Chapter 32

Belated Valentine’s Day gifts…

Hailey’s favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day, so we decided to

have a belated celebration. Frankly, I just wanted a reason to spoil

her rotten, and this was the perfect excuse.

I sent Hailey off to work with a toe-curling kiss and warned

her to be prepared for spoiling when she got home. I’d already

bought her gift—a diamond heart necklace—but Fuzzy and I had

preparations to make. We went up to my apartment and gathered

all the stuff that I’d been collecting. She was no help with the

carrying, and I had to make two trips.

In the past week, while Hailey and I had been playing switch-

house and taking turns sleeping in both apartments, I learned some

things about her. First, she spits toothpaste all over the mirror and

faucet. I don’t know how she does it because I’ve watched her

brush, but it’s there when she finishes. She doesn’t eat leftovers.

If it’s been in the fridge for over twenty-four hours, it’s all bad.

And she has the uncanny ability to smell chocolate from at least

fifty paces, maybe even through a closed door. And that’s why I

had to hide everything in the closet of my spare bedroom.

In her apartment, I hid half-dozen four-inch solid dark

chocolate hearts that I special ordered from a bakery like I was

hiding Easter eggs. I quickly realized that I had to hide them high

because Fuzzy gleefully retrieved one and brought it to me. “This

one can be from you since you signed it with your teeth,” I told

her as I placed it on the book shelf.

Next, I arranged a dozen red roses in a vase and set them on


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her table. They’d been smelling up my closet from the day before

but still looked fresh and beautiful. I took the second dozen and

pulled off all the petals and sprinkled them across the bed. I’d

seen it in a movie and always wanted to try it. After I had them

all spread out, I realized why I’d never done it before…I’d have to

clean them up later.

Fuzzy jumped up in the middle of the bed and rolled in them

with a look of complete joy as her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“Get down! Oh, you’re ruining it! I had a whole petal feng shui

thing going there.” I spent the next five minutes brushing them

from her fur and rearranging them into the shape of a heart, then

I locked her ass out of the bedroom.

After I’d put Hailey’s necklace into a gift bag and filled it

with confetti hearts, I was ready to go back upstairs and work.

Fuzzy the destroyer went with me and spent most of her time in

front of my TV watching music videos. I sat at my desk and tried

to focus, but my mind kept wandering back to Hailey and the

night we’d spend. I’d just begun to make sense of the numbers

when I heard a knock on the door. Kevin stood in the hall with a

huge bouquet of flowers.

“Oh, Kevin, you shouldn’t have. I’m spoken for.”

“I wouldn’t have,” he said as he handed them to me.

“Something this size had to have cost a fortune.”

I closed the door thinking that was probably why Kevin was

still single. He was right, though, the arrangement was huge and

filled with roses, lilies, and brightly colored flowers. The card

written in Hailey’s own hand was sweet. You’re the reason I’ve

looked forward to this day. H.

I sent her a text message saying that some woman named

‘H’ sent me flowers, and she had some competition. Give me her

address was the reply.

An hour later, I was chugging along on the Rampart store

monthly audit, and there was another knock at the door. This time,

Kevin stood in the hall with a balloon bouquet. Giant red hearts

floated around his head. “These are cheaper. Are they from you?”

I asked, batting my eyes.

I could tell he wanted to grin. Instead, he said, “no,” as he


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handed them to me. The card was again inscribed with Hailey’s

handwriting— I wish I were there with you. H.

I sent another text message telling Hailey that Ms. H had

struck again, this time with balloons. She replied, Wait till you

see what I got you, you’ll throw rocks at Ms. H.

I laughed aloud when I heard a knock an hour later. Kevin

wasn’t laughing when he handed me a cookie bouquet filled

with heart-shaped cookies and candies. “Let me tip you for your

trouble.” I handed him one of the larger cookies.

“Thanks,” he said as he retreated down the hall.

Hailey, it’s over. Ms. H has seduced me with cookies.

Her reply— Damn, you’re easy.

I wasn’t surprised when an hour later there was another knock.

“Kevin, now stop it, you’re just being ridiculous.” He rolled his

eyes as he handed me the gift basket. Hailey had been to Bath &

Body Works. The basket was filled with all the stuff I loved. The

card said, I was going to give you a gift certificate for a massage,

but I’d rather do that myself. H.

Before I could send a message to Hailey, she sent me one. You

won’t have to worry about Ms. H anymore. I’ve found her, and

she won’t be sending you anything else, so you’ll have to settle

for me.

At four, I took a shower and used some of Hailey’s gift to

make me smell nice. Fuzzy got a spritz of body spray, too, and

pouted for ten minutes. Afterward, I picked up dinner and took it

and Fuzzy down to Hailey’s apartment where Fuzzy was dressed

in her cupid costume. I played hell getting her halo aligned, but

the bow and quiver fit nicely on her back. Her thick fur prevented

it from sliding, unlike the halo.

Hailey walked in just as I was setting the table for dinner.

“Oh, look at Fuzzy Cupid,” Hailey said as she stepped in the door

and kicked off her shoes. Fuzzy did a circle dance at her feet as

she showed off her costume. I walked over to Hailey and tried to

pull her into my arms. Her purse hit me squarely in the stomach

before I could get close to her. “Sorry.” Hailey stepped back to toss

it aside. She gave me a quick peck before she reached for Fuzzy.


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“Don’t pet her, she shot me with an arrow today.”

“Oh, yeah?” Hailey gave Fuzzy a pat anyway. “Show me

where and I’ll kiss it.”

“I’ll have to show you later. It’s hidden under my clothes.”

“Forget later, show me now.”

Fuzzy yipped her displeasure at being ignored. “I guess you

can pet the cupid while I serve dinner. I’m sure she won’t mind if

you relieve her of her gear.”

I watched them as I put the Châteaux Briand onto our plates.

Hailey took off Fuzzy’s costume and scratched her belly. “Now

this is all the petting you’re gonna get out of me, I want to pet

Shannon tonight.”

I moved the potatoes onto the plates and set them on the

table as Hailey washed her hands in the kitchen sink. I told her

the bedroom was off-limits since I’d moved her necklace to the

middle of the heart on the bed. She kissed me again before taking

a seat at the table and rolling up her sleeves.

“My favorite,” she said as she sniffed the air above her plate.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t, it’s just what I picked out.”

“Excellent choice.” Hailey took a bite of her steak and sighed.

“Your dessert is hidden all around this apartment. I’ll tell you

that there are six, but that’s the only hint you’ll get out of me.”

“Hmm.” Hailey took a sip of her wine and looked around. “For

every one I find, you have to take off an article of clothing.”

I met her daring look. “Deal.”

“Damn it, you’re gonna make me rush through this meal,”

Hailey said before taking a bite of her salad.

“Ms. H sent me some wonderful gifts today. It’s a shame you

did away with her because I was gonna rock her world.”

Hailey tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled. “Pity,” she

said. I watched as her eye caught something in the kitchen and a

smile spread across her face. “Be right back.” She walked straight

into the kitchen and plucked the red box off the wine rack and

returned with a triumphant smile. “Lose the pants.”

I stood and pulled off my khakis. Hailey frowned. “I wish

you would’ve worn a shorter shirt.”


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“Pity, guess you’re gonna have to find another heart to see

the rest.”

Hailey took another bite of her steak, her eyes smoldering.

“You smell nice.”

“Compliments of Ms. H.” I lowered my voice to a seductive

tone. “She knows what I like.”

Hailey turned around in her seat and stood again. This heart

was hidden better, but she managed to spot it leaning against her

books on the shelf. She returned to the table and laid it atop the

other one. “The shirt this time.”

“Ah-ah, that one’s from Fuzzy, see the teeth marks.”

Hailey pursed her lips. “You didn’t mention anything about

Fuzzy when we made the deal. I think we should compromise.”

I lifted a brow. “State your terms.”

Hailey’s gaze roamed over me. “Are you wearing a bra?”

I shook my head as a smile curved Hailey’s lips. “Unbutton the

shirt.” Her eyes moved to my chest as I loosened each button.

“I don’t think this is very fair. I’m half-naked and you’re still

fully dressed.”

“I’d really like to take my pants off,” Hailey said. “You’re

making me uncomfortable in a good way.”

“So do it.” Hailey unbuttoned her pants and wiggled around

in her chair until she got them over her thighs. She kicked them

off without ever standing.

“Okay, I feel cheated. I was expecting some sort of provocative


“I’m shy.” Hailey smiled over the top of her glass before she

took a sip.

“You’re shy? I had you in every position imaginable last

night.” I took a sip of my wine and grinned. “You don’t want to

admit that I worked you out good and you’re sore.”

Hailey’s grin was as cocky as mine when she replied, “I can

handle anything you dish out.”

I looked over at my half-eaten steak and pushed it away. Hailey

took a sip of her wine, her green eyes were full of challenge.

“Two hearts down, and two are in the bedroom where you

can’t go.”


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“I don’t need the two in the bedroom to have you naked,”

Hailey said with a shake of her head. She set her glass on the

table and smiled. “One is in the windowsill, the other is mixed in

with the DVDs. Do I have to physically fetch them to make them


I polished off my glass of wine and shook my head.

“Panties first.” I stood and slipped them off. Hailey scooted

her chair back from the table. “Come here.”

I did as she asked and wound both hands into her curly hair,

pulled her head back, and kissed her as I straddled her lap. “Is this

what you had in mind?” I looked down into her eyes.

Hailey’s smile was firmly fixed. “All day long.” She tugged

on my shirt until I sat on her lap. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she

whispered against my neck as she covered it with kisses.

Something hard pressed against my stomach. I pulled back

suddenly and nearly fell off her lap. “What is that?”

“Your Valentine’s Day gift.” Hailey’s smile was huge. “I

heard you like them so much that you actually sank to stealing

one. Now I know why you were vibrating that night.”

“That bitch.” I tried to stand. Hailey was laughing hard as she

pulled me back to her.

“Alicia was really drunk and embarrassed when she told me

the story, and the only reason she did was because she thought

you were mad at her.”

“I’m furious with her, even more so now.”

“Forget her.” Hailey pulled me tight against her.

“Have you been wearing that thing all day?” I asked when

Hailey resumed her kisses, turning my anger into something else.

“No, I stopped at your apartment before I came here. I bit one

of your cookies, though.”

“Let me see it.” I tried to wiggle from her hold.

“I’d rather you feel it.” Hailey tightened her grip. “It’s two-

sided and it’s putting pressure on my—” Her eye lids fluttered

when I pushed against it.

The thought of the other end being inside of Hailey sent chills

down my spine. “We can go into the bedroom now.”

Hailey shook her head. “Walking in here and collecting those


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two hearts nearly killed me.” She leaned down and sucked one of

my nipples into her mouth, gently biting before she released it.

“Let’s stay right here.” She pushed up on my hips until I stood,

then guided me down as she pushed the tip of the dildo into me.

“Slow,” I said as she began to thrust a little.

Hailey tilted her head back with a groan as her green eyes

shut. “We can go as slow as you need.”

Watching her excited me more than I could ever imagine,

making it easier for me to take the dildo. She groaned again as

I absorbed its length. She pushed me back slightly and reached

down between us, and I felt a new sensation when she switched

on the twin bullets. “Shit,” Hailey said in an expelled breath. I

laughed as I ground my hips into her, making her squirm.

“I want to be on top of you,” Hailey said as I unbuttoned her

shirt and slid it down her arms.

I pushed into her again and watched with a pleased smile as

her head lolled back. Then I pulled her to me roughly and kissed

her hard as I unclasped her bra. “It was your idea to stay right

here,” I said against her lips. “And I have all the control.”

She pushed me back and caught me before I toppled off her

lap. “You don’t have as much control as you think you have.”

I planted my feet and lifted off her; she followed me to the

floor and kicked the chair out of the way as I tossed her bra after

it. We both groaned when Hailey slipped her hand between my

legs, then guided the dildo into me. “Go slow at first. I’ve never

been on the business end of one of these.”

Hailey’s eyes showed surprise. “Ever?”

“Ever. You’re my first.”

“Well then, this is a first for both of us,” she said before she

kissed me.

It might’ve been Hailey’s first encounter with a strap-on, but

she had it figured out pretty damn well as she moved. Her thrusts

were slow and deep, and she used the positioning to both our

advantages. The variety of sensations was incredible. The feel of

her breasts sweating against mine, her soft thighs moving between

mine, and the muscles in her back as they flexed combined with

the strap-on sent me to heights that I never wanted to come down


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from. But her loud cry when she came was my undoing and sent

me spiraling fast behind her.

We lay flat on our backs staring at the ceiling as we tried to

catch our breath. “When Kalen asks me what you gave me for our

belated Valentine’s Day, I’m going to tell her bruises on my ass.”

Hailey laughed breathlessly. “If you’re crazy enough to tell

her that, then you may as well explain how, but I don’t want to be

around when you do.”

We made a half-ass effort to clean up dinner and went into the

bedroom where I gave her the necklace, and she gave me a silver

charm bracelet that she would add a heart to every Valentine’s

Day until she ran out of room. Though we didn’t discuss it, I went

to sleep that night wrapped in her arms thinking that this day

would be our anniversary.


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