Chapter 13

CHASE woke at dawn. He took his time getting back to the ranch, trying to think what to say to Jessie. He had ruined her first taste of love, and he wanted terribly to make her feel better.

Rachel was on the porch, looking especially lovely in a dress of spring green with rows of white ruffles that swept back into the bustle. Her golden hair was caught in a tight bun at her neck, with wispy curls at her temples.

She looked elegant. Rachel always looked elegant, demure and poised, as if nothing could ruffle her. It was one thing Jonathan Ewing had admired about her. And it was the only thing that irritated Chase about Rachel, that unnatural self-control.

“Goodness, Chase, you look like you’ve been out all night,” Rachel said as he drew up by the porch.

He looked down at himself and grinned, rubbing his stubbly chin. “I was. I couldn’t sleep last night and went for a ride. Only I got lost in the dark, so I bedded down until daylight.”

She shook her head. “Honestly, Chase, that’s not like you.”

“Well, I haven’t exactly been myself since I came here, Rachel,” he retorted. “That daughter of yours has a way of changing people.”

She ignored that. “Weren’t you supposed to begin work this morning?”

He was ashamed. He’d forgotten. “I guess I was. I suppose Jessie has already left?”

“I don’t know,” Rachel sighed. “She never tells me anything.”

“Well, mornin‘, young feller.” Jeb came around the porch and spotted Chase. “Noticed your horse didn’t sleep in his stall last night. You just gettin’ back from somewhere?”

“Yep,” Chase replied, offering nothing further.

Jeb grunted, seeing he wasn’t going to get any more information. He turned to Rachel, dismissing Chase by giving him his back.

“Thought you’d better see this, so you don’t go gettin‘ all fired up like before,” he told her grouchily.

She snatched the note from Jeb and read it quickly, groaning. “Not again.”

Chase dismounted and read the piece of paper.


I need to get away for a while. Look after things for me. Tell Mitch to start the drive without me if I’m not back before he’s ready. He can handle things. You know where to find me if I’m needed.


“So where’s she gone this time, Jeb?” Chase demanded.

“Where she went last time,” Jeb said none too kindly.

“Are you going to start that again?” Chase exploded.

“You know where to find her, Jeb. You have to go after her,” Rachel said.

“Can’t do that.” He shook his head stubbornly. “Not unless she’s needed, like she says.”

Rachel turned to Chase, those big eyes so full of anxiety. “All right, Rachel,” he groaned. “I haven’t done this much riding since I covered California searching for my father.”

She placed a hand on his arm. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this, Chase.”

“I know,” he said. “But that daughter of yours won’t appreciate it when I catch up with her.”

He wasn’t at all pleased about this second wild-goose chase. And the fact that Jessie had run away made him feel decidedly uncomfortable after what had happened the night before. She was gone because of him.
