
I would not survive this process without my readers. I wish I could give you all a unicorn and a big ol’ tacklehug. Thank you for continuing to support me and my writing. I am in awe. I owe you guys everything and I LOVE YOU! So much. Thank you for making all this possible. The best is yet to come!

I have to give a BIG thank-you to the amazing models who supported this book. Thanks to the awesome Don Hood, the superfriendly Levi Allen, and the dedicated Scott Mosley for sharing their insights into the modeling world. They each took the time to answer my questions and provided an honest look at their adventures so far. In addition, thank you to Sophie Campbell, who chatted with me on her experience of dating a model. So helpful, little miss! You are all rock stars in my book.

My beta readers are my own little superheroes, helping me to turn my manuscript into a novel. Dropping to my knees to thank the beautiful Sali Powers, and the incredibly talented Kylie Scott. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that you’re both Aussies. Clearly they’re putting something in the water down there. Thank you also to Miss Ellie for your constant encouragement and love. Heather Maven, you’re an incredibly helpful critique partner and a wonder at creating striking book trailers! Yay! Carmen Erickson, thank you for the editorial guidance.

To my dear husband, who inspires so much of what I write. True love is removing spiders for me, bringing me chicken noodle soup when I’m sick, and letting me wake you in the middle of the night because I had a bad dream, knowing you won’t get back to sleep. Love you to pieces, cutie. Best. Husband. Ever. I’m so blessed to be on this journey with you! Mwah!
