AN hour later, after showering and changing into clean clothes, Shea was elbow deep in hamburger meat. Nathan, Joe and Donovan were several feet away in the living room, talking about Resnick and a lot of other things she didn’t understand. But Swanny was quiet, and she found she enjoyed the silence as they worked.

It amused her that this big, scarred, badass-looking military guy was evidently shy or self-conscious. Probably a mixture of both. It also amused her that he was very exacting in his measurements. Apparently he loved to cook and he was a perfectionist in the kitchen.

He directed her every movement, told her just how much spice to put in the meat. Even how to form the patties.

“Are you joining KGI?” she blurted out when the silence had stretched a little too long.

He swiveled and stared at her in surprise, the scar stretching slightly on his cheek as his expression grew thoughtful.

“No. Maybe. I don’t really know,” he finally amended. “I went with Donovan and Ethan because Nathan needed me. No other reason. I knew something was going on with you and him, and I felt like I owed it to both of you to be there, to do whatever I could. But even without that obligation, I would have done it. Nathan is my friend.”

He went quiet again, and Shea warred with herself over whether to press the conversation. She was curious about him but didn’t want to make him uncomfortable either.

“Do you have family?”

A shadow crossed over his face. “No.”

He didn’t offer more. It was frustrating, because if she pursued this line of questioning now, it would be awkward and obvious.

“Well, I suppose if you join KGI, they’ll be your family.”

He paused a moment and then the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly. “I hadn’t thought about it that way, but I suppose you’re right.”

She shaped another patty and laid it on the piece of wax paper where the others were neatly aligned. A knock at the front door sent a jolt up her spine and she froze, hands still dug into the burger.

A moment later, an older couple came through the living room, and Shea watched as the woman immediately wrapped Nathan up in a fierce hug.

This had to be his mom and dad.

For several moments, they hugged Nathan and talked in rapid tones. Joe glanced her way several times as if to offer silent support. Or maybe he just sensed how freaking shot her nerves were.

And then they turned her way and Nathan’s mom stared directly at her as if trying to make a judgment from across the room. Just as suddenly, her expression softened and she smiled a warm, gentle smile. She hurried across the room, and as she reached Shea, she opened her arms, pulling Shea into a hug every bit as fierce as the one she’d given Nathan.

Shea had no idea what she was supposed to do, so she stood there while Mrs. Kelly patted and hugged her. When she finally drew away, she kissed Shea on the cheek and grasped her shoulders to get a better look at her.

“I’m getting hamburger all over you,” Shea said with a grimace as she held her hands up.

“Oh, honey, I’ve had far worse. It’ll wash up just fine. I’m Marlene Kelly, by the way.” Then she pointed over her shoulder. “That’s my husband, Frank.”

Frank moved forward and pulled her into a hug that was gentler than Marlene’s had been but no less warm or sincere.

“It’s very nice to meet you, young lady,” he said gruffly. “You’ll pardon an old man getting emotional, but you made it possible for my boy to come home. I’ll never forget that.”

Shea’s cheeks tightened uncomfortably at the love and acceptance already in their eyes. And yet she welcomed it like sunshine after a snowstorm.

“We’re so very glad you’re here,” Marlene said in a soft voice. “I know my boys won’t let anything happen to you.”

Shea smiled at the confidence in her voice. “Thank you. I’m very glad to meet the people who mean so much to Nathan.”

Marlene turned again to Frank. “Bring in the stuff from the van if you don’t mind. I’ll set the picnic table on the deck. It’s a perfect day to eat outside.”

NATHAN stood outside with his dad and brothers as Donovan readied the grill. His mom had arranged the picnic table so that there were plenty of snacks and drinks, not to mention the fixings for the hamburgers.

Cold beer in the cooler. A breeze off the lake. Blue skies unmarred by a single drifting cloud.

It was all the more sweeter now than ever before. He savored every single day back in Tennessee, surrounded by his family. And now Shea.

He looked up as Swanny walked onto the deck holding a cookie sheet piled high with the burgers. Swanny handed the tray off to Donovan just as Shea and Nathan’s mom walked out behind Swanny.

Nathan held out his hand, wanting Shea close to him. She walked to him and slipped her hand in his automatically, as if she hadn’t given it any other thought. He liked that.

He wrapped his arm around her, anchoring her against his waist while his mom stood to the side and beamed. In her mind she already had them married, settled in Nathan’s finished house, and she was no doubt plotting grandchildren too.

And while that might terrify some men, Nathan didn’t mind it at all. He already knew what he wanted. He’d known from the very start. It had never been a question of him wanting Shea permanently in his life. He needed her. She was his other half, and he didn’t mean that in a cutesy soul mate kind of way. She literally was the other half of his soul. Their connection—their bond—was one that not many people shared, he didn’t care how much in love they were.

He just hoped to hell she felt the same and that, when this was all over, she’d want to stay with him. Here. Somewhere else. It didn’t matter to him. Yeah, he loved his family. Loved his life here. But he’d be happy anywhere Shea was, and if that required living elsewhere, he wouldn’t think twice about it.

They were careful not to discuss Shea’s situation in front of his parents. Instead today was a day to simply enjoy and to forget the shadow that hung over them. For a few hours, Nathan would pretend that this was his life. His life with Shea.

Marlene fussed endlessly over Swanny. She bullied him when the burgers were served and he only took one. Nathan smiled because his friend didn’t have a chance in hell. Nathan’s mom was a force of nature and she’d already decided that Swanny was going to be her next adopted chick. She even made him sit by her when they all took their places at the table.

Then Frank simply reached out and took his wife’s hand on one side and Donovan’s on the other. Donovan in turn reached for Nathan’s. Nathan slipped his hand over Shea’s at the same time Joe, on her other side, took her other hand and then reached next to him for Swanny’s hand, and Marlene completed the chain when she gripped his other hand.

In his gruff voice, Frank said a prayer, thanking God for bringing Nathan back to his family. For introducing Swanny into the Kelly fold and finally for Shea. He asked for His hand of safety to surround Shea and then he asked Him to bless the food before them.

After issuing a solemn Amen, which was echoed by everyone at the table, Frank looked up, still holding tightly to his wife’s and son’s hands.

“Never forget that family is the most important thing. No matter how far your life takes you away, your family is always here. And if you’re nothing else in this world, you’re a Kelly, and that makes you loved.”

Nathan’s throat tightened. He raised his gaze to stare at his dad. Yeah, he understood the message. Don’t push your family away. They loved you no matter what.

Frank nodded in Nathan’s direction and then released his hold on Marlene’s and Donovan’s hands.

“Let’s eat before the meat gets cold,” he said.

Shea dug in and guilt tugged at Nathan. Joe had been right. She was starving. Though how he’d known that, Nathan wasn’t sure. Or maybe he just guessed.

“They’re wonderful, Swanny,” Shea said as she licked one of her fingers. “Best burger I’ve ever had.”

Swanny smiled when the others added their praises.

“Seems to me that I could step down from the barbeque pit now that we have an expert,” Frank said.

Swanny held up his hands. “Oh no, sir. You see, a team is required for these matters. Preparation is only one part of the whole. It can be prepared masterfully, but if it’s not grilled to perfection, then preparation doesn’t matter one bit. I respectfully suggest that you continue manning the Kelly grill.”

Marlene reached over and patted Swanny’s hand. “Then you’ll just have to make sure you’re here to do the preparing.”

Shea grinned in Swanny’s direction, and Nathan caught the words she mouthed. I told you so.

Unsure of what that was all about, he began fixing Shea another burger. When he offered it to her, she looked like she was going to say no, but he plopped it onto her plate with a one-word directive. “Eat.”

She ate half of it before finally pushing the plate away with a groan. “That was so good, but I’m stuffed now.”

Swanny started to get up to collect some of the plates, but Shea got to her feet, maneuvering from the picnic table, and then leaned over to put her hand on Swanny’s arm.

“You stay out here, Swanny. I’ll clear the table. You were in the kitchen all afternoon.”

“So were you,” Swanny said in amusement.

Marlene stood and, at the same time, pushed Swanny back down, her hand firm on his shoulder. “I’ll help Shea. You stay here and visit with the boys.”

Nathan watched as Shea and his mom disappeared into the house bearing armfuls of dishes. Without a word, Donovan and Joe stood and Nathan followed right behind. Frank chuckled as he, too, rose.

“Glad to see my boys haven’t forgotten all I taught them.”

Donovan grinned. “More like I don’t want my ass in a sling.”

They began collecting dishes and clearing the table while Swanny sat and watched them in confusion. “Now wait a minute. I was forbidden to help and was ordered to maintain my station, but you guys are all helping.”

“I don’t much believe there’s such a thing as woman’s work,” Frank said. “I’ve always brought my boys up to help out whether it’s with the cooking or cleaning. Now, their mother will give orders and usually I’m not one to teach my children to disobey their mother, but there are times, and this is one of them, when you just don’t listen to her.”

Amusement flared in Swanny’s eyes. “Ah, okay. I think I get it now. I should get my ass up and help no matter what she told me.”

Frank nodded and handed him a stack of dishes. “Exactly.”
