JESS PULLED INTO a parking space at her sister's apartment complex. The two sisters saw each other frequently. More often than not, she made the trip from Los Angeles to San Diego to visit her younger sister, Sam.

Originally, she had told Sam that she wouldn't be coming down to attend her softball game today. Jess had planned to spend the weekend working on an article she was submitting to an emergency medicine journal. After the events at work yesterday, as well as a sleepless night, she had changed her mind.

Now that she was here, she was having second thoughts. Jess scrubbed her hands across her face. You know she's going to know something's up the minute she sees you. Despite their four-year age difference, she and Sam had been very close growing up. They had remained so into adulthood. Her sister was the only person in the world who could read her easily. Kim did a pretty good job the day you offered to share your office with her. Jess grimaced. Kim was the last person she wanted to think about right now.

Going to Sam's game is just what you need. Watch some good softball and forget your troubles. Jess reached over and grabbed her duffle bag off the passenger seat.

She glanced into the rearview mirror. "Are you ready to go see Sam?" she asked her patiently waiting passenger. She laughed at the loud woo woo that immediately issued from the back of her Durango. Turning in her seat, she reached back and patted Thor, her Great Dane. "That's my good boy. Let's go."

Jess unloaded Thor and they headed for Sam's front door. She used her key to let them in, knowing Sam was more than likely still asleep.

"Go lay down," she said, pointing to the large dog bed in the corner of the living room. Once Thor was settled, she quietly walked down the hall to look in on Sam.

Peering into Sam's room, she was surprised to find it empty. Where the heck is she at, Jess glanced at her watch, five o'clock in the morning? Hope she didn't get called back into work. Due to Sam's profession, Jess always worried about her. She sighed. Nothing to do but wait for her.

Fatigue tugged at Jess. She refused to give in to the thought of sleep. During what little sleep she had managed to get last night, her dreams had been filled with disjointed images of Kim. She shook her head sharply as if she could dislodge the unsettling thoughts and feelings. Coffee. I just need some coffee.

Jess headed for Sam's kitchen.

She had just started to make coffee when she heard Thor's welcoming woof. Jess stuck her head out of the kitchen doorway in time to see Sam stagger back against the front door under the onslaught of Thor's welcome.

Thor stood up and put his paws on Sam's shoulders.

Jess shook her head as she made her way to the pair. "Hey, Sam."

"Now this is a welcome home." Sam wrapped her arms around the big dog and grinned at her. "I wasn't expecting you guys, or I would've been here."

Jess eyed her sister and her dog. "What happened to no jumping up? He does this to a stranger and someone could get hurt."

Sam looked suitably contrite. "Thor. Off."

Thor obediently dropped to the ground.

"Sorry." Sam pulled Jess into a one-armed hug.

Jess returned the hug. "I know he's never even tried to jump on anyone else like he does us, but I don't want to take a chance. He's such a big dog."

"No, you're right. I promise we'll be good. Won't we, big guy?" Sam said as she leaned down and hugged the big dog.

Thor woofed as if in agreement, making both sisters laugh.

As they moved back toward the living room, Jess asked, "Did you get called in to work?"

Sam shook her head and grinned. "Nope."

Jess took a closer look at Sam, noticing her rumpled clothing for the first time. Her short, dark hair was equally mussed. "When what —" Jess broke off when a little half smirk appeared on Sam's face and her blue eyes sparkled. She laughed when the clue bus arrived. "I thought you said you weren't going to see Gina anymore 'cause she was getting too clingy. Have a change of heart?"

Sam flopped down onto the couch. "Nah. I haven't seen her in over a month. She wanted a full-time girlfriend. I have no intention of getting tied down to one woman." Sam wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. "There are so many beautiful women out there and so little time to enjoy them."

Jess shoved at Sam's shoulder, knocking her over. "You're a dog, Samantha McKenna," she said as she joined her on the couch. Sam seemed to have an inborn aversion to commitment. Just the mention of the word made her twitch.

Sam pulled herself upright and scowled at Jess. "I am not. If I pretended to be something I'm not and led these women on... Well, then I'd be a dog. I'm nothing if not honest about my intentions.... Or lack of them."

Jess shook her head. Sam would never change. She had never dated anyone seriously. Like you're any different, her more cynical side quickly noted. I am too. I'd love to be seriously involved with someone. I'm just realistic enough to know it's not going to happen... not to someone like me. Jess pushed aside the depressing thoughts.

"So who's the latest?"

"Marina." Sam rubbed her hands together. "Picture: long black hair like silk, dark mesmerizing eyes, warm brown skin, and top it all off with a buff body. That's Marina." Sam wiped imaginary sweat from her brow. "And get her out of those blues and she is one sizzling hot Latina lady."

"Blues? She's a cop?"

"Yeah, she transferred in from another precinct a few weeks ago."

Jess shifted uncomfortably, her thoughts going to her situation with Kim. "Are you sure this is such a great idea? Gina at least worked in a different precinct. What if things go bad?"

Sam's expression turned serious. "Life can go bad, Jess. You know what I face every day as a cop. I could leave for work tomorrow and never come home again."

"Jesus, Sam. Don't say that!" The possibility of Sam being injured or even killed in the line of duty was something Jess tried very hard not to think about.

"It's the truth. So in my view, breaking things off with a woman is the least of my worries, even if we do work together." Sam shrugged. "Besides, it's not that kind of thing. We're just friends with fringe benefits."

A resigned sigh slipped from Jess's lips. While Sam was an avowed bachelor and loved playing the field, Jess had been involved with relatively few women. Although they both loved women, they had very different attitudes about relationships and sex. Maybe that's 'cause there is one thing you've never told her about. Jess ruthlessly slammed the door shut on those memories.

"Just seems like you're buying trouble." Jess could see Sam was getting exasperated with her. She gripped Sam's forearm and gave it a firm squeeze. "I'm just worried about you."

Sam sighed. "I know. Don't worry. I've got it under control."

That was wishful thinking. The very public meltdown of her relationship with Myra proved that. "But don't you think —"

"Come on, Jess," Sam said, cutting her off. "Enough already. Marina and I both know it's important to keep our personal life private."

Tension filled the room.

Sam slumped back against the couch cushions. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

Jess brought her hands up and rubbed her stinging eyes. "Me too. Your life's your own. I shouldn't try and tell you how to live it. It's not like my personal life is any shining example to follow."

Neither woman spoke for several minutes.

"Hey." Sam sat up suddenly and peered at Jess with a questioning look. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I just realized... What are you doing here? I thought you had that article you had to get ready."

Shit! Jess had hoped Sam had forgotten about that little fact. Struggling to keep her reluctance to discuss the topic off her face, Jess tried for casual nonchalance. "I just decided I wanted to see your game. No big deal. I can work on my article later."

Sam stared at her for a moment and then snorted. "You really don't expect me to buy that line of bull, do you? I got home a little after five this morning and you were already here. That means you had to have left LA at three o'clock in the morning." Sam leaned over and bumped shoulders with Jess. "Come on, sis. What's really going on?"

A mix of emotions buffeted her. Jess raked her hands through her hair. You know you really want to talk. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come down here. "It's some stuff at work. I needed to get away and relax."

The look on Sam's face made it clear she was less than convinced. "So what's happening at work —" A huge yawn caught Sam mid-sentence. She scrubbed her hands over her face. "Sorry."

"I'm pretty beat too." Jess yawned. "Tell you what. I was just getting ready to make some coffee when you can in. Why don't you grab a shower? I'll make coffee and whip us up some breakfast."

Sam looked ready to protest, then seemed to change her mind. Turning her gaze away, she stretched and then stood up. "All right. I'm too tired to argue with you."

Trying not to show how relieved she was at the reprieve, Jess stood up as well. Although she admitted that she did want to talk, she just wasn't ready yet.

Sam headed down the hall and stopped just outside her bedroom door. She turned back toward Jess and called out, "Don't think for a second I'm going to forget about this. We will finish this conversation."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Jess headed for the kitchen, already wondering just what she was going to tell Sam. She couldn't explain her reaction to Kim to herself, much less to someone else.

* * *

Sam stepped out of the shower. She had been racking her brain trying to figure out what was up with Jess and work that she would feel the need to retreat to San Diego. Jess lived for her job. A niggling suspicion formed as she reached for her towel. I wonder if it's that new doctor. While she might talk about her cases in generic terms, Jess rarely spoke of her co-workers.

That had changed abruptly two weeks ago. After the third time Jess mentioned the new psychiatrist in less than a week, Sam had gotten the clue that something was different about... What was her name? Oh yeah. Kim.

After making her way into the bedroom, she pulled out clean clothes. Sam sighed. Not that Jess would ever let anything happen between them. Not after what that bitch did to her. Anger burned through Sam at just the thought of Myra. She had never actually met her but hated her nonetheless. Jess had not let anyone get close since their breakup. Not that she had ever let any woman really close to start with. Sam knew Jess had real issues with trust. What she had never been able to figure out was why. Jess had a lot of bullshit rationalizations, but never one Sam truly believed.

Finished dressing, Sam headed for the kitchen to find out just what was up with Jess. Maybe she's finally ready to move past Myra. She needs someone in her life. She might act like her job and Thor are enough, but I don't believe that. I may not want a girlfriend, but at least I have friends I go out and socialize with.

Sam stopped in the doorway. What little floor space there was in the small kitchen was currently occupied by Thor, who was enjoying his breakfast.

Jess looked up and smiled. "He got tired of waiting for you."

"Just as long as he's not eating my breakfast." Sam leaned into the room and patted the only part of Thor she could easily reach, his butt.

Thor gave her a brief glance before going back to his food.

Jess picked up a plate and a mug off the counter. Leaning over Thor, she handed them to Sam. "Lucky for you, he doesn't like coffee or bagels."

Sam laughed. "Thanks," she said, lifting up the items in her hands slightly.

Jess waved off the thanks. She picked up her own breakfast and carefully shuffled past Thor.

They both settled down at a small dinette table adjacent to the kitchen.

Sam took a large swig of her coffee. "Ah, just what I needed." Knowing Jess the way she did, she decided to ease her way into the conversation she really wanted to have with her. Sometimes getting Jess to open up about something was like pulling teeth. Not that she was any better. As she set her coffee back down she asked, "So what's up at work? New residents giving you problems?"

Jess took a moment to sip her coffee. "Had some trouble with one of the new ones, but I think she's got things worked out now. It's a lot more responsibility than they've ever had before, and it can be a tough adjustment."

Okay, not the residents. Sam knew the first few months after the new residents started were often a headache for Jess. She ate a few bites of her bagel. When Jess didn't offer any further comments, she tried again.

"Administrative problems, huh?"

Her mouth full of bagel, Jess shook her head no.

Running the ER was a lot more involved than most people realized. Sam had been amazed when Jess had explained all that her job entailed when she had taken over as Chief of the ER, in addition to being Program Director of the ER residency.

Okay that gets some of the usual problems out of the way. She really didn't believe it was any of the usual multitude of hassles at work that was bothering Jess anyway. Sam set down her coffee and turned her full attention to Jess, wanting to see her reaction. "So, how are things going with the new psychiatrist? Kim, right? She giving you problems?"

Jess choked on the mouthful of coffee she had just taken.

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. "You okay?"

Recovered from her coughing fit, Jess pushed back her chair and stood. "Yeah. I should go check on Thor."

Thor chose that moment to poke his head out of the kitchen.

"See he's fine," Sam said. "Come on, Jess. Talk to me. Tell me what's going on with this woman."

Jess shrugged, her gaze firmly locked on the table. "There's nothing to tell. Kim did a good job in the ER. She's done with her rotation and has gone back to psych." She began gathering up the dishes.

Sam stood and took the plates and cups out of Jess's hands and set them back on the table. "Leave these." She waited until Jess met her eyes. "You know I'm not going to let this go. So you might as well tell me."

"How can I tell you when I can't explain it to myself," Jess said.

Seeing the turmoil in Jess's eyes, Sam wrapped one arm around Jess's shoulders and squeezed. "Maybe we can make sense of it together, sis." She urged Jess toward the living room. "I'll grab us some more coffee. Then we'll talk."

* * *

Jess flopped gracelessly onto the couch. Her mind whirled as she tried to decide just what to tell Sam.

Thor lay down in front of the couch. He looked up and met Jess's eyes as if he could sense her jumbled emotions. He rested his head on her thigh and licked her hand, offering his own form of comfort.

Jess lovingly stroked the big dog's head. The peace and contentment she always felt at the simple act spread through her.

She glanced up when Sam set two mugs down on the coffee table.

Sam plopped down next to Jess on the couch. Reaching out, she began to gently pet Thor's neck.

"Tell me about Kim," Sam said quietly.

Jess's shoulders slumped. I'm more attracted to her than I've ever been to anyone. She's a co-worker and off-limits. End of story. She blew out a frustrated breath. "I —"

"I don't want to hear any of that," Sam said as if she could divine Jess's thoughts.

Jess scowled at Sam. She knew her too well.

"Don't think. Don't rationalize. Close your eyes and just tell me about Kim."

Jess leaned back and closed her eyes. A picture of Kim rapidly formed in her mind. Without giving herself a chance to think about it, she began to speak. "She's beautiful. Tall with a lithe build, shoulder-length curly blond hair, and warm blue eyes. I was taken with her the very first time I met her. Then she started working in the ER and I quickly discovered her beauty is much more than skin deep. Not only is she smart, but she's also a good person on the inside. Warm, caring, and compassionate with patients and families is just the start. She's great with the residents and staff. And a great teacher. I've enjoyed working with her more than anyone I can remember." Jess sighed. "Just being in the same room with her makes me feel good."

Jess's voice trailed off as the many images she had of Kim over the past two weeks paraded across her mind's eye. Kim laughing. Kim serious. Kim tenderly cradling a little girl in her arms.

No wonder she's invading my dreams. I don't remember experiencing that with Myra. An unexpected wave of longing washed over her. Jess's eyes popped open.

Sam was staring at her with a stunned expression on her face.

"Good God, Jess. She sounds wonderful. Why haven't you asked her out?" A grimace suddenly marred Sam's face. "Oh damn. She's not straight, is she?"

Jess shook her head. "You know why I can't ask her out."

"So she is gay?"

"Okay, fine. Yes, she's gay. I still can't ask her out." No matter how much you want to.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. She's a colleague. So what! I understand about not dating someone who works directly for you. But she doesn't, she's a psychiatrist who consults in the ER." Sam raked her hands through her hair. "Damn it, Jess. Not every woman is going to be like that freak, Myra."

"Drop it, Sam." Jess's jaw clenched. "You don't know anything about Myra. It wasn't her fault things didn't work out."

"Only because you never let me meet her," Sam said in an aggrieved tone. "I know what you told me about her embarrassing you in the middle of your own ER. And I don't care whose fault it was; that's no excuse for what she did. But Christ, Jess, that was almost two years ago. You can't shut yourself off from everyone because of one woman."

Jess crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at Sam. "I'm not." She's such a pain in the ass. Despite her grousing, Jess knew there was truth to what Sam was saying. "I'd like to date someone... just not someone I work with."

"Okay." Sam stared at Jess for a moment, then a little half smirk appeared on her face. "Just one thing..."

Ah shit. Jess braced herself. She knew that look, and it always meant trouble for whoever it was aimed at. "What?" Jess asked, unable to keep the trepidation out of her voice.

A full-fledged smirk danced across Sam's face. "Just where do you plan on meeting a woman if not at work?"

Jess racked her brain and quickly came up blank just as Sam apparently knew she would. She hadn't realized how cut off she had become from people in the last two years. She worked long hard hours at the ER. Most of her free time was spent in San Diego with Sam when Sam wasn't on duty. The rest of the time she spent with Thor or working at home, preparing lectures for residents and assorted ER administrative work. She couldn't remember the last time she had gone out to a movie or dinner with anyone other than Sam.

"Well?" Sam asked with a satisfied grin.

Jess's defenses kicked in. "Is this your way of telling me you're tired of my company?"

Sam stiffened and rounded on Jess with an angry glare. "Don't even think about trying to put this off on me. You know damn well that's not true."

Jess's shoulders slumped. "I know. I'm sorry." That had been a cheap shot. She knew Sam was just concerned about her.

The tension drained from Sam's face and she smiled. "Look, if you're worried, then don't ask her out on an 'official' date. Make it something casual, like lunch in the cafeteria or... what's the name of that place across the street?"


"Yeah. Ask her to Charlie's. Just a friendly dinner between colleagues. Get to know her better."

Jess shook her head. "That would set the gossip flying. I never go to lunch with anyone."

"Fuck 'em. Maybe it's time you started. You deserve to have a life."

"Sam," Jess said in a reproving tone.

"Come on, Jess. What do you care about what a bunch of people with nothing better to do say anyway? People are going to gossip no matter what you do."

"I know. I just don't want my personal life bandied about at work." Any more than it already is. Hell, big mouth Cindy is still talking about something that happened almost two years ago.

Sam's frustration at the impasse was readily apparent. She picked up her coffee and took a sip. "What about if you asked her to do something outside of work? It doesn't have to be a date. Ask her to go jogging with you or go Dutch treat to a movie. Even if you don't want anything else, wouldn't it be nice to have a friend to do things with?"

That's the real problem. I want a lot more than friendship. But I know I could never be what someone like Kim deserves in a lover. Hell, she's a psychiatrist. She'd head for the hills faster than Myra once she found out the truth about me.


Jess shook away the troubling thoughts. "I don't know, Sam."

Sam's expression turned pleading. "I've never heard you talk about anyone as much as you have Kim in the last two weeks. And how you described her... Wow. That must mean something," Sam said. "You said yourself you felt good just being in the same room with her. Do you really want to just let that go without even trying to see what might come of it?"

Fear and longing warred within Jess.

"Just think about it. That's all I'm asking," Sam said.

Jess looked over and met Sam's earnest gaze. "Maybe you're right. I'll think about it. I promise." Jess already knew in her heart what she wanted. She had known all along, she admitted. It just helped to hear Sam say the same things. Now she just had to convince her head to go along with the idea.

Thor, who had fallen asleep at Jess's feet, chose that moment to awaken. He stood and shook himself, then headed directly to the apartment's front door. He looked back over his shoulder at her.

Jess laughed. "Duty calls," she said as she stood. "After I take him out, do I have time for a shower before your game?"

Sam glanced at her watch. "Plenty of time. Why don't you go ahead and get a shower. I'll take him out."

"Thanks, Sam."

"Anytime," Sam said.

Jess watched as the duo headed out. She turned and made her way toward the bathroom feeling more light-hearted than she had when she arrived. For the first time in a long time she allowed a bit of hope for the future to fill her.
