Chapter Fifty-one

October 2011

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Scheisse,” said Julia.

“Quite,” said Gabriel.

“I can’t believe you hired my uncle Jack.”

“He’s good at what he does. He’s gotten me out of scrapes before.”

A sudden realization came upon her. “Is that what you were arguing with him about back at my dad’s house?”

“He was angry I’d never told you.”

“He never mentioned anything.”

“He’s a man of few words.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She looked at him reproachfully.

“My actions were justified, but not legal. I didn’t want you knowing anything about it if there was a chance Simon or Natalie decided to go to the police. Or the feds. Before we were married I told you I’d looked into them and was satisfied that they wouldn’t bother you again.”

“I didn’t think you threatened them.”

“Is it really so bad?” he whispered.

Julia met his gaze and saw thinly disguised disappointment in his eyes.

“I told you I hadn’t confessed everything from my past, Julianne. We agreed that was fine.”

“But my father was so angry with you. Didn’t you want him to know that you protected me?”

“The fewer people who knew about it, the better. I doubt he would have changed his opinion.”

“So while we were separated, you were working hard to make sure I was safe?” She blinked back tears. “Thank you.”

He hugged her tightly. “You’re welcome. You should know that when I recovered the photos and videos of you I destroyed them without looking at them.”

Julia’s shoulders sagged in relief. “But Uncle Jack saw them.”

“I think he took pains not to look. And they’re gone now.”

“Simon and Natalie probably kept copies.”

“Jack said he got everything that included you. And he has a few other things in case he needs to motivate Natalie or Simon in the future.”

“How did he get everything?”

“That’s not important. The important thing is that you don’t need to worry about them. They won’t bother you again.”

Julia hugged him, crying relieved tears on his shoulder.
