
Present Day

New York City

Seth Stark took a long gulp of his fifty-year-old Macallan and wondered just how much longer he would have to wait.

Georgia had kissed him. She’d put her arms around him and placed those big soft lips on his, and it had taken everything he had not to take her right there in the limo, to peel back those designer knockoffs she insisted on wearing and lay her out.

She was making him crazy. Holding out on that blonde sweetheart was going to kill him.

She was the fucking one. He’d waited his whole goddamn life for Georgia Dawson and he’d been forced to push her away.

He groaned as he looked out at his spectacular view of Manhattan.

Nothing was going the way he’d planned.

He’d turned her down because despite the fact that he loved Georgia with all his heart, it wouldn’t work without Logan. He had no intention of getting married without Logan at his side. He’d known the type of relationship he’d wanted since he was nine and he’d sat at Jamie and Noah’s kitchen table and listened to their mom and dads flirt and argue and live their lives.

He’d known then and there that he wanted to share a wife with his best friend.

If only his best friend hadn’t turned out to be such a fucking nut bag.

Logan loved Georgia, too. He was just being idiotic and stubborn and posttraumatically stressed. It was time for him to get over it, but Seth couldn’t figure out how. Nor could he find a decent reason to haul them all where they needed to be. They needed to go to Bliss.

The hum of his computer changed and Seth turned. His computer was almost always on. He knew its every sound. He’d made a billion dollars off his software, and he’d programmed his personal system with a hundred distinct sounds that alerted him to what was going on.

Sometimes it chimed because it was uploading new data or installing new versions of software. It pinged him when Georgia sent him an e-mail. He handled those first. He told her it was because she was his assistant, but he’d utterly ignored his previous assistant because he’d been a Harvard-trained douchebag. Georgia always came first.

But there was one sound he hadn’t heard since he’d programmed it. A low thud that sounded like doom.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Someone was searching for Henry Flanders.

Someone was going deep. Someone knew something they shouldn’t.

He stared at the computer screen for a moment, panic setting in. After all these years, Henry’s past was catching up to him.

And Seth could use that to his advantage. He picked up his cell and dialed an all-too-familiar number. A gruff voice answered almost immediately, and Seth replied. “Hello, Momma Marie. It’s Seth. I’m going to need your help.”

It was time to bring Logan back to Bliss.


