JESS PUSHED HER chair away from the desk. She had retreated into her office to get some paperwork done, but had lost her usual relentless focus. Earlier in the week, she had experienced some trepidation about seeing Kim in a work situation following their outing. Those feelings had changed as the week progressed. It was Friday afternoon and she had not gotten so much as a glimpse of Kim all week. Now a part of her longed to see her, if just for a few minutes.

A quick glance at her watch confirmed what Jess already knew: Kim was in the department for noon conference. She was lecturing the first-years. She should be done by now. Just go out and say hello. That's what a friend would do. Jess still resisted.

Her emotional insecurities plagued her. As much as she wanted to see Kim, past experience reared its ugly head and made her leery. Jess did not trust her own judgment. Myra had made her extremely gun-shy. Right from the start, Myra had not understood the need to keep their professional and personal lives separate.

You're not dating Kim. Besides, she has already proven she's not like that. She hasn't been down here trying to be your best buddy at work. You haven't seen her all week, Jess's more logical side reminded.

A knock on the door interrupted her musings. "Come in," Jess said.

The door swung open and the focus of all her thoughts stood in the doorway. Surprised pleasure showered Jess at the sight. It was like unexpectedly coming around a corner and finding a beautiful rainbow painting the sky in vivid hues.

"Hi, Dr. McKenna. Got a minute?" Kim asked.

Jess was surprised by the use of her title until she spotted the two residents conversing in the hall just outside her door. See, she's not even using your first name, because there's a chance of someone overhearing her. She knows no one calls you Jess at work.

Jess stood and came around her desk. With a friendly smile, she said, "Sure. Come on in."

Kim smiled and stepped inside, then pushed the door shut behind her.

"What's up?" Jess asked. "Is there a problem with the residents?"

"No." Kim glanced over at the pile of charts on Jess's desk. "I don't want to interrupt if you're busy." She hesitated. "This is more personal than professional."

Springing to alert, Jess's defenses slammed up before she even had a chance to think about it. Her cool and distant ER chief persona came to the fore.

"I am bothering you," Kim said. "I'll go." Resignation dripped from her voice.

You're overreacting. Give her a chance. Jess's gaze darted to Kim's face. Worry and disappointment were easy to read. Now look what you did!

Three quick steps brought her over to Kim. Without conscious thought, she reached out and gently put her hand on Kim's shoulder. "Wait. Don't go." Jess motioned toward the couch. "Have a seat. As long as I don't get paged, I've got time."

Kim still looked uncertain but at Jess's reassuring smile finally moved toward the couch and sat down.

Jess joined her. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I was just wondering if you and Thor were going jogging tomorrow morning? I thought if you wouldn't mind, I'd join you."

"Oh." Jess's expression fell. Damn. It would have been fun to go jogging with her again. "I'm sorry. I already have plans for tomorrow."

The words had barely left Jess's mouth and Kim was on her feet.

"Maybe some other time," Kim said. Her tone said something totally different. She headed for the door.

An unaccustomed feeling of anxiety gripped Jess. You're screwing this up! She stood. "What about tonight?" Jess asked before Kim could open the office door.

Kim turned to look at Jess. "You want to go jogging tonight?"

Jess shook her head. "Not really." Swallowing nervously, Jess forged ahead before she could lose her nerve. She offered the first thing that popped into her head. "Could I interest you in going to see Colleen Bryce's new movie?"

The brilliant smile that lit up Kim's face made Jess's heart pound. Ah, that's more like it.

"Oh! I love her Deven Masters movies. Who can resist a take-charge kind of woman? Much less a gorgeous one who wears leather," Kim said, her expression going dreamy.

Jess's libido stood up and took notice. She didn't know what happy place Kim had just disappeared to, but she would sure as hell love to join her there. Down girl! None of that.

It was time to steer the conversation back to safer waters. "We could stop and get some dinner first. I know a good Mexican restaurant not far from the theater." Now that sounds like we're making a date. A sliver of apprehension touched Jess. She forced away the almost automatic response.

"That sounds great. I love Mexican." Kim gave Jess a knowing look. "Dutch treat, of course."

How does she do that? Jess was not used to anyone being able to read her quite so easily. Pushing that thought aside to contemplate at a later time, Jess turned her attention to the here and now. She was already looking forward to an enjoyable evening spent in Kim's company.

* * *

Twinkling white lights and colorful decorations were hung around the restaurant's large patio. The area resounded with the sounds of conversation and laughter. Muted strains of mariachi music from inside the restaurant added to the festive air.

Kim sat at the outside bar, sipping a glass of wine while waiting for a table. Since the restaurant didn't accept reservations, she had offered to head for the eatery and secure a table while Jess made a quick trip home to take care of Thor.

While making the plans on where to meet, it had been a pleasant surprise to learn that the condo she was renting was only twenty minutes away from Jess's home. It made the logistics of doing things together that much easier, especially taking Thor into consideration.

Jess's initial reaction to her overture this afternoon had, at the time, filled Kim with doubt that she would be spending any more time with Jess outside of work. Happy that she hadn't scared Jess off with her emotional breakdown on their last outing, she silently vowed this time would be different. No matter what, no tears this time.

Feeling a presence behind her back, Kim smiled. She knew who it was before she even turned around.

"Hey, Jess," Kim said as she turned to face her. Kim took a moment to admire the dark blue sweater Jess had added over her shirt. It deepened the color of her already striking blue eyes.

"Hi." Jess reached past Kim and snagged a tortilla chip from the basket on the bar. "Sorry. I'm starving. I didn't get any lunch."

"Help yourself." Kim pushed a bowl of salsa closer to Jess. "I think I've already had half a basket." Moving over on the bar stool, Kim made room for Jess to squeeze in next to her at the crowded bar. "Get Thor all settled?"

Jess nodded, her mouth full.

Kim grinned, pleased by Jess's relaxed attitude. The pager Kim had been given when she arrived at the restaurant began to flash. "Table's ready. Let's eat."

* * *

Kim pushed her plate away with a satisfied sigh.

"Was it okay?" Jess asked.

"It was wonderful. I spent the year I was in Detroit looking for a good Mexican restaurant. I tried quite a few of them, but nothing even came close to comparing to this meal."

Jess smiled. "Well, that sure won't be a problem around here."

Conversation had been sporadic during dinner, confined to the weather and neutral topics. The interspersed silences had been comfortable ones as they each concentrated on the meal.

Now that they had relaxed and eaten, Kim allowed her curiosity to come to the fore. She was still feeling a little emotionally exposed after their previous outing. Not only had she shared with Jess her less than stellar experiences at Memorial Medical, but her family's lack of support as well.

Kim hoped to not only learn more about Jess but share more positive aspects of her own life with Jess. Although she would rather talk about something besides work, it was a major part of both their lives. It's a good place to start.

"So, how long have you worked at LA Metro?" Kim asked.

Jess's eyebrow quirked at the change of subject. "Almost seven years."

"But you haven't been in charge of the ER all that time... right?"


"How long have you been chief?"

"Two years," Jess said.

"Do you like it?" Kim asked. She wondered at Jess's short-worded answers. Jess didn't seem to be intentionally unfriendly, just not particularly forthcoming.

"For the most part."

Kim waited, hoping Jess would expound some on that answer.

Jess didn't.

She groaned to herself. God, this is like pulling teeth.

That's when Kim stopped and took a closer look at Jess. She realized her body posture had changed. Jess was leaning back in her chair with her arms pulled in close to her body. Kim mentally compared it to Jess's relaxed stance when talking about Thor. She's not used to talking about herself.

"How about you?" Jess leaned forward and placed her arms on the table. "Now that you've had a chance to see what working at LA Metro is like, do you think you'll stay?"

"Yes. I think the hospital is a good fit for me," Kim said.

Further conversation was halted by the arrival of the waiter. He was carrying a tray filled with sweets. "Could I interest you ladies in some dessert? The specialty of the house is our own freshly made flan."

Yum! Kim didn't even have to think about it. "I'll have the flan and a cup of coffee."

"Not for me," Jess said. "I'll just have a cup of coffee."

The waiter set a piece of flan in front of Kim, then left to get their coffee.

"You don't know what you're missing. I love this stuff. I haven't had any since I've been back in California." Kim picked up her spoon and dug in. The rich, thick custard and caramel sauce melted in her mouth. The combination of flavors inundated her taste buds, creating a sensory bliss.

"Oh God. This is incredible. You have to try some." Kim scooped some of the custard up on her spoon to offer it to Jess. Her hand was halfway across the table when the realization of the intimacy of the gesture struck her. What are you doing? She flushed and started to draw her spoon back.

"Hey," Jess reached over and gently took hold of Kim's wrist and guided her hand back across the table. Jess grinned and quickly leaned forward to capture the offered treat. She smacked her lips. "That is good."

Kim froze in place, her spoon hanging in mid-air. Heat rushed through her. Her brain frantically tried to catch up with her body's reaction to the sight of Jess's lips closing around her spoon.

Jess waved a hand in front of Kim's face and laughed. "Earth to Kim. You okay?"

"Sure. Fine." Kim was sure Jess could feel the heat radiating off her skin all the way across the table. She was saved any further embarrassment by the arrival of the waiter.

He served each of them a cup of coffee and then placed an extra spoon in front of Jess. When Jess looked at him questioningly, his gaze darted to Kim's dessert and he winked.

Jess blushed.

Kim felt her own face heat.

The humor of the situation hit them both at the same time. They burst out laughing.

* * *

The dazzling full moon hung suspended in the crystal clear night sky. Combined with the bright overhead lighting, it chased away the darkness, painting the parking lot in vivid relief. The huge lot served not only the multiplex theater but the shopping mall as well. It was a sea of cars.

"Sorry about the movie," Jess said as they made their way across the parking lot. They had not seen the Deven Masters movie as originally planned.

"You had no way of knowing it would be sold out," Kim said.

"I should have checked online. But I wasn't talking about that. I meant the movie we ended up seeing." Could it have been any more idiotic? Jess shook her head. "Should have just skipped it."

Kim moved close enough to Jess to gently bump shoulders with her. "It wasn't that bad," she said with a smile.

Jess's eyebrows arched. "Oh, so you weren't the woman sitting next to me bemoaning the inane dialogue?" Jess grinned at the endearing blush that rapidly covered Kim's face.

"Well, my brother, Patrick, always used to say, no matter what the reviews were, going to see a movie is always a crap shoot," Kim said. "So in this case —"

Jess snickered. "We stepped right in it?"

Kim grinned. "Pretty much."

"Next time, we'll stick with Deven Masters. She never disappoints." Jess was getting a big kick out of the playful banter. She had never experienced this type of interaction with the women she had dated. This friend thing is even better than I thought it could be. Now, if I can just learn to ignore the attraction, I'll be all set.

A sudden sharp breeze cut Kim's laughter short. She shivered. Her long-sleeved oxford shirt provided no real protection against the chilly night air. "Guess I misjudged. My Michigan blood isn't as thick as I thought." Kim rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

"It's so warm during the day it's easy to forget just how cold it can get at night." Jess instinctively stepped close and wrapped her arm around Kim's shoulders. It was only when Kim's body came to rest against her side that she realized what she had done. What are you doing? Her first impulse was to pull away, but she managed to stop herself. After all, it really had been an innocent gesture of comfort. She darted a quick glance at Kim to gauge her reaction.

"Thanks. I hate being cold." Kim smiled at Jess and inched a little closer.

"And you still moved back to Michigan?" A quick stiffening of Kim's muscles made Jess regret the question.

"What can I say." Kim momentarily ducked her head, then looked at Jess and shrugged. "I caved to pressure from my mother. Big mistake, as usual."

Jess gave Kim's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I know how that goes. Mothers can be relentless."

Before Kim could comment, they arrived back at their vehicles.

"Finally," Jess said. The lot had been packed when they arrived. They ended up parking on the outer reaches of the giant lot.

Jess dropped her arm from around Kim's shoulders and motioned for her to step between the vehicles and out of the wind. "We might not have gone jogging, but we still got a good walk in."

Kim laughed. "I needed it after that big dinner, not to mention the huge popcorn we ate."

"That wasn't my fault. The popcorn only came in huge, extra huge, and monstrous," Jess said with a laugh. "Oh, speaking of jogging. How about we go next Saturday? I'm sorry about this week, but I promised my sister I'd come down for her softball game." She wanted to make sure Kim didn't think she was reneging on the offer to jog together. Thinking of Sam's game, Jess was struck by the sudden urge to invite Kim to go with her. She pushed it firmly away. No. It's too much, too soon. At least for me.

"Oh." Kim frowned. "I have a hair appointment at nine next week."

"No problem. Maybe some other time." Jess struggled not to let her disappointment show. It's no big deal. You can always go some other time.

"Wait." Kim touched Jess's arm. "Would you mind going later, say eleven? Then maybe catch some lunch afterwards?"

Jess smiled brightly. "That would be great. Thor and I will meet you at the park."

"I —" A sudden gust of wind whipped between the cars. Kim gasped. She wrapped her arms around herself and shuddered.

Jess moved close to block the worst of the wind. "You better get going before you freeze." Even with her shirt and sweater, Jess was starting to feel the cold.

Kim's teeth chattered. "Okay." She opened the door to her Jeep and climbed in. "If I don't see you at work, I'll see you and Thor next Saturday at the park."

"See you," Jess said before closing Kim's door.

Jess had enjoyed herself tonight. It had been fun and relaxing to spend time with Kim. She was already looking forward to next weekend.
