Chapter Twenty-Five
Annie was nervous as she looked around at everyone. But she couldn’t put it off any longer. Was it something to say over dinner though? She looked over at Jordan and found her watching. Jordan gave her a reassuring nod, chasing some of her nervousness away. She put down her half-eaten fajita and stood up.
“I have some news,” she said. Everyone stopped eating and looked at her. She decided the best thing to do was blurt it out. So she did just that. “I’m…I’m going to have a baby.”
It was a shocked silence that greeted her statement.
“You mean…like adopt?” Staci asked.
Annie touched her belly. “No…like I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Yeah, wow,” Jessica said. “I didn’t even know you were dating anyone.”
Annie looked over at Jordan, who sported an amused expression. “I’m not dating anyone,” she said.
“Oh, my God,” Staci said. “Sperm bank?”
At that, Jordan laughed, and Annie nearly rolled her eyes. “No.”
“Well, then, what’s going on?” Jessica asked.
Annie blew out her breath. “Look, let’s just get it all out in the open, okay.” She again looked at Jordan. “Matt. Matt is the father.”
Again, silence. And again, Staci was the one to break it.
“You mean our Matt?”
Annie nodded. “Yes. Our Matt.”
Staci’s eyes widened. “You were dating Matt?”
“No. We were not dating.”
“Oh, cool, Annie,” Jessica said. “You were fuck buddies? I would have never guessed that was your style.”
Annie stared at her, shocked. She felt a blush on her face and knew she’d turned beet red. “No…we were not…buddies of any sort.” God, whose idea was it to tell them? She shook her head. “Look, the whys and hows of it don’t matter,” she said. “I wanted you to know because I can’t hide it much longer.”
She lifted up the end of her tank, showing off the baby bump that her maternity shorts could not conceal.
“Well, I thought you’d gained weight,” Staci said bluntly.
Annie turned slowly, looking at Jordan with raised eyebrows as she let her tank top cover her again. Jordan smiled at her and said what she always said.
“You’re not fat.”
“Uh-huh.” Annie motioned to the table. “So enjoy the rest of your meal and please don’t gossip about me.”
“Nothing to gossip about,” Brandon said. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
She sat down again and Suzanne nudged her. “That wasn’t so bad.”
“Am I getting fat?” she whispered.
“No. She was being petty. You know she always had a crush on Matt.”
“I know.” She picked up her fajita again. Even Staci’s comment didn’t curb her appetite.
* * *
Annie put the last of the leftovers in the fridge and wiped down the counter. Suzanne had stayed late and helped them clean up but she, too, had taken her leave. It was quiet in the house, and she found Jordan sitting out on the deck in the dark, sipping from her wineglass. She was about to flip on the porch light, then decided not to.
“So you survived?” she asked as she sat down beside her.
“Glad it’s over with,” Jordan said. “They seemed to have fun though.”
“Yes, they did.”
“Did you?”
“It was okay. But things like this remind you that even though you work together, it doesn’t always mean that you’re friends,” she said.
Annie leaned closer. “You’re being awful quiet. Is everything okay?”
Jordan turned toward her, but it was too dark to read her eyes.
“Fine. I just wanted some peace.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
Jordan reached out and wrapped her fingers around Annie’s arm. “Not from you, Annie.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Stay.”
Annie felt Jordan’s fingers slip away from her, and she had to resist reaching out and taking her hand. Instead, she folded her hands together and rested them on her stomach. She let the quiet wash over her, listening to the sound of the water as it lapped against the retaining wall. The breeze rustled her hair, but before she could tame it, Jordan gently moved it from her face and tucked it behind her ear.
Annie turned, again wishing she could see Jordan’s eyes. She swallowed, imagining what she might find there. She looked back over the dark bay, enjoying the closeness she felt with Jordan, even in their silence.
They sat there for the longest time, the only sound to break the quiet the occasional bark of a dog and the constant waves hitting the pier. She was relaxed and mellow and felt her eyelids getting heavy.
“I think I’m going to bed,” she said finally.
Jordan turned. “I’ll be in soon.”
Annie stood, then leaned over, kissing Jordan lightly on the cheek. “Thank you. It was a nice day.”
Jordan smiled. “It was a nicer evening.”
Annie smiled too, squeezing Jordan’s shoulder as she left.