Chapter Thirty-Three
Jordan stared at the office laptop, trying to remember what she was doing. She shook her head, finally closing it. She’d been trying to get something accomplished for the last hour, yet she could not concentrate on anything. Her mind was still filled with Annie and their night—and morning—together.
When was the last time she’d had a lover who was so in sync with her? Ever? Debra had been the most frequent lover she’d had, and even though the sex had been great between them, they’d never been quite as in tune as she and Annie had been last night.
And to think that Annie had never been with a woman before. The night had simply been incredible. Jordan’s very long day had caught up with her and she’d collapsed finally, sleep claiming her instantly. But she’d woken up at four, still tangled together with Annie. She’d tried to move, to roll over. The lamp was still on and she was reaching for it, intending to turn it off. Annie’s eyes had opened, sleepy and sated, yet they were shimmering in desire. Jordan had been helpless to refuse. She’d rolled to her back, pulling Annie on top of her. Annie had surprised her yet again as she’d moved down her body, her mouth and lips missing little on their journey.
Jordan blew out her breath as she remembered Annie’s face buried between her legs, her mouth and tongue driving her mad. For having no experience, Annie hadn’t shied away from anything. Jordan had been embarrassed by the scream that nearly choked her when she climaxed. Then Annie’s mouth and lips made a return journey up her body, stopping only when they reached her mouth, kissing her with such an agonizing passion that Jordan nearly climaxed again.
“I think I’m in big trouble,” she murmured.
She got up from the chair and walked out to get another cup of coffee, anything to occupy her mind and keep memories of last night away.
What was Annie thinking this morning? Jordan had crawled out of bed at seven, and Annie hadn’t even budged. She’d showered and dressed, finding Annie still curled on her side, sound asleep. She decided not to wake her. She didn’t bother with coffee or breakfast. She picked up both on her way to Fat Larry’s.
And now here she was, nervously awaiting Annie’s arrival. Would it be awkward to see her in the light of day? Would Annie be sorry they’d slept together? Would she want to talk? Discuss it?
With a shake of her head, Jordan went back into the office. Whatever Annie wanted, whatever she needed, Jordan would have to go with it. And if Annie thought it was a huge mistake, then they would just have to live with it.
If that turned out to be the case, it would certainly make leaving that much easier. Hell, if that was the case, she might head out earlier than September. No sense hanging around if there was going to be tension between them.
Her head was spinning with so many unanswered questions, so many scenarios running through her mind. She had to stop or she would drive herself crazy until Annie got there. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait any longer. The outer door opened and she glanced up, finding Annie staring back at her. She was relieved by the smile Annie gave her. She returned it, her fears slipping away.
“You’re late,” she said as Annie walked into the office.
“Yeah…about that,” Annie said. “I hope my boss will cut me some slack. I kinda had a rather…well, a rather eventful night.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jordan felt her face turn red.
Annie laughed. “You’re so cute when you blush.”
Jordan blushed even more. “So…do we need to talk?”
Annie tilted her head. “No. I’m good.” She arched an eyebrow. “You?”
Jordan flashed a grin, her relief obvious. “Oh, yeah. I’m good.”
Annie’s slow smile caused Jordan to stop breathing entirely.
“Yes…you are definitely…good.”
* * *
Annie folded up a T-shirt, placing it neatly back in its bin. She found herself singing along to a Lady Gaga song. She smiled when she realized what she was doing. While Jordan allowed most of Matt’s old classics to play, she’d added some songs “from this century” to the mix.
She glanced up as the bell chimed and she smiled at the two customers who had walked in. For a Sunday, they had been busy, and Molly had volunteered to work the afternoon as well as the morning. Normally, she and Jordan handled the Sunday duties by themselves, with one of the others working a short ten-to-two shift. When two o’clock came and the store had been crowded, Molly offered to stay, saying she had no plans for the afternoon. Annie thought Molly had really grown over the summer. She was much more interactive with the customers now and showed none of the shyness that she’d first exhibited. She hoped that carried over to her senior year of high school.
She sighed. School. Yes, her last year of college would be starting soon too. To say the summer had flown by was an understatement. It seemed like only yesterday that they were having Matt’s funeral, that she’d first met Jordan. And it seemed like only weeks ago—not months—that she’d found out she was pregnant. Yet, in three short weeks, she’d be starting classes again.
And in three short weeks, Jordan would be making plans to leave, to go back to Chicago. Annie felt a tightness in her chest that was nearly painful. Jordan was going to leave soon.
She wasn’t ready for Jordan to leave. Not now. Not now that they were…lovers.
She closed her eyes for a second. Lovers. Yes, they were definitely lovers. Images from last night flashed through her mind in record speed, causing her heart to race. What she’d had in the past with Derrick, with Matt, couldn’t even begin to compare to the intimacy of what she’d shared with Jordan last night. Making love took on an entirely new meaning with Jordan.
She turned, finding Jordan watching her. She cleared her throat. “Hey.”
Jordan walked closer and Annie felt the heat between them. She thought perhaps Jordan could read her mind, for when their eyes met, she saw a shimmer of desire in Jordan’s.
“My mother called. She’s making lasagna. She wanted to know if we wanted to stop by the house on our way home.”
Annie nodded, even though what she really wanted to do was to head straight home and have a repeat of last night. “Sure.” Then she smiled. “You know I’ll never pass up a meal,” she said as she patted her stomach.
Jordan laughed. “Okay, I’ll let her know.” Her gaze drifted across the store. “Why are we so busy today?”
“School starts soon. A lot of people are taking their last vacations of the summer,” she said. “And you should not be complaining about being busy.”
“I know.” She paused. “I can’t stop thinking about last night.”
Annie reached out and squeezed Jordan’s hand quickly before releasing it. “Me either.”
Jordan’s eyes darkened. “I vote we decline the dinner invitation.”
Annie felt the now-familiar flutter of butterflies in her stomach. “Good. Gets my vote too.”