Chapter 43

THE sun was at its highest, and heavenly scents drifted through her open window with the heat from the garden. But Jessie did not appreciate the lovely day. She had spent a restless night thinking about Don Carlos. She suspected that she had done what she’d set out to do, she couldn’t be sure. Oh, where was Chase?

As if she didn’t have enough worries, she had felt the first stirrings of her baby last night, just the faintest flutterings, but enough to set her wondering about the next few months. Damn Chase, when would he get here?

Chase couldn’t believe his luck. It had gone sour for a while after they’d had that bad storm at sea and been blown so far off course that they were nearly a week behind schedule. He’d made port in Malaga and found an interpreter who could also act as guide. Most promising was that the name Carlos Silvela was well known, through his shipping and banking concerns. It proved easy to find him, and now here he was.

But he was afraid his luck was about to turn again, for the beautiful blonde who had opened the door was looking at him as if he had two heads. Her mouth was open, but no words came out. He was about to call his guide when the lady finally spoke.

“So it’s true!”

“I beg your pardon?” Chase replied. “I don’t speak Spanish.”

“Dispense. I... I speak English, but not so well. You come for... to see ...”

“Carlos Silvela,” Chase supplied. “My guide assured me this is the place. Is he here?”

“Slower, señor. Too fast for me.”

“I’m sorry. I’m looking for Carlos—”

“Si, si,” she interrupted. “This I know. Your wife, she say you would come. I did not believe her story.”

“My wife?” Chase frowned. “Ah, I think you are mistaking... let me get my guide.”

“You are not Chase Summers?”

He had turned away, but he spun around again. “How could you know that?”

“It is as I say, señor, your wife is here.”


Jessie had let it go on long enough. She stepped out from her biding place just off the foyer.

“Not impossible, Chase.”

Nita looked from Jessie to Chase, confusion overcoming her. “You see, señor, your wife. Now I leave you to her. Understanding your English has given me the aching head.”

Jessie watched Nita leave the foyer. A thoroughly sour expression clouded the Spanish woman’s lovely features. But she gave Nita no further thought, turning back to Chase and wondering why he was just standing there looking shocked.

“Have you a perfectly reasonable explanation for being here, or do I turn you over my knee and beat the living tar out of you for being the most irresponsible—”

“Don’t you take that tone with me, Chase Summers!”

He started toward her, but she backed away.

“How dare you travel in your condition? Have you no thought for yourself or the child? What if something had gone wrong?” Then his tone changed. “Did something happen? Are you all right?”

“Do you really care?”


“I’m fine.”

“What the hell are you doing here? I leave you safely with your mother—”

“Let’s be more specific,” Jessie fumed, always more comfortable attacking instead of defending. “You dumped me on my mother and then deserted me!”

“Deserted? Didn’t Rachel tell you I’d be back before the baby was born?”

“She told me,” Jessie said stiffly. “I didn’t believe it, and I still don’t. I haven’t forgotten I told you you could go your own way. Damn you, you sure didn’t waste any time leaving, did you?”

“Jessie, I’m this close to wringing your neck!”

“And I’m this close to socking you in the nose,” she retorted. “But I doubt it would solve anything.”

They glared at each other for several seconds.

Then Chase’s eyes softened and turned a velvety brown.

“Oh, Lord, I’m glad you’re, here,” he said. “I’ve missed you, Jessie.”

She was crushed in his arms, his lips molded to hers. He kissed her as if he were starving and she were his first taste of food. It didn’t take a second for Jessie to return his kiss with equal fervor. She clung to him, digging her fingers into his back. How she had missed the taste of him, the feel of his arms! She had almost forgotten the way he could make her feel, how he could make her want him to the exclusion of everything else.

“You’ve missed me, too, sweetheart.”

The words came from somewhere far away, muffled. He was nibbling at her neck.

“I haven’t missed you,” Jessie answered automatically.

Chase straightened, his eyes happy.

“If you’ll recall, Jessie, one of the last times you said anything to me at all was in Cheyenne. You were nearly in tears because your mother wouldn’t stay with you. So I thought you’d be delighted to spend some time with her. It was the perfect opportunity for me to get this part of my life settled. You couldn’t travel, anyway. Or you shouldn’t have.”

“I’m not quarreling with your motives, Chase,” Jessie said levelly. “I won’t even say you could have waited until after the baby was born. You left me without telling me. You didn’t discuss it with me.”

“How could I, the way you were? There was no telling how long you would be in shock.” He looked suspicious then. “When did you recover—as soon as I left?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Thanks, ” he grumbled. “I suppose you’ll be telling me my presence was what was keeping you in shock?”

“No, your leaving was what snapped me out of it,” she admitted.

“So you missed me! You weren’t pleased to find me gone?”

“Well... no,” she admitted again.

“Then I feel sorry for Rachel. She must have had a hell of a time coping with your tantrums.” He shook his head mournfully.

“Stop teasing me, Chase. I don’t think it’s at all funny. You had no right leaving me with my mother. I’m not her responsibility, I’m yours. You wanted to marry me, and now you’re stuck with me.”

“You mean it, Jessie?”

His soft voice caught her off guard. “Of course I do.”

“Well, I’m not complaining, sweetheart.”

“You’re not?”

He was grinning at her. “I like the idea of being stuck with you. Now, why don’t you show me where our room is? We never did get around to sealing our marriage vows.”

Jessie blushed.

“It’s the third door down the hall,” she said. “I can’t tell you about your—about Don Carlos until we’re alone.”
