and me.” He leaned in close to the camera again. Val groaned when he saw that Baldur's pupils had started to turn white. That's bad. “By the way, Val, I owe you one for that.” He pulled back to the sound of a dark chuckle. Loki's there. Make that very bad. “I owe all of you, actually.” His eyes left the camera lens long enough to watch Loki walk around and take position behind Baldur. “Watch carefully, people. I'm only going to do this once.”

Baldur stared into the camera, his gentle smile never wavering, as the pot he'd been holding quivered. A sprig of green appeared, rapidly growing in Baldur's hands until a perfectly formed white lily opened its trumpet-like flower. Behind him, all of the bushes sprouted tiny flowers as well, blue with white centers, just like Baldur's eyes.

It was a miracle, since those bushes were obviously yews, and incapable of flowering. This meant that it really was Baldur standing there, and not some imposter like Grimm had been telling the gods for centuries. The magic of the Jotun, even Loki's, couldn't fake a true miracle.

"These flowers have bloomed to mark both an end and a beginning.” Baldur's blue and white gaze was

glued to the camera. Val couldn't shake the feeling that he was staring right at him. You barely noticed Loki standing behind him, somehow in shadow.

Val groaned. Baldur was glowing. It was his shadow his lover stood in.

"You all forgot something, you know. I am a God of Spring. I bring peace, hope, joy, et cetera.” He waved his hand, careful not to knock over the lily. Val could hear Loki's snort of amusement behind Baldur, noted the first hint of warmth to enter those cold eyes. “Just as you have given me no peace, now I give you no peace.” Those sky blue eyes darkened until the white pupils glared out of a circle of navy.

“No gardens shall bloom, no sun shall shine for you. Winter is in your hearts to stay until justice is served, both for the torment you've given Loki and myself and the injuries you've done to our families."

At that point, Loki leaned forward, placing one hand on Baldur's shoulder. “By the way, Frey? Thor?

Jordan's fine. We're keeping her safe.” That devil's grin that had gotten him into so much trouble over the centuries was on his face. “And we've decided to just plain keep her."

Oh, shit. Val watched as the familiar YouTube scrolling screen appeared, asking people to rate the video. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

No wonder Grimm was ready to blow a gasket.

Frey and Thor would probably start bellowing like bulls, knowing that Jordan was in Loki's hands. It wouldn't matter to them that she was also in Baldur's hands, since they probably still believed Baldur was an imposter. He wondered how many phone calls Grimm had already gotten from them.

And he wondered how Frigg would take the news that her son was still alive.

He blinked, startled, as his hands left the keyboard. He'd just emailed the link to each and every one of the Aesir and Vanir in his address book.

Damn it, Loki! What the hell do you think you're doing?

But deep down, he knew. He just hoped Jordan didn't get any more hurt than she'd already been. If she hadn't leapt to Logan's defense, she never would have gotten hurt in the first place. He'd aimed the shot to miss by just a hair, a hair Jordan had stepped into. Damn it.

There was a gasp from outside his office. Stepping out to see what was going on, he saw plants withering and dying. And from the gasps and yelling he could hear, all of the plants in Grimm and Sons were doing the same.

The true meaning of Baldur's curse hit home.

He turned and went back into his office, trying to hide his snicker behind a cough.

Damn, bro. Way to make your point.

God of Spring, indeed.

The incessant pounding on the door had Logan groggily getting to his feet. Kir was sleeping in the bed with Jordan, making sure she didn't need anything, while Logan had stayed up all night working. He'd just fallen asleep on the sofa after a long bout of research, both on the computer and in some of the more

esoteric books he owned.

It had been two days since they'd brought Jordan home, with orders to see to it that she got physical therapy. If Logan was right, though, she wouldn't need it.

He opened the door to a small, pissed-off redhead. Her wild curls danced around her head in their own fiery halo. Her foot was tapping a staccato beat as she glared at him. “Where's Jordan?"

"Good morning to you too, Jamie.” He blinked sleepily, scratching at his naked chest as he yawned. It was too damn early in the morning for this. “Jordan's sleeping."

Her pixie eyes narrowed. “Where?"

He couldn't help it. He leered down at her. “In my bed. With Goldilocks."

She took a deep breath. “Jordan! "

He winced and fought the urge to cover his ears. She had a set of lungs on her that would make an opera singer proud. “Fuck, shut the hell up. You want to wake the whole damn floor?” He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her through, ignoring her gasp when the wards flared up around her. Something about that bothered him, but he was too damn tired to figure it out. “Jordan was shot. She's just out of the hospital and needs her rest."

She growled up at him, cute as a kitten. “Exactly. Moron. Which is why I'm here."

"What's up?” Kir stepped out of the bedroom, all rumpled and warm, his black sleep pants full of wrinkles. Logan wanted to just slurp him up, especially when he yawned and rubbed his six-pack abs.

Jamie growled again.

He pointed with his thumb at Jamie. “The Chihuahua here wants to know where Jordan is. Ow.” He leaned over and rubbed his shin, glaring at Jamie. She'd actually kicked him, and now stood there, glowering at him. “Down, tiger."

" Where is my sister? ” Jamie was actually shrieking, stamping her foot, her face turning beet red.

Kir looked at Logan and grimaced. “She's in bed, sleeping."

"Not anymore.” A sleepy, grumpy-looking Jordan stuck her head out of the doorway. “Morning, Jamie.

I see you haven't had your coffee yet."

"Jordan? You okay? Tweedledum here didn't want to let me in."

"I opened the damn door, didn't I?” He limped into the room, ignoring Kir's rolling eyes, and headed right for Jordan. He kissed her on top of her sleep-rumpled head. Her hair was sticking up, and it tickled his nose. He pouted down at her. “She kicked me."

"Poor baby.” She patted him on the head, yawning again. “Go make coffee, will you?"

"Work, work, work.” Logan paused by Kir long enough to exchange a quick kiss before he headed into the kitchen, grumbling.

"Cinderfelly, Cinderfelly, night and day it's Cinderfelly,” Jordan sang as she headed back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed.

Logan stopped, stunned. He put his hands on his hips and turned, not surprised to see Kir collapsed against the doorframe, laughing his ass off. “Very funny, dickhead. Why don't you go deal with the evil stepsister while I put coffee on, okay?"

He caught the look of suspicion on Jamie's face as he headed into the kitchen, but at least some of the anger had left her eyes. Good. I don't want Jordan upset. And having her baby sister fussing would upset her, big time.

Calling Jamie hadn't been in their plans, but Jordan had begged and pleaded for them to call her family.

So they'd called Jeff, figuring he'd be the calmer of the twins. Poor Jeff had been stunned to hear what had happened, but he was out of town on a case and couldn't get back very quickly. He'd offered to call his brothers, Magnus and Morgan, but Kir had talked him out of it, saying Jordan wanted to talk to them herself. He just hoped little brother had listened, or he'd wind up with two pissed-off gods on his doorstep. Dealing with the twin, full-blooded sons of Thor was not on his to-do list today, thank you very much.

Apparently Jeff had opted to call little sis instead, who'd decided it was a good idea to show up at the ass-crack of dawn.

Wait. Two women, one of them pissed off, together in our condo. Neither one of whom has had caffeine.

He shuddered and did the only sane thing he could. He hid in the kitchen and made coffee.

Kir pulled away from the doorjamb and wiped the tears from his eyes. Little Jamie was still standing there, hands on hips, glaring at him like he'd run over her puppy.


He was baffled when she shook her head at him like he was a loon. “How bad is she?” She plopped down on the white chaise, staring at him a little less angrily.

"Hurting.” He winced when she glared at him again. “We're taking care of her, I promise."

"You don't even know her. How can you take care of her?"

He glided over to her, watching her face as she slowly took in his naked chest. The look was assessing and without heat.

The little minx is sizing me up!

"How does Jordan feel about this whole ... arrangement?” She waved her hand in the air, her brows still furrowed. “I mean, she's pretty big on the whole monogamy thing."


Jamie blinked. “Huh?"

Kir shrugged, and yawned again. It was too fuck-all early in the morning for her to try and get him to make sense. “Three people, all together. Not sure monogamy is the right word."

"So you two are going to sleep around on her?"

"Around her, on her, in her ... yup, that covers it.” He fell onto the sofa and put his arm over his eyes.

Damn he was tired. Despite the fact that Jordan had slept most of the night peacefully next to him, it hadn't felt quite right. He'd missed having Logan in the bed with them. That would have made it perfect.

But they'd been too afraid of jarring her healing shoulder to risk it.


He sighed. “I love Jordan. I love Logan. Logan loves me. I'm working on Jordan. If that makes me a pervert, then hand me the flag and teach me the anthem."


Jordan's hesitant voice had him sitting up. “Yes, baby?"

She held up one arm of the shirt she'd been trying to put on. She held her injured arm, in its sling, over her breasts. She'd managed to get the bra on, but not hooked.

He got up and, without thought, helped her finish dressing. “Better?"

"Mm-hmm. Thanks.” Her cheeks were flushed and she wouldn't meet his eyes. She'd been like this since the first time he'd had to help her get dressed. Having a bullet wound sucked big time. Luckily it had been on the outside of her arm, rather than further in; the bones had been nicked, but not broken.

"You're welcome.” He planted a soft kiss on those oh-so-tempting lips and left for the bedroom. If he was going to be up, he was going to take a shower. Maybe it would help wake him up.

Normally he would have dragged Logan in with him, but he didn't for two reasons. One, he was pretty sure Jamie would be weirded all the hell out. And two, they'd decided not to do anything with each other until after they'd convinced Jordan she belonged with them. Even if it led to a terminal case of blue balls.

Oh, well. Thank goodness for body wash and a firm grip. He grinned and shut the bathroom door behind him with an audible click . It didn't occur to him until he had the water nice and hot and was about to step in that her sister had been sitting right there, yet Jordan had still asked him for help.

Suddenly the day was looking a whole lot brighter.

Jordan sat on the sofa, sipping at the coffee Logan had brought out for her. It was perfect, just like everything the two men had done for her so far was perfect.

Make that almost perfect.

They had hovered over her for the last week, and for the most part, she was grateful for it, especially when she'd been stuck in the hospital for longer than they'd thought she would be. And when they'd brought her home two days ago she'd needed so much help that it hadn't even been funny. She couldn't quite dress herself, let alone feed herself. Having the two men pamper her was a heady feeling she could

quickly grow addicted to, along with the tiny little touches and kisses they peppered her with. It was like they were slowly seducing her, since none of those little kisses they constantly gave her could be called


On the flip side, she could live without their bossiness. The one time yesterday she'd tried to sneak into the den to check her email, they'd freaked out and put her to bed like a recalcitrant four-year-old.

Of course, she could admit, at least to herself, that she'd acted like a recalcitrant four-year-old. She had the feeling today wasn't going to be much better.

"Y'know, you've got two. Can I have one? Because it's no fair hoarding the hotties."

Jordan smirked at Jamie over the rim of her mug. “What do you think Travis would have to say about that?"

Jamie turned beet red. “Absolutely nothing, since he doesn't know I exist outside of Hi, this is Guardian Investigations. How may we help you? ” It was her best, perkiest receptionists’ voice, the one that grated on Jordan's nerves until her third cup of coffee. “What do you think he's going to say when he finds out you've been shot? Hmm?"

Jordan leaned in and whispered, ignoring the twinge of pain in her shoulder. “I've already emailed him."

Jamie nodded, some of the flush receding from her cheeks. “Good. He needs to know, so we can fuss over you.” She jumped. “All of us. I mean, all of us. Jeff, too. You know how he likes to fuss."

Jordan bit her lip. Jamie's crush on their boss never failed to lift her day. Too bad Travis had never shown any interest in her. The two of them would be smokin’ hot together. “I can't lay claim to either Demon Boy or Archangel."

She thought she heard a muffled bullshit from the kitchen, but she wasn't certain. Could have been Logan sneezing. She shrugged and dismissed it.

One of Jamie's bright red brows rose into her hair. “Really? Because it looked to me like you and Mr.'s DB and AA are having a nice, cosy live-in. Complete with rumpled bedhead and delivered coffee."

"Line of duty. They feel guilty.” Or, that's what she kept telling herself, anyway. “They're worried that the person who shot at them will go after me, and they have better security in their home than I do in mine.”

Which was the truth. A brain-dead monkey could probably break into her inexpensive apartment with ease.

Another muffled sound came from the kitchen. Huh. Who knew? Gods sneeze. Logan needs to get his allergies checked. She ignored the little voice that told her that what she'd heard had not been a sneeze.

"Really,” Jamie drawled. She perked up, smiling that sunny smile that had landed her the receptionists’

job at Guardian. “Y'know, with Travis away on vacation, I bet he wouldn't mind if you stayed at his place. The security there is top-notch."

She opened her mouth to answer when a hand landed on her good shoulder. “She's perfectly happy right here."

Jamie glared up at Logan. “She's capable of speech, ape."

Jordan nearly snorted coffee through her nose trying not to laugh.

Before she could regain her composure Kir stepped out of the bedroom. His cheeks were flushed, his hair hanging wet around his shoulders. He'd put on a muscle shirt, blue to match his eyes, and one of his sinfully tight pairs of jeans. His big feet were bare, braced squarely on the maple floor. A breezy smile graced his face. “I'm starving. Anybody want donuts?"

Logan stared down at Jordan's sleeping form. He still couldn't get over the fact that she'd bled for him.

Not even Sigyn, who'd claimed to love him and left him when he'd fallen for Kir, had ever bled for him.

And Kir couldn't bleed for him, though he'd thrown himself in front of Logan more than once in their long lives.

He never wanted her life endangered ever again. The very thought sent twin snakes of fear down his spine, and was the reason he'd barely slept in the last eight days.

His eyes narrowed as the blade cut into the palm of his hand. Blood bonding with Odin had given the god the power to shift his shape; maybe bonding with Jordan would give her the fast healing Logan enjoyed.

He cut her palm quickly, ignoring her hiss of pain as he slapped their hands together. He closed his eyes and focused on their joined wounds.

"What the hell?"

Jordan's sleepy, angry voice couldn't drown out the pounding of their hearts in his ears. He willed the blood to mingle, hers to him and his to her, each flowing into the other's veins.

Her gasp echoed his as their blood merged for all time.

"Ow, dickhead! What did you do that for?"

He opened his eyes and turned her hand over, eagerly checking to see if the wound had started closing.

It hadn't. Fuck. So much for research. His own wound was slowly closing before his eyes. “Shit."

"Wow. How are you doing that?"


Logan turned to see Kir peering over his shoulder at their bloody hands. “It didn't work."

"What didn't work?” Jordan was looking back and forth between them, obviously confused.

"I was trying to speed up your healing."

She looked down at the bloody cut on her hand. “You're right. It didn't work."

"I'll get the medical kit.” Kir headed into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry.” Logan brushed his clean hand through her hair. “I was really hoping this would fix things."

Her face softened. “You meant well. I think."

He sighed. “When I became Odin's blood brother, he gained my ability to shift shape. I gained his immortality. I was hoping the bond would grant you my ability to heal quickly."

"Would that work on a human?"

He smiled. “You're not human, remember?"

" Half human, then.” She looked down again at her hand, concerned. “If I didn't get healing, what did I get?"

He shrugged. As far as he was concerned she was welcome to all of his powers. “We'll have to wait and see."

Kir returned with the first-aid kit. “Give me your hand.” He checked her cut, cleansing it with a washcloth. “It looks clean, and I don't think you need stitches.” He bandaged it quickly, pressing a kiss to her knuckles when he was done. “All better."

"Thanks, Mom."

His expression turned wicked. Logan knew that look, and felt his cock harden in his jeans. It was the look Kir used when he was in the mood to play.

"Any other boo-boos you'd like me to kiss?"

Logan grinned as Kir waggled his eyebrows outrageously.

As Jordan giggled, he leaned over and brushed his lips over Kir's. Time to see if she can handle the three of us together. “I have a boo-boo you can kiss."

"Ugh. Get a room, guys. Some of us are trying to sleep."

He looked down to see embarrassment written all over her bright red face. She'd screwed her eyes shut tightly, but the curve of her lips let him know she was amused. No disgust; that's good. And is that...?

Yes! Ah, the sight of an aroused woman. Her nipples were perky, pushing up against the fabric of her top.

"Tell you what. I'll kiss your boo-boo and Kir can kiss mine."

When her eyes popped open his lips were already on hers. He stroked his tongue against her closed lips, silently asking her to let him in. Please, let me in. He was dying for a taste of her.

Kir's mouth began a slow exploration of his neck, his hands pulling the shirt from Logan's jeans. He lifted from the kiss long enough for Kir to finish pulling the shirt from his body.


"Hmm?” Logan leaned down and licked a line from her neck to her chin. Her shiver filled him with the need to see what else he could do to make her quiver like that.

Kir's fingers reached around Logan and began tugging on Jordan's shirt buttons.

Good idea. Logan began helping him, ignoring Jordan's feeble attempts to bat their hands away.



Kir sounded as distracted as he was. They were both busy staring at Jordan's exposed breasts. They gave identical happy sighs. Mmm ... no bra. Rosy, hard nipples were exposed to their delighted gazes.


Logan blinked. No?

"No?” Kir sounded shocked.

" No."

Logan stared at Kir. “She said no."

"Shit.” Kir looked back down at Jordan. “Why?"

"What do you mean, why?” She pulled her shirt closed, holding the pieces together with one hand.

Logan's frown was fierce. “We want you. You want us. We plan on keeping you. I blood bonded you .

So, yeah. Why no?"

"More importantly, why yes?” Jordan stared at both of them, her brows drawn down in a frown.

It was Logan's turn to be shocked. “Why yes ?” Hadn't they done everything in their power to show her how they felt over the last week? Just dealing with her pint-sized, psychopathic sister should have gotten them brownie points galore!

She sighed. “You two are a couple. You've been together for so long I can't even begin to imagine it.

Why on earth would you bring someone else into your bed? Unless you do this kind of thing all the time?” Her frown had become ferocious. Logan could easily read the jealousy she was trying to hide.

Apparently they hadn't proven to her how they felt. “No!"

"Uh-uh. Don't be absurd.” Kir sat up, looking offended. “I haven't slept with anyone other than Logan since that day at the Thing!"

"Ditto. Other than trading ‘Logan’ for ‘Kir', that is."

Her jaw worked as the jealousy was replaced by confusion. “Then why would you put me into bed with you two?"

Logan and Kir looked at each other and grinned. “Because we want you."

"Because we need you."

Kir moved to her left side and stretched out next to her. “Because we have to have you."

Logan lay down on her right and grinned. “Because we love you."

She gasped. “That's not possible. We've only known each other, what? Two days?"

"More like a week."

She glared up at him. “Barring the time I was unconscious. Or drugged."

"Damn. One of the reasons we fell in love with you was your stunning rendition of Volare ."

Logan snickered. “Kir!"

Kir winked at him, then turned back to Jordan. “Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

"Yes, I have, but both of you at the same time? Aren't the odds of that just a smidge on the high side of impossible, despite my stunning singing voice?” She held her hand up, thumb and forefinger a millimeter apart.

Logan snorted. “You're funny, you're brave, and you're beautiful. You're smart. You believed us when no one else did."

"Look, flame-boy, it's kinda hard to ignore the Incredible Igniting Man, ya know?"

The South Philly twang was back in her voice. He was coming to love that accent. He felt that wicked grin cross his face as he nestled in closer to her. “Why, thank you, ma'am.” He let his hand rest on her stomach and flexed his fingers experimentally. “What else would you like to see me ignite?"

She rolled her eyes and turned to Kir. “Seriously. How do you put up with him?"

"He's really, really good in bed.” He had to give Kir credit for saying it with such a straight face. That was one he never would have been able to pull off.

She looked up at the ceiling. “Great. I'm stuck between Perv and Pervier."

Logan held up a hand. “I get to be Pervier."

Kir laughed. “No argument here."

Jordan rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth as the idiots on either side of her laughed at their own cleverness. Men . “Guys!"



She sighed. “Look, I have no idea what you're thinking, but stop thinking it ."


"Uh-uh. Sorry.” Kir's hand moved to cup her breast. He ignored her squawk of protest as his thumb stroked her nipple through her shirt. “There isn't man alive who'd have a woman like you in his bed and not be thinking it."

"Unless he was gay,” Logan added, gently prying her fingers off her shirt.

"True.” Kir moved his hand long enough for Logan to pull her shirt open again. Goofy grins crossed both their faces as her breasts were exposed.

Damn, Logan's skin is so warm. She licked her lips, trying to focus her thoughts again on why this was a bad idea. She would have batted at him but Logan still had hold of her hand. “You're gods. Go do something, I dunno. Godly. And hands off, buster!"

"Sorry, I'm more of a hands-on kinda guy."

Jordan stared at Kir as Logan snickered next to her. She was starting to sense that Kir wasn't nearly as innocent as he tried to let on. “Why am I getting the feeling you're more the instigator?"

Kir gasped, doing his best to look innocent and failing miserably. The fact that his hand was still stroking her breast didn't help. “Me?"

"Yes, you! And you! Knock it off!"

Jordan turned to glare at Logan as he reached down and licked one bared nipple. She had the feeling that it lacked some impact when she gasped with pleasure.

"I'm sorry, but it was staring right at me. I had to do something about it."

She stared at him. “That was bad."

"I know."

"Humble doesn't work on you any more than innocent does."

"Give a guy points for trying?"

She twitched when a wet tongue licked her left nipple. “Kir!"


"Did you hear me say knock it off?"

"You said it to him, not me."


"I think she's getting irritated."

Logan stared down at her thoughtfully. “No, see there? Her lips twitched."

"You're right. I think she likes us."

"I think so, too."

"I think you two are certifiable.” She was trying desperately not to laugh.

"You think we're cute. Admit it.” Kir was batting his lashes at her again. She had to bite her lip to keep the laugh in her throat.


Logan tsk'd. “She said no again."

"Yeah, she did."

"What do you think she's saying no to?” Logan was inching his way down her body. She had the feeling that, unless she got a handle on things, her pants were going the way of the dodo.

"Guys! Hello! Been shot here! See? Owie!” She pointed to her arm in the sling. She blinked, realizing that her hand was free and she hadn't really tried to stop either of them from what they were doing.

"And we're offering to kiss your boo-boos but you keep saying that ‘N’ word."

"The one that ends in ‘O'?” Kir's hand was still gently kneading her breast.

"Yup, that's the one.” Logan's clever fingers were undoing her jeans.

Kir leaned over her with a leer. “Give up. Resistance is futile."

Logan's fingers stopped moving. He raised his eyebrow at Kir through the fall of his hair. “Didn't we agree there would be no more Borg in bed?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. Carry on."

These two are nuts! Incredibly sexy and hunk-a-licious, but nuts. “Oh, God."

"Yes?” They chorused.

"Get me out of here."

"Get you out of these? Sure!"

Logan's hands were incredibly gentle as he removed her pants and panties.

"I notice you're not really fighting.” She looked up into Kir's suddenly serious face. “But if you really want us to stop, just say so."

Logan lay down next to her again and propped his head on his hand. “We do love you, you know.” His other hand caressed her bared stomach again. His touch was soft and soothing. “We want you comfortable with us.” His smile turned into a leer. “Of course, we'd like you hot for us, too."

The identical looks of hope on their faces melted her heart. “Guys..."



Panic fluttered briefly in her heart. I'm not ready for this yet. It's too damn soon. “Give me time?” Time to figure out what's really going on, and whether or not I want to be a part of it. “Please. I'm not saying no, I'm saying wait. This ... this isn't something I take lightly."

Logan looked at Kir over her naked body and smiled. “I can live with that."

"So can I.” Kir leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

They lay down next to her, Logan being extra careful of her wounded right shoulder. His erection pressed against her right hip, while Kir's pressed against her left. A wicked, sleepy grin crossed his lips.

“G'night, John-boy."

Two groans were quickly followed by a dark chuckle.

Oh, man. What the hell am I doing?

She'd just turned down sex with two of the most gorgeous men she'd ever met, but was still sleeping naked with them.

Jamie was going to have her committed.
