Chapter 65

Landry ran across the garage, shouting Elena’s name at the top of his lungs, knowing she probably couldn’t hear him. The gunshots were still ringing in his own ears. He could hardly hear himself think.

“Elena! Elena!”

She didn’t move, staring at Bennett Walker’s blank, lifeless stare.


He was there then, on his knees, bent over her, wiping blood splatter and tissue from her face, hoping to God none of it was hers. His hands were shaking.

“Are you hit?” he shouted, staring into her face. “Are you hit?”

She blinked, seeing him for the first time.

“H-he’s d-dead,” she said.

Landry nodded. Gently he pulled her into his arms and held her, his cheek pressed against the top of her head. It seemed they stayed there for a long time, even as deputies and crime-scene people moved around them.

His heart galloped for miles as the adrenaline slowly ebbed. He couldn’t remember ever having been so scared as he had been seeing Alexi Kulak pointing a gun at this woman he now held.

What an idiot he had to be, falling in love with a woman who put herself into situations like this one over and over again. But there it was, and all he could do about it was hold her and stroke her hair, and whisper words to her that he was sure she couldn’t hear.

It didn’t matter. It didn’t even matter what the words were. It only mattered that he said them.
