Chapter Six

Erin didn’t wait for him to speak, but stood up and began clearing the dishes off the table. Quickly and efficiently, she scraped and piled plates on top of each other. Carrying a stack to the counter, she deposited them there and returned to the table for another load. Her body was rigid as she moved. Abel could tell he had ticked her off with his actions.

Sighing, he picked up several of the now empty serving bowls and took them over to the counter, dumping them next to the other dirty dishes. When he turned, he realized that Erin was standing there watching him, practically devouring him with her gaze. The hungry look in her eyes startled him, and then he felt an answering hunger rise up within him.

She was a tall woman with wide hips and long legs. Swallowing, he leaned back against the counter and closed his eyes to shut her out. It didn’t help. Her image was burned on his brain, and his imagination was filled with erotic pictures of her. He didn’t have to hold back his sexual appetites for fear of hurting her with his sheer size. They fit together perfectly. Those long, luscious legs wrapped around his waist easily, while his hands locked on her ample hips so he could thrust into her. Hard.

This wasn’t good. He was so primed at the moment, it wouldn’t take much for him to come. For a man who prided himself on his self-control, he was rapidly finding that he didn’t have much, if any, when it came to this woman standing in front of him. He rolled his head from side-to-side, hoping to loosen the tension there.

Erin continued to move around the kitchen, opening and closing cupboard doors. Abel felt her standing next to him, but before he could open his eyes, she picked up one of his clenched hands, pried it open, and dropped something in it.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to give you a headache.” He could tell by her tone that she was trying to joke with him. “This might help.”

Opening his eyes, he stared at his open hand, and the over-the-counter pain reliever that she’d put there. She waited patiently next to him with a glass of water in her hand. Again, he felt a tenderness for her well up within him. It had been a long time since anyone had bothered to worry about him.

“Thank you,” he replied solemnly before popping the pills into his mouth and chasing them down with the glass of water.

“We can talk tomorrow if you want.” Erin went back to work and he noticed that while he’d had his eyes closed, she’d finished clearing the table and wiping it down.

“No. I’d rather get it over with. Besides, I told you I’d help with the dishes.”

Erin shrugged and started running water into the sink. “Suit yourself.”

“I usually do,” he replied laconically.

She squirted some liquid detergent into the sink before pointing to a drawer next to him. “Dishtowels are in there.” Turning away from him, she plunged her hands into the water and began to wash glasses and cutlery with a vengeance.

Abel pulled out a clean towel, picked up a glass and started to dry it. He decided it was prudent to give them both a little space. They worked in silence, but it was a companionable one, and Abel was pleased that Erin was not one of those women who felt the need to fill every quiet moment with mindless chatter.

Ten minutes later they were almost finished the dishes and Abel was no longer feeling quite so pleased with the quiet. It was almost as if she’d forgotten he was even there. It took him a second to realize that his male vanity had been pricked by her lack of attention and interest. He chuckled to himself. Obviously, he’d never have to worry about getting a swollen ego with her around. Other parts of his anatomy might swell, he thought as he glanced down at the bulge of his jeans, but never his ego.

Deciding it was time for some action, he dropped the cloth on the counter and moved until he was standing directly behind her. Placing his legs on either side of hers, he crowded her until her stomach was pressed tight against the sink. Bracing his hands on the counter, he had effectively caged her in his embrace. She went motionless.

“What are you doing?” Her voice was low and her breathing was getting faster.

Pushing his hips forward, he allowed his rigid cock to push against her ass. She could not mistake his arousal. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “Oh, I’m just making sure you remember that I’m here.”

She shivered before pressing her bottom hard against his erection. “I never forgot for a single second.”

Now it was his turn to shudder as his dick hardened even more. He was gripping the countertop so hard, he was surprised that a piece didn’t crack off in his hands. Every cell in his body was screaming at him to fuck her. Immediately.

When she rotated her bottom, grinding against it, he was lost. All logical thoughts of talking disappeared from his head. They were both adults and she was as turned on as he was.

Dropping his head, he licked the curve of her shoulder and was rewarded when she gasped and tilted her head to one side, giving him better access. He nipped at the fragile skin at the nape of her neck even as his hands reached around her and cupped both her breasts.

Erin felt as if she’d died and gone to heaven. It had been pure hell sitting at the table during supper trying to pretend that this morning hadn’t happened. Her body remembered all too well what it felt like to have sex with him, and responded to his presence. Dinner had felt more like foreplay. Her skin tingled at his nearness, her breasts felt heavy and tight, and she could feel the creamy heat between her thighs.

His voice was a low rumble that she felt deep inside her feminine core even when he was just chatting with her brothers. He’d showered and changed since she’d seen him earlier, and he smelled of fresh soap and hot male. It was a seductive combination. His long legs were encased in a faded pair of jeans and his broad shoulders were covered in a crisp white linen shirt. The top two buttons were left open on the shirt, teasing her with a glimpse of his tanned chest, and he’d rolled back the sleeves to reveal thick wrists and strong forearms.

She loved the way his green eyes grew darker when he was aroused. His lips were sensual and his smile knowing. This was an experienced man who enjoyed his own sexuality, and his whole demeanor promised that any woman in his bed would not be disappointed. Now that she’d had a taste of his passion, Erin desperately wanted to be the woman in his bed. Abel represented her best chance to experience her sexuality fully and completely. She’d been crushed when she’d left his house this morning, but tonight had offered her another unexpected opportunity.

Rather than being aloof with her as she’d half expected, or worse, treating her like his friend’s kid sister, he’d been attentive. Helping with supper, pulling out her chair, and including her in the dinner conversation were all signs he was interested in her. Or at least she hoped they were.

She darn well knew he was sexually attracted to her if his performance under the kitchen table was any indication. When his hand had covered her thigh and then moved higher to finger her crotch, she thought she might melt into a puddle and slide to the floor. It was shocking to realize that her brothers hadn’t noticed a thing. Erin felt as if she’d been wearing a huge sign on her forehead with big bold letters proclaiming, “Fully Aroused Woman”.

The fact that he’d stayed to help her with the dishes had made her both excited and terrified. Excited that he might be interested in her and terrified that she was about to get the “you’re a great girl, but” speech all over again. When he’d closed his eyes and leaned back against the counter, her heart had dropped. She’d given the man a headache. Wasn’t that the oldest cliché in the book?

Burying her disappointment, she’d given him something for the pain and started washing the dishes. The faster they were done, the quicker he would leave. They’d worked well together, and it had been nice to have him next to her as they cleaned the dishes. It was such a small thing, but she almost always cleaned up after meals by herself. Her brothers always had something else to do, and besides which, having Abel dry dishes was a lot more thrilling than having Jackson or Nathan do them.

He’d surprised her when he’d moved behind her, encircling her with his body. The heat pouring off his large frame was enormous, but she’d wanted to get closer. After this morning, however, she’d waited to see what he would do first. When he pressed up close to her, she could feel his erection pushing against her bottom. It had been pure instinct to push backwards and then move her hips to circle his hardness.

His response was electric. When he’d whispered in her ear, desire had shot clear to her toes, and he’d barely touched her. His tongue, slightly rough and warm, had traced a moist path from her shoulder to the nape of her neck. Wanting more, she’d tilted her head to encourage him, but he was already moving. His teeth had nipped at the nape of her neck, and she’d felt both vulnerable and aroused at the same time. The gesture was one of pure male dominance, especially when his hands had come up to possessively cup her breasts. She was totally surrounded by him, and she loved it.

Her body felt languid and heavy as she leaned back against his chest for support. One hand left her breast and she whimpered in protest. Her disappointment was forgotten in a second when he angled her head to one side and tipped her face towards him. His eyes were blazing as he lowered his mouth to hers and covered it in a searing kiss.

Her eyelids grew heavy and slipped closed as she lost herself in the passionate kiss. His lips were soft, yet firm, as they enveloped hers. This was no tentative seeking, but a declaration of possession. Abel’s tongue swept into her mouth, claiming it for his own. He sought out and tasted every crevice until he had mapped the entire territory. His fingers tangled in her hair, anchoring her to him, while his other hand caressed both her breasts until her nipples were hard buds stabbing at the center of his palms.

Abel pulled away from her and dropped his forehead to hers. “I want you.” His voice was harsh and his breathing labored.

“Yes,” she whispered. She wanted to scream out her answer, but was having a hard time just breathing. Raising her hand, she caressed his face, leaving a trail of hot soapy dishwater on his cheek. She’d forgotten she’d still had her hands in the water.

Abel leapt back and swore as he wiped soapsuds from her cheek and the corner of his mouth. Erin slapped a hand to her mouth in horror and ended up sputtering herself as soapy water covered her lips. They both looked at each other, frozen in place. One corner of Abel’s mouth quirked up, then the other. Erin felt an answering grin cross her own face. Then they were both laughing.

Abel grabbed the dishtowel from the counter and swiped at her face before doing the same to himself. All that sexual tension had been converted to humor and neither of them could stop laughing. Abel managed to lean against the counter and support himself, but Erin just slid to the floor in front of the sink, holding her stomach as she laughed so hard that tears gathered in her eyes.

Finally, she buried her face in her hands, not looking at him, until she gained control over herself. Wiping her eyes, with the back of her hand, she peeked at him from under her lashes. He was still smiling down at her, but he too had gotten a hold of himself.

“You’re good for me.” His simple comment gave her stomach butterflies, and she flushed with pleasure. The ever present desire for him flared to life once again.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Her voice was soft and flirty and didn’t sound like her at all. Yet it was, just another part of herself she’d never explored before.

Abel’s eyes darkened as he reached down and pulled her to her feet. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he hoisted her onto the counter and stepped between her open legs. The humor and laughter of a moment before had disappeared, replaced by raw sexual need.

“If you want me to stop it has to be now.” Abel’s rough voice raised goose bumps on her skin as his hands reached for the button of her jeans.

Erin said nothing, but unzipped her jeans and raised her butt off the counter and helped him tug her sneakers, jeans and panties off. The kitchen counter felt cool and hard against her bottom. She felt exposed and vulnerable half-naked with Abel fully dressed.

Abel picked up her feet one at a time and placed them on the counter, opening her wide to his view. “I wanted to eat your pussy for dessert instead of chocolate.” His fingers traced the moist folds of her sex as he spoke. “But now I think I want both.”

Reaching across the counter, he scooped a glob of chocolate out of the casserole dish, and rubbed it over her sex and across her clit. The smell of sex and chocolate wafted on the air, and Erin flexed her hips towards him, wanting his mouth on her pussy.

Leaning down, Abel nuzzled her pubic hair with his nose. “You smell sexy.” His tongue lapped at a glob of chocolate that slipped down her inner thigh. “And good enough to eat.”

“Yes,” she moaned, tugging his head closer.

Slowly, his tongue went up one side of her sex and down the other, lapping and licking the chocolate from her flesh. He sucked her clit, taking care to run his tongue over ever inch of the swollen bud. Erin moaned and spread her legs wider.

“Pull up your top and show me your pretty breasts.” Abel’s rough hands stroked her thighs as he continued to lap at her swollen clit.

Erin hesitated and Abel slipped one of his long fingers inside. “Do you want me to stop?”

She’d die if he stopped now. Barely giving herself time to think about the fact that her brothers were just outside, she hauled her top and bra up, exposing her breasts and their tight rosy nipples to him.

“Beautiful.” Abel stood and cupped both breasts in his hands, tracing the hard nubs with his fingers.

“Now, Abel.” Erin reached down and squeezed his cock through the layers of his jeans. He was hard and thick and she wanted him buried inside her.

Abel swore softly, but stepped back long enough to open his jeans. His cock sprang free, full and ready. Moving between her legs, he angled her hips and thrust inside her. Her pussy clenched tight around him, tugging him further into its depths.

Scooping his fingers into the casserole dish once again, Abel rubbed his chocolate-covered fingers over her lips. Using her tongue, she lapped the pudding from his fingers before taking two of them into her mouth and sucking them. Abel groaned, but slipped his fingers in and out of her mouth as he began to slowly shift his hips back and forth. Erin loved the feeling of being filled by him, her pussy filled with his cock and her mouth filled with his fingers.

Abel pulled his fingers away, and she moaned with disappointment. But before she could protest, he’d slammed his mouth down on top of hers, devouring it. His tongue plunged past her lips, stroking in and out before capturing her tongue and sucking on it. Erin clutched at his head, neck, and shoulder, frantically stroking whatever parts of him she could reach.

Pulling away, he kissed and nipped his way down her face and neck, sucking and biting her breasts until she thought she would scream with frustration. She could feel his cock swelling and pulsing inside her, but she needed more.

“Abel.” He answered her plea immediately. Gripping her waist in his hands, he pulled his cock almost all the way out before plunging back in. Erin tipped backwards, grabbing at the counter for support. Her back hit the windowsill and she heard the toaster crash to the floor as her hands sought something to hold on to.

Blindly, Erin reached out until she was holding the faucet with one hand and the edge of the counter with the other. Abel continued to pound into her, driving her closer and closer to fulfillment. Close. She was so close.

Abel banded one of his arms around her and continued thrusting while he slipped his other hand between them and stroked her clit. That was all it took. Her entire body clenched and then spasms of pleasure shook her. She could feel her pussy clenching his cock and then Abel gave a yell, jerking and heaving as he came.

She was still shaking with the last strains of her orgasm when she heard the voices. Frozen into place, she watched the back door in horror. She had completely forgotten about her brothers. Abel had stilled, but made no effort to pull himself away from her.

“I think it’s in the house.” Erin could hear Jackson’s voice getting closer and closer.

“Get it after,” Nathan’s voice rang out. “I want to finish this now.”

“Fine.” She didn’t hear what else was said, as Jackson’s voice faded away.

Abel’s shoulders started to shake. The motion shot straight between her legs and she felt her pussy clench down hard on his semi-erect cock. Abel’s chuckles of laughter turned into a groan as he slipped his cock out of her wet slit.

“That’s not funny.” She smacked at his shoulder, almost toppling over when her hand slipped off the counter. Struggling for balance, she flattened her hand on the counter. But instead of hitting the countertop, her hand ended up buried in what little was left of the chocolate pudding in the bottom of the casserole dish.

Bringing her hand up, she swiped at his face. Quick as a cat, he grabbed her hand and licked her chocolate-covered palm, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Dessert was excellent.”

Erin’s sense of humor got the better of her and she gave a laugh. “Glad you liked it.” Letting her legs dangle over the side of the counter, she sat up and pulled down her top with her clean hand.

Abel stepped back and tugged his jeans back over his hips. Taking his time, he tucked in his shirt and zipped up his jeans. He looked exactly as he did when he’d arrived this evening.

She, on the other hand, was a mess. Her entire body felt sticky and she was in desperate need of a bath. Turning on the tap, she rinsed the remainder of the sticky pudding from her hand, before gingerly hopping off the counter. Abel’s large hand steadied her as she shook out her clothing and tugged on first her panties and then her jeans. As she was pulling on her sneakers, she noticed the toaster lying on the floor.

She looked at the counter and noted with some amazement that the curtains were half off the rod, a canister of flour was tipped over, and there was chocolate smears all over the counter and even some on the wall behind her. Erin said a small prayer of thanks that the canister of flour hadn’t opened.

Abel’s arms came around her from behind, hugging her tight. Erin allowed herself a moment to luxuriate in his embrace. She felt his lips on the top of her head, and then he heaved a huge sigh and released her. The wonderful feelings of a moment before had all but disappeared, and she was now filled with trepidation. The sound of a chair being pulled out told her that he’d settled himself back at the kitchen table. Briskly, she picked up the toaster, righted the canister, and fixed the curtains. Wringing out a cloth, she began to scrub the counter.

“Erin,” he began. “You know I’m sexually attracted to you.” He gave a wry laugh. “That’s an understatement.”

Tossing the cloth in the sink, she turned and faced him. He held up his hand before she could say anything. “Hear me out.”

Nodding, she propped herself against the counter, crossed her arms across her chest, and waited. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and clasped his hands in front of him, thinking for a moment before continuing. “The last year has been…” he trailed off. “Well, it’s been hellish and draining. I don’t have anything to give to a relationship.”

Burying his face in his hands, he sighed and rubbed his palms against his cheeks before raising his head. Erin wanted to wrap her arms around him and ease his pain, but she knew that now was not the time. Now, what he needed most was for her to listen.

“You’re a beautiful, desirable woman, but you just happen to be my best friend’s sister. You deserve more than I can offer you.” He looked at her and his eyes pierced her heart with the sorrow that was there. “But I want to fuck you anyway.”

Unable to keep still any longer, she pushed away from the counter and walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around his head, she pulled him close.

He buried his face in her stomach, breathed deep, and kissed her belly through the fabric of her t-shirt, before tugging her down to sit on his lap. “It’s okay,” she reassured him.

“I don’t know where my life is going from here, but I do know that I want you naked and willing in my bed for as long as I’m here.” He rested one hand on her thigh while the other one wrapped around her back. “We’re both adults and this is your decision to make. I only hope that when it’s over, I don’t lose your friendship or Jackson’s and Nathan’s for that matter.”

“That won’t happen,” she promised.

“You say that now, but sex always muddies the water.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I just don’t care anymore.”

Abel shifted his hold on her and lifted her in his arms as he stood, which was no easy feat given that she wasn’t a small woman. Shocked, she flung her arms around his neck for support.

“Don’t decide now.” His eyes were serious as he stared down at her. “Think about it overnight. Think hard. If you decide that hot mind-blowing sex is enough to satisfy you, then come to me tomorrow night and we’ll take it from there.”

He released her legs until she was standing with her arms still slung around his neck. Bending down, he planted a hard, quick kiss on her lips before gently prying away her arms and heading to the door.

“Don’t forget to bring that magazine if you decide to come,” he shot back over his shoulder.

Erin had completely forgotten about the magazine, but readily agreed. “I think we covered two of the positions this morning. The shower was a variation of the standing backward position.” She knew that she sounded slightly bewildered as she continued to talk. “It never occurred to me to try it in the shower.”

His grin was wicked as he winked at her. “You give me the list and I promise I’ll improve upon it.”

Erin laughed. If nothing else, he had a healthy ego, but so far he had more than backed up any claims he’d made. Another thought crossed her mind. “The article was right.”

“About what?” She strolled towards him and Abel held the door for her as they both stepped outside.

Shading her eyes with her hand against the glare of the setting sun, Erin glanced up at him. “Men do seem to like having sex from behind. Do you think it’s an animal instinct?”

“I don’t know about animal.” Reaching behind her he gripped her behind with both hands. “Personally, I think it’s because you have such a great ass.”

She glanced nervously towards the barn, but relaxed when she saw no sign of either of her brothers. “That’s what all the men say.” Erin couldn’t believe she was flirting so outrageously with Abel. Something about him allowed her to be more herself. She felt freer and more womanly around him.

“As long as all they do is talk,” he growled.

Erin was surprised by the possession behind his remark, but decided that it was because he wanted to make sure she wasn’t seeing anyone else as long as he was here. It must be a guy thing, she mused. “Don’t worry. You’re more than I can handle.” He seemed pleased by her remark, so she decided that she had been right in her assessment. It was simple male possessiveness, kind of like marking his territory, no need to read anything more into it.

Abel opened the door to his truck and climbed inside. He closed the door and leaned against the open window while he started the vehicle. “I’ll be cooking supper tomorrow night if you decide to come over.”

She chewed on her lower lip as she considered the possibilities. It was going to be harder than she anticipated if they were going to keep their relationship a secret. Her mind pondered the logistical problems involved. “I can tell the guys I’m going to my friend Carly’s house. She’ll cover for me.”

Abel frowned. “I don’t like skulking around like we’re doing something wrong. We’re both adults. I’ll talk to your brothers.”

“No!” The scowl on his face deepened at her reply. “I don’t want them to know. I have to live with them when you’re gone.”

Abel’s expression grew even darker at her words. “Trying to get rid of me already?”

“Of course not, but we both know you won’t stay here forever.” Erin searched for the right words to make him understand. “I just don’t want to cause any trouble between you and my brothers.”

He nodded slowly, and she could tell, with great reluctance. “If it becomes a problem for you, I will speak to them.” His voice was firm, brooking no argument.

“That’s fine, but for now just let things be.” If Erin had her way her overbearing brothers would never know about her and Abel.

“It’s settled then. I’ll see you tomorrow night about six.” Abel gave her a look of understanding as he put the truck in gear. “If you don’t show up, there’ll be no hard feelings. And thanks again for the meal. It was the best I’ve had in years.” Passion flared in his eyes once again. “Especially dessert.”

With that, he was gone. She stood there watching until his truck had faded from sight. The night seemed empty and lifeless without him. Deep down, she knew that he didn’t expect her to take him up on his offer. He’d made no effort to pretty up what he was offering her. Erin knew that he wanted her in his bed, but he also liked her. That was enough for her.

When it was over, it was over. She was woman enough not to pout or complain about that. Her brothers would have to be kept in the dark as they’d never approve or understand. There was no way she’d let Abel lose their friendship. Not when he was giving her what she desired most.

Hearing her brother’s voices again in the distance, Erin hurried back into the house, rushed to the sink, and pulled the plug. Giving the kitchen one last look to make sure everything was in order, she headed for the stairs. The dishes that weren’t dry could stay in the drain rack overnight. Erin had more important things to do.
