
This book would never have been completed without the help and support of many people. My thanks to the readers who read it as a work in progress and offered helpful comments. The staff and participants at The Republic of Pemberley website provided the first home for this story and the original idea for the Pemberley Variations. Ellen Pickels provided keen editing eyes and invaluable technical support.

I must also thank my extraordinary editor, Deb Werksman, for her belief in my work, as well as my agent, Lauren Abramo, for her patience and support. Danielle Jackson of Sourcebooks walked me through the publicity minefields.

Last, but never least, I want to thank my beloved husband, David, for understanding and tolerating my anxiety while writing my first novel; my children, Rebecca and Brian, for not saying their mom was crazy (okay, well, they didn’t say it much); and all the wayward children who have made our home your own—you know who you are—for making sure my life is never dull. I love you all.
