New York City’s Leading Photo-Newspaper

Features Division

The New York Journal

216 W. 57th Street

New York, NY 10019

Human Resources Division

The New York Journal

216 W. 57th Street

New York, NY 10019

We, the undersigned, of the Features Department of theNew York Journal, are hereby returning this sign, found in the restrooms on our division’s floor. While we realize that this sign is the Human Resources Division’s humorous way of dealing with the complaints of untidiness in the restrooms at 216 W. 57th Street, we find the sign offensive for the following reasons:

We in the Features Department do not “tinkle.” We urinate.

We in the Features Department do not refer to ourselves, or anyone else, as “sweetie.” (exception: Dolly Vargas has on occasion referred to people as sweeties, but not in reference to their hygienic practices)

We in the Features Department do not refer to toilet seats as “seaties.”

A more appropriate step toward maintaining an appropriate standard of cleanliness in our restrooms might be more frequent spot checks by the custodial staff.

Please do not hang signs like these in our restrooms EVER again.


George Sanchez

Melissa Fuller-Trent

Nadine Wilcock-Salerno

Dolly Vargas

To: Jen Sadler

Fr: Kate Mackenzie

Re: Amy’s Toilet Signs

Oh, my God, the Features Dept. returned those signs the T.O.D. made housekeeping hang in all the toilet stalls! Too funny! Want to be there when I tell her? Amy, I mean.


To: Kate Mackenzie

Fr: Jen Sadler

Re: Amy’s Toilet Signs

OF COURSE I want to be there. You know how disappointed she’ll be when she finds out. She says she hung signs like this all through her sorority house, and that the girls loved them. This is gonna be so good. . . .
