Chapter 19
Beware the Stanky Leg.
We repeated the dressing process over again the next morning
sans the Bloody Mary. Marvin picked out a gray suit and a soft
pink blouse to wear with it. After he’d done my hair and makeup,
I looked in the mirror pleased with the results.
“You are stunning,” he said with pride.
He bolstered my self-esteem and made me feel comfortable
in a world that I didn’t belong. “I wish you were a woman,” I said
with a laugh.
“Me too, baby,” Marvin said as he sauntered off to dress.
We had breakfast with Angela, who yawned repeatedly, and
still managed to look fresh. She wore her hair down, and against
the green blouse, her eyes sparkled like emeralds. I was reminded
of Hailey as I looked at her. I thought back on the conversation
I had with Marvin and felt myself sinking lower into gloom. If I
had only accepted her dinner invitation, things might’ve turned
out differently.
Natural Beauty’s booth was impressive. Large pictures of our
models were hanging on the back wall where they could easily be
seen. Our name and logo figured prominently with some major
salons in New York and Los Angeles. It made me proud.
We hadn’t been there long when a woman approached Angela.
I watched out of the corner of my eye as the statuesque brunette
looked my way a few times. I moved closer to Marvin as she
caught my eye and smiled.
Pitifully Ugly
“That’s Zoe Martinez,” Marvin said in a whisper. “She owns
a salon in Houston. A friend of mine worked for her for a while.
She’s a bitch to the men, but she loves the ladies.”
“She and Angela keep looking over here.”
“I’ve noticed,” Marvin said as he looked around. “Angela is
probably filling her in on who you are. She’s a femme that likes
femmes. She’s bedded half of her clients, and the word is she’s
fire between the sheets. She’s not into commitment, but she’d be
great entertainment for the weekend.”
Zoe was smoking hot, that was undeniable. It was obvious
that she knew it, too. She wasn’t shy about meeting a few stares
from women as they passed, nor did she look away when she
caught my eye. I averted my attention.
“Shannon?” Angela said behind me a few minutes later.
I turned and looked at her, then at Zoe, who stood close by. A
slight smile curled the side of her lips. I couldn’t help but look
away from her dark gaze as she scanned my face. Embarrassment
washed over me as I looked down at the cleavage revealed by her
tunic-style top. I looked back up at Zoe’s face.
“I’m Zoe,” she said, not waiting for Angela to make the
introduction. “Angela was just telling me about your salons. I
passed by the one on Canal Street the last time I was in New
Orleans, very impressive.” She smiled then and cocked her head
to the side. “Actually, I checked out all four. I took a cab ride out
to St. Charles, then to the one on West End Boulevard. Rampart
and Canal are the real jewels, though.”
Her voice was smooth and low. When my gaze met hers again,
she looked as though she could see directly into my thoughts.
I think she knew and enjoyed that she made me nervous. “I’m
Shannon, nice to meet you.” My voice conveyed every bit of the
tension I felt as it rose an octave higher. Marvin wasn’t going to
be able to help me with this conversation, and the little shit knew
it, too. He moved off, taking Angela with him, to my horror.
“I’m afraid that I’m not that familiar with your salon.” I
tried to sound relaxed. “My sister is usually the one that attends
these types of things. I stay behind the scenes and manage the
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“And why are you here now?” Zoe asked with a playful smile.
“She’s pregnant and is supposed to be living stress-free,
although I imagine she’s beside herself wondering what kind of
trouble I’m making.”
Zoe’s gaze stayed locked with mine. “What kind of trouble
have you gotten into so far?”
“I’ve been very well behaved.”
“Then you’re not having a lot of fun.” Zoe pursed her full
lips. “Are you staying here at the hotel?”
I had to shuffle my feet to keep my knees from banging
together. “I am.”
“I’m staying in room 140. Look me up later, and we’ll find
some trouble to get into.” She turned and walked away, then looked
over her shoulder seductively. “Nice to meet you, Shannon.”
Marvin strolled over with his hands in his pockets sporting a
grin. “She gave me her room number,” I said when he looked at
me expectantly.
I did my time in the booth and escaped the first chance I got.
Marvin and I made a pretty good team in my opinion. I handled
the simple questions like “how are you doing?” and Marvin took
over when the topic turned to hair products and style.
In the sitting area of our suite, I kicked off my shoes and took
a look at my cell phone. There were at least a dozen text messages
and two voicemails from Kalen. I gave her a call, knowing what
her first question was going to be…
“Did you go to the social last night?” Kalen said after the
first ring.
In a child’s voice, I replied, “Yes, ma’am, and Marvin made
me pretty.”
She ignored my attitude and went on to the next question.
“Have you been down to the booth yet?”
“Been there all morning, Kalen. We broke for lunch, and I’m
in the room resting my aching feet. Marvin is having lunch with
a guy he met, and Angela is as happy as can be.”
Kalen exhaled loudly. “Good, you’re almost done.”
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“How are you feeling?”
“Sleepy. I swear this baby is draining the life out of me. I had
to sit down after I took a shower this morning, I was exhausted,”
Kalen said with a yawn.
“I guess it probably was the best thing that you didn’t attend.
We’ve been on the move pretty much since we arrived.”
“I know you don’t care to hear this, but I’m really proud of
you, sis.”
“Yeah, well, save your praise until after I’ve made your
speech.” My stomach turned at the thought.
“You’re gonna be fine. How is Marvin doing?”
“He’s in his element surrounded by fellow hairdressers. He’s
talked the ear off of everyone that’s dropped by the booth. Angela
adores him.”
“He was a great find. I have to hand it to you, you really
picked a winner.”
“If I choke or throw up during the speech, he still gets the
bonus, right?” Kalen chuckled, but I was dead serious.
We ended the call after she reminded me again of how proud
she was of me. I’m sure she thought she was bolstering my ego,
but it made me feel even more anxious. If I tanked on anything,
I would be disappointing not only my sister, but Angela, as well.
Marvin would probably feel like a failure, too. Pressure started to
build, and I hoped that I wouldn’t melt down like Chernobyl.
The crowds pushing through the exhibition hall were much
larger after lunch. I felt out of place as Marvin and Angela talked
to everyone who visited the booth. Angela had two additional
reps working with her, and they all had their hands full. Everyone
looked haggard and tired by the time the hall closed for the
“How about dinner?” Angela asked Marvin and me as we left
the booth. “I should at least treat you both to a meal.”
I was looking forward to room service and a hot bath. Marvin,
however, seemed to catch a second wind, and before I knew it, we
were walking down the sidewalk to an eatery that Angela was
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fond of. Apparently, nearly everyone at the convention had the
same idea, and we had to wait in the bar for nearly an hour before
we would be seated for dinner.
Angela passed me a brown drink with a celery stick protruding
from the glass. I gave it a sniff before asking what it was.
“It’s a Stanky Leg,” Angela said with a shrug. “I have no idea
what’s in it, but it’s the house specialty.”
I waited for Angela and Marvin to take a drink first before
I worked up the courage to put my lips to the glass. It was sweet
and spicy at the same time and went down smooth. It wasn’t long
before I’d finished it and another was being pressed into my
“Hmm, is that a Stanky Leg?” a familiar voice said from
I turned to find Zoe standing behind me with what looked
like a martini in her hand. “It is, and it’s not half bad.”
“Mind if I taste?” Zoe wrapped her hand around mine and
lifted the glass to her lips. Her gaze locked with mine as she took
a sip while I wished I had an ounce of her confidence. She licked
her lips and smiled before saying, “Tasty.” She let her fingertips
trail over the back of my hand as she released it.
“Would you like one?” I asked.
She held up her drink and leaned into me, pressing her body
against mine. “Maybe later. I tend to lose all my inhibitions when
I drink.”
I seriously doubted she had any inhibitions perfectly sober.
“Would you like to join us for dinner, Zoe?” Angela said,
appearing beside us.
Zoe slipped an arm around my waist as she turned to look at
Angela. “I wasn’t planning on eating, but now I’m feeling a bit
hungry,” Zoe said as she gave me a squeeze.
“Good.” Angela shot a quick glance at me. “I’ll let the hostess
know that we have another joining our party.”
I caught Marvin’s eye as I watched Angela walk off. He was
sporting a huge grin as he turned, leaving me alone with Zoe.
“What are your plans for the rest of the evening?” Zoe asked,
keeping me in her grip.
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I felt awkward when I turned to look at her. Our faces were
mere inches apart. I hoped that the Stanky Leg on my breath was
covering the onions I had on my salad at lunch. “I don’t have any,”
I said, trying to sound at ease.
Zoe smiled and looked at my lips. “Well, maybe that will
“I’ve spoken to the hostess, and she’s ready to seat us now,”
Angela said as she stepped into my line of sight. “Shall we?” She
motioned toward the dining room. Without waiting for a response,
she took my hand and led me through the crowd. I looked back
at Marvin, who had offered his arm to Zoe and was leading her
along behind us.
Angela seemed to be in a hurry as she pulled me along. I did
my best to keep up and stay upright on the high heels I rarely
wore. I got the distinct impression that she was uncomfortable
with the way Zoe and I were behaving. When we were led to the
table, she inserted herself between Zoe and me so that we were
forced to sit across from each other.
“So, Shannon, are you nervous about the presentation
tomorrow?” Angela asked after she ordered another round of
Stankys for us all.
I wanted to say no, but since I was doing this for her, I felt
she should share in some of the nervous anticipation that I was
feeling. “I’m terrified.”
“You’ve spoken publicly before,” Angela said with a smile
that faltered. “Haven’t you?”
I shook my head. “Kalen is the mouth and I’m the brain.”
I chanced a quick glance at Zoe, who seemed to be enjoying
Angela’s unease.
“The speech has already been prepared, and Shannon knows
it in her sleep, “Marvin said.
Angela nodded and looked back at me. “Let me give you
some advice. First get a good night’s sleep.” Angela jumped like
she’d been kicked under the table. She glanced angrily at Zoe for
a fleeting second and looked back at me. “You don’t really need
to come to the booth tomorrow. Have a massage in your room.
That’s what I do when I have to give a presentation. You’ll be nice
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and relaxed, and the speech will be over before you know it.”
“I find the Jacuzzi to be equally as relaxing,” Zoe said. She
tilted her head and looked at me with a smoldering gaze. “I have
one in my room.”
I couldn’t look at Zoe for more than a second. The promise
of sex practically oozed from her pores. I looked back at Angela,
then the muscles in her jaw twitched. She seemed pissed.
Marvin gazed back at me and smiled when I looked at him.
As though my discomfort was obvious, he spoke up. “Ladies, I
think all this relaxation talk might be making things worse.”
I nodded and looked around the table sheepishly. “What
I need right now is some food. These Stanky things are going
straight to my head.”
We ordered dinner, and the tension between Zoe and Angela
seemed to lift. The discussion went back to the convention and
the gossip that was floating around among competing salons and
vendors. I had no interest in any of it, so I concentrated on my
steak. The food seemed to clear some of the haze from my brain.
I ate fast, hoping that I could somehow draw this evening to a
quick close.
“Excuse me.” I stood, hoping that I wasn’t going to stagger.
“I’m going to the ladies’ room.”
Zoe looked as though she were about to get up, as well, when
Angela jumped up and took my arm. “I’ll go with you.”
Angela stood with her arms folded, leaning against the vanity
when I came out of the bathroom stall. “Feeling all right?”
I washed my hands and wet a towel that I held to my neck.
“Are you and Zoe…?” I let the meaning of my question hang in
the air.
“God, no, she’s a pariah, and I’m straight.”
“Then what’s the deal?”
“Your sister gave me strict instructions to keep you away
from her. She likes to brag about her conquests. If she beds you,
everyone will know about it before breakfast.”
“Then why did you invite her to dinner?” I asked, feeling a
bit pissed that I was being chaperoned by not only Marvin, but
Angela, too.
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“She’s a client.” Angela sighed.
“I’ll make it easy on you,” I said, feeling very tired and
longing for bed—alone. “I’m ready to turn in for the night, and
not with Zoe.”
My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out and looked
at the screen. She’s headed for the bathroom. Somebody stopped
her, don’t know how long—
“Zoe’s on her way in here,” I said quickly and stuffed my
phone into my pocket. Maybe it was the Stanky Legs or maybe
it was just spite, but I pulled Angela into my arms and laid one
on her.
I heard the bathroom door open and Zoe say, “ah,” then
I tried to appear surprised at the interruption. Angela didn’t
have to act as she stood there with her lipstick smeared. “We…
uh…we don’t tell anyone.” I gestured between Angela and me. “It
might be considered unprofessional.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” Zoe said with a smirk as she
slipped into one of the stalls. This time, I took Angela’s hand and
led her back to the table.
I motioned for the check once we were seated. I looked over
at Angela, who still looked stunned. “I don’t think either of us has
to worry about Zoe now.” I reached over and wiped some of my
lipstick off of Angela’s bottom lip. “And tell my sister that I can
take care of myself.”
Robin Alexander