Chapter Fifteen

“I was hoping you’d come.” Abel’s low whisper broke the silence of the night. There was a rustle of movement just before the bedside lamp clicked on, temporarily blinding her with its light.

Blinking to adjust her vision, she kicked off her sneakers as she walked into the room. “I didn’t get a chance to talk to you before you left. Then I had to wait for Jackson to fall asleep.” Erin pulled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it over the chair in the corner.

Abel scowled. “I’m sick of this sneaking around. Either you want to be with me or you don’t.” Stretched out on the bed with only a thin sheet covering him, his arousal was just as evident as his bad temper.

“You know I want to be with you.” Her heart was pounding in her chest, but she retained her composure and continued to undress. She shucked her jeans and socks, and strolled to the side of the bed, clad only in her white cotton bra and panties.

Abel shrugged his massive shoulder and stacked his hands under his head, watching her with an inscrutable gaze. His jaw was tight and his eyes were narrowed as he watched her undress. There was no encouragement or gentle humor in his voice, and certainly nothing lover-like in his actions. Erin almost lost her nerve, grabbed her clothes and ran from the room because this was beginning to feel very much like the beginning of the end.

Stripping off the rest of her clothing in the face of his cold demeanor was one of the hardest things she’d ever done. Only the memories of the magical week they’d just spent together enabled her to get through it. Reaching behind, she unhooked her bra and tugged it off. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of her panties, but hesitated.

“Don’t stop now.” His voice was slightly mocking. “You came for the sex, you might as well have it.” Flipping back the sheet he exposed his fully erect penis. “After all, it would be a shame for this to go to waste.”

Erin struggled against her conflicting emotions. Something deep inside her recoiled at his harsh, cold words, while another part of her was instantly aroused by the sight of his naked body, obviously ready and waiting for her. “Why are you acting like this?” she asked, fighting the impulse to cover her naked breasts with her hands.

“Like what?” he countered. “I feel like nothing more than a stud service, but if that’s what you want then have at it.”

Erin licked her dry lips as she stared at him. His legs and arms were thick and strong. Muscles rippled with every movement he made. His shoulders were wide and his chest was covered in a light dusting of hair that tapered down to his groin. There was no doubt that he was an extremely fine specimen of manhood, especially with his hard cock jutting out in front of him. But there was more to him than that. Much more.

Abel was a man of principles and lived by his own code of ethics and honor. And right now, she knew that he felt that he was dishonoring them by sneaking around with her. It was worse now that Carly and Nathan had announced their relationship at suppertime. His anger was probably much deeper now because of his own betrayal by his parents.

Right now, he was every inch the wounded beast. Wounded by the deceitful revelation about his family and by the secret she was forcing him to keep. It was up to her to try and soothe his anger at himself and the world.

Determined now, she pushed her underwear off and stood naked in front of him. He just cocked an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. Slowly, she knelt on the bed by his feet.

“What are you waiting for? Suck it or fuck it, I really don’t care which.” Abel didn’t move, but every muscle in his body appeared tense as he waited to see what she would do.

Erin felt her own temper rising along with her arousal. If he didn’t care, then she’d do both and please herself. Crawling between his legs, she pushed them apart until she was comfortable. Reaching out her hand, she traced the vein on the top of his penis with her finger. It jerked underneath her touch, but Abel didn’t move, didn’t speak.

With her other hand, she gently cupped his testicles and rolled them between her fingers. She felt Abel stiffen and smiled to herself. Moving her fingers, she rubbed the underside of his sacs where they attached to his body. This time Abel couldn’t contain the moan of pleasure that broke from him.

Pleased with herself, she continued to manipulate his testicles as she wrapped her other hand around the top of his cock and began to pump her hand up and down. Using her thumb, she rubbed and pressed it against the bulbous head. When a pearly white drop seeped out of the tip, she used her thumb to spread it over the head.

Bending forward, she nuzzled his heavy sacs with her nose, loving his musky scent. She sucked the sacs with her mouth and tongue while continuing to pleasure them with her fingers. Abel’s hand shot out and tangled in her hair, holding her in place.

Erin laughed and licked her way up the sides of his penis and then swirled her tongue over the tip. His entire body jerked, and he thrust his hips towards her. Smiling, she took him into her mouth. Slowly, she swallowed him whole, until she had taken as much as she could. Using her tongue and teeth, she teased the sensitive flesh of his cock.

Abel’s fingers tightened around her skull, and he used his grip to hold her head in place as he flexed his hips up and down. His cock slid almost out of her mouth, hovering at her lips for a moment, before forging its way back in again. Since Abel was controlling the rhythm, Erin wrapped her hand tight around the base and continued to pump up and down. She could feel his testicles pulling tight to his body and she knew that he was getting close to coming, but she wasn’t ready to let that happen yet.

Easing her head back, she allowed his cock to pop out of her mouth. Abel groaned and guided her mouth back to him. Shaking her head, she moved up over him, but he didn’t release his grip on her hair. Erin was filled with the need to touch and taste him everywhere until there was no part of him left explored.

Her tongue and fingers traced every muscle of his torso. Her forefinger circled one of his brown male nipples before her tongue flicked out to lick it. His fingers flexed, easing the grip on her hair, until he was cupping her head in his hand, urging her closer to him. A low rumble came from deep within him as she continued her heated exploration.

Running a string of kisses up his neck, she finally brushed a light kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry.” Her apology, though spoken in a husky, sensual voice, was heartfelt and deep.

“I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that what we’re doing is wrong.” His green eyes were serious as he looked at her. “Nathan already knows, and I sure as hell don’t want Jackson to find out by accident. I’m telling him tomorrow.” His voice was implacable, his decision final.

We’ll tell him tomorrow.” There was no way she was letting him face her brother alone.

Every muscle in Abel’s body seemed to relax as he sighed deeply and sank back onto the pillows, and it was only then that she realized just how tense he had been. He smiled, and his eyes crinkled with delight. His entire demeanor changed in a heartbeat and Erin understood then just how wrong she’d been to make him lie about their relationship.

At first, it had seemed necessary to her to keep their affair a secret because it was just supposed to be a quick summer fling. What had started out as just fun had grown into something much deeper and richer. Her love for Abel was real, so what did it matter if other people knew about them. She wasn’t ashamed of it, or him, and didn’t want him thinking that for even a second. If he wanted their relationship public, then that was fine with her, and to hell with what her brothers thought. Consequences be damned.

His hands slipped from her head and skimmed down her back to cover her rump, bringing her back to the moment in a hurry. Grasping a cheek in each hand, he squeezed, his fingers molding her flesh.

“Now that that’s out of the way, whatever shall we do?” His light teasing tones filled her with delight.

She pretended to ponder the situation for a moment. “We could get a good night’s sleep.”

Abel shook his head. “I don’t think you’re tired yet. I’ll have to wear you out.” Grasping her waist, he dragged her body upwards until her knees were on either side of his head and she was straddling his face. He pulled her down so that she could feel his hot breath on her pussy. The sensation made her shiver with delight.

“God, you’re so beautiful.” His voice was low and reverent as his tongue snaked out and wrapped around her clit.

Erin moaned and grabbed the headboard for support. Abel continued to lick and suck at her swollen folds. “I love eating your pussy.” He smacked his lips. “So tasty.”

Laughing and groaning at the same time, she rocked her hips against his face. Her breast felt heavy and achy so she reached down and grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her breast. Abel murmured against her and the vibrations sent shivers though her entire body. His hand cupped her breast, rubbing his palm against the straining nub. Erin could feel her entire body tightening.

“I want you inside me.” Grabbing his hand, she held it tight against her breast. “Take me inside you.” Desperate now, she raised herself up on her knees so he couldn’t quite reach her.

Abel lifted her back and pulled himself into a seated position with his back against the headboard. His thumbs skimmed her face as he feathered kisses down her cheek, across her lips, and down her neck. Outlining her ear with his tongue, he eased it inside and swirled it around. “Ride me,” he whispered.

Shivers ran down her spine as he nipped at her earlobe, and she eagerly reached for him, guiding his engorged penis inside her. Her pussy wrapped around his cock like a tight-fitting glove. Sitting back, she squirmed around trying to get comfortable and drove him even deeper inside.

Abel laughed and groaned. “Go easy on me, honey.”

Unable to resist, Erin wiggled around some more. Growling, Abel buried his face against her breasts and raised his knees so that she was surrounded by him. One of his fingers slipped between her legs and stroked her clit while his tongue lapped at her engorged nipples. Closing her eyes, she gasped for breath, almost dizzy with passion.

Erin felt wanton and eager. Her breasts were heavy and sensitive, and the light scratch of the day’s growth of his beard heightened the sensations even more. Her entire body was buzzing with pleasure, and all her concentration was focused on coming. Her hips rotated in a slow sensual motion as she ground herself against him. Erin alternated that with a slight up and down motion, enjoying the solid feel of his thick cock as it slid up and down the inside of her snug channel.

“Come for me.” Abel punctuated his command by gently nipping one of her nipples with his teeth.

Her eyes popped open, and she basked in the erotic picture he made, pleasuring her breasts. Her inner muscles clenched tight around his thick cock as he fucked her. His entire body was tense, ready to come any second. Erin wanted this moment to last forever, wanted him to always be this deep inside her.

Abel thrust hard, gripping her waist with his hands and pulling her down hard on his cock. For a moment she froze, and then her whole body shook as her climax washed over her. Clutching at his shoulders for support, she could feel her body tightening and relaxing around his as the pleasure pulsed through her. Crying out, she tightened her inner muscles wanting him to join her.

Growling, he thrust into her one final time, and she felt him let go then. Jerking and heaving, his entire body shook as he came deep inside her.

Erin slumped forward, snuggling against his chest. Abel raised his knees higher and wrapped his arms around her, unwilling to let her go. The long, tiring day caught up to her and she drifted off to sleep with him still locked deep inside her. She could feel him playing with her hair, his long fingers sifting through the tangled mass. Totally contented and relaxed, she drifted off to sleep. Her final thought as she drifted off was that she loved him.

Abel froze, unable to believe his ears. “What did you say?” His voice sounded hoarse to his own ears. Erin remained silent, so he tilted her head gently to look at her. He couldn’t believe she would tease him like this.

But Erin was sound asleep, her mouth slightly parted as little puffs of breath caressed his skin. Had he really heard what he’d thought he had? He was sure that she’d whispered that she loved him. Or maybe, he was so tired himself, that he’d only imagined it, his fertile writer’s mind creating the words he longed to hear from this beautiful woman curled in his embrace.

Although he wanted to shake her awake and demand that she repeat what she’d said, he sat there with her cradled in his arms knowing that he would never be able to let her go. No woman had ever fit him as well as she did. She seemed to understand his moods and not hold them against him. He’d been surly and angry when she’d arrived under cover of darkness, but Erin had managed to put him back in good humor within a matter of minutes. The woman was truly a wonder.

He’d expected more of an argument with her over making their relationship public, but instead of a fight, she had calmly agreed with him. He knew it wasn’t because she particularly wanted to tell her brothers, but because she sensed that he needed to. Sexually, she pleased him in every way. She was totally open and giving when it came to their sex life, but he felt as if she was holding back a part of herself from him. But he was determined to have all of her, and he was patient enough to wait.

Carefully, he eased her onto her side and pulled out of her. She muttered in her sleep, but didn’t wake. He’d been keeping her busy this last week and it seemed as if he’d finally worn her out. He was glad she was asleep and couldn’t see the satisfied male smile that covered his face. The sight of her lush curves and long limbs had his cock stirring once again. Amazing. He hadn’t gotten it up this fast or this quick since his teens.

But she needed some sleep. He consoled himself with the fact that he could always wake her later. Drawing the sheet up over her naked flesh, he draped it so that she was totally covered, her gorgeous form outlined against it. She sighed and snuggled into his pillow. Doing his best not to jiggle the bed, he rolled off the mattress and headed to the bathroom.

He was energized now and decided to work for a few hours. Some information had come in via e-mail earlier, and he had plans to do a little bit more digging tonight. It was amazing what information a man could dig up with a little bit of perseverance and a bit of charm. Call in a few favors that were owed him by certain people in privileged positions, and Abel was sure he’d had located his brother within a day or two, tops. He wasn’t an award-winning investigative writer for nothing.

After a quick shower, he checked in on Erin before padding down the stairs to make a pot of coffee. She was curled on her side with her hands tucked under her chin, snoring softly. He’d have to tease her about that tomorrow.

While the coffee perked, he leaned against the countertop wondering how long it would take Erin to put together a wedding. There was no way that they could live together. Her brothers would kill him for defiling their baby sister, and rightly so. But, he wanted her by his side each day and in his bed every night, and he wasn’t willing to wait much longer to make that happen. He could manage it for a couple of weeks. That would give him time to sort out this whole mess with his newly discovered brother. If he was truthful with himself, he wanted to tie Erin to him in every way possible. Dealing with all the big changes in his life would be much easier with her beside him.

Yeah, a couple of weeks sounded about right. Filling his mug with coffee, he carried it to the study where the computer was humming patiently in wait for him. Abel put his coffee on the desk and promptly forgot about it as he pulled up his chair to the screen and noted that he had several e-mails. Taking a deep breath, he clicked open the first one and started to read.
