Chapter Eleven

The feeling of something heavy lying across her chest awakened Erin the next morning. She lay there in bed, savoring the feeling of Abel’s strong arm wrapped around her as if, even in sleep, he was unwilling to release her. Erin wished that he would never let her go, and that he would want to stay home with her for good. But that was just wishful thinking. As a crime writer, Abel always traveled extensively. It was necessary for his work that he investigated the crimes where they happened and talked to all the people involved. That meant living for months at a time in various parts of the country.

She shifted cautiously in the bed, testing to see if her skin was still sore. Peeking down at herself, she noted that her breasts were still slightly pink, but overall they looked better than she’d anticipated. She was just thankful that it hadn’t been worse. The sight of Abel’s strong, tanned arm rested against the softness of her pink belly made her feel soft and womanly. He was the only man who’d ever made her feel this way.

Turning, Erin buried her face in his chest, rubbing her nose against the fine covering of hair there. She fit comfortably in the curve of his body and felt more at home in his arms than she’d ever felt in her life. They suited each other well and not just physically. He was easy to be with, and she never felt like she had to be anything other than her real self. Abel seemed to like her for who she was, and that was the most precious gift anyone had ever given her.

As she lay there, she felt his heavy cock twitch against her thigh. Smiling, she waited to see how long it would take him to fully awaken. Even though they’d made love after they’d gone to bed, she expected that Abel would wake up with a hard-on. She could feel his arousal lengthening and thickening, and she pushed her hip against it. Her own body answered his and she could feel the moisture between her legs as her own arousal grew. She stretched sinuously against him, enjoying the heavy feeling in her breasts and the ache between her legs. It was amazing how quickly her body responded to his.

A low rumble escaped him as his hand slid up her belly to cup her breast. “How do you feel this morning?”

Arching into his hand, she all but purred. “I feel wonderful this morning.”

Fondling her gently, he tweaked her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “You certainly do.”

Erin laughed, feeling happy. She’d never spent the night with a man before, and found it extremely intimate to sleep wrapped around this one and wake up in his arms. It would be very easy to become addicted to his touch and his presence.

Turning onto her side, she faced him and slung her leg over his hip. His hand drifted down to her behind where he squeezed gently. “Are you too sore?”

Erin knew that if she said yes, he wouldn’t make love to her, but there was no way she was going to let him get away with that. “Not if we do it a certain way.”

His eyes were filled with a combination of lust and indulgence when he looked at her. “What do you have in mind?” His hand continued to lazily trace circles on her butt and she gasped when he trailed his fingers in the dark cleft between her ass cheeks. His index finger traced the outline of her anus before going lower and slipping into her vagina.

Erin gasped as a second finger joined the first inside her and he began to move them in and out in a lazy rhythm. “I want to fuck you until neither one of us can think straight, but I don’t think you’re up to that yet.” He continued to stroke the inside of her body. “But I think we’ll have to take it slow this morning. You should be feeling much better later today or tomorrow.”

Biting her lip was the only way Erin could keep from begging him to fuck her now. She wanted him hard and hot inside her. “Scissors,” she blurted.

He froze, his fingers deep inside her. “What?”

Erin would have laughed at his dumbfounded expression except she was much too aroused. Her body was on fire for his and she was tired of waiting. “I don’t want scissors. It’s a position from the magazine, remember?”

Relief spread across his face and she felt his body relax once again. “I guess I conveniently forgot that one. For a second there, you had me worried.” Leaning down, he kissed her on the forehead. “You have got to show me the article in that damned magazine. Now, what do I do?”

Doing her best to picture the position, she realized that they were perfectly aligned already. Hoisting her leg higher onto his hip, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder to give her some support. “You slide inside me and use your hands on my butt for leverage.”

Abel shifted, spreading the folds of her labia wide as he squeezed his cock into her. Her slick vagina welcomed him, and her muscles clasped greedily around him. She clung to his shoulders as he got a firm grip on her behind. Keeping her bottom leg braced against his, she rotated her hips in little circular motions, moaning as his cock seemed to swell even larger inside her.

Flexing his hips slightly, Abel’s thrusts were short and quick. The pace was maddening for Erin and she wanted more. Frantically, she rubbed her breasts against his muscular chest, but the rasp on her engorged nipples against his chest hair served to arouse her even further. “I need more.” Erin could feel herself poised on the edge of an orgasm, but not able to make it happen.

Abel’s hand on her bottom moved and he once again slid his fingers into the cleft. When he reached the spot where they were joined, he slowly inserted one of his fingers inside of her vagina to join his throbbing cock. The movement stretched her even further, causing her to cry out. At the same time, he stroked the opening of her ass, inserting the tip of his thumb slightly into her anus.

Erin exploded. Abel filled every part of her until there was room for nothing else. Her convulsions were almost violent as she shook from head to toe. Abel continued to stroke her with his fingers and cock until she collapsed against him, totally spent. When he carefully removed his hands from her she shivered, already missing the intimate contact with him.

She knew that he hadn’t come and expected him to keep thrusting, but instead, he gripped her bottom and rolled until she was lying under him. His cock was still rock-hard inside her and she could feel it pulsing deep within her. Pushing her knees back towards her head, he gripped her knees and spread her legs wide. The move left her legs spread wide open and him in total control. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple as he began to thrust once again.

He plunged into her over and over, harder with each stroke. Even though she’d just had an amazingly intense orgasm, she felt her body spring to life once again. Every time he drove into her, he ground himself against her clit, until she wanted to scream. She urged her hips up to meet his downward thrust, wanting him to be deeper, wanting him to push harder.

“Harder,” she moaned. “Deeper.”

His nostril flared and the lust in his eyes boiled over. Dropping her legs, he gripped her hips, and rammed himself into her. She could feel his fingers biting into her hips, and feel the frantic beat of his heart as he drove himself into her. His breathing was harsh as he thrust so hard that her entire body slid upward on the bed. Erin wrapped her legs around his hips and locked her ankles behind him. She was so close.

He pushed one final time and shook as he emptied himself into her. The feel of his hot semen spurting deep inside her caused her to come again. She cried out as Abel thrust several more times before collapsing on top of her. Digging her heels into his ass, she kept him deep inside her. Her inner muscles continued to milk his cock making them both shake with desire.

Little aftershocks rocked her as she lay there covered by Abel’s large body. She could feel his cock getting smaller with in her, but refused to let him go. Keeping her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, she held him tight.

It was Abel who moved first, easing back so that she had no choice but to drop her legs back to the bed. He rolled onto his back and settled her onto his chest. Erin shimmied until his semi-erect cock was back inside her before sighing contentedly and resting her head on his chest.

Neither one of them spoke. Their feelings were still too raw, too intense. Both of them were totally exhausted, but clung to each other, refusing to let go of the moment.

Erin finally made herself look at the clock and knew she no longer had any choice. It was already seven o’clock and she had blueberry fields waiting for her. She started to move, but Abel held her with his arms, refusing to let her move. She allowed herself to enjoy the sensation for a moment before she tried again.

“I’ve got to get up.”

“I know.” Reluctantly, he let her go.

Leaning over, she kissed him, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers. “Good morning,” she whispered against his lips.

“It certainly is.” Abel gave her a quick kiss before lifting her off him and rolling up to sit on the side of the bed. “If we don’t stop now, you won’t get to work today.” He inspected her skin more closely. “And you’re still a little sore.”

Erin felt totally comfortable sitting on the bed naked while he looked her over. “It doesn’t really hurt.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll make some breakfast while you shower.” Snagging a pair of jeans off the floor, he tugged them on. Standing, he zipped them, but didn’t bother to button them.

Holding out his hands to her, he helped her off the bed. “Make sure you use some more aloe gel on your skin before you get dressed.”

“Yes sir.” She saluted him smartly, making him smile. Tiny laugh lines bracketed his beautiful green eyes as he gave a little laugh.

“Smart-ass.” He smacked her playfully on the behind as he shooed her towards the bathroom. Erin hurried to get showered and dressed, already anticipating breakfast.

* * *

Abel was relaxed and mellow when a knock came on the door an hour later. Erin had left just a few minutes ago after agreeing to meet him at the swimming hole later this afternoon. With any other woman, such a domestic scene would have left him with an uneasy feeling in his gut, but with Erin, he felt content. He had taken pleasure in cooking her a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast. She’d eaten with an obvious enjoyment that had left him smiling. His woman didn’t pick at her food. She had a healthy hearty appetite in every aspect of her life.

Thinking Erin must have forgotten something, he continued stacking the dirty dishes on the counter. “It’s open,” he shouted. “Did you forget something, honey?”

“No, sweetheart.” The male voice was mocking with an underlying hint of anger. “I didn’t.”

Abel had been afraid that this would happen. In spite of Erin’s belief that she could keep their relationship a secret, he knew better. Neither of her brothers was stupid, and it was only a matter of time before one of them or both of them found out. That it was Nathan didn’t surprise him. The man was a cop, after all, and was trained to be observant.

Turning slowly, he crossed his arms across his chest, leaned against the counter, and tried to gauge the extent of Nathan’s anger. “Say what’s on your mind.”

Nathan stood there with his feet spread, his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. “I sat in my truck and watched my sister leave your house this morning.”

“Would you believe it if I told you she was just here for breakfast?” Abel never took his eyes off Nathan.

“Is that what you’re telling me?” Nathan’s blue eyes narrowed, and the expression on his face grew even blacker.

“Nope.” Abel was tired of pussyfooting around the truth. Pushing away from the counter, he took two mugs out of the cupboard, and filled them both with coffee. “Sit down.” He motioned to Nathan to have a seat and placed one of the mugs on the table in front of the vacant seat. Pulling out his own chair, he sat and spread his long legs in front of him.

Nathan stomped to the table, hauled out the chair, and sat. His two hands were clenched into fists as he stared across the table at Abel. “I know that Erin is a grown woman, but there’s just some things a brother doesn’t want to think about his sister.”

“I can imagine.” Abel picked up his mug and took a sip of the hot, steaming brew. Nathan was obviously doing his best to be open-minded about the whole thing, so Abel let him take his time and gather his thoughts.

“What bothers me the most is that she lied to me and Jackson.” Nathan toyed with the handle of his mug before picking it up and taking a large swallow.

“That wasn’t my idea,” Abel felt compelled to point out. “Nothing I said could convince her differently.” Taking pity on the other man, Abel did his best to explain. “Erin is afraid that my relationship with both you and Jackson would change for the worse if you found out that we were sleeping together.”

“Well, she’s right about that.” Nathan’s whole body was tense now as he placed both palms on the table and leaned forward. “I can’t stop her from doing whatever she wants because she’s a grown woman. But that’s my baby sister you’re messing with and if you hurt her, I’m going to come back here and beat the crap out of you. Understand?”

Abel had no doubt that he could win a fight against Nathan. It would be a close one, even though he had half a foot on the man. There was nothing meaner than a pissed-off older brother, especially one who had special training in hand-to-hand fighting. Abel had expected nothing less from him, and would have been disappointed in him otherwise.

“I understand. It’s what I’d do in your position.” Sighing, he scrubbed one of his hands over his face. “It’s complicated.”

A reluctant grin appeared on Nathan’s face. “It usually is with women.”

“That sounds like the voice of experience.” Now he was intrigued. He hadn’t been aware that Nathan was seeing anyone special.

“How do you feel about her?” Nathan relaxed back in his chair, but Abel wasn’t fooled. There was still a readiness about his posture that told Abel that he could explode at any moment, and very well might if the answer to the question wasn’t one that he liked.

“Erin is the most special woman I’ve ever known,” he answered honestly. “I don’t know where this is leading, if anywhere. I don’t even know if I’m gonna stay here.” Abel held up his hand to stop Nathan from interrupting him. “But Erin knows all this. Hell, man, I tried to discourage her, but she’s got a mind of her own, and she knows what she wants. I’ve never lied to her and never will. She’s happy with where we are now and so am I.”

Nathan sighed and tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “But what about when you leave?” The question sat there between them like a ticking bomb.

“If and when I leave, it will be between me and Erin.” Abel kept his voice low and firm. “I’m not out to do anything to hurt her. In fact, I’d want to pound anyone who harmed her in any way. I don’t know what the future will bring, but Erin is more than just a fling for me.”

Nathan opened his eyes and stared at Abel for a moment as if searching to see if he was sincere. He seemed to find whatever it was he was looking for because a moment later, he held his hand across the table. Abel extended his towards Nathan and they shook hands in mutual understanding.

“I’m curious, though.” Abel sprawled back in his chair once more. “How did you find out?”

Nathan snorted. “I went to Carly’s to check on her last night. Erin seemed too excited and nervous about a normal girls’ night out.” A slow, sensual smile covered his face. “Carly put up a good front, but that woman can’t lie to save her life.”

Abel noted that Nathan’s clothing looked a little rumpled and began to form a picture of his own. After all, investigating situations and putting together the facts was his stock in trade too. “I’ll bet you had a good time interrogating little Miss Carly.”

Nathan was a blur of movement as he reached out, grabbed Abel by the shirt and yanked him half across the table. “Don’t you ever insinuate that she’s anything less than a lady.”

Without backing off, Abel held up his hands in mock surrender. “Relax. From what little I know about her, she seems like she’s a great lady. Erin obviously thinks the world of her.” He was very impressed at how fast Nathan had moved in his defense of Carly. His respect for the man was growing in leaps and bounds.

“Fuck.” Nathan let go of Abel and dropped back into his chair. “I suppose I deserved that after the way I came in here asking about your love life this morning.”

Abel just picked up his coffee mug and grinned. “Women. The most complex creatures on the face of the planet.” He saluted Nathan with his mug and then took a swallow of coffee.

“Yeah, well, she’s my woman now.” His whole face shone with pride. “And as soon as she’s ready, the whole world is gonna know.”

Swallowing hard, Abel was filled with the twin emotions of envy and longing. It surprised him, as he’d never thought in terms of settling down with one woman before. Being home and being with Erin were beginning to change him. He wasn’t at all sure he was ready for any of it, as the question of his career was already a big problem for him to deal with.

Pushing all of it to the back of his mind for now, he stood up and extended his hand once again. “Congratulations, Nathan.”

“Thanks.” Nathan stood and shook his friend’s hand. He had the look of a very satisfied man. “A word of advice.” He paused and made sure that he had Abel’s full attention. “Sometimes the best thing in your life is right in front of you and if you’re not careful you’ll miss it because you’re looking somewhere else. Don’t make that mistake.”

Abel ignored the obvious implications and changed the subject. “Have you told anyone else yet?”

“No. So don’t tell Erin when you see her later. Carly will kill me if someone else tells her before she gets a chance to.” Nathan paused for a moment. “I won’t tell Jackson about your affair because I think that it’s your and Erin’s decision, but don’t wait too long. The man isn’t a fool and if he finds out on his own, he’s gonna blow his stack.” Nathan strolled to the back door and opened it. “But don’t forget that I’m watching you.”

With that, he was gone. Abel stood in the middle of his kitchen pondering the strange twist his life had taken in the last week. But for the first time in months, the burning in his gut was gone and he felt lighter than he had in years. Shaking his head, he dumped the rest of his coffee in the sink and went to tackle the boxes of papers in the den.
