LAUREN, Liam and Noah were married under the same arch where Holly Colter had married her husbands nearly thirty-five years before. As had Max and Callie, and Lily, Seth, Michael and Dillon. Gathered was the entire Colter family. Holly. The dads. Seth, Dillon, Michael and Lily with little Caleb. Max and Callie.

They all surrounded Lauren Wilder as she pledged her life and love to Liam and Noah, and it was decided that from that day forth, Lauren would take the name Lauren Sullivan-Prescott to honor both the men who in turn pledged their love and devotion to her for all eternity.

They married when the aspens had turned, their incandescent glitter transforming the landscape into a simmering sea of gold. It was the same month that Holly Colter had returned to her husband all those years ago, pregnant with their first child.

Over the years, many children were born to the Wilders, Colters and Sullivan-Prescotts. They grew up secure in the love of the older Colter generation, guided by the gentle hand of Holly Colter and her steadfast husbands, who swore to love her into the next life and beyond.

The children ran wild and free over the mountains where the Colters had lived for decades. They grew up with an unshakable purpose, confident and backed by the love of Colters’ Legacy.
