Chapter 9—G.T

Cruz pulls me out of the main room by barking his fucking order to go. Any other time, I’d be able to kick his fucking ass, but not this time.

I hear Princess and Casey screaming, something about her not being family or some stupid shit. Fucking women.

The glass on the table flies across the room, my arm feeling incredibly strong at the moment. Adrenaline courses through my body, no longer feeling weak. Pregnant. And didn’t fucking tell me. Fuck!

“Calm your ass down.” Cruz says from the doorway. I turn and clench my fist. I’d love nothing more than a fight right now, even if my body can’t take it. He’d pound me though and I don’t want to live with that shit the rest of my damn life.

“Fuck off brother.”

“No, thanks. I have your sister for that.” He smirks; my breathing hitches and my teeth grind together. “This is a shit deal, at least from what I heard about it. You’re gonna pass the fuck out and I’m tired of carrying your ass everywhere.”

“Then leave.”

“Can’t do that.” He walks over and takes a seat in the desk chair, propping his feet on the desk and crossing his legs seeming to make himself right at home. “Talk.”

“I’m not fucking talking about it. You already heard it!” I bark moving to the window. Looking out, cars go up and down the road one after another reminding me that the world always continues even if everything you thought just went to shit.

“Is it true what you told her? That she wasn’t good enough and you wanted different pussy?”

I continue to stare out the window the fury bubbling now to a small boil. “I never said she wasn’t good enough. She made that shit up herself. I did tell her that I needed a variety of pussy and I did kiss the club momma coming out of my room. I lied to her, saying that I fucked her.”

“That was fucking stupid. We all know she means something to you.”

My shoulders sag a bit, but not much. “No shit?” I shake my head. Casey’s right. If only I hadn’t let the lie spew out of my mouth. I’d already regretted it, now quite a bit more.

“Why’d ya do it?”

“Fuck if I know.”

“I call bullshit.”

“Call it whatever the fuck you want. You can leave now.” I turn and face my brother, his eyebrow quirks.

“You don’t wanna talk about it, fine. It’s your shit deal, not mine. But Princess will be all over you like a fly on shit and then I’m gonna hear her bitch. Therefore, this shit storm affects me. So, brother what the hell are you going to do about it now?”

I stare into his eyes, knowing he’s doing his best to help or at least keep himself out of the mess, whichever. “I don’t fucking know.” I say honestly.

“You need to get your shit together. We have Rabbit, Paine and the T-Darts to deal with after Diamond’s funeral. VP will be voted for the day after. You’re obviously gonna be out of commission for a while, but you need to get your head in the game, quick. And now this shit, figure it out.”

I don’t answer him. He’s right and I fucking hate that. “Give me some time. Now go.” I order. This time he listens and leaves the room.

I collapse on the bed my body feeling the exertion that I just gave it. Mia. I was gonna be a dad. The thought is overwhelming. I never thought I’d be one and now I’m sad I’m not. I can see her little face; she looks just like Casey growing up, so alive and full of spunk. Her long blonde hair flowing down her back, blowing in the wind and the biggest green eyes I’ve ever seen. My heart aches and I throw my good arm over my eyes to block out the light. I need dark to match the feelings swarming inside of me like bees ready to sting.

My breath catches and my body feels unbelievably heavy all the sudden, but I welcome it. I welcome the pain; it’s the least I deserve. A lone tear escapes my eye. I bat it away, my mind wandering, nothing making a lot of sense, but the thoughts flood me.

Diamond, T-Darts, Rabbit… VP… Casey… Mia… What the fuck am I going to do? I close my eyes, just as everything turns black.

* * *

“G.T.” A voice says from above me. “G.T.” The sound is louder. “G.T.!” I jump as Princess’ shrill voice comes loud and clear.


“Time to take your meds you fucking idiot.” She growls handing me a bottle of water and some pills. I sit up slowly and take the offerings.


She huffs. “What the hell were you thinking?!”

“Did you know?”

“No. Not ‘till earlier in the day. She said she was going to tell you after the twenty-four hours was over. She wanted to make sure you were healthy enough to take it.”

“I’m not talking to you about it.”

“Fine.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “Then just listen ‘cause I’m only saying this shit once asshole brother of mine.”

I lay back down waiting for the blow.

“Her not telling you was shitty, but look at the circumstances surrounding that time. It wasn’t all her fault. You pretty much degraded her into her mother, G.T.” My stomach churns at the thought. Casey has always despised the way her mother slept around the club and then abandoned her. “And what was her life? Being raised by a single parent. She knew she could do it on her own and that’s what she was trying to establish before she talked to you. She was giving you an out, G.T. You may not see this, but she was fucking giving you the freedom you told her you needed. Even in her time of confusion and hurt, she was thinking of your ass. She wanted to have enough to raise this baby on her own if that’s what needed to happen.”

I pull my arm over my face, not blocking out what my sister is saying, more like trying to process it all. I didn’t want to think I did that to her so I latch on to the only thing I can. “So why didn’t she tell you then?” I clip.

“Cause I would have told you. She didn’t tell anyone G.T., except for her doctor. She carried it around on her own for months. And the only reason she told her friends Jace and Bella up there was because she was bleeding so bad she needed help.”

“Where the hell you hear all this?”

“Where the hell you think I’ve been for the past four and a half hours brother? I’ve been downstairs trying to console an inconsolable woman. She finally passed out, so I made my way up here.”

How in the hell can everything turn to shit so fast? A few hours ago, I’m ready to make Casey mine and now I’m so fucking angry with her and hurt, I don’t know what end is fucking up. It has to be all these damn drugs I’m on. I’ve got to get off of them.

“I’m not sure what’s running through that thick skull of yours, but you need to figure it out. If you truly love Casey now is the time to show it. She’s a shell of a woman G.T., losing Mia killed a part of her and now she believes you are gone as well. She’s empty and broken. You need to decide what you want and quick. She’s leaving right after Diamond’s funeral and this time she vows no matter what happens, she won’t be back.”

Princess didn’t give me time to respond, the click of the door tells me she’s gone.

I roll off the bed, needing a drink, now. I don’t give a shit about the meds. I need alcohol. Walking out into the main clubhouse guys line the walls and stop to say hi or pat me on my good shoulder. Everyone except for Pops whose eyes glare at me. I walk up to him and the vein in his neck twitches.

“Church, you and me now!” Pops brushes past me and I follow, closing the doors behind me.

Pops looks out the window not bothering to turn and look at me when he begins talking. “Boy, this shit ends now. We’ve got too much going down. The club is at stake and we’re taking out our problems very soon. I need your fucking head in the game and not stuck up Casey’s pussy.”

I nod. “I’m ready.”

“Bullshit you’re ready. You’re still out for another few weeks Doc says, which means, you stay behind.”

“Fuck that! I’ll be fine. You can’t tell me that I have to stay back.”

“Can and did.” He turns and looks me in the eye. “You’ll handle shit inside, but not outside. We will take care of all that.”

“What the fuck Pops?”

“Don’t go getting your pretty panties in a bunch.” He smirks. “Got info from Ransom. Rabbit’s got a hushed meeting coming up here in a few days. Fucker’s trying to be quick and under the radar, but Ransom’s got people.” I nod for him to continue. “All his members in one building and that’s our chance.”

“Bomb it?” He nods. “Buzz needs in on this and so does Tug. They’re real good at that shit.”

“Yeah. After Diamond’s funeral, we have church and it all gets set up. You’ll work from here. Got it?”

“Yeah.” I grumble not happy about it.

“We’ll be picking VP too.” My ears perk a bit.

“Am I up for it?”

“Yeah. You and Becs.” I stare for a moment and process it. I never once thought that I wouldn’t be sitting next to Pops at the table and hearing the other man’s name stuns me for a moment. “Yeah. You’re still young. Remember that.” He says opening the door.

Fuck. All those damn tests they put me through and to not get voted in. I follow Pops out of the room and stop dead in my tracks. Casey is standing behind the bar, her back to me. Tug pauses when he sees me but then continues his conversation with her smiling softly, but keeping one eye on me. Smart man.

Casey’s shoulders sag and she turns around, her eyes landing directly on mine, so many thoughts pouring out of them. She abruptly turns back, Tug nods and she walks out the front door of the clubhouse.

Tug wipes his hands, walking up to me. “Brother, she wants me to take her somewhere. I’m gonna go.”

It isn’t a request for permission, but it is a plea for understanding.

“Where?” I ask abruptly.

“To see Bam.” Fuck. I rub my hand over my face, nod and turn away. He takes his cue and leaves.
