Days passed and…nothing.

Well, not nothing. I was a mess. A fucking disaster.

High anxiety, nightmares, and a constant popping of pills got me through the day. Lila got me through the night.

She made microwavable popcorn one evening and I flipped out, tackling her to the ground. I did laugh about it later, but it still had me on edge. I knew she was worried about me. She wouldn’t say it, because she didn’t want me to flip out even more. Conversations of the file and Marconi were taboo in our home.

Every day, she sucked and fucked me in an attempt to keep me calm. It worked, but I wasn’t stable. Highs and lows led to more forceful, selfish, but mind-blowing sex.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking good at that.” She had me panting as she swallowed around my cock.

I held her head down, nose pressing against my skin, cock down her throat. Her fingers flexed against my skin, but I kept her there. The overpowering sensations of her gagging around the head forced me to pull out.

Lila was panting, almost gasping for air, her hand wiping at her mouth. Tears made her makeup bleed black down her pink cheeks and her lips were swollen and red. Her hair was a mess, thanks to my hands.

“You’re a fucking gorgeous mess.”

She smirked up at me and licked her lips.

“Do you want me to fuck you, little whore? I’m so fucking close. Or do you want to drink me?”

Her tongue flicked against the tip of my cock, and I hissed. She was lucky I didn’t push her back down right then and fuck her throat raw.

She sat up straight and opened her mouth, ready to receive. It was tempting, but I wanted to feel her pussy clamp down on me.

“Hammering your pussy it is.”

Her mouth closed some and she glared at me. “Why the fuck give me a choice?”

I walked around her and pushed her head down, leaning over her. “To make you think you had one.”

I was an asshole, but I’d make sure she enjoyed it.

My cock slipped easily into her wet pussy, and we both moaned. She hissed out a “fuck” and a sharp intake of breath when I slammed into her.

All of me curled into her, fingers digging hard into her skin. It was the only way I could get it all out.

She was crying out, screaming each time I bottomed out in her. Shaking, she looked back at me, and I almost lost it under the lust in her eyes. When her eyes rolled back and she fell forward, I smiled. Her fingers clenched into the sheets, fisting.

Her pussy clamping down finished me off. I shook, my hips thrusting, trying to reach deeper with each spurt of come that exploded out. Her pussy pulsed around me, drawing out the last drops. My legs gave out, and we fell to the floor in a tangled mess.

Before we married, we made a pact to have a date night once a week. It was to take the place of our bar night and help us get out of our hiding tendencies. Thanks to the wedding and trial, we’d lost a few. There was still a nervous edge in the back of my mind that one of our coworkers would see us and report us. Even after we were married, it caught us both at times. I loved being out with her, whether to the grocery store or a movie—it was great being able to live life again.

Adam was locked away, and Lila was glowing, despite the danger that was encroaching.

“You’re wearing that?” Lila asked as she came out of the closet.

I blinked at her and looked down at the charcoal slacks and black button-down. “Yes.”

Her tongue peeked out to wet her lips, and it was then I understood that I didn’t just look bad. It was good—I looked edible.

The same could be said about her. The few dresses she had for work were always the perfect combination of sexy and sophisticated. Conservative, with body hugging lines. They looked great on her, turning me on and creating the easy access I craved. I still blamed the flirty hemline of one of her skirts for my inability to control myself that night a year ago.

We rarely went out for a nice dinner, but she always seemed to surprise me with a dress she pulled out of nowhere, and the one she had on was not a work dress.

My lip twitched up and I stepped toward her, needing to touch her. I reached out, my hand resting on her hip, the deep red satin silky and soft beneath my fingers. It was classy and elegant, showing off just enough cleavage to draw my cock’s attention. It made me want to rip her out of it and wonder why we ever thought to leave the house.

“Do we have to go to dinner? I could easily eat my dessert right now.”

She rolled her eyes at me and smiled. Her hand reached out and she pressed her palm against my dick, making me groan. Her other hand slipped under the collar of my shirt as she stepped forward to whisper in my ear.

“Something you want, baby? Do you want to fill my pussy, make me cream, and scream your name?”

“Fuck yes!”

She stepped away from me, her touch gone. My eyes opened to find a wicked grin.

“Too bad. I’m already dressed, and we’re going.”

My gaze narrowed at her. “I can rip it off you.”

“You do that, and I’ll be a dead fish for the next month.”

My jaw dropped. “My dick is magical, baby. You can’t resist the feelings it brings you.”

She didn’t flinch, her expression the same. “No anal, no blowjobs.”

“Now you’re just being mean.”

“I really like this dress.”

“I really like that dress, too. I’d like it better on the floor.” I smirked and my cock twitched. It liked that idea quite a bit.

She sighed and shook her head. “You’re incorrigible.”

I adjusted my cock so it wasn’t tenting in my pants so much. “Okay, you win. I’m picking my battle. Dessert after dinner.”

“I knew you’d come around.”


She glared at me. “What?”

“You can suck me off on the way to the restaurant.”

“It’s a two-and-a-half block walk.”

I held the door open for her. “You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

She rolled her eyes and walked through the door. “Yeah, I have to learn to levitate by the time we reach the lobby.”

We headed out, walking down the street with our fingers entwined.

“I love that the weather has finally warmed up.”

I reached out and touched her bare shoulder. “Me too.”

She looked at me, trying not to laugh, but just shook her head.

A few feet later, we were walking into the restaurant, and I attempted to behave.


The rich, dark woods that adorned the walls coupled with the low lighting provided a warm and romantic setting. How was I supposed to stave off my desires in a place that was asking me to grope her under the table?

We were seated at a table and not at a booth that would give me easy access to her. I wanted to pout at how far apart we were, even though our legs were touching under the table.

The host handed us our menus, along with the wine list, before departing. I was almost salivating as I read over the different types of steak. Ruth Chris was by no means cheap, but they were worth every penny.

“Hello, my name is Brian, and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Have you dined with us before?”

I looked up from my menu and was about to speak when Lila beat me to it.

“I haven’t.”

He smiled down at her. “Welcome, and thank you for coming.”

He was a young guy, mid-twenties, with the all-American boy look about him. Probably played sports and got in all the girls’ panties.

My jaw twitched as he pointed things out to Lila on the menu and explained that it was all à la carte. There was a difference between friendly and flirting. She was oblivious to it, but his smile was a little cocky for my liking, as was his staring down her dress.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention, and his head snapped up. “We’d like a bottle of the Chateau St. Jean, Reserve Merlot.”

He nodded, then looked back down to Lila and licked his lips. “Is there anything else you’d like?”

I couldn’t take any more. I grabbed her chin and turned her to me, kissing her so hard our teeth hit. She gasped before melting, like always.

“That’s all.” I held out the wine list for him, Lila’s hair still tangled in my fingers.

He gave me a tight smile as he took it and left.

Lila looked at me, her brow quirked as she sat back.

“What? He was too friendly with you.”

She pursed her lips. “He was being polite.”

“He was flirting.”

She leaned forward and nipped at my bottom lip. “So possessive.”

“Damn straight.”

She smiled and shook her head. “I’m your wife. Taken.”

I took her hand in mine. “Yes, but fuckers like to look and salivate and think about screwing you. That pisses me off. You’re mine. I need to hurry up and get you pregnant. Then everyone will see what I do to you.”

My cock twitched, reminding me it wanted another go at knocking her up.

She ran her hand up my leg, her fingertips brushing my cock. “You’ll get a chance to fill me after dinner.”

Our waiter returned with the bottle I ordered and poured two glasses. He kept his eyes off Lila. We placed our order and happily munched on some bread while we drank.

Dinner was perfect. My stomach was filled with the most delicious and perfectly cooked steak I’d ever eaten. I rubbed my stomach, patting it.

“That was the best steak ever, and I’ve been here before.”

“I hope you saved room for dessert.” Lila stretched her hand out to me, and I slipped mine over hers.

“You’ll probably need to give me and hour or so and then I’ll be up for it.”

She let out a small chuckle. “I was talking about the sweet pastry kind.”

“You can eat more?” She’d devoured her steak just as I had.

She frowned at the thought. “Well…”

The waiter stopped by, but instead of asking if we needed anything, he set a cake covered in candles on the table in front of me.

Lila smiled at me. “Happy birthday.”

I stared at her for a moment, then my eyes moved down to the cake. Yes, it was my birthday dinner—May 30th. I’d agreed to celebrate it this year as a way of moving on. It was a little easier, because the one I hated to think about was on a different date, a date I’d never forget—June 21st.

It was the first time I’d celebrated my birthday in five years. I was trapped between moving forward and being stuck in the past. The candles flickered at me, waiting. That was the signal that jostled me to the present, and I thought about the wish I would make.

The year started out terrible and ended up beautiful—Lila and I were married.

But we still had one more obstacle that was looming over us, and it was hovering much closer than I liked.

I took a deep breath and blew out.

I wish that I can keep Lila safe, that she will be free from danger.

In one breath, all the candles were extinguished and my wish was out into the cosmos. I didn’t really believe, but it couldn’t hurt. We needed all the help we could get.

The cake was white almond with buttercream icing—my favorite.

“You got this from that cake place in Noblesville, the one we went to last fall.” She nodded, and I moaned as I took another bite. Yes, I was full, but nothing was going to stop me from eating the best cake I’d ever tasted. “When did you sneak this?”

“Sarah picked it up for me and delivered it to the restaurant.”

I chuckled. “Conspiring with my mother now.”

“You do it all the time.”

“Yes, but she’s my mother.”

She swiped her finger across the icing and stuck it in her mouth, sucking it off. Suddenly the best place for the icing wasn’t in my stomach, but on my cock.

“Well, it’s hard to surprise my caveman husband who can’t stand an hour without me.”

I gave her a pout. “Makes me sound like a dependent pussy.”

She laughed and patted my hand. “Dependent? Yes. Pussy? Hell no. You can be a controlling asshole… You’re so possessive of me.”

“Because you’re mine.”

She bit her bottom lip and smiled. “Because I’m yours.”

I leaned forward and kissed her, savoring the taste of her mixed with the buttercream frosting. When I sat back, my eye caught a familiar onlooker staring at us. I’d seen him before, but had no clue who he was. That didn’t matter, because I knew why he was there.

“Where are you going?” I asked as she moved to stand.

She smiled down at me. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to the ladies’ room.”

I nodded, watching her go as I finished up the last bite of cake. I was mid-sip when my stalker sat down in front of me, a smile on his face. “Hello, Mr. Thorne. How’s your driving these days?”

The blood drained from my face as I remembered why he was so familiar—he held the gun in the car that ran us off the road.

It took every ounce of will in me to keep my reactions cool and calm, but inside I was trying to keep the anxiety from exploding, though anger and fear prevailed. My hands twitched, begging to wrap around his throat and choke the life out of him.

Dead men couldn’t talk.

I would do anything to keep her safe.

“Get the fuck out of here.” The words barely made it past my clenched teeth.

He wasn’t even fazed. “Getting rid of me won’t stop him.”

Fuck. How could I be so stupid? I’d relaxed, taken a breath and enjoyed the moment, and gotten comfortable with a deadly man so close.

“Why are you here, talking to me?”

He smirked. “How’s your wife?” Hatred flamed in me, my muscles flexing and ready to destroy. His smile broadened. “Mr. Marconi would like to congratulate you on your marriage.” His gaze flickered over to the restroom entry. “She’s beautiful.”

My teeth clenched tight, and my whole body vibrated. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”

He laughed as he stood and walked away just as Lila returned. Her gaze moved to him and then to me.

“Nate? What’s wrong?” Her hand reached out to touch me, and I shot up from my seat.

I ran to the door. He hadn’t gotten far—just a few steps ahead of me. It only took a few strides for me to catch up to him.

He turned just as my fist collided with his face, knocking him back against the brick wall. I didn’t waste a second before hitting him again.

His skull was hard, splitting my skin.

Beat him bloody.

Beat him dead.

Protect Lila.

The surprise wore off and his fist swung forward, connecting with my ribs. All breath left me as pain flooded in, giving him the opening to smash my face. My vision blurred, and he hit me again.

Lila screamed in the background, and I swung out, hoping to strike. My hand scraped against the brick before connecting with the side of his head. He stumbled back, and we both got a moment to catch our breath. He cursed when he noticed the crowd around us.

He spit the blood that filled his mouth out onto the ground and glared at me. “You knew, Thorne. I’ll let Vincent know you said hello.”

Before I could get to him, a car pulled up and he got in just as Lila grabbed hold of my arm. I watched them tear down the street and out of sight.

I grimaced in pain, bending over as the adrenaline started to wear off and the effect of his hits settled in. When I turned, Lila was staring at me, eyes wide in shock. I stepped forward and scooped her up in my arms.

“I won’t let them hurt you. I’ll protect you.”

She nodded against me, her hands fisting into my shirt.

Murmurs from the gathered crowd brought me back. With her close, we headed back toward the restaurant. The manager gave me a dirty look and blocked the doorway, but I shut him down from speaking when I pulled out my wallet. I slapped three one hundred-dollar bills into his hand and continued walking.

“Should we call someone?” Lila asked as we headed home.

I couldn’t stop scanning the street, waiting for someone to pop out at us. “Who could we trust?”

The list was short, and possibly getting shorter.
