KIM WATCHED AS Jess pushed her food around her plate. She had been quiet since they got home from work. The shadows in Jess's eyes had lifted after her encounter with Tara earlier in the day, but they were back now, deeper than ever.

Jess looked up. Stress lines framed her eyes.


Nodding, Jess rose to her feet and began to gather up the plates.

"I can do that," Kim said.

"No. I've got it. Go relax. I'll be right there." Jess walked away before Kim could protest.

* * *

Should I go check on her? Kim glanced toward the kitchen doorway. Jess had been gone far longer than it took to clean up. Before she could get up, Jess appeared, carrying two glasses of wine.

Jess set both glasses on the coffee table and offered her hand to Kim.

Kim allowed Jess to pull her off the couch. She could feel the tension pouring from Jess. "I meant what I said earlier. You don't have to do this today."

"Yes. I do." Jess stared intently into Kim's eyes as if she was trying to look into her soul. She leaned in and brushed a soft, sweet kiss across her lips. "Come what may, I love you. Please remember that."

What the hell? Tears prickled at the corner of Kim's eyes. It sounded as if Jess was saying goodbye. She reached up and cupped Jess's face. "I love you too, Jess. Nothing is going to change that." Disturbed by the melancholy smile and almost defeated look in Jess's eyes, Kim tried to wrap her arms around Jess.

Jess pulled away. She sat down on the couch and turned so that her back was against the arm of the couch. She patted the open space between her legs. "Sit with me?"

Kim was struck by the dichotomy of the position Jess had chosen. She obviously didn't want to look at Kim while she told her, but at the same time wanted Kim sitting between her spread legs and against her chest like a protective shield.

Realizing she was falling into her clinical mode, Kim stopped herself. Jess is not a patient. You don't need to analyze to distance yourself emotionally. She was aware enough to admit that she was trying to protect herself. This was going to be very difficult to hear. Stop stalling. She looked down at Jess to see that her expression had closed off. Kim carefully took her place between Jess's legs.

Some of the strain eased for both of them when Jess wrapped her arms around Kim's abdomen and settled her close against her chest.

As the silence grew, Kim began to wonder if Jess was going be able to do this. She started when Jess placed a kiss on her temple.

"You know by now how much I need to be in control." Jess snorted self-deprecatingly. "Obviously, there's a reason for that."

Kim could feel the coiled tension of Jess's body against hers. She stroked Jess's arms.

"It happened in my senior year in high school. Not only was I a loner, but I wasn't the most feminine of girls either. I'd already gained most of my height. And at that time, I was big into lifting weights. Not too many guys were interested in dating a muscular, almost six-foot-tall girl." Jess shrugged. "And I really wasn't interested in guys that way."

Jess pulled one arm from around Kim and reached for the wine. She offered Kim a glass.

"No, thanks," Kim said. Stress was making her stomach queasy.

Keeping the wine for herself, Jess settled back in place. She took a healthy drink before returning to her story. "I realize now that I must have subconsciously known I was attracted to girls and that was why I avoided having any female friends. If there were any other gays at my small town high school, I never knew it."

Kim's heart ached for that younger Jess. It must have been so hard growing up and knowing you were different, but not realizing why. That was one advantage of attending a big city high school. Kim had been exposed to other gays in school.

"By my senior year, my mother was becoming increasingly concerned that I wasn't dating. My dad didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Anyway, it was around that time that I was approached by one of the guys on the football team. He was a big guy, six-six and well over two hundred pounds. He looked and acted like the all-American boy next door." Jess's hand stiffened on her wine glass.

But he wasn't. Bastard. Kim bit her lip to keep the comment to herself.

"My mother was thrilled when I told her David had asked me out. We started dating pretty regularly, mostly going out as a group with his football buddies and their dates. When we did go out alone, he kissed and touched me, but never anything beyond light petting. He always stopped when I asked him to. I never felt anything, but I guess I was trying to fit in and it made my mother happy," Jess said, a bitter edge to her voice.

Kim entwined her fingers with Jess's and gave her hand an understanding squeeze. Kim had been there before. Trying to make her mother happy had resulted in some of her most miserable moments. Now that Jess was talking, she didn't want to interrupt her.

Jess finished off her wine in one gulp. "You sure you don't want that?" She pointed to the other glass of wine.

"No. Go ahead," Kim said.

After exchanging the glasses, Jess was silent for several minutes.

Kim wasn't sure she was going to continue. You're doing great. Keep going.

Finally, Jess took up the story again. "We had been dating for a month when he asked me to the homecoming dance. It was a huge deal in our town. My mother was ecstatic. She took me on a special trip to San Francisco to find the perfect dress."

Hoping to comfort her, Kim stroked her hand up and down Jess's thigh. The muscles felt rock hard under her fingers.

"My parents extended my curfew to two a.m. for the night. David and his buddies had rented a hotel room so we could all hang out together after the dance. Or at least that's what I thought." Jess blew out a shaky breath. "Pretty fucking naïve, huh?"

"Jess —" Kim tried to turn in her arms, but Jess stopped her.

"Let me finish."

Kim resumed her stroking of Jess's leg.

"David had been trying to convince me to sleep with him for the two weeks leading up to the dance. He kept telling me how much he cared for me and how on homecoming night he wanted to make me truly his. I thought about it, but just wasn't sure I could go through with it." Jess pulled her free hand off Kim's belly and raked it through her hair. "We got to the hotel room, and several of David's buddies and their girlfriends were already there. The guys had gotten hold of some liquor, and we started drinking. After a couple drinks, everyone started making out with their date. When David pulled me off the couch and urged me toward another door, I really didn't think about it and followed him. I trusted him."

Jess fell silent.

Kim could feel the tension radiating off Jess in waves.

Jess's chest hitched, but she remained silent. She took several sips of her wine as if hoping it would provide her with courage.

"Jess, you don't have to tell me the details. I have a pretty good idea what happened." Kim turned in Jess's arms until she could cradle Jess's face in her palm. "It wasn't your fault. He forced you."

"No. That's just it, Kim. He didn't." Jess looked everywhere but at Kim. "I need to tell you this. I just hope..." Jess's voice deserted her for a moment. "I pray you'll still want to be with me after I tell you," she said, her voice filled with pain. Tears glistened in her eyes.

Oh, Jess. Kim could feel the frantic beat of Jess's heart against her breast. "I love you, Jess. Nothing you tell me will ever change that." She brushed her lips gently over Jess's. "Go ahead."

Jess nodded. She set her wine glass on the table, then urged Kim back around so that her back was once again against Jess's chest. She wrapped her arms around Kim's middle as if Kim were her lifeline.

"When we got into the room next door, he immediately started groping me. He had always been so gentle before, it really shocked me. He pushed me back onto the bed and lay down on top of me. I kept telling him to wait, slow down, but he wouldn't listen." Jess's breath hitched. "Before I knew it, he had pushed my dress up and was pulling my panties down."

Kim could feel tremors rippling through Jess's body. She tried to turn in Jess's arms, but Jess held her fast against her chest. She was totally caught up in the agonizing memories.

"It happened so fast," Jess said in a choked voice. "I never even realized he had his pants open until I felt him push my legs open and start probing between my thighs." Jess's arms clenched painfully tight around Kim.

Oh, God. Kim's eyes stung with repressed tears.

"He was hurting me, and I panicked. I shoved against his shoulders, trying to get him off of me. I kept saying, 'Stop, David. Please. Stop.' He pulled my hands off his shoulders and pinned them above my head. I started to protest again, but it was too late... a searing pain streaked between my legs and he was... he was..." Jess's body shook as she struggled for control.

Anger burned deep in Kim. You bastard. She tried to turn again, but Jess stopped her.

"I need to tell you... I need to tell you the rest," Jess choked out.

Kim stroked Jess's arms where they were clutched around her until she calmed enough to continue.

"I just laid there while he thrust into me, grunting in my ear. I never fought him. I just let him do what he wanted." Jess's fists clenched against Kim's stomach. "When he was finished, he got up and grinned down at me as he pulled his pants up. He stuffed my panties in his pocket. Then he patted my cheek and thanked me, smirking the whole time. We went back to the other room and he took me home as if nothing had happened. I trust..."

Jess's emotional control broke. She released her hold on Kim and broke down in great heaving sobs.

Her own tears flowing, Kim quickly moved from between Jess's legs. She edged onto the couch next to Jess's thigh so she could face her. She wrapped her arms around Jess and drew her tightly against her chest. "That's it, sweetheart. Let it all out." She petted Jess's hair and murmured softly to her as Jess purged some of the pain of the long held secret.

Finally, Jess pulled back and swiped at her tears. She tentatively peered into Kim's eyes as if afraid of what she might see.

Kim met her gaze and held it. She gently brushed at both their tears. "I love you," she said, her voice soft and tender.

Jess clutched her painfully tight to her chest. "I love you." She heaved a sigh and pulled back. "That's not the worst of it."

Not the worst? Acid poured into Kim's stomach, and she was sure she was going to be sick. What else did that fucking bastard do to Jess? Kim forced herself to be calm. She stroked her fingers through Jess's hair letting it soothe both of them. "Tell me, sweetheart."

Jess picked up the glass of wine. She downed it in a single gulp, then put the empty glass back. "When I got to school on Monday, I noticed right away all the snickers and looks I was getting from everyone. David had wasted no time. He bragged to anyone who would listen how he bagged me. He made the rest of my senior year a living hell. Every time I saw him in the hall, he smirked at me."

"I'm so sorry," Kim said, her voice shaking. She didn't know what else to say.

Jess didn't seem to hear her. She was still caught up reliving the past. "I didn't learn the rest of it until almost a month later."

Dear God. There's more? Kim tried to brace herself for what was coming.

"David was waiting for me outside the library one night. I guess he decided that humiliating me at school wasn't enough. He wanted to show off his new leather jacket and thank me. Turns out that he and one of his buddies had made a bet. They each picked an outsider, an 'untouchable' for their little game. Whoever in his words 'popped their chosen girl's cherry first' won. That's what he was thanking me for that night. Winning the bet for him."

Unable to distance herself emotionally, the depth of Jess's pain staggered Kim." Betrayed, raped, and publicly humiliated. My God, Jess. It's a wonder you've ever let anyone close.

Jess's eyes went cold and flat. "I swore right then and there I would never trust anyone like that again. It was all my fault. I allowed him to control me and then use me. I vowed I would never put myself in a position to be controlled or used again."

How can you blame yourself? Kim cradled Jess's chin gently in her hand and gazed into her eyes until some of the light came back into them. "Jess, I want you to listen to me. You're not to blame for what happened. You told him to stop, and he didn't. That's rape."

Jess pulled away. "No. I let him —"

Kim cut her off. "As a wise woman once told me, that's bull. You're not responsible for other people's actions. The only one at fault was the bastard who raped you."

"That's not true." Jess vehemently shook her head. "I didn't fight back. I let him take my power and violate me. I was weak and pathetic. I didn't claim my own power."

It sounded as if Jess was quoting someone. The phrasing struck a chord in Kim. She had heard this same crap from some of the radical women's groups when she was in college. A woman could only be raped if she chose to let it happen. It was total bullshit then, and it was total bullshit now.

White-hot anger flashed through Kim. All these years! All these years she has suffered because of something she was probably told in college. "Who told you that?"

Jess jumped. "I... um... I was having some trouble adjusting my first year in college. I saw a doctor that volunteered at the student union medical clinic for a little while. She talked a lot about taking responsibility for your actions. People could only do what you allowed them to do. And about letting people take your power."

Unable to contain herself any longer, Kim sprang off the couch and began to pace. "Was she a psychiatrist or psychologist? Or at least a trained therapist?" She gesticulated sharply with each question.

"I don't know," Jess stammered. "She called herself doctor. She was a professor at the college."

Kim threw up her hands. "Oh, and let me guess. She taught women's studies or intro to psych."

Jess swung her feet off the couch and sat up. "What? How do you know that?"

Fucking amateurs! They had no idea the damage done to young women like Jess with their horseshit! Kim's hands clenched. She struggled to get control of her temper. Blowing out a breath, she scrubbed her hands over her face. She looked down at Jess, who was staring at her with wide, shocked eyes.

Kim sat down next to Jess and took both of Jess's hands in hers. "I need you to really hear me. You've told me over and over what a good psychiatrist I am, and that you trust my judgment." She locked gazes with Jess. "Trust me on this. I would not lie to you." Her hands tightened on Jess's. "What that woman told you was total bullshit. It was never your fault. Period."

She stroked the backs of Jess's hands. She could see the wheels turning in Jess's head as she tried to re-evaluate all that she had believed for so long. Kim knew things wouldn't change overnight, and Jess would need lots of repeated reassurance. But now that she knew what they were dealing with, they had a real chance at a life together.

Jess met Kim's gaze. For the first time, in far too long, her beautiful blue eyes were filled with hope. "So where do we go from here?"

Kim released Jess's hands and moved to straddle her lap. She brushed away the last traces of Jess's tears. "We go on with our lives — together." She smoothed her fingers through Jess's hair and smiled — already sure of Jess's answer. "If that's what you want?"

A heartwarming smile spread across Jess's face. Her eyes danced with light. She slipped her hand into the hair at the nape of Kim's neck and gently drew her close. Her lips inches from Kim's, she whispered, "I do," before closing the distance and sealing the deal.
