STEPPING BACK INTO the ER proper, Jess let the sights and sounds ease her lingering tension. A brief smile played across her face when she spotted what had become a familiar sight in the ER over the last week. Kim. She was sitting at the computer workstation. Just the thought of her was enough to wash away Jess's remaining stress.

Jess stopped and leaned against the counter of the nurses' station. "Dr. Donovan," she said by way of greeting.

Kim looked up from the chart she was working on and smiled. "I was beginning to think you weren't working today."

"Believe me, I'd have much rather been here than where I was."

Eyebrow quirked in question, Kim asked, "And where was that?"

"Quarterly budget meeting... chaired by Dr. Rodman."

Kim's face scrunched up as if she had bitten into a lemon. "You have my sympathy."

Jess knew that Kim's initial encounter with Rodman had left her with a less than stellar impression of the man. A small laugh escaped. Jess quickly squelched it when she noticed Penny watching from farther down the counter.

Jess glanced up at the patient status board. "Have things been pretty quiet?"

"So far." Kim mock scowled at Jess. "Nothing compared to last Friday."

"That did get a little out of hand," Jess said with a grimace. Kim had never explained why she covered the ER in Roberts's place last Friday, but Jess had been grateful for her presence.

Kim's hands went to her hips. Her eyebrows shot up. "A little!"

Jess held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, it was total pandemonium." After a fraternity initiation gone bad, the ER had been swamped with inebriated college students, their parents, and the police. It was not something that psych would have normally been called to the ER for, but Kim had pitched right in. Her help in keeping the chaos under control and counseling parents and students alike had been invaluable. Get her off this subject, or you'll never convince her to cover the ER full-time. "Are you busy right now?"

"I need to finish up this chart, then I'm free. What can I do for you?"

"I have something I'd like to talk to you about," Jess said.

"Okay." Kim smiled. "I want to discuss something with you as well. Give me a minute to finish up here, and I'll be right with you."

"We can talk in my office as soon as you're done." Jess forced herself to stand still and not fidget while she waited for Kim to finish up. If she wanted a job like this, she would have taken a position in a psychiatric ER. Jess pushed away the pessimistic thought. Just ask her. Part of Jess's anxiety stemmed from not wanting to damage their blossoming friendship. Not only did they work very well together, but the time they spent together outside the hospital was also coming to mean more to Jess than she had ever expected. She didn't want Kim to feel obliged to accept her request because they were friends.

* * *

Jess led the way down the hall to her office. She was just opening the door when a loud rumbling sound intruded. She turned to look at Kim with a raised eyebrow.

"I was running late this morning and didn't get any breakfast." Another loud rumble issued from her stomach. Kim blushed. "I haven't had lunch yet either."

"We can talk later." Jess stepped just inside her office doorway and turned back to face Kim. "You want to meet back here after you get some lunch?"

Kim started to speak, then hesitated.

Jess tensed in anticipation. She's going to want us to go to lunch together.

The smile dropped off Kim's face. Shoulders drooping, she took a step away from Jess. "I can just grab something from the vending machines and eat in your office. That is if you don't mind me eating while we talk?"

With an inward scowl, Jess forced herself to relax. Would going to lunch be such a bad thing? The sight of Kim's withdrawal filled her with a sense of determination. Sam was right. People were going to gossip no matter what she did. To hell with them. I can have lunch with a colleague if I want. "I haven't eaten either. Why don't we head to the cafeteria? We can talk while we have lunch."

Kim's mouth dropped open. She stared at Jess for several moments.

Jess quirked her mouth in a little half smirk. "You okay? Do I need to get the crash cart?"

Eyes sparkling, Kim grinned. "Maybe just a little jolt to get my heart going again." She playfully shoved Jess's shoulder. Her eyes widened at the realization of what she had just done. She quickly pulled back and cautiously glanced around. Kim's expression turned serious. "Are you sure? I don't want to start any gossip."

Beautiful and thoughtful. Jess smiled. That wasn't so hard. With each passing day, her trust of Kim grew. "Yes. I'm sure. Let's go."

* * *

Kim followed Jess, allowing her to choose their table in the cafeteria. Realizing what a big step Jess had taken in asking her to lunch at work, Kim wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was rapidly filling up. Jess set her tray down on a table on the outskirts of the main seating area, but well within view and hearing of nearby tables.

Wonder why she didn't pick one of the more secluded corners so we could talk without worrying about being overheard. Kim set her tray down and then glanced at one of the tables tucked in the corner. She realized why Jess had not chosen to sit there. The tables were small, meant for two people. The hospital workers currently occupying the space were holding hands and seemed oblivious to anything but each other. Despite the hospital setting, it looked very romantic. That's all we need to set the gossip flying.

As she situated herself at the table, Kim realized their presence had already attracted some attention. Feeling eyes on her, Kim looked around.

Cindy, the ER nurse who had been gossiping about Jess a few weeks ago, was sitting off to her left with several other women. When Kim met her gaze, Cindy smirked at her. Ah, crap. I bet she can't wait to get back to the ER and blab that she saw us together.

"Just ignore her," Jess said.

Kim jumped, startled out of her thoughts. Her head snapped back around to face Jess. "I'm sorry. Maybe we should just go back —"

"No." Jess gently cut her off. "There's nothing to be sorry for. People are going to gossip no matter what we do. There is nothing wrong with two colleagues having lunch together." While Jess's words were calm and logical, her hands clenched on the sides of her tray belied her words.

She's trying so hard. Barely resisting the urge to reach out and touch Jess's arm, Kim resigned herself to offering a warm smile instead. "You're right, it's best to ignore it. So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked, knowing Jess would be more at ease discussing work.

Jess took a deep breath. She let go of her tray and clasped her hands together in her lap. "I wanted to ask you to consider coming to work in the ER full-time. You're a great asset to the department. You work well with the staff and residents. We could really use someone of your caliber working in the ER on a daily basis. I wanted to see how you felt about it before I approached Philip."

Kim knew her mouth was hanging open. Jess had managed to floor her twice today, once with the invitation to lunch and now this. So much for your worry about asking her what she thought of you working full-time in the ER.

Mistaking Kim's silence, Jess shifted uncomfortably. "Um... I want you to know that you are under absolutely no obligation to agree. If you're not interested, it won't change anything as far as I'm concerned either in the ER," Jess hesitated, visibly struggling for words, then continued, "or anywhere else for that matter."

Huh? Anywhere else. Realization hit Kim like a ton of bricks. Jess is worried I'll think she's pressuring me to agree because we're friends. Kim could only wonder once again about Jess's past. Who made you so unsure of yourself? Your ex? Pushing away the irrelevant thought, Kim turned her attention to the matter at hand.

"I understand if you'd rather not," Jess said. Her voice had taken on the more reserved tone she frequently used in the ER.

Kim silently cursed herself. Her lack of immediate response had made Jess assume the worst. Kim smiled. "Actually, working in the ER is what I wanted to talk to you about."

Jess's brow furrowed. "It was?" she finally managed.

Nodding, Kim said, "I spoke to Philip on Monday. I planned on talking to you about it to make sure you were okay with it before he announced the change at our next staff meeting."

"You really want to come work in the ER full-time?" Jess asked.

"You look so surprised." Turn about is fair play. You surprised the hell out of me today. "That's what you want... Right?"

"Yes. Of course," Jess said. She ran her fingers through her hair. "I just thought it would be a harder sell."

"Well, it did take me a while to sell it to Philip." Kim smiled warmly. "Personally I very much enjoy working in the ER. As I told Philip, I actually considered a position at a psychiatric ER before accepting the job here."

"So when can you start?" Jess asked.

"I've got another week on my current rotation. Our monthly staff meeting is the Monday after the end of my rotation. Philip will announce at that meeting that I'll be officially taking over covering the ER exclusively." Kim grinned. "So I guess that means you're stuck with me from here on out."

A brilliant smile flashed across Jess's face. "Works for me."

A sense of satisfaction filled Kim. Although she understood intellectually that she had not been to blame for what happened at Memorial, emotionally her confidence had taken a blow. That Jess had approached her with the request to work in the ER gave her a much appreciated boost to her confidence.
