
Once inside his hotel room, Ben seemed to need to mark his territory, to claim me as his before anything else took place. While Braydon poured us another drink, Ben lifted me into his arms, held me snugly against his chest, and kissed me deeply. His actions confused me. He was so tender, so loving, it seemed contradictory to what tonight was all about. But I wasn’t about to complain. This was Ben. This was what I’d wanted all along.

He pressed one more soft kiss to my mouth then lowered my feet to the floor. Though with these sky-high heels I was still several inches shorter than him, we were a bit more on a level playing field. The top of my head at least grazed his chin. He kissed my forehead and his eyes locked on mine. I tried to read whatever he was trying to tell me but couldn’t determine whether his haunted gaze was indecision or just concern for me. I swallowed and stepped away.

Braydon turned to face us, directing his attention to Ben. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Ben asked, his voice flat.

I pulled in a shaky breath as Braydon crossed the room to stand directly in front of me. He brushed his fingertips past my jaw and dropped a light kiss to my lips. It was so light, I wondered if I’d imagined the contact. He dropped to his knees and removed my heels one by one. As I stepped out of them, my height was reduced by a good six inches.

“Fun sized,” he said with a chuckle and rose to his feet again.

I smiled at him. He made this feel so easy and relaxed me instantly. It was like we weren’t getting ready to have a threesome, but just three friends hanging out, flirting, and seeing where the night took us. Realistically, I think we all had a good idea where it was headed.

They each softly petted me, smoothing hands up my bare arms, brushing the hair off my neck to tenderly kiss me there, caressing my hips. Ben cupped my bottom and squeezed. Their dual attention was dizzying and turning me on.

Braydon tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. “Are you ready for me?” I let my gaze wander down to the large erection tenting his slacks. “You’ve already got me hard,” he growled.

I bit my lip, sizing up the rather impressive bulge. Braydon gave it a squeeze and adjusted himself.

“I want to see.” I surprised myself by finding my voice.

Braydon smiled lazily and began unbuttoning his pants. “Anything for you, jellybean.” He pressed my hand against the bulge in his pants. “See what you do to me?” I squeezed him and he released a soft groan. He began slowly pulling his belt free from the loops. “You want to see what a real man looks like?”

Ben gave his shoulder a playful shove, and my tummy turned with nerves. My nervousness evaporated as Ben tilted my chin up and kissed me. Sure, it felt a little strange to be kissing one man while I stroked another, but not as strange as I would have thought. It was Ben after all, someone I had totally fallen for, and he and Braydon had done this several times before. It was obviously something they were comfortable with. I loosened up and went with it.

Now free of this belt, Braydon slipped the pants down over his hips. I noticed several things at once: He went commando. His size was comparable to Ben’s. Long and firm, but with a thick vein coursing up his length. Shaved completely. And a silver barbell piercing the head. Whoa.

“What the fuck is that?” Ben asked with a frown, looking at Braydon.

I followed his gaze down to the silver ring piercing the head of Braydon’s cock. “It’s an APA.” Braydon shrugged, like having a piercing down there was no big deal. “I’m not allowed to get piercings or tattoos,” he explained, meeting my eyes.

Except, apparently, on this forbidden part of him. I remained speechless.

“He didn’t have that last time,” Ben explained, turning to me before directing his attention back to Braydon’s offending member. “What the fuck, man? That’s not going to hurt her, is it?”

Braydon laughed and tossed his head back so a rich, throaty chuckle tumbled from his lips. “Fuck no. She’ll be begging you to get one next.” He smiled confidently, his hand reaching down to find his cock, stroking it slowly up and over the head and the piercing.

I had to admit, I was curious. I had no clue how that thing would feel inside me. But I was hesitant to touch him for fear of doing something wrong. He could read the indecision on my face, his eyes zeroing in on my mouth, where my teeth grazed my bottom lip.

“Come here, Emmy,” Braydon whispered, his eyes heavy with desire. “Touch me.”

His hand closed around mine, showing me what he liked. Light grip, long measured strokes moving up and down to caress his whole length, include the piercing. His head dropped back and his eyes slipped closed.

I looked to Ben for his reaction. His face remained calm, his expression unreadable as he watched my eyes. I continued slowly stroking Braydon as his breathing stuttered in his chest. He felt foreign in my hand. His skin was warm, as was the barbell, but he was different. I’d grown used to Ben in these last several weeks.

I felt Ben move behind me. His hands captured my hips and he tugged my ass back to greet his hardened length. He untied the knot in my halter dress just like he had in the limo. But this time he let the dress fall away completely so it pooled at my feet. His cock nestled into the crevice of my bottom, his hands coming up to cradle and massage my breasts.

Braydon’s lips moved over my throat and collarbone while Ben’s lips moved against the back of my neck and between my shoulder blades. I’d been so worried over how I could possibly please two men, but the reality of the situation was that they were pleasuring me, treating me like a goddess. Four large hands moving over my skin, two soft mouths pressing damp kisses all over me. The sensations were overwhelming. I released my hold on Braydon to bring my hands up into Ben’s hair as he kissed the back of my neck.

I sensed there was something happening between me and Ben, but I had no idea what. Stop being delusional, Emmy; he’s repeatedly told you he doesn’t want a relationship! I fought to turn off my brain and take Ellie’s advice. Have fun. Don’t get emotionally invested.

Ben slid my thong down my thighs and lowered himself to his knees in front of me, edging Braydon aside. “I get the first taste,” he said to him.

Braydon motioned for him to go ahead, as though I was some rare and fine delicacy to be sampled and savored.

Ben kneeling before me was a beautiful sight. He raised one dark eyebrow, then without warning pressed his mouth to the juncture between my thighs. He dragged his tongue slowly across my center, sending warm darts of pleasure up through my belly. My knees buckled, but Braydon’s strong grasp on my hips kept me from going down.

Ben licked and suckled in that slow, maddening rhythm I’d come to appreciate from him, while Braydon held me from behind, offering soothing caresses along my spine. Holy God, this felt amazing.

Ben was almost too good at this. My body couldn’t handle the direct contact, but he knew what he was doing and he alternated lapping against my clit and pressing soft kisses against my plump lips and pubic bone. All too soon, I dug my hands into his hair and came loudly, thankful for Braydon’s firm grip on my hips.

Ben rose and lazily smiled, kissing my lips. His mouth was damp from my juices and something inside me found that incredibly sexy. They each shed their remaining clothing and I stepped away from the black silk pooled at my feet.

The three of us moved to the bed. I needed to taste Ben, to show him he was mine and I was his. No matter what he said, I felt that truth deep in my heart and I was going to show him. I pushed him back against the bed and moved over him, taking his rock-hard length in my hand and letting my mouth sink down all the way until my lips met his taut stomach. He sucked in a breath, his abs tightening.

“Shit, baby,” he cursed. His hands cradled my hair and I stroked him enthusiastically from base to tip while I suckled his firm length. “Fuck, Emmy . . . yeah . . . just like that.”

I felt the mattress dip as Braydon moved behind me and buried his face in my upturned bottom. Holy crap! His tongue circled my entrance, teasing me, and I let out a small groan around Ben’s thick length.

All too soon, Ben pulled himself free from my mouth. “You’re going to make me come, Tennessee.” My heart leapt at hearing his old nickname for me. It made things feel more intimate between us, hearing him refer to me like he did when we’d first met.

Braydon moved from the bed and sheathed himself in a condom, and I was hit with a wave of nerves, wondering what they had in store for me. Wondering if I could really go through with this.

Ben tugged me closer so that we lay facing each other in the center of the bed. “Are you sure?” he whispered, his hazel gaze searing into mine.

“Are you?” I watched him closely, determined to understand what was going on inside his head.

Rather than answer me, he looked over my shoulder and gave Braydon a nod.

I was lying on my side, half-draped over Ben, when I felt Braydon lay down behind me. Braydon kissed the back of my neck, smoothing his hands over my generous backside. “Fuck, I love this ass, jellybean.”

A nervous squeak escaped my throat as he parted my legs, positioning me so that my top leg rested over Ben’s hip and Braydon’s cock brushed against my center.

I whimpered as Braydon pushed forward, slowly, carefully filling me. My breath caught in my throat. It was a snug fit already, but the piercing provided added friction. There was just something so naughty about the thought of his piercing inside me. I liked it. I squeezed my eyes closed and groaned as he sunk all the way in.

“Shit,” Braydon cursed. “She’s so tight.”

“I know,” Ben bit out.

Ben hugged me to his chest, cradling me against his warm body. He kissed my forehead and allowed me to adjust to the fullness of Braydon penetrating me. When I opened my eyes and met Ben’s, the tension in his jaw and blazing possessive look in his eyes caught me off guard. I kissed him, unsure what he wanted in that moment.

After several moments, he grabbed my hand, bringing it down to his cock. “Stroke me, baby,” he whispered, his voice ragged.

I reached between us and gripped him, letting my hand slide all along him, gliding from base to tip.

Braydon surged forward, rocking my body against Ben’s. The moment was incredibly erotic, being sandwiched between two men. Two sets of legs tangled with mine, their large hands caressing and petting me. Ben kissing my mouth, Braydon’s tongue lavishing my shoulder . . . I lost myself to the rhythm, stroking Ben in the same measured tempo of Braydon’s movements against me.

Ben’s hand moved between my legs, pressing small circles against my clit, and already it was almost too much. I moaned out this name and he smiled, watching me closely.

“Not yet. Come with me, baby,” Ben whispered against my mouth.

My body broke out in chills as I fought to slow the impending orgasm threatening to overtake me. My hips moved of their own accord, pressing against Ben’s hand and pushing Braydon’s cock deeper inside me. Pulses of pleasure shot through me.

“Slow up . . .” Ben’s hand reached across me to press against Braydon’s hip, forcing his thrusts to slow.

The tension in his expression told me Ben wasn’t particularly thrilled with touching another man when they were both naked, but he did it for me. Since Braydon didn’t possess the ability to read my body’s reactions quite like Ben did, he directed him, ensuring my pleasure was put first. Even if another man was fucking me, he would make sure it was being done properly.

Having both of their complete attention undid me. I came harder than ever before, burying my face in Ben’s chest and crying out. Ben’s hand took over my disjointed movements and he firmly stroked himself until I felt warm semen flowing over our laced fingers. My pussy clenched and Braydon pressed in deep once more, groaning out his own release.

I remained cradled in Ben’s arms, resting my cheek on his firm chest, enjoying the sensation of just being held. I knew it was stupid, but in that moment I felt so loved, so protected. I never wanted to leave this warm spot. And I didn’t have to, because Braydon returned with warm washcloths and cleaned me off while I remained nestled against Ben. And after ditching the condom, Braydon crawled back into bed with us.

Ben lifted his head from the pillow and frowned. “What are you doing?”

“Going to sleep. Your girl drained me.” Braydon tossed me a sexy smile.

“Get the fuck out. I get to hold her.”

“Ben.” I shoved his shoulder. It was the middle of the night and we were all a little tipsy. Was he really going to send Braydon away? “The bed is plenty big enough.”

He narrowed his eyes at Braydon. “Fine, but stay on your own fucking side. No one cuddles with Emmy but me.”

“Damn cuddle hog,” Braydon muttered.

“At least he’s not a cock block,” I joked, smiling at Braydon.

Braydon and I shared an easy laugh. I couldn’t help but notice Ben’s stark expression. I found it rather curious that he just let his friend fuck me but cuddling was apparently crossing the line. However, Ben had said I was his insomnia cure, so maybe he just wanted a good night’s sleep. I didn’t get to ponder it for long because after two men and three orgasms tonight, my body was done with all nonvital functions. Breathing and cuddling were the extent of my talents at the moment.

Sleeping in a big bed between two men was another new experience for me. I curled into Ben, relaxed and exhausted, and let him hold me.
