Chapter 45

“I knew he was up to no good,” the gate guard said. J. Jones. She pursed her lips and shook her head as she narrowed her eyes at the photograph of Bennett Walker. She was the size of a small upright freezer.

“How’s that?” Landry asked.

“Because men that good-looking are always up to no good,” she said, looking at him like he was stupid. “And he never drives that car. What’s he doing in that car? He’s always Mr. Big riding around in his Porsche or his this or his that. He ain’t ridin‘ around in no Volkswagen. Him and that dark-haired foreign guy. Ooooh! I got to say, I do like lookin’ at that one.”

“You’re sure it was him?” Weiss said, tapping at Bennett Walker’s head with his ballpoint pen. “You’re sure it was Sunday night?”

“Am I sure?” she said, offended by his obvious stupidity.

“Am I sure? That’s my job. That’s what I do. Are you sure you’re a detective?”

“I have to ask that one every once in a while myself, Miss Jones,” Landry said, straight-faced.

Laughter exploded out of her like a cannon shot. Her massive chest rose and fell like a ten-foot sea. “You got a sense of humor,” she declared.

“No,” Landry said. “Not really.”

The guard turned back to Weiss. “Honey, I’m working here in the middle of the damn night. Someone comes, someone goes, I’m gonna know it. That’s what passes for excitement here. You think I’m just sitting around doing my nails all night? You think I’m just watching movies?”

“Were you here Saturday night?” Landry asked, pressing on.

“No. I was off Saturday. I have a life, you know. I’m not just sit-tin‘ in this place my whole life like a veal.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Weiss said impatiently. “We’ve got the tape. Let’s go.”

Landry thanked the guard and left the booth behind Weiss, who was already halfway to his car.

“So?” Weiss said. “That’s gotta be enough for a search warrant for Walker’s house. Videotape and an eyewitness who puts him in the dead girl’s car.”

Landry’s phone rang. Elena. He held a finger up at Weiss and took the call. “Landry.”

“The after-party was at Bennett Walker’s house in the Polo Club. Lisbeth told me.”

“Got it. Thanks.”

He clicked the cell phone closed and said to Weiss, “The party was at Walker’s house. Now we have enough for a warrant. Let’s go nail his ass.”
