Chapter 12 Looking Into The Eyes Of Love

“…Love’s more than a four letter word… It’s everything that they say is real…”

It had been a long and tiring week in the Garden State with Brooke’s only ray of sunshine being the overnight visit from Sam. The cheerful blonde had quickly gotten the dark-haired woman’s spirit soaring to new heights by just having her in close proximity. Somehow, those mere fifteen hours spent in Sam’s company were able to make the rest of Brooke’s workweek go a lot smoother then she had planned.

The tall woman eyed her ex-band mate, Peter, in a new light also after this week. She saw that he was changing, taking more responsibility for himself and his music. For as much trouble as working with James had been this last week, Brooke was thankful that Peter had been there, acting as a buffer between them. Whenever James would try to goad her, Peter somehow knew the right thing to say or do to take the sting out of the air. In fact, there were even a few times during the last week that Brooke even had to remind herself why she was subjecting herself to James’ harassment and it would all come back to her in a flash of golden hair and green eyes. Sam seemed to be the reason the tall woman found herself doing a lot of things lately.

Brooke found it difficult to keep her mind on what she had hoped would have been a quick day of finishing up. Now, even as she packed up her belongings, her mind drifted off to home and what would be waiting for her there.

“So, do you think we did alright, Brooke?” Peter waited for her answer noting the distant look on the woman’s face. “Hey, Brooke.”

“Uh…Oh…” Brooke tried to regroup her focus on what Peter was saying. “Sorry Peter, what did you say?”

“Daydreaming about Sam again, weren’t you?” The man teased but meant no harm by it.

“Yeah, I guess I was.” The red-tinged cheeks showed her embarrassment at being caught. “So…” she raised a lone eyebrow, “What did you say before?”

“I said…” Peter cleared his throat, “do you think we did alright? The recording I mean.”

“I think you did great.” She smiled at Peter. “James could’ve been a bit more cooperative, but I really like Eddie. He seems like a great kid.”

“You know James,” Peter shrugged, “always the difficult one.”

“Always.” Brooke closed her suitcase and placed it by the door of her hotel room.

“Yeah, Eddie wasn’t too bad for a kid. You really showed him some stuff.”

Brooke laughed at how receptive the young man had been, learning from his idol. “He’s not bad, Peter. I’m glad I could help out.”

“You’re sure I can’t entice you to be our drummer?” Peter winked at her from across the room and grinned.

“If it were just you…” Brooke looked at him for a long moment, and then smirked, “Maybe.”

The man went back to gathering up the boxes of tapes and packing the notation slips with them. “James…huh?” Peter made a face knowing that was indeed the reason.

“Trust me, Peter.” Brooke shook her head. “I really can’t get into all of that with James again. I didn’t like who I was then. I was starting to get cocky…”

“You, cocky?” By this time he had crossed the small motel room and pushed against her shoulder teasingly.

“Hey now.” Brooke went with the push. “Yeah, I watched some of those old tapes and I really didn’t like who I was becoming.”

He reached out a hand to steady her, fearing that he’d pushed too hard. “But the ones that matter knew who you really were.”

Brooke grabbed his hand and held it for a second. “There was more Loran than Brooke and I couldn’t have that.” She left his hand go. “Can you hand me that smaller bag out of the closet?”

“Ah…yeah.” Peter acknowledged what the touch had meant from his old band mate. “That Sam is something else.” He watched the woman smile at the mention of the young blonde’s name. “Where’d you meet her?”

“C.C. brought her over for dinner one night. Sam’s her roommate this year.” Images of that first meeting came to Brooke’s mind and she quickly fought to get back to the present. “I talked to her online last night before we went out.”

“And?” Peter smiled, waiting to be filled in. “She’s craving to get her hands on you again, eh?” His bushy eyebrows wiggled like caterpillars inching their way along.

“Well…” Brooke loosened her collar, feeling the heat of the blush creeping up her neck. “I don’t know about again, but…”

“If it’s anything like I see coming from you,” he pointed at the shade of redness that her skin was taking on. “She’s craving. Hey, does Sam have a sister that’s straight maybe?” The man looked hopefully to his friend.

“Yeah, but she’s a little too young, even for your tastes, Peter.” She clapped him on the shoulder then leaned in, whispering into his ear, “But I’ll have you know that Sam does have a cousin who just so happens to have a major crush on you.” Brooke winked at him when their eyes met, then she moved away.

“A…a cousin?” Peter gulped.

“Yeah, I think she’s a little older than Sam.” Brooke smiled and went back to her task of packing up to go home. “I can’t wait to see Sam and tell her about your new piercing. She’ll flip.”

“And exactly what would you tell her about my new piercing…huh?” The man started fumbling nervously over the new additions to his body.

“That you’ve got this thing in your nose and through your belly button.” She cocked her head to the side and studied his face for a few seconds, then commented. “I like the eyebrow though.”

“Stop it. I do not.” Peter’s hand reflexively went to his navel to see if she were right. “Well, at least not yet.”

“I can’t believe you did all that sober. I was with you last night Petey,” she teased him. “You didn’t drink a drop…” Brooke chuckled, “You left that up to me.”

“God I must be having flashbacks from the drugs I took in my youth.” The fretting man looked in the mirror at his reflection, studying the new piercing and wincing at the thought of the pain he had endured the night before.

Brooke laughed, “Yeah…like you’re so ancient now.”

Giving the nose ring a more intent look, Peter asked, “So, why did I do this again?”

“Because I dared you.” Brooke smiled grinning from ear to ear. “I saw you looking through the window into that piercing parlor.” She moved over toward him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. “Come on, we got our first tattoos together.”

Knowing that one dare always begot another, Peter looked over at her. “And what did I dare you to do?”

“You dared me to get my nose pierced.”

Peter eyed her suspiciously. He held her chin in his hand, turning her face from side to side, “I don’t see any holes. What happened? I thought you were supposed to get pierced the same time I was.”

Pursing her lips first, she wet her lips and stuttered out, “I…uh…I…um… chickened out.”

The man laughed out loud. “Afraid of what Sam might say, or was that too much like Loran?”

“Well, I don’t know. Sam hasn’t seen the navel ring yet…” Brooke sighed. “Yeah, I guess it is a little too much like Loran.”

Peter’s brow furrowed as he dropped his gaze to her abdomen. “Not seen it yet?” Puzzlement was written all over his face. “What the hell are you waiting for?”

The woman was silent. Casting her eyes down to the floor, she took in a breath and released it with a shrug. “I guess, I just want it to be perfect.”

Grabbing his chest with both hands as if exaggerating a heart attack, “You mean you two haven’t…” his wide eyes pleaded with her to prove him wrong.


“I don’t know about you, Brooke.” He shook his head. “You’re sure not the person that the studios painted Loran to be. But then again, you never were.”

“I never was, Peter. I’m still not.”

“Maybe that’s what saved you from becoming like me and James.” Peter moved away from her, ashamed of the path he had taken earlier in his life.

“What…” Brooke paused then asked, “the fact that I decided to keep my virginity?” She smirked, thinking of the many times she was seduced but never gave in. “The music was everything to me. I never cared about the sex or the drugs.”

Peter looked up at her after sitting down at the small table that was in the room. “Maybe that’s what was wrong. We only cared enough about it to get the sex.”

“What about now?” She calmly asked.

He thought for a moment, and then answered her. “I know that’s what it is for James,” Peter nodded, “even now.” The man grew quiet for a moment then closed his eyes and sighed out the word, “Me? I think I’m past that. I’d like to look back at my life, say I did that and be damn proud of it. Yeah, there’s more to life than just sex, Brooke. I see that now.”

“Good boy!” She was proud of his turn around on life and let him know it. “So…” She gauged that the seriousness of the conversation needing a little lifting, “Do you think Sam would mind if I pierced my nose?” She tried to stay as straight-faced as she could. “Small hoop, maybe?” Brooke looked at her friend eagerly awaiting his answer.

“Hmmm…” the man looked at her nose, evaluating the potential. “I don’t think she’d be real crazy about it. I can’t see her wanting to mar that pretty face of yours with any more holes.”

Brooke chuckled as she sat down and grabbed for her cell phone, “You want to say ‘Hi’ to her?” There was a twinkle in her eye as she added, “She could tell you all about her cousin.”

The man’s face lit up. “Where? When?”

Holding the phone up for him to see, Brooke hit the speed dial number for Sam and winked as she raised it to her ear, waiting to hear the young woman’s sweet voice. “It’s ringing…” she cautioned him.

Twisting in his chair, Peter turned to look at his reflection in the darkened television screen, straightening the part in his hair and slicking down errant locks with a good dose of his own spit.

“It’s a phone call you idiot.” Brooke bust out laughing at Peter’s sudden attention to how he looked. “No one can see you.” She watched as the man scowled at her and pouted.

The phone was picked up on the other end and the warmth of Sam’s being was broadcasted through the air with the sound of her “Hello.”

A smile came to Brooke’s face when she heard Sam’s voice. “Hi there, Sexy! Is C.C. taking you to the house?”

Sam giggled, then answered in a sultry tone, “Yeah. Sexy…hmm?”

“Hey, I think you are. Keep talking like that. I like it,” Brooke purred her answer right back at the woman.

“I like the way you think, Brooke.” Sam could feel herself beginning to melt with the soft sexy tones that were being generated from the other end of the conversation. Struggling to stay on track, she moved the conversation along. “Ah…C.C. said that she would, just as soon as her last class is over.


Sam had let her mind wander and absentmindedly answered, “Yeah, what?”

“Do you think I should pierce something? Peter and I went out last night and he pierced his eyebrow.” There was absolute quiet on the other end of the phone, “Sam…what are you doing?”

“Hmmm…just thinking about those eyes of yours,” the blonde said dreamily.

“You want me to pierce my eyes?” Dark brows furrowed, “That might hurt, Hon.”

“No silly, that would be too distracting…” Sam imagined Brooke’s blue eyes. “At least for me,” she confided.

“So, what do you think?” Brooke asked again.

“I like your eyes and the surrounding area just like it is.”

The dark-haired woman smiled, “Well, I like you and all your surrounding areas too.” She looked over at Peter and whispered, “No eyebrow. She likes them just the way they are.”

“I bet, even the ones you haven’t seen yet,” Sam giggled, “little though that they are.” Sam thought about how much more they were finding out about one another, both mentally and in the physical sense.

“I think you’re perfect, Sam.” There was silence for a long minute as each savored the moment. Brooke let a tiny laugh escape as she went to the next subject for the conversation to move in. “So, Peter dared me last night to pierce something.”

“Dared you to pierce?” Sam’s eyes grew wide with shock. “Whoa! Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say he dared you? You didn’t, did you?”

“Yeah, he dared me,” Brooke reiterated.

“Gee Brooke, I’m not sure. I mean what if it gets infected or something?”

Brooke laughed, “Don’t worry, I didn’t do it Honey. Besides, my other piercing didn’t get infected. Oops!” She slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing that she’d just left it slip out.

Running Brooke’s image with a fine tooth comb in her mind, Sam let out a loud sigh. “What other piercing?” the shaky voice came over the phone.

The older woman smiled weakly. “Ah…My belly button. I’ve had it for years. The piercing, that is, not my belly button. Although, I’ve have had that for years too.”

“…And you’ve been hiding it from me for what reason?”

“I haven’t been hiding it. You’ve just never seen me with my shirt off, only hiked up in the back or the buttons opened at the collar.”

“Hmmm…The mental images.” Sam said a little seductively.

“Behave, Sam.” Brooke turned away from Peter’s gaze and whispered into the phone. “Soon, Baby.”

Sam sighed and muttered under her breath. “It’s getting harder by the minute.”

Brooke raised an eyebrow and grinned evilly. “Is it now? Sam, I had no idea.”

The poor blonde found her pulse beginning to race and gulped. “Well, ah…what do you think?”

“What do I think?” Brooke lowered her voice and let the words roll off her lips, “Hmmm…I think…” I think I love you. So, what am I so afraid of? Brooke’s inner voice screamed the lyrics of an old song in her head.

“Forget it, Brooke, just come home soon.” Sam could not believe the need that her body was exhibiting with every word Brooke spoke.

Sensing the torture that Sam was going through, Brooke apologized. “Sorry, Darlin’.” The woman’s eyes shifted to the man across the table from her, “Oh, hey…Petey wants to say hi.”

“Sure, put him on.” She waited to hear the phone exchange hands. ” Hey, Peter. How are you doing?”

“Hey there, Toots. I’m doing okay.” Peter smiled, warmed by her friendly greeting. “How are you?”

“I’m okay, but I’ll be much better when Brooke gets back.”

“Hey, did you hear? I pierced my eyebrow,” Peter said proudly. “And don’t worry, she’ll be home soon.”

Sam laughed, “Yeah, but with how many holes?”

“Just the normal amount and one set more.” Peter teased the young woman. “I dared Brooke to pierce her tongue or her nose.”

“And how long will it take her to get through the metal detectors at the airport?” Sam teased him right back.

“Ah, Sam…she wouldn’t do it.”

“Good woman,” Sam muttered under her breath. “I knew she had some brains.”

“Well, I think it would look good on her.” Peter winked at Brooke, watching as she just shook her head in disbelief of his merciless teasing.

“Anything, Petey, would look good on her. But is the world ready for it?”

“Hmm…Now that is a thought. I don’t know about the nose, but as far as the tongue…” Peter cleared his throat. “Well, that wouldn’t be for me to judge, but you might like it.”

“Hmmm…I’ll have to think about that one…long and hard.”

“Just like her, huh?” He flashed an evil grin at Brooke then giggled, wondering if either of the two women knew what he was referring to.

“You, Peter, are bad.”

Smiling, Peter acknowledged the statement, “That, I am.”

“And you do it so well, too.” Sam laughed, then became very somber with her next thought. “Hey Petey, make sure she gets back as soon as possible. Okay?”

Peter turned a serious eye at Brooke, smiling warmly as he agreed, “No problem.” He could feel the need in Sam’s voice and realized for the first time what a good thing Brooke had lucked into. “So, what about this cousin of yours that I’m hearing about from Brooke? Is she cute? Does she look anything like you? Anything at all?”

“Crystal? Is that who she’s told you about?” Sam shook her head. “Did she tell you about the crush Crystal had on you when we were growing up?”

“She said you had a cousin who liked me, kind of…” Peter played with the cover of the phone, acting shy.

“Well, she’s my mother’s sister’s daughter. So…” Sam drew the answer out. “Yeah, she has a little of my looks.”

“Sweet!” Peter bounced up and down in his chair like a toddler. “Anything else you can tell me about her? Is she single?”

“She’s a couple of years older than me.” Sam decided to let Peter off the hook, “Very single. In fact, she hardly ever dates anyone.” She paused for a moment, then added, “And if you’re wondering…she’s straight.”

“Hmmm…Okay, that’s good to know.” Peter wiggled his eyebrows in jest.

“I believe Crystal still thinks if she waits long enough, she’ll meet you.”

“Really, huh?” Peter’s voice crackled like a teenager’s reaching puberty. “Maybe I’ll have to see what I can do about that.”

“Maybe sometime in the not too distant future.” Sam was already plotting in her mind for the two of them to meet. “Hey, it was nice talking to you, Peter. Can you put Brooke back on?”

“Maybe…” Peter trailed off whispering as he thought. “Ah…We’ll see. Well, Cutes, here’s your girl. Talk to you soon.”

Brooke accepted the phone and held it lovingly to her ear. “Hey, Baby. See, I behaved.”

“Yeah, that’s a good girl.” Sam teased the older woman, “Behave away from home…” Sam paused, finishing the sentence in her head. And save all that badness for me. “Do you think you’ll be home for dinner or later in the evening?” The young woman asked, hoping for the earlier time.


“Of course, tonight.”

“Well, the jet is bringing me home. A commercial flight would take too long.”

“So, should I plan on dinner with you or not?” Sam sighed thinking better of it, “Or…are you tired?”

A low rumble gathered then grew in Brooke’s chest as she thought about being tired at the sight of Sam. “I’ll be wide awake when I see you, Darlin’.”

“I’m sure you will be.” The blonde responded with a coyness all her own. “Okay, then I’ll surprise you with something to nibble on.” Sam covered her mouth, wondering what Brooke thought about after hearing that statement. Even though the woman was alone, she could still feel the heat of the blush traveling up her neck.

“I’ll see you soon, Baby.” Brooke’s voice became very soft as she admitted, “I miss you.”

“Miss you, too. Bye Brooke.” Sam didn’t want the conversation to end but she knew it had to.

“I love you,” Brooke said without trying to hide it from Peter.

Sam smiled as she felt the words warm her heart and soothe her aching soul. “I was waiting to hear that. I love you too,” she whispered, knowing their time on the phone was coming to an end.

“Bye, Sam.”

“Hurry home,” the blonde implored one more time, then sighed before saying her last word. “Bye.”

Peter watched as Brooke gazed at the phone for a moment, then slowly ended the call by hitting a button. He didn’t want to disrupt her thoughts, but after a few minutes, seeing his old band mate drinking in all the love that had been sent her way by one small blonde, he just couldn’t keep from saying it. “Man, Brooke. You got it ba-a-a-ad,” he drew out the last word.

Brooke turned to look him directly in the eye. “Yes, I do.” She tried to hold back the smile that was straining to come to her face.

The man studied her for a moment, then nodded. “It looks good on you…love, I mean.”

The woman got up and moved over to the mirror above the dresser in the motel room, staring into it at her reflection. Nodding her head approvingly, Brooke turned back to Peter. “It does, doesn’t it?”

Peter flashed her a knowing smile but remained silent.

“Come on,” Brooke grabbed her jacket and went to stand by the door. “I’m starving,” she smirked, finishing the thought in her head, And not only for food. Green eyes and golden hair filled her mind. “We got a few hours to kill before I leave. Let’s go eat and see what goodie I can find to take home to my girl.” Brooke winked, knowing that the best treat would just be getting herself home and showering her girl with kisses.

Sam stepped back from the suitcase that she was packing and took a good look around the room. Nope, can’t think of another thing to take. She shook her head and then bent over to zip up the case.

The excitement of seeing Brooke again was mounting as she felt the butterflies coming to life in her stomach. They had only been physically away from each other for three days, but it seemed more like three years. Sam’s thoughts drifted and she found herself thinking about her next semester coming up. God, how will I ever make it through four months without her? I just have to get an internship closer to home. Sam’s lips curled into a smile at that thought. Home…I’m already thinking of her as home. Okay, Sam, you know what you have to do. No time to start chickening out now. Just think of how good it’s going to feel being in her arms…feeling her kisses and her loving touch.

The young woman could feel a warm sensation spreading throughout her body as she closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to be loved body, mind, and soul. So absorbed into that dream world was Sam that she never heard C.C. enter the room.

The brunette opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she saw the serene expression on her roommate’s face. Not wanting to disturb the obviously wonderful daydream that Sam was having, C.C. quietly sat down on her bed and waited for the moment to pass. Seeing the blush creep slowly up Sam’s neck and over her cheeks, C.C. wondered just how far things had gone between her sister and the young woman before her on the single night in Jersey that they had spent together.

Slowly, the blonde came back to the reality of the world around her, as she let out a long held breath and fanned herself with her hands for a few seconds. “Oh my!” Sam hid her face in her hands and muttered, “That was a good one. God, if only…” she turned to see C.C. sitting on her bed through the cracks between her fingers that still hid her face and stopped talking to herself. “Ah…Hi, C.C.” The embarrassed woman lowered her hands and with one gave a little wave in the brunette’s direction.

C.C. smiled broadly and waved back at Sam. “You got everything packed?” The brunette motioned to the suitcase on the bed.

“Yeah,” Sam nodded, “I got everything that I’ll need in these two.” The blonde got up from the bed, taking the suitcase with her and walked toward the door, setting the bag down on the floor. She took the light jacket from the chair and draped it over her arm. “Do you think you could help me out with that other bag?” She motioned toward the suitcase that sat next to her bed.

“Okay.” C.C. got up from the bed and went over to the suitcase. “So, I shouldn’t expect you back this weekend, right?”

“Nope.” The blonde wiggled her eyebrows and smiled coyly, “Not until Monday morning at my first class.”

The brunette bent over to grasp the suitcase. “Gee, with all this luggage I’d have thought you were going to stay the week.” She went to lift the bag but was met with resistance. “Damn! What do you have in here…bricks?” C.C. flexed what little muscle she owned and pulled the bag up from the floor.

“Ah…Just a few things that I want to take with me.” Sam smiled and gave her roommate a little giggle.

Struggling with the bag to the door, C.C. thought out loud, “Well, either you’ve taken up wearing armor or…” The brunette looked up at her roommate, seeing the innocent look that was on her face. Putting one hand up, C.C. waved the comment off. “I don’t want to know, do I?”

“Its nothing bad, C.C., honest.” Sam’s green eyes opened wide. “It’s just a few props…ah…I mean…”

“T-M-I.” C.C. went out the door and down the hall to the elevator as Sam followed her out and shut the door, locking it.

“Right.” Sam paused until she was standing next to C.C. as they waited for the elevator to arrive. “Just think of it as books, C.C., nothing but books.” The blonde held a tight-lipped smile in place, not wanting to lose it in the well-traveled hallway.

The ding of the elevator bell sounded just as C.C. was opening her mouth to speak. Thinking better of what she was going to say she waited until they were alone behind the closed doors of the elevator car. “Planning on doing a little manual reading until my sister gets home?”

Sam stood staring straight ahead at the elevator doors. “Let’s just say that this is one course I intend to ace.” The blonde’s mouth curled slightly as she fought the urge not to turn around and look at C.C. Within seconds, the car stopped and the doors opened, allowing Sam an open pathway to the lobby. Nonchalantly Sam threw the words over her shoulder as she started out, “You coming C.C.?”

The flabbergasted woman picked up the heavy suitcase with both hands and followed her roommate out through the lobby and into the late afternoon sun. Crossing the small parking lot, C.C. made it without stopping until they reached her truck. Placing the suitcase on the ground, the tired woman stood up straight and stretched her back. “Hey, Sam. I just have a quick stop to make, if that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, that’s okay.” Sam lowered the tailgate and put her bag in the bed of the truck. “Ah…where are we stopping?”

C.C. grabbed the suitcase with both hands and hoisted it up to the truck before answering. “Well,” the brunette blew her bangs out of her eyes with a mighty puff of air, “my hair’s been getting in my eyes so I wanted to have my bangs trimmed.” The brunette pushed the suitcase into the bed of the truck, then closed the tailgate. “I was thinking that it’s right on the way to Brooke’s…”

The blonde walked around to the passenger side of the vehicle and looked at her own long blonde hair in the side mirror. “Hmm…That might be a good idea C.C.” Sam tilted her head from side to side as she studied her reflection in the mirror. “Do you think that I would look older with shorter hair?”

The brunette thought about the question as she came around the vehicle and opened the driver’s door, hopping up into the seat. “Older? I don’t know. Maybe…”

Sam took one last look in the mirror. “More mature, maybe?” She opened the door and started to climb up into the cab of the truck. “You know, I am going to be twenty-one next week.”

“Hmmm…” C.C. looked over to the blonde. “Maybe.”

“Come on, let’s go.” Sam motioned toward the road as she reached for her seat-belt.

“Good God, next week, already.” C.C. teased, then winked at her passenger as she tightened the seat-belt and reached to insert the key.

“Yeah, good-bye childhood and hello to the world of being a legal adult.” Sam rolled down her window and looked over to the driver with a devilish grin on her face.

“Woohoo!” C.C. let out a yelp. “Not too much of a difference, you know. But, there is one thing that you can definitely do.” The driver stole a glance at her passenger as she turned around to back out of the parking space. “You can lose the fake I.D.’s.” C.C. pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the highway.

“Yeah…” Sam ran her hands through her long, blonde hair and smirked, “Well, I plan on losing more than that.” She shook her long mane, letting the wind whip the golden locks as she laughed with the feeling of freedom it gave her.

“Really?” C.C.’s eyes grew bigger as she grabbed tightly onto the steering wheel. “You don’t mean…”

“Yeah, I do mean.”

C.C. turned her head sharply to the right to see Sam twirling a lock of blonde hair in her fingers and wiggling her eyebrows.

“Yeah,” Sam nodded her head as though she were making her mind up. “Out with the old and in with the new.”

“OHMYGOD!” C.C. gasped almost losing control of the truck. “You’re going to seduce my sister, aren’t you?”

Sam continued, “You’re looking at a woman in love.” Sam sighed, then suddenly realized that she was missing something vital that was going on. “What?” She asked grabbing on to the handle above the passenger door and sat up straight in her seat.

Concern-filled brown eyes glanced over to Sam then back to the road ahead of the vehicle. “What do you mean, what?” C.C. paused only a few seconds before asking again. “What, what?”

Sam giggled. “I was talking about cutting my hair.” She looked over to C.C., “You know, looking a little more mature for Brooke.”

The brunette openly blushed. “Oops. Oh, ah…sorry.” C.C. tried to shake the images of seduction from her mind.

“Although…” Sam brought a finger to her mouth as she thought. “That may not be such a bad idea,” she muttered under her breath but loud enough for the driver to hear. She took a quick look at C.C. to see if she heard her, then smiled knowing that she did.

“I am so embarrassed. I’m sorry, Sam.” C.C. apologized. “I just thought…” the brunette took one hand off the steering wheel and shielded her face from Sam. “Oh my god.”

The blonde sat back with a smile on her face thinking, If she only knew how close we already came on Tuesday.

The old, rusted-out Cadillac drove along the tarmac, coming to a halt just several yards from the bottom of the portable stairway when Peter turned to his passenger. “Okay, Brooke.” He turned off the ignition and patted the steering wheel. “There you go. Me and the dream machine here wouldn’t let you down. “See,” he gazed out around the multitude of things hanging from the rear-view mirror, “looks like the jet is just waiting for you to board.” Peter smiled broadly at his old friend.

“Yeah, and to think we’re only ten minutes later than I originally planned for.” Brooke raised an eyebrow in his direction.

“Well, how was I supposed to know that they’d give me such a hard time? So, the dream machine has a few little spots of rust…” he caressed the wheel lovingly. “She’s got the best engine a man could want. Able to run long and hard into the night with nary a drop of lubricant. They don’t make them like that anymore, Brooke.”

“God, why do all you men think of cars as some kind of sex object.” As soon as it was out Brooke threw her left hand up and halted any comment coming her way. “Not now, Petey. I’ve got a plane to catch and a girl to get home to.” Brooke reached down and opened the passenger door. “Hey, thanks.” She winked at him then started to get out.

“Anything for you, Brooke.” The man laughed, “Well, really for Sam.”

“Oh, so I’m nothing, huh? What are you doing…trying to steal my girl, are you?” Brooke teased him as she reached in for her jacket.

“Who, me? Nope, but I might be interested in that cousin of hers.” Peter wiggled his eyebrows.

Brooke smiled, throwing the jacket over her shoulder, then grabbed her laptop and briefcase. “I’ll have those tapes mastered by the time you guys get there next week.”

“That will be great. Take your time. I know that you’ll be a little busy,” Peter winked at her after getting out of the driver’s side, “this weekend.”

“I hope,” she muttered under her breath. “I can’t wait until she hears that new song. You think James can pull it off?”

“If he’s in the mind to, he’ll do it.” Peter walked around to the trunk and opened it, removing the couple of suitcases that belonged to Brooke and set them down on the tarmac.

“All I can say is he better be in the mind a week from Tuesday.” Brooke turned toward the jet and motioned for them to take her luggage.

“So, that’s Sam’s birthday, right?”

“Yeah, October 30.” Brooke looked at her friend and chuckled, “I’m sure I can get her cousin there, too.” She watched his expression change to one of joy.

“Great. I like that even better.” Peter closed the trunk and walked around the car toward Brooke. “Count me in.”

Brooke handed her briefcase and laptop to the plane’s crew. “You bet.” She turned back to Peter and held out her arms.

Peter clasped his hands around her shoulders in a friendly embrace, then whispered in her ear, “Tell Sam I said hello.”

“Will do, Peter.” She hugged him just a little tighter then released her grip and backed away. “Work on that song some more. I want it to be perfect for her.” She reached out and gave him a little punch on the shoulder with her fist. “I’ll see you soon, Pete.”

“I will and don’t worry about it.” He turned and started to walk back to his car, then called back over his shoulder, “Next week, Brooke. Bye.”

“Take care of yourself, Peter.” Brooke smiled at the man as he walked over to his car, watching him turn slightly toward her and wave.

“Don’t I always?” He laughed, seeing her wave him off as she started climbing the steps to board the plane. Then he got into his car and drove off the tarmac.

Reaching the door of the jet, Brooke stepped inside and was greeted by one of the staff. “Good evening, Ms. Gordon. I’ve placed your laptop and briefcase next to your favorite chair.” The medium built redhead smiled and pointed the way. “If you need anything just let me know, I’ll be more than happy to accommodate you anyway that I can.”

Brooke nodded and smiled politely. “Yes, thank you, Christie.” The executive started to walk toward the seat when she stopped and turned abruptly, “Who’s piloting for me? Is it Johnnie and Rae?”

“Who else? We all jumped at the chance when they told us it was the boss flying.” Christie winked. “Don’t you worry, we’ll get you home safe and sound.”

“Tell the girls that I said thanks.” Brooke nodded, then sat down and snapped the seat-belt around her waist. After settling in, she retrieved her laptop from its case and logged in, pulling up the song she had written the previous weekend.

‘Every day I walk down and see you passing by…’ Within seconds of reading the first verse, Brooke could already hear the melody running through her head, while images of Sam came floating about the recesses of her mind. God, Sam…I miss you so much, Baby.

She inhaled deeply and read the next line. ‘Every hour I can’t even close my eyes without seeing you…’ Images of Sam the last time she was in Brooke’s company flooded her senses like water rushing a dam. I can’t wait to get home and hold you…kiss you…feel your breath on my neck and your long hair tickling my chin as you wrap your arms around me…running your fingertips down my spine…your hands… Brooke closed her eyes and groaned as she thought of Sam and the last night that they had spent together. God, if I hadn’t stopped us we would have made love right there in that cheap motel room.

Her eyes focused back on the computer screen and she read the line that her eyes fell upon. ‘I’ve spent so long on the outside looking in, just to see your smile shining through the dim; Breaking through these walls around this crying heart. One look from you and it all falls apart…’ Green eyes came to her mind, along with the look of love that she had seen there the last time they were saying goodbye. The memory of the tender touch of her young lips and the passionate embraces as they had longed for the moment not to end. Brooke could feel her heart beating faster and her breathing becoming more rapid as each remembered sensation began to drive her body into a frenzy of wanton emotions. God…I need to watch these thoughts I’m having. They’re definitely leading somewhere they shouldn’t… at least without Sam being here.

The dark-haired woman shook her head, trying to clear her mind of images and emotions that she could do nothing about here on the plane. Brooke let her gaze go to the source of light, and she stared out at the clouds. Clouds? When did we…? “Christie,” Brooke called out. Seeing the woman’s head poke around the corner of the small galley she asked, “When did we take off? I didn’t feel any…”

The crew member smiled, “A few minutes ago, Ms. Gordon. Is there something you need?”

Blue eyes darted back and forth under furrowed brows, “No, thanks. I guess I was so absorbed in what I was thinking about that I didn’t realize we were airborne already.”

Brooke reached for the phone on the wall next to her chair. Picking it up, she was soon met by a pleasant sounding voice on the other end.

“Your Pilot Johnnie at your service, Ma’am.”

“Johnnie, hello. I just called to compliment you on that almost undetectable take off, thank you. I just realized that we were in flight.”

“Thanks, Ms. Gordon. The pleasure is all mine.” There was silence for a moment then the pilot asked, “Is there anything else?”

“Ah…” Brooke hesitated then asked, “We are moving at top speed, right?”

“Yes, Ma’am, top speed coming up.” Johnnie’s hand went to the controls and Rae followed suit setting a course for Virginia, the state known for its beaches and lovers.

The crisp breeze stood as a constant reminder of her surroundings as Sam walked along the sandy beach with Mario at her heels. Nowhere on campus did she have an opportunity like this. Sam looked out at the horizon, listening to the sound of the surf and the seagulls. The occasional bark from the husky at her side sent warm thoughts of the dog’s owner directly to her brain. Sam found herself wondering how many times Brooke had done exactly this same thing that she was doing right now.

The ocean waves rolled in and then drifted back out to sea, much like her musings right now of that dark-haired woman who possessed most of her waking thoughts and definitely ruled all of her dreams. The blonde wrapped her arms around herself trying to stave off the chill, wishing that it were Brooke’s arms instead of her own.

“Come on, Mario. I think it’s time we go home and warm up a little.” She watched as the dog listened with perked-up ears when she said the word home. “You missed being home all week, didn’t you boy?” Sam bent over and petted the husky that was hell bent on lavishing her with kisses. “Enough, Mario.” Sam laughed as the dog continued his friendly assault on her face. “Okay, you’re giving them to me for your mommy, right?” Sam thought back to the night of C.C.’s birthday party and Brooke’s decree that every kiss of Mario’s was actually four of her own. A big smile came to the blonde’s face. “She loves me that much, huh Boy?” Sam got up and started walking back to the house. “Come on, Mario. It’s time for us to go get ready for your mommy. But first, I think I’ll make myself a nice mug of hot chocolate.”

Chocolate…Sam’s mind flashed back to several nights ago in New Jersey. God did I have to say chocolate? I’ll never learn. Sam took in a deep breath and could almost smell the aroma of chocolate as her thoughts gained a toehold on her senses. Sam’s feet kept walking as her mind took its own path, reliving Tuesday night and all the fun that a little bottle of chocolate had brought to two grown women. It wasn’t long before Sam could almost taste the dark, bitter confection that had been drizzled on that long pillar of a neck as she kissed her way to those scrumptious lips. Dessert…who needs dessert when I have Brooke?

The woman sighed, letting her hand start its old familiar pattern of raking through her long blonde hair as she daydreamed. Then she remembered. She’d had her haircut and the long tresses were now back on the floor at the beauty shop. The reality of the moment brought her back to the present. “Good gods, speaking of desserts, I wonder if she has a thing for shortcake.”

Sam stopped at the kitchen door before opening it and glanced at her reflection in the glass. “Well, Mario…” she turned her head from side to side, pulling at the short blonde hair wisping around her neck. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” She opened the door, then looked back at the dog sitting there on the deck. “Come on, Mario. I’ll race you to the shower.”

The tall woman made her way in the door, juggling the two pieces of luggage and a briefcase in her hands while she brandished the laptop with its shoulder carry strap like some ammo belt slung around her chest. Mario, the official greeter of the house, sat waiting for her to get inside with his tail wagging like the strong beat of fast song. Muted whimpers tugged at Brooke’s heart the minute she heard them and within seconds after closing the door with her foot, she was kneeling down to meet her precious pup.

“Hey, Boy.” She giggled as he licked her face and hands. “Didja miss me?”

Brooke petted the animal for a minute or two before standing up and taking the laptop bag from around her chest. Grabbing the briefcase, she placed both cases on the small desk just inside the corner of the living room. Looking around, the woman could see no sign of Sam and turned back to her trusted pet. “Okay, Mario, go find Sam.” Brooke watched as the dog scampered off down the hall.

“Sam,” Brooke called out but received no answer. “Hmmm…guess I’m going to have to seek you out.”

Taking a piece of luggage in each of her hands, the woman walked briskly toward the stairway. “Sam…” she called out as she rounded the corner of the hall at the bottom of the steps. There was still no answer so she started up the stairs, being careful not to catch the luggage on the railing.

Stepping out of the shower, Sam reached for the towel on the counter and wrapped it around her head like she’d done every day of her life. The towel seemed to be too big now since she changed her hairstyle and so she swapped it for the smaller towel from the rack. A shiver ran up the blonde’s back and she grabbed the discarded towel, wrapping it around her body, patting at it to dry her clean, wet skin. Feeling warmer, she took the ends of the towel that hung around her back, looping them one over the other binding them together at her chest, then she took the few steps out into the hallway where Mario sat waiting for her. Together, they made their way into Brooke’s room.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Brooke ventured down the hall toward her room. She rounded the corner and walked in through the open door. “Sam?” She called out as her eyes swept the room for any signs of the blonde.

Hearing her name, Sam looked up to see the tall woman standing in the doorway. Reacting on instinct alone, the blonde took off across the room as Brooke dropped her bags. Laughing as she tried to hold the towel to her body, Sam ran into the older woman’s outstretched arms. “God, I missed you.”

Their lips met in a kiss as Sam’s arms encircled her. “Mmm…I missed you.” Brooke returned the kiss and shifted her hands finding nothing but slightly damp skin to grab onto.

“I bet you did.” Sam glanced to her shoulder and saw Brooke’s hand draped over her skin before she was distracted by another kiss.


“Yeah?” Her lips were drawn into another soft kiss.

Brooke tilted her head in the other direction, changing the angle of her kiss. Leaning back, she laid feather light kisses down Sam’s jaw until she was just under the blonde’s ear. The tall woman moved in closer, then she looked down. That’s when Brooke saw the uncovered, well-rounded buttocks of the young woman directly in her view. Raising an eyebrow, she appreciated the view for a moment then softly stated, “You’re naked, Sam.”

The young woman nudged her with her head. “No I’m not. I’ve got a towel on.” Her mind obviously too distracted to listen to reason.

“Yeah…You’ve got a towel on your head…” Brooke pointed out as she slowly let her hands run down Sam’s back and pulled her tighter against her body.

Glancing quickly down her body, Sam grinned looking back up at Brooke as she zeroed in for another kiss, first on the older woman’s mouth then continuing to move down her neck with reckless abandon.

The dark-haired woman took in a breath and stated the fact, again. “Sam, you’re naked.”

“Oops! I ah…I guess I lost my grip on the towel there.” Sam giggled nervously and leaned in to kiss the tender flesh above Brooke’s collar as an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

Craning her neck for the best view possible, Brooke admired the length of Sam’s backside, causing her heart rate to almost double. “You are so naked…and so beautiful.”

Sam chuckled as she said, “And you are so fully clothed.” The blonde started to tug at the shirt that Brooke was wearing until she had the taller woman’s mouth pressed up against her own in a kiss. Small nimble fingers then worked diligently to unbutton the clothing for better access. Finally, after coming up for air, Sam huskily muttered, “So, are you going to get naked too or am I going to get dressed?”

The decision was simple. “Uh… Let me go wash New Jersey off of me, because I have so lost interest in you getting dressed.”

The young woman exaggerated a sniff at Brooke’s clothing. “That might be a good idea with all that garbage they dump up there.” Sam pushed on Brooke’s shoulders, trying to distance herself from the woman. “You’ve got ten minutes. Now, go get a shower.”

With shaky legs, Brooke backed into the hall and down the few feet to the bathroom, never taking her eyes off of Sam as the young woman followed her out. Making the turn into the bathroom, Brooke tripped through the doorway, barely catching herself on the door frame. Sticking her head out into the hall again, she flashed a toothy smile, then disappeared into the room yelling, “Be right out. It’ll only take me a minute.”

“I’ll be here when you come out,” Sam reassured her, then laughed as she shook her head. “God, that is so adorable.” Before she made it back into the bedroom, Sam could already hear the sound of the shower running.

The young woman settled herself in front of the dresser mirror as she undid the towel from her head and briskly rubbed it over her short hair. Stopping to survey her effort, Sam shook her head, letting the neatly styled cut find its natural part. “Hmmm…so this is what they mean by wash and wear hair.” The blonde smiled at her own reflection in the mirror as the soft sound of Brooke’s singing filtered through the air, causing Sam to think about the upcoming evening.

Moving gracefully around the room, Sam lit the candles that she had brought with her in that heavy suitcase, leaving the last two on the nightstand. If C.C. only knew what kind of props I was talking about. Come to think of it…I wonder what she was thinking of. She crossed to the other side of the large bed, taking the bottle of wine and pouring some into the two glasses. After setting the bottle back down, the last two peach scented candles were lit. A beseeching smile graced Sam’s lips as she blew the flame on the match out and watched the wisps of smoke travel heavenward intermingling along their paths.

“Okay, Sam,” the blonde sighed as she stretched out on the king-size bed. “You knew it was coming.” She noticed that the sound of water running in the shower had stopped, alerting her that Brooke would be coming soon. “Now just go with it.” Taking in a deep, calming breath, Sam waited for the return of her tall friend.

Brooke hurriedly dried her wet skin and out of habit more than anything, took the silk robe off the hook on the door and pulled it onto her arms and shoulders, letting it gape open in the front. Using the large bath towel to dry her hair, Brooke left the bath and started walking down the hall toward her room. Hmmm…maybe I should think about putting a shower in that master bath? Guess I’m gonna have to think about that. With only a step or two more before she stood at her bedroom door, Brooke sufficed that her hair was as dry as it would ever be and leaned back far enough to take aim. She banked the shot off the bathroom door with the balled up towel to at least get it out of the hallway.

Shaking her damp hair out to help it dry, Brooke smiled, knowing that luck had been with her to come home so early. She stepped into the doorway and was frozen by the sight of the woman on her bed, basking in the soft glow of candlelight. Blue eyes traveled the length of the compact body starting at the delicate feet, roaming over the curves of the torso and stopping at the short blonde hair on the woman’s head. She turned into the doorway with her hand holding onto the frame on one side while her shoulder braced against the other side to steady herself, allowing the front of her robe to hang open.

Seeing Brooke come into the doorway, Sam scowled, “Hey, that’s not fair. Where’s my…” the woman smiled in appreciation as Brooke’s arm rose as she grabbed the door frame and the opening of the robe revealed more and more of the well-proportioned body underneath it. “Oh, I do like that open robe look.” Sam’s eyes roved up and down the exposed curves and already she could feel her heart beating faster just seeing the dark mound of curly hair that marked the apex at the top of Brooke’s legs.

Brooke’s mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out of it. She gulped and took in a deep breath, then started again. “I…I thought you’d like the…”

Sam rolled up onto her side, shaking her short hair before letting her head come to rest on her hand that was propped on the pillow. “New look?” The blonde asked with the hint of a smile on her lips, as she tried to keep her own body under control.

The mesmerized woman could only nod as she tried unsuccessfully to form a coherent thought. The short styled, blonde hair certainly struck her as adding an air of sophistication to the already alluring woman before her. The shorter body, so well proportioned with its rolling expanses of skin, gave rise to the gentle swell of young breasts.

“I love what it does for you.” Sam’s green eyes twinkled in the flickering candlelight, amazed at the affect she was having on the older woman who could only nod her head again in affirmation.

The blonde sat up rather seductively, letting her legs dangle off the side of the bed. She faced Brooke while she leaned back on her arms for support. “So, do you like it.” She gave her head a little shake, then cocked it to one side as she drank in the view that was being presented to her. “I thought I’d surprise you.”

“Uh-huh…” Brooke gulped again, finally finding her voice. “Sam…I…you’re…”

The young woman sat up watching the stunned look on her friend’s face. “Brooke if it’s that bad…” Sam pulled at the short blonde hair self-consciously now. “I’ll let it grow in again.”

“No!” Brooke blurted out, moving over to the bed and kneeling down in front of the woman. “It’s gorgeous.” Blue eyes re-evaluated Sam’s features. The dancing eyes filled with love, the delicate nose, and the luscious, inviting lips that Brooke wanted to press her own against all came together to form something of rare beauty. “You’re just so…” she paused for a moment, then let a faint smile turn the corners of her mouth upward when the correct word finally came to her, “…gorgeous!”

The compliment was totally unexpected and caused Sam’s shyness to manifest itself. That was the one thing that no one but her father had ever said to her. Still, not sure of herself or the moment that they were in, Sam asked, “Then why are you staring?”

“I never thought that the woman who rules my every fantasy would be naked on my bed.” Brooke’s face turned red from embarrassment at her admission. “Sam…” blue eyes searched green ones, hoping to see some flicker of understanding. “I’m…I’m…simply flabbergasted…among other things.” Already Brooke could feel the needs of her body starting to cry out as she responded to everything that her senses were assimilating.

Sam struggled to accept that she would be someone’s fantasy. “You really think so? You’re not just saying that, are you?”

“No, Baby. I love it.” Brooke reached up and ran her fingers through Sam’s hair. “I love you.” Her roaming gaze focused in on Sam’s eyes.

“Really? …Honestly?” Sam searched Brooke’s face, wanting only to see the raw truth.

Almost breathlessly Brooke confirmed Sam’s wish, “Yes.”

The blonde sighed as she wrapped her arms around Brooke’s neck. Staring at one another, they could see the love being reflected back in each other’s eyes. Their lips slowly called out to one another as they closed the distance between them. The soft touch of their lips in featherweight kisses acted like a catalyst as their senses came to life with a vengeance.

The young woman could feel her body coming to life as all of her systems checked in. The overpowering urge to have this woman make love to her became evident as an unfamiliar tingling sensation coursed through her body, finally coming to rest in her core as it had just been awakened. Sam could feel her own warm wetness swelling right along with her desire.

Brooke rolled her shoulders and let the robe slowly slide down her arms until it lay on the floor around her feet. Like magnets attracted together by some unyielding force, their bodies came together for the first time. Skin touching skin, warm mounds of craving flesh were just waiting for the first tingling sensations of orgasmic delight.

Slowly guiding Sam down onto the bed as they moved together, Brooke enjoyed the grasp that the young woman had on her body. The gentle touch was filled with love and need, stirring the passion that the older woman had locked away for years. Wrapping her long arms around the smaller woman, Brooke rolled them both over until Sam was stretched out and laying on top of her larger body. Still locked in a passion-filled kiss, Brooke’s hands began to roam yet unexplored territories along Sam’s back, sending chills, as well as arousing sensations, along the blonde’s spine.

As the kiss ended, Sam looked at the woman beneath her. Whether it was the sexy look on the woman’s face or the smell of freshly washed hair, the young blonde filled her mind with the essence that was the woman before her. They had triggered feelings that she had only dreamed about before. Having her senses assaulted from just about every side, the young woman gave a coy smile as she let the words come out much like a purr from her mouth, “Hmm…Now this is a nice view.”

The dark-haired woman smiled and gave the woman in her arms a little tighter of a hug. “Well, this is a nice feeling.” Brooke marveled at the full body touch that was being etched into her mind as all firsts were bound to be. Her heart fluttered with anticipation of filling that place in her mind with many experiences that included Sam for the rest of her life.

“And don’t I know it.” Sam closed her eyes and began her own little series of explorations along Brooke’s shoulders and sides, feeling the soft, warm body as it exposed the hills and valleys of its domain. Suddenly, without warning, the young woman could feel Brooke’s breathing catch as her sides contracted. “Ticklish?” she asked, wanting to know so she could lay it out on the map she was creating of Brooke’s body in her head.

“No, that does NOT tickle.” Brooke’s words were whispered. Her senses screamed from want of more stimulation as the small hands resumed their exploration.

Wanting to know for sure, Sam tried again, only this time edging a little closer to the front of her body than before. “I bet it does.”

Brooke grinned as she caught her breath again before speaking. “Nope.”

“Hmm…Then what does it do?” Sam teased, thinking that she knew the answer already.

“It sets…” Brooke shook her head slightly, settling on a better word. “You set my entire body on fire.” Long, nimble fingers ran down Sam’s body starting at her shoulders then moving along her sides to her waistline.

Rolling her head with the rush of sensations that one act created, Sam cried out, a little overwhelmed with emotion. “Oh God. I see what you mean.”

Behind the mischievous grin and wink, Brooke answered her. “I thought you might.” She inhaled deeply, filling her head with the soft scent of peaches. Her mind reeled with this added assault on her already overloaded senses.

Knowing the warmth of the electrically charged emotions that were about to erupt before long, Sam needed some reassurance. “You’re sure we won’t go up in a wisp of smoke.”

“I can’t promise that.” Brooke inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with Sam’s scent now as she nuzzled into her neck. Then she began showering the blonde’s ear with soft kisses.

“But you won’t deny it either, will you?” Sam clutched the soft body under hers as she rode out the cresting warmth that was sweeping over her.

Like the soft sound of a wave as it rolls back to the sea, Brooke whispered in Sam’s ear, “No…will you?”

Letting her body collapse on Brooke’s, Sam sighed. “God, that feels so good.” Sam raised her head slowly and looked through hooded eyes. “Brooke right now, I think that anything could be possible.”

Taking her time, Brooke kissed her way along Sam’s jaw and up to her opposite ear where she tenderly traced it with the tip of her tongue, then whispered into it, “Anything?” She locked away the taste of Sam’s skin on her tongue, the sweetness that made her crave for more.

Sam nodded, as she pulled her head back to look into her soon-to-be lover’s eyes. “Anything.”

Before the word was out of her mouth, they fell into a passionate kiss, each one taking turns in claiming, then submitting to the other as they floundered in this new world they were creating. Fighting to overcome her hesitancy, Brooke let her hands drift down along Sam’s sides and over her well-rounded buttocks. The feel of the soft skin invoking needs in her that she never knew. It only took the older woman a few seconds before she was pulling the young, firm body against her own, not being able to get enough of it.

Sensing that they were moving toward the point of no return, Sam felt the need to speak when they parted from the kiss. “Brooke, I never wanted anybody as much as I want you now.” Green eyes sought out the familiar blue. “Not even Loran,” she felt the need to confess.

Brooke studied Sam’s face for a moment, then one dark eyebrow raised as she asked the single word question. “Never?”

“Never…ever,” the blonde head shook from side to side with each word.

“Sam?” Brooke waited until the young woman’s gaze met her own. “Who’s Loran?” She grinned, watching the answer in her young friend’s eyes as they went from puzzled to intrigue.

“Loran who?” was Sam’s softly whispered reply as she sighed deeply, never looking away from the love that was being conveyed silently in their gaze.

“I’m all yours, Baby.” Brooke kissed her on the forehead, then drew back. “Me…” she reached up and kissed Sam softly on the lips. “The one who loves you and wants you so bad.”

“I know.” The blonde could feel her own need rising as all the emphasis of her emotions struggled to find a path to satisfy the urges that were stirring deep within her soul. Finally, her mind put her body’s wishes into words. “Brooke, make love to me.”

Blue eyes sought out the green pools that she knew she could easily drown in and without any hesitation at all, Brooke answered straight from her heart, pledging her love for all of eternity. “Always, Sam…always.”

Sam leaned in to kiss Brooke and slowly rolled to her side. Brooke rolled over to face Sam, their legs tangling with one another as she kissed the woman once more. The surge of power that overtook them left little room for release as the kiss deepened, then trailed off with tenderness. When it ended, Brooke leaned back taking in the look on Sam’s face, committing it to her memory.

The young woman said nothing, just watched the expression on Brooke’s face.

“Why are you smiling, Baby?” Brooke could feel the inevitable about to happen, the two bodies crying out with needs that could no longer be denied. The older woman cleared her throat and in the tiniest of voices she confided as to what was going on behind that polished façade of hers. “Do you have any idea how nervous I am right now?”

“Yeah, I think I do.” Sam nodded, then touched her forehead to Brooke’s. “You know, you’re not the only virgin here.” Sam paused, then whispered, “I love you.”

Brooke used the back of her hand to lightly touch Sam’s cheek, then ran it straight down Sam’s chest to circle around her stomach. “I love you.”

Sam kissed her lightly, then with more feeling as Brooke’s hand headed back up Sam’s side, starting over again. Each time, the circle around the young woman’s torso became smaller and smaller until Brooke’s hand cupped a small breast, her thumb brushing across the nipple.

The kiss broke with a very audible sigh as Sam gasped for a breath. “Oh, Baby, I know you do,” she muttered in between gulps of air as she felt the kisses continue down the hollow of her neck and across her shoulder. Before she realized it, most of her breast was engulfed within Brooke’s mouth as the woman sought to explore it with her tongue, causing her already hard nipple to stand upright.

Not being one of simple tasks, Brooke let her hand trail along Sam’s side. She followed the curve of her hip as she continued moving along behind the young woman’s knee. Gently, she placed it up over her own hip, letting her fingers touch the soft sensitive skin of the small woman’s inner thigh.

Feeling the woman complying under her subtle touch, Brooke felt compelled to say what was on her mind. “I do love you Sam, and I’d do anything to make you happy.”

“Just don’t ever stop loving me Brooke. That will make me very happy.”


“Hmm…I like the sound of that,” Sam purred into Brooke’s ear setting off the spark of her long awaited emotions.

“Sam…I can’t wait any longer. I need you…I need to make love to you.” Brooke’s voice came out huskily as she staved off the assault on her senses that the woman in her arms was causing. The musky scent of arousal now filling the air, Brooke could no longer battle with herself to stay in control.

The blonde head nodded, knowing that the time was right for the both of them. Drawing the dark-haired woman closer, they came together in a kiss that riveted to their cores and back again, letting their thoughts turn to feelings. Their passions growing from deep within, consumed those feelings like a flame consumes air. Like two trailing wisps of smoke blending together, their souls rose to new heights as their bodies moved together as one, each bringing the other to the edge.

The sounds of the mixed patterns of their gasps for breath acted like erotic lyrics in the background music to their ears. The melody floated in Sam’s soft tones while the rhythm was being established by the lower contralto sound of Brooke’s labored breathing. Their song continued until it reached a thundering crescendo where both paused, allowing their souls to be free but yet entwined together on the wings of their love. While their souls rode the crest of the flowing tide of eternity, their bodies convulsed with the ebbing tremors of delight.

And there they lay, held in each other’s arms, to rest until the next wave of love came crashing down on them. The new stirring of their emotions would linger idly for a short time until it whirled them blindly into a frenzied undercurrent that pulled them back into the sea of love. Then, once again, they would replenish their lost fluids with small sips of wine and settle back into each other’s arms, only to wait for the next wave to embark.

The softly filtered streams of dawn’s early light slowly crept into the room, replacing the failing glow of the dwindling candlelight. One sleep deprived eyelid slid open, revealing the half-full bottle of wine and the two empty glasses on the nightstand. Brooke opened the other eye, raising her head to look at Sam who was sleeping with her back spooned into the tall woman. Instinctively tightening her hold on the small woman, Brooke leaned in and kissed Sam on her temple.

“Hmm…” the soft purr came from Sam’s throat. “I like that.”

“You do, huh?” Brooke raised an eyebrow and rolled onto her back.

Sam turned in toward Brooke, snuggling into the woman’s side as she nodded her head. “Yeah, can you do that every morning? Wake me up just like that?”

“Every morning…every night…whenever you’d like…” Brooke interspersed each grouping of words with another kiss to the blonde’s short tousled hair. “I personally like the idea of every morning, though.”

The young woman flashed a smile across her face, “Now that sounds like a plan to me. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that good before, even if it was a short time.”

“Me too,” Brooke yawned and quickly covered it up with her hand. She kissed Sam’s head then nuzzled into it as she stroked her fingers on the woman’s taunt abdomen.

“Thanks for last night, Brooke. I…I never expected to be loved like that from you…at least not this soon in our relationship.”

“Why not, Honey? We’ve been together for almost two months now.” Brooke tapped lightly on Sam’s head with her chin, “I told you, when I gave my body as well as my heart, it would be forever.”

“I don’t know…I guess maybe…” Sam stopped talking, then asked, “Forever?”

Brooke grew quiet. “Yeah,” she whispered hoping that she hadn’t misread the young woman’s intentions.

“You mean…you and I?” Sam gasped as she looked up into Brooke’s face.

“I’m sorry, Sam. I just assumed…I mean…”

Sam searched those blue eyes. “You do mean it.”

“Yes, I do.” Brooke watched as Sam turned to face her completely, wrapping her arms around her in a massive hug.

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“Hmm…That’s what I needed to say.” Brooke returned the embrace.

“You say some of the nicest things, Brooke Gordon. Don’t ever stop.” Sam loosened the grip she had on the woman and settled back into her spot on Brooke’s shoulder.

“I love you, Sam.” She kissed the top of Sam’s head again, “I want this to be forever. I’ve waited my whole life to feel the way I feel right now.”

The young woman remained silent, turning her head slightly to kiss Brooke’s shoulder then neck, and then finally her chin before admitting, “Me, too.”

“Mmm…” the deep voice moaned. “I love that. I love it when you kiss me.”

“And what about this?” Sam kissed her lips, tenderly then slowly let the kiss deepen.

“Oooooh, even better.”

“Hmmm…I see you’re going to be a hard one to please.” Sam giggled as she tried a ticklish spot that she had found on her lover the previous evening.

“Hey!” Brooke laughed as she tried to pull away from the source.

“Hey, what?” Sam asked as innocently as she could muster.

Brooke countered with the speed of lightning to a more sensitive spot that she had found on Sam. “Paybacks can be a bitch, Baby.” She winked and wiggled her eyebrows in jest.

“I know, and oh so much fun.” Sam laughed as their bodies entwined with one another.

Settling into the full body hug that she was receiving, Brooke enjoyed the moment, then contemplated out loud, “I can’t believe we have all of today and tomorrow to spend with each other. Would you like to do anything special?”

Sam came face to face with Brooke as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Do we have to get out of bed?”

Brooke raised a lone eyebrow at Sam. “Not if you don’t want to.” Then started kissing the blonde on her neck, nipping at her collarbone.

“Keep that up and I’ll never get out of bed again.”

“Mmmm…Is that a promise?” Brooke asked without hesitating.

Sam wiggled her eyebrows. “What do you think?”

“I think I love you…” Brooke burst into the old Partridge Family song, not getting very far along before she was stopped.

“Hey, wait a minute…you only think you love me?” Sam got up on one elbow and looked down on the dark-haired woman’s face.

“Nope. I know it, without a doubt.”

“Good, ’cause I love you.” The blonde settled back down onto Brooke’s shoulder.

“That’s a very good thing, because I think I’d cry if you didn’t.” The older woman poked out her bottom lip and pouted.

“Now stop that. You know that just makes me give in all the more.”

The pouting woman poked her lip out even further still.

“Brooke,” the stern sounding voice commanded her attention. “Don’t push your luck here, Honey.”

“Well, at least it’s better than what my mom used to tell me.”

“And just what did your mom tell you?” Sam furrowed her brow in contemplation.

The older woman took a breath in and started mimicking her mother’s higher pitched voice. “If you poked your lip out any further, you could ride on it.” Brooke thought about it for a moment before she smiled, wiggling her eyebrows at Sam. “Then again…”

It took her a second or two before the mental images came rushing to her head. “Oh…” then Sam smiled. “I like the way your mother thinks.” Sam then leaned in and kissed her on that very same lip.

“Yeah? Me too!” Brooke pulled back from the kiss and thought for a moment. “I dunno… I think you’d fall off.”

“I guess that depends on how I ride it.”

The dark-haired woman put a finger against her chin and looked up toward the ceiling. “Hmm…I wonder how much it would take?”

“Maybe we should investigate this and find out,” Sam suggested.

“Maybe, but it might take a while.” Brooke leaned in for a kiss, whispering against Sam’s lips,” I love you, forever.”

“I’m beginning to love the sound of that…forever.”

Two lounging figures sat in front of the fireplace, watching the flames dance across the gas logs before them. Sam nestled in a little closer as she leaned her back up against Brooke’s chest, letting the woman’s long arms wrap around her like a cloak. It was already Sunday evening and the events of the weekend so far had only heightened their need to be together in everything that they did.

Sam ran her small hand through her short blonde hair, “Gee Brooke, I can’t believe my hair is dry already from the shower.”

“Yeah, it’ll dry pretty quick, now that it’s short,” She leaned in and placed a kiss on the blonde’s hair. “That’s one reason why I kept mine short for so long. Especially touring with the group.”

“I think I’m going to like this wash and wear style.” Sam turned to look back at Brooke. “You don’t mind do you?”

“Not at all. I think it looks gorgeous on you,” Brooke whispered into Sam’s ear, then started to nuzzle into the woman’s neck.

“Oh, that tickles,” Sam wrinkled up her nose and giggled. “I was afraid you wouldn’t like me looking older. It does make me look older, doesn’t it?”

“Mmm…” Brooke continued to place delicate kisses on Sam’s neck.

“Good then. I figured since I’m turning 21 next week that I needed to grow up in a lot of ways.” Sam stole a glance back at Brooke then looked off, into the fire. “I guess this weekend is doing that.”

“Honey, it’s not like you were childish,” Brooke protested.

“I know that. I just wanted to…ah…be closer to you.”

“Hmmm…” Brooke gave the body resting against hers a little squeeze. “You can be closer to me whenever you’d like.” The older woman leaned outward to watch Sam smile.

The blonde laughed softly then gave Brooke a quick kiss on her cheek. “I meant in looking mature.”

After sharing another kiss, they settled back into their positions and enjoyed the closeness that they had. Brooke waited for a few minutes before breaking the silence. “Speaking of closer…I think Petey wants to meet your cousin. He’ll be here next week…

“Crystal? Why would he…”

Brooke grinned as she thought about the path her own life was taking after meeting the small blonde that now rested in her arms. “Why would he want to meet her?”

Suspiciously Sam asked, “You didn’t tell him that she’s got a humongous crush on him, did you?”

“Of course I didn’t say…humongous,” Brooke teased her, getting a light slap on her arm in reply.

“You know what I mean.”

“Hey, I didn’t know that. But he knows about at least a little one.” Brooke held up her hand and measured it out with her thumb and forefinger for Sam to see.

Sam buried her face in her hands. “She’ll die. I mean, she’ll kill me.” The blonde’s head turned to look at Brooke. “When is he coming here?”

Placing a small kiss on her lips to soothe Sam, Brooke whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry about it. You can blame it on me. Ah… he’ll be here Monday.”

The young woman sat up and turned to face Brooke. “How long will he be in town? Maybe we could get him to meet Crystal.”

“A few days, Darlin’,” Brooke drawled out. “How about on Tuesday? We can use your birthday as an excuse for them to meet.” The woman wiggled her eyebrows and smiled as she reiterated, “Your twenty-first birthday, that is.” She leaned in and kissed Sam’s cheek.

“Oh! That would be great. She’d never think I had a surprise for her. Maybe we could all get together that evening.”

“Sure, I’ll plan it, okay?” The dark-haired woman paused then asked, “So, have you given any more thought to your birthday?”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll even skip class on Wednesday.” Sam pulled back to look at Brooke. “Thought…what’s to think about? I’ve got everything I could possibly want right here.” She turned back around and snuggled into her large, human teddy bear.

“Mmm…Does that mean I’ll get to keep you that night?” Brooke kissed the ear that was next to her lips. “Crystal can crash in one of the rooms upstairs if you’d like.”

Sam smiled. “I don’t know about keeping me…” the woman laughed, “but

I’d love to spend it with you.”

“I can’t keep you?” Brooke asked in all seriousness. “Then we might have a problem. I don’t want to give you back.”

The young woman turned to face Brooke. “Well, you do hold my heart. Is that good enough for now?” Green eyes looked into blue and hoped for an answer.

Brooke shifted her eyes and wet her lips then offered, “For now…”

“Come on, Brooke.” Sam lifted her chin to stare into her lover’s eyes. “I’d love to be here with you all the time, but with school…it’s much more convenient right now to stay at the dorm.” She could see the disappointment in Brooke’s eyes. “How about if I let you keep me on the weekends. How’s that?”

The woman took in a big breath, then let it out with a sigh. “Okay, I guess…” Brooke looked down at the floor for a moment, then slowly the corners of her mouth turned up with a thought. “So, how much longer is school in? And does break time count as weekends?” Two dark eyebrows wiggled mischievously.

“Oh, counting the days already…eh, Lover?” Sam gave the woman behind her a little nudge.

“Hmm?” Brooke asked, her mind already dreaming of the future. “Ah…Yes, I am. So, how many?”

“Too many,” Sam patted Brooke’s arm lovingly. “Especially if I get placed out of the area for that internship.” Sam turned to see the expression on Brooke’s face.

“W…what?” The whites around her blue eyes growing bigger. “H…How long?” She stumbled out, not really wanting to know.

“You could hold out from February until May without me, couldn’t you?”

Brooke’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean…without you?” She blinked, then blinked again. “And just what do you mean by ‘out of the area’?” as she mimed the quotation marks in the air.

“Oh Baby, I’m sorry. I thought you knew.” Sam raised her hand to touch Brooke’s cheek. “I’ll have to go where they place me for that last term. I really don’t have too much choice in the matter. I would like to do my internship in Public Relations in the music area if at all possible.”

The older woman gulped audibly, “The whole term?”

“Yeah, three and a half months. That’s my only class that term. It almost seems ironic. I finally get to have enough time to spend with you and I may be nowhere around to do it.”

“That’s a long time, Baby.” Brooke shook her head, dreading not having Sam around. “So, who decides where you go, again?”

“Damn, I can’t remember that teacher’s name.” Sam sighed and leaned into Brooke’s chest. “Sometimes I think growing up sucks.”

They sat there in silence, watching the flames dance along the artificial logs. Like a flash of nostalgia, a name came to Brooke’s mind and she said it out loud, “Humphreys?”

“Yeah,” Sam said whimsically, “Janet Humphreys.” The blonde patted the larger hand holding her around her waist. “You’ve got a good memory for an old timer,” Sam nuzzled her head back on Brooke’s shoulder. “You can remember that name from out of the past but you can’t remember my internship. Must be that short term memory loss that they all talk about.” Sam tried to keep a straight face.

“Yeah? Keep it up, Brat.” Brooke tousled the short blonde hair of the woman in her arms, then as nonchalantly as she could Brooke changed the subject. “So, do you think Crystal would like to stay here?” She kissed the top of Sam’s head.

“Sure, why wouldn’t she?” Then after thinking for a moment, Sam asked, “You will give her a bedroom far away from us, right?” Sam turned her head to look at Brooke.

“Of course, Darlin’. Maybe Peter, too.”

“Ohmygod! Brooke Gordon, why don’t you just sell tickets and invite the whole family?” Sam swatted playfully at Brooke.

A devilish grin came to Brooke’s face, “Don’t tempt me. I might do just that,” she teased. “How do you think I made all my money.” Brooke laughed at the flustered blonde. “And no,” blue eyes looked her straight in the face, “It’s not what you’re thinking,” she smirked. “I’ll put him in a separate room, Honey. On the other end of the house even.”

“I know you would.” Sam looked over at the plate that they had brought their food on to sit by the fire and eat. “Say, you want any more of that sandwich?”

“Nope,” Brooke shook her head. “You want it?”

Sam smiled as she sat up and reached for it. “Sure do. I got to keep up my strength. I’m not leaving your arms until Monday morning.”

“Good, and you’ll be lucky if I let you go then.” Brooke hugged the woman even tighter to her body.

“Oh, you’ll have to. You have work and I have a class.” Sam took a bite of the sandwich and grinned in Brooke’s direction.

“Work, schmork.” Brooke watched as the sandwich was held up in offering to her, then she leaned forward and chomped out a bite of it.

“Yeah,” Sam nodded. “Besides, I figure we’ll need to rest up by then.” Sam tossed the food back onto the plate, then turned and winked at Brooke, letting her eyebrows continue their suggestive wiggling as she wrapped her arms around woman’s neck. “Now, where did we leave off?” She murmured as their lips met and all thoughts of the world around them faded.
