Chapter Eight

Abel glanced at his watch for the fifth time in the last five minutes. It was almost six and he expected Erin any minute. It was the first time in years that he found himself looking forward to something so much, and although the feeling was strange, he liked it.

Being home, and especially being around Erin, reminded him of the young man he’d once been. The years of investigating and writing about the most gruesome parts of human nature had changed him. He’d lost faith in the goodness in humanity and seen only the pain and the horror. Erin was changing all of that.

She was exactly what she seemed to be— a hardworking, loyal, kind, compassionate, sexy woman. Just being around her was better than any medicine could be for curing the pain in his heart and the sorrow in his soul. In the couple of days he’d been home, he felt better than he had any time in the last year.

It was only when that thought went through his mind that he realized what he’d thought. Home. No matter where else in the country he’d roamed, he always considered the farm to be home. He was already reconsidering his career, so perhaps it was time to think about where he wanted to live. And more especially, who he wanted to be with.

Pacing back and forth on the deck did him no good, so he threw himself onto the oversized deck chair, spread his legs in front of him, and rested his hands on his stomach. There was nothing left to do but wait. The tossed salad was chilling in the fridge and the potatoes were baking in the oven. He had two steaks marinating on the counter just waiting to be thrown onto the barbecue.

Glancing over to the side, he checked the pile of charcoal that he’d piled in the center of the barbecue. He’d light it as soon as Erin arrived and while they were waiting for the coals to turn white, he’d offer her a glass of the nice crisp white wine he’d bought especially for tonight. If he decided to move back home, he’d have to invest in a gas barbecue, but for now the old charcoal one would serve the purpose.

He tapped one of his fingers on his stomach before sighing and closing his eyes. The heat of the summer sun felt good on his skin, and he finally felt some of the tension leach from his body. The longer he sat there, the more the sounds of a late summer afternoon seeped into his consciousness. Birds sang in the distance, a slight breeze rustled the leaves in the trees, and the scent of freshly cut hay wafted on air.

Patience was a virtue he usually had in spades, but tonight, it had all but deserted him. He told himself that it was only because he hadn’t cooked a meal for a woman in over eight months, but deep down he knew it was because he couldn’t wait to see Erin.

Abel patted his jeans pocket to make sure the little present he’d bought for her was still there. He’d driven several hours today to find a store that carried what he’d wanted, but it had been well worth the effort. Especially if she liked what he’d purchased. His cock shifted and began to swell at the mere thought.

The sound of a vehicle approaching had him out of his chair in a moment, striding across the deck, and down over the porch stairs. He shaded his eyes, smiling when he recognized Erin’s truck. By the time she pulled to a complete stop, he was already standing by her door and opening it.

“Hi.” She smiled shyly at him as she slid her long, jeans-clad legs out of her truck.

He didn’t give her a chance to move away from him, but hauled her up against his chest and enfolded her in his arms. She responded immediately by scooting as close to him as she could, twining her strong, supple arms around his neck. He lowered his head slowly until their mouths touched. Her lips were firm and soft against his. He felt her hands wrap around his skull, tugging him closer.

Giving into her unspoken request, he deepened the kiss. His tongue teased the seam of her lips until they parted, and then he slowly forged his way inside. Her mouth was warm and her tongue met his, stroking it sensually. Cupping her chin with his hand, he angled her head as he deepened the kiss. She melted against him, silently offering herself to him. Reluctantly, he dragged himself from her sweet lips.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” His voice was husky with need as he caressed the side of her neck for a moment before allowing his hand to drop back to his side.

A slight tinge of a blush covered her face as he continued to stare at her. “Me too,” she responded almost shyly before reaching behind her and pulling out a battered, canvas knapsack. Abel took it from her and waited while she rummaged under the front seat and pulled out a plastic bag. He started to take that from her too, but she clasped it to her chest.

Wondering what she would be hiding from him, he stared at the outline of the item in the bag. It was about the size of a magazine. That’s when it hit him. Of course, this was the famous magazine that she’d spoke of yesterday morning. He couldn’t stop the wicked grin that spread across his face. “You’re going to have to show it to me at some point if I’m going to know what you want me to do.”

“Later,” she mumbled, not quite meeting his gaze.

Abel stopped teasing her immediately. Cupping her chin with his hand, he tilted her head until her large blue eyes were fixed on him. “Whenever you’re ready, and whatever you want. Those are the only rules.” He kissed her lightly on the lips before moving her away from the truck, and closing the door. “But supper first.”

She nodded and allowed him to tuck her under his shoulder and lead her up onto the back porch. “I’ll put your stuff inside,” he told her. “Do you want a glass of wine while I’m in there?”

“Sure.” She sent him a grateful smile and laid the bag with the magazine on top of the patio table.

Standing in front of him, with her hands clasped in front of her and a wisp of hair in her eyes, she looked so young and innocent. She was wearing faded blue jeans, a soft t-shirt of pale green, and a pair of white sneakers. Ordinary clothing, but somehow on her, they were more seductive than the most skimpy lingerie. The jeans hugged every curve of her ass and her strong thighs, while the soft shirt cupped her breasts and outlined their shape to perfection. Abel felt his mouth begin to water and his cock begin to lengthen and thicken.

“I’ll be right back.” He turned and went into the house before she noticed the large bulge pushing against the zipper of his jeans. The last thing he wanted to do was rush her straight into bed. He’d promised her supper so he’d feed her first. Even if it killed him. And it just might.

Erin gulped in a huge lungful of air the second that Abel was out of sight. Her head was still spinning from his greeting. She fanned her hand in front of her face, hoping to ease the flush she could feel on her cheeks. The man was lethal. His kiss alone was enough to drive all her senses into overdrive. Easing herself down into one of the chairs scattered around the patio table, she tried to calm her racing heart.

She was embarrassed by the fact that her nipples were hard nubs against the cups of her bra and were visible through the fabric of her shirt. Then there was the wetness in her panties. Erin squirmed in her seat trying to get more comfortable, but only succeeded in making it worse. The friction of her clitoris against the crotch of her panties and jeans almost made her moan. She felt like flinging her head back and screaming, she wanted him so badly. It was all she’d thought about since he’d left her kitchen last night.

More than anything, she would have loved it if he’d scooped her up in his arms and carted her straight to bed. She would have been much happier eating later, after they’d satisfied their other appetites. Dropping her forehead to rest on the top of the table, she counted to twenty.

She could hear Abel rummaging around in the kitchen, so she knew she didn’t have much time to get herself under control. He’d gone to the trouble of preparing her supper. No man, other than her brothers, had ever cooked for her, and they had only done it the few times she was too sick to do it herself. This was special and she was determined to enjoy every moment of it and not ruin the evening he had planned.

Raising her head, she sat back in her chair, and crossed her legs. She hoped she appeared cool and relaxed. It was the look she was going for. The screened door opened behind her and Abel placed one glass on the table and handed her the other.

“I didn’t know if you drank, but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with white wine.” He sauntered towards the barbecue on the corner of the back deck.

Erin watched his butt as he walked. The jeans he was wearing fit him like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. And since she’d already seen all of him, her mind filled in all the details. The black tank top he was wearing stretched tight across his chest, outlining all the muscles in his torso and back. His wide shoulders and thick arms were bare, and the muscles rippled as he started the barbecue.

Catching herself before she sighed out loud, she glanced around the deck to distract herself from Abel’s scrumptious body. The covered back porch actually ran the entire length of the house and Abel’s parents had added a twelve foot square patio area off one end. The patio table, where she was seated, was tucked closer to the house, so that it was partially shaded by the porch roof. The barbecue was located in the far corner of the patio, and a large metal deck chair that was covered with a soft cushion was situated right next to it. Erin picked up her wineglass and moseyed over, leaving the partial shade of the house behind her.

Abel glanced her way, but said nothing as she settled herself into the chair. There was plenty of room for two. It crossed her mind that maybe she could entice him to share it with her while they waited for the coals to burn down. She sipped her wine to ease her parched mouth. The crisp fruity flavor was soothing on her dry lips. Licking them, she peeked over at Abel, unable to help herself.

His eyes were a blaze of green fire as he watched her. Erin could feel the heat rising inside her. Feeling wanton and powerful, she slid her tongue across her lower lip again, slowly and deliberately. Abel’s face tightened and his entire body seemed to clench. She could see the outline of his cock, straining against the zipper of his jeans.

“You’re playing with fire,” he warned her. He never moved a muscle, but his gaze still devoured her.

“Maybe I want to,” she taunted, taking another sip of the wine before placing the glass on the deck next to the chair.

He moved suddenly, all fluid motion, as he plucked her out of the chair and into his arms. She could barely breathe as his mouth slammed down on top of hers. It seemed as if he wanted to eat her alive. For a moment, she wondered if she’d bitten off more than she could handle, but her own arousal continued to grow, and suddenly what was almost too much a moment ago was no longer enough. She needed more. Wanted more.

A picture flashed in her mind. It wasn’t one of the positions in the article, but it was something else she’d read about that she was dying to try. It was hard to think as Abel had left her mouth and was licking a heated path down her throat. She tilted her head to the side, wanting to give him whatever he wanted. However, the erotic picture continued to fill her mind, and she knew she wanted to do it. Here. Now. Tonight. She had no guarantee how long their affair would last and she didn’t want to lose her chance.

“Abel.” Her voice was low and hoarse at first. Abel’s lips were feasting on her neck making it hard for her to think, let alone speak. Desperately, she tried again. “Abel.” This time it was more forceful and got his attention. He raised his head slowly and shuddered.

Gripping her upper arms tight, he steadied them both. “Sorry. That got out of hand.”

She couldn’t bear to have him apologize for something so wonderful. “I didn’t mind.”

“Then why did you stop me?” His voice wasn’t sharp at all, but merely questioning.

“I want to do something.”

A slow smile spread across his face as he stepped back and spread his arms wide. “I’m all yours, baby.”

Now that it was time to state what she wanted from him, it was a little more difficult than she’d anticipated. She cleared her throat. “I want to try something I read about.”

“In the magazine?” He looked intrigued and his eyes were still hot as they continued to skim her body. She could tell he was imagining all kinds of things, and just the thought of what he might want to do to her made her shiver.

“Yes, but a different article.” Grabbing hold of her courage, she nodded at the chair. “You have to sit down for this to work.”

He dropped into the chair and waited.

“Umm. You have to take off your shirt.” Before she could blink, he’d crossed his arms over his back, grabbed the fabric of the black tank shirt, and pulled it over his head. Tossing it onto the deck beside him, he waited.

He looked absolutely gorgeous sitting there. His body was tanned and hard as stone. He resembled a pagan god come to life. Even the tufts of hair under his armpits looked sexy. Abel reached out a hand to her, but she backed away.

“Don’t be afraid,” he coaxed. “We’ll do whatever you want.”

“Just sit there and let me do everything. Okay?” Abel lowered his hand and nodded.

She could feel herself relax the moment he agreed to let her do what she wanted. Erin trusted him not to break his word to her. This was her show and she was going to run it exactly the way she wanted. She only hoped she could come up with enough nerve to strip in front of him. Tugging her shirt from the waistband of her jeans, she jerked it over her head and let it drop beside her. Abel’s breathing caught and his fists clenched at his sides. That was all the encouragement she needed. She reached for the opening of her bra, skimming her hands over her breasts as she did so.

Abel couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Erin had stripped off her top and her hands were now covering her breasts. His cock throbbed and his hands clenched at the thought of tearing the rest of her clothes from her body. He wanted to stroke her breasts and suck on her nipples until they became as red as ripe berries.

Her fingers moved to the front clasp between her breasts and hesitated for a moment. Mentally, he ordered her to open it. For one second she looked uncertain and he almost howled in frustration.

He never took his eyes off her hands, willing her to move them, and a moment later, she popped open the clasp. The cotton cups pulled away from her breasts, leaving them bare. She shimmied her shoulders slightly, making the straps slip down her arms. The bra fell behind her. Her breathing was rapid, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly. Closing his eyes against the potent sight of her standing naked from the waist up, he searched for control, knowing he’d need it to get through whatever she had planned.

The sound of a zipper had his eyes wide open before she finished pulling it down. Licking his lips in anticipation, he waited as she toed off her sneakers and then peeled the tight jeans down over her hips and thighs, letting them drop to her ankles. She bent over and stepped out of her jeans, pulling off her socks as she did so. Her breasts swayed seductively as she leaned forward, and before he could stop himself, his hand reached out to fondle one of them.

She jerked back, almost stumbling before a slow, seductive smile crossed her face. It was a soft smile, full of promise. He could see the reddish curls of her pubic hair through the light fabric of her cotton white bikini pants. His fingers itched to slide through them, through her slick folds, and straight into her waiting warmth. As he watched, her nipples tightened and she quivered slightly before hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties and skimming them quickly down her legs.

As she kicked them away, she spread her legs slightly and stood there, bathed in the hot evening sun, allowing him to look his fill. The sunlight made the red strands of her hair glitter, and the blue of her eyes looked even lighter against her tanned face. Her full lips were parted as her tongue darted out to moisten them.

He was in total agony, but he knew that this moment was etched indelibly on his mind forever. There would never be another second of time more perfect than this one. Swallowing hard against the unexpected emotion welling up inside him, he held his hand out to her once more and waited.

Erin walked slowly towards him, but avoided his hand and dropped gracefully to her knees in front of him. He almost swallowed his tongue when she reached for the zipper of his jeans and slowly eased it down over his engorged cock. It sprang free immediately, as he wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“Oh, commando. I’ve heard about this.” She was staring at his cock as if it was the greatest thing she’d ever beheld in her life. Abel was supremely glad that he’d only hauled on his jeans after he showered.

Using one of her fingers, she traced his length from the base to the tip, swirling it around the head and laughing delightedly when a drop of pearly liquid appeared at the top. He desperately wanted her to grip him tight and pump hard, but even more than that, he wanted her to indulge herself. It was just about the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he sat there and waited for her to make the next move.

Tentatively, she wrapped a hand around his cock near the base and slowly began to slide her hand up and down. Her grip was light and her movements slow. Abel pushed himself against her hand. “Harder,” he encouraged her.

Erin’s fingers tightened around him, and she began to pump her hand once again. This time her rhythm was slightly faster and harder. She glanced up at him, and he realized that she was looking for some kind of response or direction from him.

“That’s feels real good, honey,” he praised her. “But let me take off my jeans. It’ll be better that way.” He lifted his hips as he spoke and Erin tugged the jeans down over his thighs. Yanking off his sneakers and socks, she flung them aside, and then hauled his jeans down his calves and over his feet. Now both of them were naked.

Reaching down, Abel dug into his jeans pocket and pulled out a little bundle of tissue paper. “I bought this for you today.” He handed it to her and watched with anticipation as she unwrapped it.

Peeling back the white paper, she stared at the contents and looked back at him. He mentally sighed as she bit her lip, her eyes hesitant. “They look really pretty, but what are they.”

Abel reached out and plucked on of the items off the tissue. “It’s a nipple clip.” His finger tapped the little beads at the end, making them swing slightly. “It slips on over your nipple and we can tighten it until it’s comfortable for you.” Reaching out, he stroked one of her tight nipples. “These beauties stay nice and hard giving you pleasure.”

She glanced from the clip in his hand to the one in her hand. “Does it hurt?”

“No, honey. If it hurts, then it’s too tight and we adjust it.” Cupping her chin in his hand, he turned it until she was facing him. “It’s all about pleasure.”

“You’d enjoy it, wouldn’t you?” Her innocent question made his cock throb even harder.

“Oh, yeah.” He said nothing else, not wanting to pressure her, but damn he wanted to see those cute little clips hanging from her nipples.

Tentatively, she held her hand out to him. He swallowed his disappointment and took it from her, ready to wrap them up and put them away.

“Will you put them on for me?” Her soft plea shot through him like a bullet.

Would he? Hell, yes. Instead of grabbing her like he wanted, he took his time and drew her closer to him. Digging into his jeans pocket again, he drew out a small tube, opened it and squeezed some onto his fingers. Using his fingertips, he lightly coated her nipples with the lubrication. Erin said nothing, but leaned closer.

“That will help them slide on so they don’t hurt.” Picking up the first one, he carefully pinched the first nipple. It was already swollen, but he took his time, pleasuring her with his fingers before sliding the nipple clip over it. The clip captured the hard nub securely, and then Abel slowly adjusted the fit.

“How does that feel?”

Erin watched the beads dangle from her breast as she took a deep breath. She moved experimentally and moaned as the beads swung from side to side. “That feels amazing.” Her breathy reply had him reaching for the second clip.

When the second clip was in place, he sat back and looked at Erin. Kneeling in front of him with her legs slightly spread and the nipple clips dangling from her breasts, she took his breath away. “Put your hands behind your neck.” Erin complied and her breasts were thrust forward.

Using his foot, he edged her legs wider. Erin spread them wide, panting for breath as she watched his every move. “Now you look like the perfect slave girl ready to pleasure her master.”

His fingers traced the tight nubs before flicking the beads. He watched, enthralled as they swung back and forth. Leaning down, he placed a soft, light kiss on her lips. “Thank you for wearing them.”

Her tongue came out to lick at his lips. “You’re welcome.”

Abel sat back in the chair, spread his knees slightly, and relaxed. Erin scooted between his thighs and gave him a wicked smile up at him. “And do you want your slave girl to pleasure you now?” A bead of pearly white liquid seeped from the slit at the top of his cock at her sultry question.

Abel nodded and Erin took his balls in one hand while the other wrapped around his engorged cock once more. Her concentration was absolute as she squeezed and caressed his swollen testicles. Her hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing it tight before stroking up and down.

Abel couldn’t take his eyes off her. She seemed to have forgotten she was totally nude, but he certainly hadn’t. Her face, arms, shoulders, and legs were tanned a golden brown, while the rest of her body was pale. The contrast accentuated her milky white breasts and hips. Wisps had escaped from her braid, and framed her compelling face. Her eyes darkened as her arousal grew, and her inner thighs were damp. She looked perfectly natural, more like a wild rose than a cultivated one. Not showy, but filled with a beauty all her own that would never fade.

The only thing she wore was the nipple ornaments he’d bought for her. A feeling of possession shot through him as he cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand, tracing his thumb across her lips. Her hands stilled. “You are so beautiful.”

Erin shook her head and laughed nervously. “You don’t have to say things like that.”

“I know I don’t.” He kept his voice soft and even. “You have no idea how I see you. Right here, right now, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

Her eyes shone as she bent her head towards him, but he stopped her before her mouth reached him. “You don’t have to do that.” Even as he spoke, he swore at himself for being so damned stupid. Her mouth was so close to his dick he could feel her warm breath. His balls were tight with anticipation. He’d never wanted a woman to suck his cock this badly before, but it had to be her choice.

“I want to,” she murmured as her tongue swirled around the tip of his arousal. Her tongue snaked around the bulbous head with great enthusiasm.

“God, yes,” Abel groaned. His hand gripped the back of her head, holding her to him. She’d said yes, so now he wanted it all.

Erin lapped and licked his cock with abandon, and Abel used his hand to gently encourage her to take him deeper into her mouth. She gripped the bottom of his shaft with one hand even as her mouth descended upon him.

Abel’s whole body tensed as her moist lips slipped over the head of his cock, taking his hard length into the waiting warmth of her mouth. She took him as deep as she could before slowly pulling back all the way to the tip. Twirling her tongue around the top, she then lowered her mouth on him again. The hand at the base of his cock moved in tandem with her sweet mouth.

Although, he’d had many women over the course of his adult life, Abel couldn’t remember a woman ever pleasuring him quite so thoroughly. There wasn’t any part of his cock that Erin didn’t lick or suck. The sun glinted off her red hair and the tiny nipple beads, making her glow as she knelt before him, servicing him.

Abel flexed his hips and murmured encouragement to her. His testicles tightened and he knew if he didn’t stop her, he’d come in her mouth. That was something he desperately wanted to do, but not this time. This time, he wanted his cock deep inside her hot pussy when he came.

He pulled back the next time her lips reached the tip and his cock popped out of her mouth. She looked surprised, but he didn’t have time to explain. The need to have his cock buried to the hilt, being squeezed by her wet pussy was too great.

Gripping her waist, he urged her to her feet and then tugged her onto his lap. Shoving her knees apart so she was wide open to him, he dipped his fingers deep inside her. They were immediately coated with the slick evidence of her arousal. Muttering a prayer of thanks, he gripped her hips, and rammed his cock into her, seating himself right to the hilt. Erin moaned and gripped the back of the patio chair for support before dropping her head to rest on his chest.

Resting her forehead against his chest, Erin could feel his heart pounding, and it matched the frantic beat of her own. She breathed deep, inhaling his masculine scent— a mixture of soap, sunshine and something that was uniquely, Abel. Rubbing her nose against the sprinkling of hair on his chest, she wallowed in his addictive scent.

His erotic flavor was still on her lips and in her mouth. She hadn’t been sure she would enjoy oral sex, but the article had said that it usually aroused both partners, and although some people didn’t enjoy the act, most did. Enjoy was too tame a word. It was incredible.

Erin loved the taste of him and was thrilled by the fact that he seemed genuinely aroused at having her mouth on his cock. It was definitely something she wanted to try again. She loved the way that his dick was soft and hard at the same time, and how his unique scent had filled her nostrils. His enjoyment was obvious and had fed her own arousal. She felt her own juices on her thighs, the folds of her sex were hot and wet, her breasts ached, and her inner muscles contracted sporadically.

A sense of wonder and accomplishment filled her. She’d been uncertain that she’d even be any good at it, but according to Abel’s reaction she was very good. He’d shocked her by pulling away from her so suddenly, causing her to wonder if she’d done something wrong. But before that thought had a chance to be completed, he’d dispelled it by pulling her into his lap and driving himself into her.

His present had both surprised and pleased her. She’d heard of nipple clips, but had never seen a pair before. In her wildest dreams, she’d never imagined wearing them. She could feel them snug around her nipples, and every time the beads moved, the pleasure got even better. Just wearing them made her feel different— sexy, wild, adventurous.

Now, he filled her so deeply, it bordered on discomfort. It didn’t hurt exactly, but she squirmed around, trying to get more comfortable, pushing her knees deeper into the soft chair cushion. Abel slid forward in the chair, driving his cock even further inside her. Her bare bottom rested on his thighs and her knees gripped his sides for support.

Erin raised her head and met his heated stare. He was totally aroused, primed and ready, but he waited for her to take the lead. Her heart swelled with emotion as she leaned forward and kissed him. Their lips met, and their tongues dueled as she swept her hands over his back, testing and feeling the sheer strength of him.

His hands urged her closer to him as they drifted down over the line of her spine before coming to rest on her behind. He cupped each cheek with a hand and squeezed. “I love your ass,” he muttered as he trailed hot kisses across her cheek and down her neck.

She felt him nip at the base of her neck where it sloped into her shoulder before he soothed the small sting with his tongue. He continued his way down the curve of her shoulder, peppering it with stinging little love bites. Erin moaned as she felt his cock throbbing deep inside her body. Pressing her breasts against his chest, she rubbed her tight nipples over the hard planes of his chest.

“Lean back,” he ordered. Erin positioned her hands behind her and rested them on his thighs before easing back slightly. Carefully, Abel removed both nipple clips, ignoring her wordless protest. “I don’t want them to get sore.”

He dropped them onto the deck and immediately began to nuzzle her breasts. The stubble on his chin rasped their sensitive undersides, and the sensation was delicious. Taking his time, he licked his way around one breast before doing the same to the other. His tongue was slightly rough and wet, making her shiver with desire. Her nipples were drawn tight and ached to be touched by him. She arched her back, encouraging him, but still he took his time. There wasn’t an inch of flesh that he didn’t taste before he finally lapped at her nipples. First one, then the other received his attention. A loud moaning filled her ears and it shocked her to realize that the sounds were coming from her. She was filled with such need. Such longing.

“Please,” she gasped, needing more than he was giving her.

He responded by drawing one tight nub into his mouth and rolling it carefully between his teeth while flicking the hard tip with his tongue. A low keening sound escaped her throat, and she felt her inner muscles clenching around his cock as she came and came, the ripples of her orgasm washing through her entire body.

She heard him swear and his hands gripped her ass even tighter, his fingers digging into her flesh. Every muscle in his body was rigid when she finally collapsed against him.

He sat back in the chair, his breathing ragged as his hands swept up around her shoulders, soothing her. “That was incredible.” His voice was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard.

With great effort, she finally managed to raise her head. “That’s my line,” she admonished him.

He shook his head and grinned at her. “It was my pleasure.”

Snuggling closer to him, she could feel him still very hard and heavy inside her. A bead of sweat rolled down her neck as she languidly began to circle her hips. The heat and their lovemaking had drained her energy, but amazingly enough, she could feel herself becoming aroused once again. This man had the most amazing effect on her!

“Lord,” he groaned. “You feel so damn good.” He rested his hands on her waist, supporting her as she rolled her hips.

“You feel hot and hard.” Her voice was sultry as she enticed him. “And ready.”

“I want you to turn your back to me and mount me.” His fingers slid between her legs and began to lightly stroke her swollen clit. Her hips began to gyrate in rhythm to his fingers. “You’d still be in control, but I’d fill you even fuller and deeper.”

Both his words and his actions were driving her past being able to think. Every nerve ending in her body was alive and begging her to do whatever he wanted. “Show me.” Her words galvanized him into action.

She caught her breath and hissed slowly as he eased her off his cock. Her body made a sucking sound as he withdrew, as if reluctant to let him go. The smell of sex wafted on the hot evening breeze, and the separation was almost more than she could bear.

He lifted her off of his lap, and helped her stand. The deck was hot on the soles of her feet, and she shifted unsteadily. Guiding her with his hands, Abel positioned her until she was kneeling on the chair cushion once again, only this time she was facing away from him.

Once he had her arranged to his liking, he slowly squeezed his cock back inside her body. It was harder this time, because the sensitive flesh of her vagina was swollen from her orgasm. It was a tight fit, but it felt so good.

“More,” she demanded. “I want more of you.” She pushed her bottom down hard against him, driving his engorged cock deep inside her. She could feel him growing even larger within her.

His hands reached around her torso and grasped both of her breasts, rolling her nipples with his fingers. Erin responded by reaching between her own legs until she was touching his testicles. She massaged them gently, stroking around them and between them.

“Move, Erin.” His voice was hoarse with need, so she removed her hand, and gripped his thighs. Using them for leverage, she began to move up and down, carefully at first until she found the right stroke.

The pleasure was unbelievable as his thrusting penis seemed to stimulate her even more from this angle. As if that wasn’t enough, he dropped one of his hands from her breasts and began once again to stroke her engorged clitoris.

Erin tried to hang on. Wanted desperately to prolong the enjoyment, but it was beyond her control. Her body convulsed on a downward stroke, and her inner muscles contracted, grasping him tight.

He drove heavily into her for three more strokes. His cry of release echoed her own as he pulled her down hard on his cock, shuddering as he came. Erin moaned as she felt him empty himself deep inside her, filling her completely. Her nails dug into his legs for support as she arched back against him.

When she was finally spent, Erin felt all her muscles relax. Abel’s fingers tightened on her breasts as his forehead came to rest on her back. Exhausted, Erin slumped forward. Only Abel’s strong arms kept her from toppling over.
