Chapter Thirty-Eight

Annie came in carrying bags, and Jordan hopped up to help her, surprised to find her mother coming up the steps after Annie, carrying as many bags as Annie was.

“Did you buy the store out?”

“I had the most wonderful time shopping,” her mother said. “This one loves to shop. So unlike you.”

“Well, glad she could indulge you,” she said.

“It was fun,” Annie said. She then shocked Jordan into a stunned silence by kissing her full on the lips. “Miss me?”

Jordan glanced quickly at her mother, who was watching her.

“Well? Did you miss her?”

Annie laughed. “She’s so cute when she blushes.”

Jordan looked from one to the other. What the hell is going on here?

“Yes, she is.” Her mother held up the bags. “So which bedroom should I put these in?”

“Follow me,” Annie said.

Jordan rubbed her face with both hands. Jesus…God…Annie told her? She stumbled into the kitchen and pulled down the twenty-year-old bottle of scotch she’d been saving for a special occasion. She’d dropped a hundred and fifty bucks for the Glenlivet, but it was without ceremony that she opened it now. Her hand trembled slightly as she poured a small amount into a glass. She barely took the time to savor the aroma of the liquid gold before drinking it.

“She kissed me in front of my mother,” she whispered to the empty room.

She poured another splash into the glass, then closed the bottle. She heard their voices and turned as they came into the kitchen. Her mother’s eyebrows rose.

“Kinda early for scotch, isn’t it?”

“I…umm…no. No.”

Her mother came closer and hugged her, then kissed her quickly on the cheek. “I love you, Jordan.” She pulled away and looked at Annie. “Don’t forget…dinner on Sunday.”

“We’ll be there.”

Jordan watched as her mother hugged and kissed Annie as well, then left with a wave of her hand. Jordan set her glass down, her mind spinning.

“I adore your mother,” Annie said.

Jordan blinked several times. “So…she knows?”

Annie smiled. “Yes, she knows.”

“Did she freak out?”

“No. In fact, she already knew. I didn’t have to tell her.”

Jordan’s eyes widened. “How?”

Annie shrugged. “Mother’s intuition, maybe. Doesn’t matter. We had a nice talk. I told her…well, I told her about that night with Matt. And then we had a good cry.”

Jordan ran her hand through her hair. “I can’t believe my mother knows.” She glanced at Annie. “Old habit…but I don’t normally expose my personal life to my mother.”

Annie walked over to her, close enough for their bodies to touch. She met her eyes, then leaned closer and kissed her. “Your mother loves you, Jordan. No matter what. I didn’t see the point in lying to her.”

Jordan pulled Annie closer, relishing the embrace. “No, you’re right.” She kissed Annie gently. “But are you okay with her knowing? I mean—”

“I’m okay with her knowing.” Annie pulled out of her arms. “This is all new to me, Jordan. But I don’t feel I want to hide it. Do you?”

“What about your mother?” she asked.

Annie smiled quickly. “Now that’ll be fun,” she said sarcastically. “Can you see it?”

“She’ll hate me.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I hate to tell you this, but I think she already does.”

Jordan stared at her. Sweetheart. Had she ever been called “sweetheart” before?


Jordan smiled. “Nothing.”

“Okay. So do you want to see what all we bought?”


Annie wiggled her eyebrows. “I’ll model for you.”

Jordan grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, kissing her. “Then you won’t get past the first outfit.”

Annie looped her arms around Jordan’s neck, their kisses no longer gentle. “I’ll let you help me dress.”

Jordan smiled against her lips. “How about I help you undress?”
