Chapter Forty-Three
Jordan paused at the door to Fat Larry’s. She could have gone in the back, but…well, she wanted to see it, feel it and absorb it. Her store now.
She opened the door, smiling as the bell chimed her arrival. Brandon turned, a grin forming as soon as he saw her.
“Boss? What are you doing here?”
She smiled back at him. “What can I say? I missed you.”
“Missed Annie, more likely,” he said. “She’s been moping around here lovesick since you left.”
She raised an eyebrow. Were they that bad at hiding it?
He laughed. “Oh, come on. We’re not blind.”
“Does Annie know you know?”
He shook his head. “Don’t think so.”
She leaned closer. “Molly knows too?”
“Everyone knows.”
She smiled. “Well, then I won’t pretend that she’s not the reason I came back.” She glanced to the back. “Is she in the office?”
“No. Lunch. Suzanne came by.” He looked at his watch. “Forty-five minutes ago, so she should be back soon.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll go see how messy my office is then.”
He stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Glad you’re back. Gonna stay a while?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to stay.”
“Good. Because I didn’t like having to get on Jessica for being late to work.”
Jordan laughed. “You better let her know I’m back then. I’d hate to have to fire her.”
She stopped at the popcorn machine and filled a sack, then grabbed a water bottle before heading into the office. It was neat and tidy, and she sat down, still smiling as she nibbled on popcorn.
Her flight hadn’t been until later, but she’d gotten to the airport early, hoping to fly standby. She lucked out and got on the next plane out. It was a direct flight to Houston and she’d only had to wait a little over an hour before taking a commuter plane to Corpus. She’d left Chicago in a rush and had only briefly spoken with a real estate agent. He’d wanted her to hang around a few more days so they could meet and discuss the condo. No, hanging around wasn’t an option. She’d have to make a trip back to settle things there and to make arrangements for moving her things down here. But that would have to wait. She simply couldn’t stay there another minute.
Really, she didn’t know how much of her stuff she wanted to keep, anyway. Her bed, for sure. She had a couple of pieces of furniture that she wanted to keep too. Her clothes? No. She would have no use for them here.
The back door burst open, and Annie stood there, staring at her, a smile on her face. Then she walked slowly into the office, pausing to close the door and lock it.
“You’re early,” she accused.
Jordan shrugged. “A little.”
“A lot.”
Jordan stood, smiling too. “I got here as fast as I could.”
Annie finally came closer, falling into her arms. They kissed, hard, then softer, slower. Jordan pulled her as close to her body as she could, feeling the baby between them. She closed her eyes as Annie buried her face against her neck.
“I missed you so much,” Annie murmured. “Please don’t leave me again.”
“I won’t. I couldn’t stand being away from you,” she admitted. “I shouldn’t have even tried.”
Annie pulled back, meeting her eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered.
Annie nodded and smiled. “Can we go home?”
“I thought it was your night to close.”
“I’m fairly certain Brandon can be bribed to stay late.”
Jordan kissed her quickly. “He knows about us, by the way.”
Annie tilted her head. “Really? Good. Then I can quit trying to hide it.”
Jordan kissed her again. “Apparently, you haven’t been doing a very good job of it. Even Molly knows.”
Annie’s expression turned serious. “I’m glad they all know, Jordan. It feels so…so real, so special. I don’t want to hide it. Not from anyone. I hope that’s okay with you.”
Jordan nodded. “Yes. Whatever you’re comfortable with, I’m okay. But your mother may find out,” she warned.
Annie nodded. “And I’m okay with that too. I love you. I don’t care who knows.”
Jordan pulled her into a tight hug, feeling as…well, as happy as she could ever remember. Annie made her feel whole and complete, made her entire existence on this earth meaningful. Finally, she felt at peace…and at home.
“Let’s go home. I kinda missed Pelican’s Landing too.”