THEY drove straight through, stopping only for gas. Nathan held Shea close to him, reluctant to even let her sit next to him in the seat. She slept off and on, sometimes stirring and raising her head, her sleepy gaze staring out the window, her brow wrinkled in consternation. He’d soothe her, kiss her and then lower her back to his chest with a soft admonishment to rest.

He loved the way she melted into his arms. He could feel his brothers and Swanny watching him at intervals, but he tuned them out and focused on Shea.

She was tucked trustingly in his arms, her head nestled just below his chin. It was a testament to just how worn out she was that, apart from the few times she woke to ask where they were, she slept.

As they drove through Paris and neared Kentucky Lake, Nathan’s gut knotted. The convoy of SUVs crossed over the bridge in the early hours of the morning. The water below was inky black, reflecting nothing of the starless sky above.

Shea stirred and raised her head, this time not looking anywhere but into his eyes. She touched his mind, a brush of warmth and comfort. His unease had disturbed her sleep and now she sought to soothe it.

“We’re almost there.”

She tensed and this time it was her unease that bit at him and not his own. She glanced over at Swanny, who sat staring straight ahead as if she and Nathan weren’t even present.

“Stop worrying,” Nathan murmured.

She eased to the side and made an awkward attempt at stretching. She’d only gotten out of the SUV once in the last twelve hours when she’d gone to the bathroom during a refuel. He rubbed her back and slid his hand up to massage her neck when she arched again.

They turned off the highway paralleling the lake, and Sam punched the button to open the security gate leading into the Kelly compound. It was cloaked in darkness, but Shea still edged forward, her gaze trying to take in their surroundings.

Sam parked in front of the imposing building that housed the war room. On either side, more SUVs pulled in and the team members began piling out.

Nathan opened the door but motioned for Shea to stay put. He stood, framed behind the open door, and stared over the top at Sam.

“What’s the plan? Where do you want Shea?”

“How is she?” Sam asked in a low voice.

“More rested than she was. I think she’s doing fine.”

Sam glanced at the others as Donovan keyed the code to open the doors and then back at Nathan. “For now, bring her in. Van wants to go over the surveillance you sent him. We could use her eyes. Afterward you can bring her to my house. You and she can stay with me and Sophie. Or if you prefer, one of the others. Whatever you’re most comfortable with.”

Joe came to stand beside the SUV where Nathan and Sam were conversing. “They can stay with me and Donovan for now.”

The statement was more of a command than anything else. Nathan had split his time between his own homesite and the house he shared with Joe and Donovan. Referred to as the bachelor pad by the rest of the family, since they were the only brothers still single.

Sam, Garrett and Ethan had constructed their homes—or rather Sam’s was the only one completely finished. Ethan’s was close to completion, but he and Rachel still lived in their original house outside the compound until the new house was move-in ready.

Garrett and Sarah had only just moved into their home before Rusty’s graduation and Nathan’s sudden departure. The couple would marry soon, provided Nathan could stop interfering in their plans. The thought made him grimace. He liked Sarah a lot. She was tough. A lot like his other sisters-in-law, Sophie and Rachel. He wanted her to be happy and settled.

But now he wanted the same for himself and Shea.

Sam shrugged. “Whatever Nathan feels is best.”

Joe glanced questioningly at his brother and slowly Nathan nodded.

“Let’s get Shea inside,” Sam said.

Nathan, who’d been shielding Shea from the outside, turned and ducked so he could see into the SUV. He held out his hand and her palm slid over his as their fingers twined. He helped her out and wrapped his arm around her shoulders until she found her footing.

They followed Sam inside the KGI headquarters, where the others were waiting. Donovan was busy on the computer while the others were seated in front of the large LCD screen mounted on the wall. He looked up as Nathan and Shea entered and motioned them over.

“I’m downloading the footage now. I want you to watch carefully, Shea. Let me know if you need me to freeze-frame. Or if you want to go over something again. Don’t worry about absorbing it all at once. I understand this will be upsetting for you. Take your time. And mention anything, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. We’ll talk it out, okay?”

Shea flashed Donovan a grateful smile, and Nathan nodded his own thanks in his brother’s direction for handling Shea so gently and showing her so much understanding.

She left his side to take a seat not far from where Donovan stood by the computer. Nathan followed behind and then simply plucked her up and settled her onto his lap. She glanced quickly to the others, but he leaned her back against his chest, a clear message to her that he didn’t give a fuck who saw what.

She was his. He didn’t give a damn who knew it, what they thought, and he wanted her to know that.

She jumped suddenly when the screen blinked and a curvy brunette with long hair flashed into view. She wore cargo trousers and a formfitting tank shirt that highlighted her lean, well-toned body. She was fit and it was obvious she kept herself that way with a strict regimen.

“Grace,” Shea whispered.

“That’s your sister?” Donovan queried.

She nodded and leaned forward as Donovan resumed the footage.

Grace crept stealthily through the house, her eyes wary and alert. Clutched in her hand was the journal that Shea had found in the escape tunnel. As she entered the living room, she paused and tears filled Shea’s eyes. This was where she and Grace had talked. She was watching her sister communicate with her. A smile softened the tense expression that Grace had worn and then she glanced down at the journal she held and Shea knew this was where she’d told Shea that they weren’t their real parents.

The furnishings were still intact, which meant the ransack had occurred after Grace’s arrival. Everything looked exactly as it had been before her parents were killed. That was what stuck out to her. There was no evidence that murder had been committed. Who’d cleaned it up?

Shea focused back in on the footage to see Grace’s head jerk upward and then she flew toward one of the windows. The sound of breaking glass and heavy footsteps filled the silent room.

Grace looked left and right, clear indecision and panic racing across her face. Then her eyes hardened and she bolted into the hallway. There were four frames on the screen, and Donovan followed her progress from room to room as he enlarged each of the ones she ran through.

She raced into the panic room, and slammed it shut.

Donovan turned to Shea. “Are there no cameras inside the panic room?”

She shook her head. “Only on the outside. The idea was to be able to see out, not in. My father set it up so that it was the ultimate safe room.”

“He did a pretty damn good job,” Garrett muttered.

“Look,” Ethan said, directing everyone’s attention back to the monitor.

A soldier moved through the living room, and behind him, another appeared.

Everyone leaned forward, coming to attention as they studied the men going through the house, methodically searching. They completely destroyed the house. They were responsible for the damage Shea and Nathan had encountered.

“She spoke to me. I mean just before she ran. She said that someone was there,” Shea said.

Nathan hugged her a little tighter.

The room went silent as they watched the men sweep through her parents’ house. Nathan’s eyes narrowed. They didn’t move like they were chasing Grace. Maybe they hadn’t even known she was there. But they were looking for something and they weren’t a run-of-the-mill civilian operation.

They wore black military head nets, so only their eyes were visible. Nathan took in every detail of their appearance, looking for anything that could identify them, but they were covered from head to toe. Boots and fatigues and they carried military-issue rifles.

Unless some survivalist underground cult was after Shea and Grace, the U.S. military certainly was. This looked special ops. Probably some damn group that didn’t even exist, and that made Nathan damn nervous.

Once the footage of Grace abruptly ended, Donovan keyed the more recent surveillance from Nathan and Shea’s visit. Nathan watched grimly as he and Shea stole through the house and entered the kitchen. His brothers frowned when the sound of breaking glass occurred and he and Shea hit the floor just before the flashbang grenade detonated.

Nathan leaned forward, his gaze narrowing as he studied the intruders making their way into the house after he and Shea had disappeared into the panic room. Like the men who’d been after Grace, these looked military. They seemed more careful, however. They didn’t touch or disturb anything. It was apparent they weren’t looking for something but rather somebody. They didn’t even hesitate before honing in on the panic room.

He didn’t like it. Didn’t like it one damn bit.

“Now ain’t that some shit?” Garrett muttered. “Anyone want to take a stab at this one?”

“What have you heard from Resnick?” Nathan demanded.

Sam’s mouth twisted and he glanced toward Donovan. “Not a damn thing. We explained the sitch, asked him to do some digging, but he went radio silent shortly after.”

“I don’t like it,” Nathan muttered.

“Neither do we,” Donovan said.

Shea bolted to her feet, leaving the confines of Nathan’s arms. She paced back and forth, her gaze still riveted to the screen while the scene played out over and over as Donovan kept going back.

“What are we going to do to help Grace?” she blurted out. “She’s out there alone. I’m here with all of you. Nothing’s going to happen to me but the same can’t be said for her. She’s not talking to me. I’ve tried to reach her. I’m terrified for her.”

Sam rose and put his hand on Shea’s shoulder. “We’ll send a team. I promised you we’d protect her. I made you that promise and I’m going to keep it. We have to find her first, but we’ll do it.”

He turned in Steele’s direction, but before he could open his mouth, Rio stepped forward.

“I’m going.”

Sam’s eyebrows went up. Garrett turned to his team leader in surprise. Rio’s gaze was riveted to the screen where Donovan had paused the replay of Grace standing in the living room.

“I’ll find her. I’ll protect her,” Rio said shortly. “These assholes won’t get their hands on her.”

To Nathan’s further surprise, Shea hurried over to where Rio stood and she stared up at him, her expression pleading.

“She’s special. She’s never done anything to hurt anyone. Just the opposite. Don’t let them take her and use her. They’ll kill her.”

Rio’s gaze softened as he stared down at Shea. Then he took her hands in his and offered a gentle squeeze. The rest of the room seemed locked on to the strange vibe emanating from Rio and now the rest of his team as they stepped forward.

“I’ll find your sister, Shea. I’ll bring her home to you.”

She leaned up on tiptoe and kissed the big man on the cheek, and then as if getting over whatever fear she had of him before, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you,” she said fiercely. “I’ll never be able to repay you for this. She means everything to me.”

Rio looked a little befuddled as he stepped away and extricated himself from Shea’s hold. Then he smiled down at her. “I can see why Nathan is so enchanted by you.”

But as he glanced back up at the monitor, where Grace was frozen on the screen, a look of fear in her eyes, his gaze hardened all over again.

He looked over at Sam and Garrett. “Any problem?”

Sam slowly shook his head. “No. No problem at all.”

“Then get me all the intel you have on Grace. My team will move out immediately.”
