Chapter 16—G.T.

“Thanks.” Pops shakes hands with Lambrouni’s men followed by Becs and myself. A man sits in the chair, his head slumped down, hands bound behind him and feet bound together. The black bag over his head conceals his face.

“Dagger.” Pops says, lifting his chin. Dagger walks over to the man kicking him on his foot.

“Wake the fuck up.” The man jumps and starts in with a bunch of gibberish that none of us understands. Pops nods to Rhys who leaves and brings back the asshole otherwise known as Jace. He stumbles in, his face battered and bruised. I’d be surprised if anyone even recognized his ass. Not that I give a shit.

His eyes flick over to the man with the bag, who is continually mumbling. “Did you miss your daddy dearest?” Dagger asks grabbing the man’s head and pulling it back.

“How the fuck did you find him?” Jace’s grunts between breaths.

“Skip it. Tell me how the fuck to find Paine and he walks out of here. Or don’t and I fucking kill him while you watch.”

“You won’t fucking kill him. He didn’t do shit.”

I smirk to Cruz. “Fucker really doesn’t understand this shit does he? We thought you were one of Paine’s boys. Surely he showed you how shit works in our world.”

Cruz walks up behind the man grabbing his head in one hand and a knife in the other. The knife traces along his jaw and slightly cuts his skin leaving a trail of blood. The cut is only superficial, but Jace needs to know we mean business.

Jace grunts but doesn’t move. “Dad!”

The man’s head jolts up. “Jace. What’s going on?”

“It’ll be alright, just stay still.”

“What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Jace? You haven’t been running around with your cousin Jared? Have you?”

All us brothers glance at each other.

“Does Jared have another name?” Pops yells.

Jace shouts. “Don’t answer that.” But his dad doesn’t listen.

“Paine. Stupid fucker. Why my brother ever got involved in a gang I’ll never know, but he brought his fucking kid into it too. That’s what this is about isn’t it Jace?” The man shakes his head. “I told you to stay away from him!”

“Dad shut the fuck up!” Jace yells and Rhys slams his fist into his gut.

“What do these men want, Jace?”

“Alright enough, with the fucking male bonding shit.” I cut in, fed up with this circus. “Jace tell us where Paine is or I fucking kill him. I’m done with your shit.”

“He’s right. Either way you die today. Take your father with you if want to, but you’re fucking going.” Becs says crossing his arms over his chest and I nod.

“Dagger.” Pops lifts his chin and he pulls the man’s arm hard, probably out of the socket. He screams.

“Fuck.” Jace says as Rhys holds him and I land a few punches.

“We can keep this up all fucking night.” I bark shaking my fist out.

After what feels like forever, Jace gives us an address. But with his prior record, I need to make sure. I pull the gun out of my holster and hold it to the man’s head. “You want to rethink that address boy? Cause if you’re fucking around with me, I fucking hunt your father down and kill him, no questions asked.” I click the gun and the man starts babbling again.

“I swear that’s the last fucking place I saw him. If you can’t find him there he has a girl and a kid that has a place out on Ebert Road, he’d be there.” I remove the gun from the old man’s head.

“What about the money that you owe and now Shaina? How the hell does she fit in to all of this?” Cruz asks.

“Diamond’s daughter and she was easy. Wanted to hurt her daddy… blah… blah…”

I ask the questions that I need to know the answer too. “Why Casey? What does she have to do with any of this shit?”

He smiles and he will pay for that after he talks. And surprisingly he does and he almost seems to get off on it.

“Paine knows all the little biker brats.” I nod to Dagger and Rhys who pull on his arms and he screams then laughs. “You just don’t get it. Paine wants you all dead. He doesn’t give a shit about that land, it’s about pride. You’re such dumbasses.”

I slam my fist in his gut. “You’re not telling me why.” I move over to his father and cock the gun to his head. “Tell me.”

“Planned out. Moved in a week before she did. Pretty much lied about everything. She was pretty easy to convince, surprisingly.” Then he started laughing harder. “Then when she lost that bastard of a baby.” I’d heard enough as the fury of a father courses through my body. I pound his face over and over and over until it hangs there, blood dripping from it.

I look over at Pops, who nods at me. I point the gun at Jace, pulling the trigger with ease. He falls immediately to the ground.

The old man screams. “Now. We let you go and not a word of this to anyone, or we come and find you. Even if he’s right and gave up Paine, we will kill you, make no mistake about it.” Pops states and nods to Dagger, who picks the man up and takes him away.

“What do ya think?”

“Not the first. Let’s go to the girl and kid.” Becs moves to the door. “Get Tug and Breaker here to clean up this fucking mess.” He looks down at the man covered in blood and I for once can breathe. The fucker is dead.

* * *

The house is modest, nothing elaborate, but that’s how someone hiding tries to blend in to the community. Night has fallen and lights shine throughout the house, but I don’t see any movement. I move around the house trying to get a better view, my brothers doing the same. The curtains are drawn, but the light penetrates through them, allowing us to see inside.

I text the brothers saying I see no one. And I get five other texts saying the same thing. I move quietly up to the door, stand to the side and test the handle which turns. The door creaks open and I hear it. A ticking. “Fucking Run, Bomb!” I yell jumping away from the door just as a huge explosion fills my ears.

My head hits the ground. I smell fire, sulfur and something else I can’t place. My head feels so fucking heavy, but I fight to stay awake. I roll to my side and hear my brother’s yelling. I look over and Cruz, Dagger and Becs are carrying Rhys. “Fuck.” I push up on wobbly legs and head over to them.

“He was right there when it went off. He must not have heard you yell.” Rhys’ body is black, but there is no blood.

“Call Doc have him meet us. Now.” He barks as the guys take Rhys to the cage.

“You alright, son?” I stand looking at the huge pile of burning rubble.

“Yeah. We gotta get the fuck out of here. Now.”
