Chapter 63

“He’s not my lover,” I said with as much bravado as I could scrape together. If I could manage to stand up to him, I might at least buy a little time and in that time find a way to take him or get away from him.

Big talk from a woman in a cage.

“What would I want with him?” I said, as Kulak came closer. “He’s nothing to me. He’s a piece of shit on the sidewalk.”

“I saw you on television,” he said. “You were lovers. Your father is his attorney.”

“I don’t have a father,” I said.

Something ugly flashed in his eyes. “Have you not learned, Ms. Estes, that I do not like to be lied to?”

“Well, I’m not exactly thrilled to be called a liar, Mr. Kulak. So I guess we’re even.”

He didn’t know what to make of me.

“Edward Estes,” I said, “stopped being my father the day he wanted me to lie under oath and give Bennett Walker an alibi, knowing he was a rapist.”

Kulak stood just outside the locker, very close, studying me like I was a specimen in a museum.

“You are very bold for a woman in your position.”

“I might as well be,” I said. “You’ll do whatever you want to do. I’ll at least keep my pride.”

He turned and looked at Bennett lying on the floor, crying. “You would not tell me,” he said. “You knew it was him, but you would not tell me. You think I am a fool. I came to you for the truth and you told me you knew nothing.”

“Because I didn’t. You wanted the truth. I hadn’t found it yet. Believe me, he’s the last person on earth I want to protect. He’s a rapist at best and a murderer at worst. Why would I risk my life for him?

Bennett could hear me. He looked up at me, pleading. “For God’s sake, Elena!”

“Shut up!” I shouted at him. “You’re exactly that and you know it.” Kulak’s interest went from me to Bennett and back again. “All right, Ms. Estes,” he said, unlocking the door to my cage. You believe he is a rapist and a murderer. Show me.“

He opened the door and pulled me out of the locker by my injured arm. Black spiderwebs shot across my vision, and my legs swayed beneath me.

Kulak pulled me over to where Bennett lay bleeding. His skin was pasty white and gleaming with sweat. He was going into shock. Once again Kulak kicked him in the ribs. “Turn over! On your back!”

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” Bennett whimpered. Tears ran from the corners of his eyes as he turned to lie on his back. Kulak put the bolt cutters in my hands, then pulled a.38 from belt holster and put it against my head. “You want justice, Ms. Estes?” he said. “You want revenge? I want revenge. For Irina. Give him the justice a rapist deserves, castrate him.”
