Chapter 6 Surprises Are All Or Nothing

“…All I need is your pure sunshine; The finest mix, won’t you be my fix?…”

It was going to be a restless night for Brooke, just like the whole last week since she had that evening long conversation with Sam. Her mind still too excited about her upcoming date, she gave up on trying to sleep. She knew that the petite blonde would be in her thoughts all night, making sleep unthinkable. Before she knew it, she was up, pacing around the house, hoping to come up with a plan for their date.

Sometime after three in the morning, Brooke’s nervous energy got the best of her four-legged companion, Mario, who began to follow her around the house. There would be no sleep this night for either of them as the dog kept his mistress company on her journey through the house. Whether it was from the expended energy reserves wearing out or that her mind just finally overloaded itself with planning for a perfect date, sometime around six in the morning, her mind finally gave in and allowed her body to get some much needed rest.

Pulling herself from bed and the sleep that had finally claimed her, Brooke turned on her computer. She sat there staring at the monitor screen as the machine booted itself to life. Good gods, did I sleep that long? It’s nearly three in the afternoon.

“Well, Mario,” she reached to pet his head as he lay by her chair. “Let’s see if I have any mail.” Surprisingly enough, there was only one e-mail waiting to be read. Clicking on the icon, she opened it.

Subj: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 6:36:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: Brooke Loran


I’m on pins and needles just waiting for the minutes to click by. God, who would have ever thought that 6 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes, and 17 seconds, would take so long. I know, patience. Well, patience is a virtue and I’m not so sure that it’s one of my favorites any more. All I have to say is these remaining 10 hours, 24 minutes, and 5 seconds are going to seem like days until I see your smiling face and hear that voice of yours.

Gosh, you’d think that I’m in love or something. I know, I’ll vote for the something, it’s just too early for it to be love.

Hopefully you got sleep, cause I sure didn’t with the clock staring me in the face all night, reminding me of our date.

See you soon, but not soon enough. Sam

A smile crossed Brooke’s face when she realized that Sam was just as anxious for their date to begin as she was. Quickly typing up a reply, she sent it off, feeling like a high school girl getting ready for Prom night.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 2:58:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brooke Loran

To: Sam Moleson

All I have to say is these remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes and 5 seconds are going to seem like days until I see your smiling face and hear that voice of yours.

***g Well, now there’s only 2 hours, 8 minutes and 17 seconds to go before I see you walk out that door. I’m sure I’ll be a nervous wreck driving all the way there. I need to find some good music to play in the 300 on the way there to keep me calm. Don’t you ever let anyone know that you’ve gotten me this nervous. ;-)

Who are you, Sam, to have this hold over me like you do?

Gosh, you’d think that I’m in love or something. I know, I’ll vote for the something, it’s just too early for it to be love.

***Something sounds about right. g

Hopefully you got sleep, cause I sure didn’t with the clock staring me in the face all night, reminding me of our date.

***Not a wink… How are we ever going to be able to stay awake to enjoy our evening? Any suggestions…? wink I’m still curious to know about this surprise you have in store for later… The suspense is killing me!

Well, now there’s only 2 hours, 1 minute and 43 seconds left. It’s still too long to wait.

Can’t wait to see you,

Brooke, AKA “Auntie”

Hoping that she would receive another message from Sam, Brooke left her computer on, just in case. Gathering up herself and all the tingling sensations that her body was feeling, she headed toward the shower and started getting ready for the big evening.

The few minutes in the shower were all that it took to keep her from being disappointed. When she walked into the office across from her bedroom, she smiled seeing Sam’s e-mail address on the screen. I’ll be reading you in a minute or two. She winked at the screen as she continued to towel off her hair, turning towards her bedroom.

Once dressed and happy with her appearance for the evening in a well-worn pair of faded black Levi’s and a silk shirt to match, she sat down at her computer. For the remainder of the time she had left, she exchanged e-mails with Sam.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 3:48:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: Brooke Loran

In a message dated September 16, 2:58:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Brooke Loran writes:

Don’t you ever let anyone know that you’ve gotten me this nervous. ;-)

Dear Auntie,

Oh, so you’re the cool, calm and collected type…eh? Are you trying to tell me that you’ve never gotten nervous before a date? Hmmm…Or maybe you haven’t had a real date before. Don’t worry, what we do is strictly our business and nobody else’s.

How are we ever going to be able to stay awake to enjoy our evening? Any suggestions…wink I’m still curious to know about this surprise you have in store as to what you want later… The suspense is killing me!

Somehow I think that we won’t have a problem staying awake and enjoying our time together. I could always give you a little slap or tickle if you start to doze off.

Surprise…did I say surprise? Curiosity killed that cat…don’t let it kill you. Let’s just say that I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I will.

Oh, Auntie, you don’t have any set bedtime…do you?

Your back door pick-up kind of girl, Sam

Brooke smiled and shook her head. “Hmm…what am I going to do with you, Sam?” She thought for a moment then quickly typed in her reply.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 4:01:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brooke Loran

To: Sam Moleson

Dear Auntie,

***Cute, Darlin’… real cute…g

Oh, so you’re the cool, calm and collected type…eh? Are you trying to tell me that you’ve never gotten nervous before a date? Hmmm…Or maybe you haven’t had a real date before.

***Well, you’ve got me. You’re right. I have never been nervous before a date because none of my previous encounters could actually be placed in the date category.

Somehow I think that we won’t have a problem staying awake and enjoying our time together. I could always give you a little slap or tickle if you start to doze off.

***So help me, if you slap me or tickle me, God forbid, I will not be responsible for my actions… Or reactions.

Surprise…did I say surprise? Curiosity killed that cat…don’t let it kill you. Let’s just say that I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I will.

***Ooh, naughty!

Oh, Auntie, you don’t have any set bedtime…do you?

***Sure do… let me creep over to the counter so I can pop some Geritol. After I have my prune juice and nap, I’ll get back to you on it. BTW, my memory is slipping… what was that question, again?

Your back door pick-up kind of girl,

***One of these days I’ll pick you up the front door and sweep you off your feet.

Tata, Brooke

The dark-haired woman smiled and sent the e-mail off to its waiting recipient. It didn’t take long before another line of script came to the screen, signaling another incoming message. Again, it was Sam and Brooke couldn’t wait to see her reply.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 4:22:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: Brooke Loran

In a message dated September 16, 4:01:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Brooke Loran writes:

One of these days I’ll pick you up the front door and sweep you off your feet.

God, Brooke! My heart just did a round of palpitatious flutters when I read that. And you’re asking me what kind of hold I have on you? I sure hope this date thing works out cause I’m looking forward to that front door and being swept up in your arms.

The one with her feet waiting to dangle in the air… Sam

Blue eyes flashed with amazement at the stirring emotions that Sam’s e-mail was invoking in her. Now, Brooke’s mind mentally played out the images of sweeping in that front door of the dorm and holding Sam’s body to her own, with the blonde’s small form high above the ground, cradled in her arms. Suddenly she found herself wanting to do exactly that. Better slow down, you don’t even know if this date tonight is going to be a bust or not. Don’t go getting ahead of yourself here. You know you’ve got Loran to worry about. She sighed and forced her thoughts off of the subject that would haunt her even in her excitement and returned Sam’s e-mail with one of her own.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 4:36:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brooke Loran

To: Sam Moleson

God, Brooke! My heart just did a round of palpitatious flutters when I read that.

***Hmmm…Guess I should ask Terri about that word, huh? I’m just kidding. I know what you mean. Yes, you do have quite the hold on me. And for once in my life, I can honestly say that I don’t mind.

I sure hope this date thing works out cause I’m looking forward to that front door and being swept up in your arms.

Not as much as I’m looking forward to holding you there. Brooke

Sending it on its way, she turned to look out the window. “It’s going to be a nice day for the drive, too bad you can’t go with me, Mario.”

The dog came over to her, eager for her affection. “Sorry, boy, I can’t keep my eye on you, the road and Sam all at the same time.”

Brooke petted the dog as he nuzzled her hand. “You’re going to love her, Mario. Just you wait and see.”

She turned back to the screen and there was her reply.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 4:48:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: Brooke Loran

In a message dated September 16, 4:36:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Brooke Loran writes:

Yes, you do have quite the hold on me. And for once in my life, I can honestly say that I don’t mind.

Not as much as I’m looking forward to holding you there.

Can someone die and go to heaven…and still be alive? Because I think I just did. Okay, I must still be alive cause I’m breathing and the tingles are still going through my body with just the thought of you. Brooke, I hate to say this, but I think we’re playing with some major kind of fire here. Don’t you dare think about putting it out. Well, unless we both agree on it. LOL ;)

Maybe its a good thing that the weather is cooling down, cause this warm feeling is going to make me combust. You do know how to put these kinds of fires out, don’t you? I mean…just in case we’re together when it happens.

Excuse me while I go suck on some ice chips. Sam

Brooke smiled when she read this latest e-mail. Glancing at the clock, she realized that there was just enough time to type up a short reply before leaving to pick up the vibrant blonde.

Subj: Re: Waiting to see you

Date: September 16, 4:59:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brooke Loran

To: Sam Moleson

Can someone die and go to heaven…and still be alive? Because I think I just did. Okay, I must still be alive cause I’m breathing and the tingles are still going through my body with just the thought of you.

***Well, if it’s possible then I have several times since you kissed me. I’ll be honest with you; I can’t stop thinking about you.

Brooke, I hate to say this, but I think we’re playing with some major kind of fire here. Don’t you dare think about putting it out. Well, unless we both agree on it. LOL ;)

***I wouldn’t dream of it. Well, actually I HAVE dreamed about it. At least during what little bit of sleep I’ve been able to catch all week.

Excuse me while I go suck on some ice chips.

***Do you even WANT to know what kind of images my warped mind has conjured up at the thought of you doing just that?

Leaving to pick you up now. See you soon! Brooke

Brooke hit the ‘Send’ button and waited for the confirmation that her message had gone through. She shut down the computer, then took off, practically running down the stairs. After seeing Mario out the backdoor, she attended to some last minute preparations before her trip. Once done, she went to the kitchen door and whistled for the dog to come inside.

Giving the obedient Husky a treat and a quick pet before grabbing her keys off of the countertop, Brooke was on her way to the campus.

The 300Z pulled into a parking space a few minutes before five at the backdoor of her sister’s dorm. Her stomach still nervous about the date, she took a seat on the hood of her car and patiently waited Sam’s exit out of the back door.

At exactly five the rear security door opened, its squeaky hinge sounded a warning that caused Brooke’s hair on her arms to tingle. Lowering her head to peer over the top of her sunglasses, she saw Sam’s small blonde head peeking out from around the door. Within seconds, Sam stood directly in front of the dark haired woman who was perched on the hood of the car.

“Hey there,” Brooke said, enthusiastically.

Sam smiled warmly as she looked up into blue eyes which were revealed from behind the sunglasses that Brooke now slowly raised to the top of her head. “Hi, I see you found the back door without any problem.”

“Yes, I did,” Brooke answered as she slid off the car and took a small step closer to Sam. She tilted her head to the side and leaned in close to whisper, “Didn’t you say that you had a kiss for ‘Auntie’?”

Fighting back the temptation to do just that, Sam cautiously looked around. The appearance of a small group of people turning the corner of the building that was next to the dorm made her reconsider. “Maybe later, ‘Auntie’. Let’s get out of here.” Sam held up the bag in her hand and asked, “Where do you want me to put this?”

“Here,” Brooke unlocked the door. “You can just throw it in the back seat.” The taller woman opened the door and held it for Sam.

The small blonde tossed the bag into the back seat and stood straight up to look Brooke in the eyes. Rising onto her tiptoes, she gave Brooke a quick kiss on the cheek, then with a shrug of her shoulders she explained simply, “It’s later.” Sam laughed as she got into the passenger seat, fastening her seat belt as Brooke blushed, frozen in position holding the door.

“You going to just stand there?” Sam asked as she looked up at a dumfounded Brooke.

The woman shook her head as if to clear it. What is it with her and opening car doors? I wonder if she does that to anybody else? “Uh…yeah, right,” Brooke tried to sound in total control. Maybe she was hypnotized to…Nah, that would be crazy. She shook her head, laughing at herself, then shut the door. The tall woman then made her way to the driver’s side as her hand self-consciously touched the cheek that had been kissed. Sensing Sam watching her as she crossed the front of the car, Brooke covered her actions by lowering her sunglasses back down over her eyes. Before the numbed woman had the opportunity to embarrass herself any further, Brooke got behind the steering wheel, then with the turn of a key, they left the campus.

“So, are you going to let me in on this little secret of yours?” Brooke asked, making an attempt at small talk as they drove along.

“Maybe. That depends.”

Brooke looked over briefly at Sam and then turned her eyes back to the road. “Depends…on what?”

“On you and how this date goes.” The blonde laughed looking out the window then back over at the driver. “You know, I don’t just tell my secrets to every date.”

“Oh, I’ll keep that in mind,” Brooke responded as she winked at Sam.

“I’m sure that you will.” The younger woman smiled and turned her head to look out the side window.

They drove on in silence for a few minutes as Brooke stole glances at her passenger. When she thought that Sam wasn’t looking, the momentary glance turned longer as she watched the young woman gazing so thoughtfully out the window.

“Sam?” Brooke waited for the green eyes to look in her direction. “Can I uh…tell you something without you jumping out the car door?”

Sam looked at the driver, trying to determine just how serious Brooke’s question really was. “What…are you an axe murderer? A psycho killer?” she laughed while watching Brooke shake her head.

“No, nothing like that. I just wanted you to know that…I…um…”

“Yes, Brooke?”

The dark-haired woman looked over at her passenger and reached out to gently run the back of her fingers down Sam’s cheek. “I missed you,” she admitted softly before turning her gaze back to the road ahead of her.

Sam reached up, catching Brooke’s hand in her own and placed it against her lips. “I missed you, too.”


“Really. I hardly slept at all after our conversation last week. C.C. must have thought I was crazy, tossing and turning all night.”

Brooke smiled; she knew all too well just how grumpy her younger sister was known to be whenever her sleep was interrupted. “I know, me too. I kept watching the clock. Finally I just got up and paced around the house.” Brooke chuckled, “I even got to Mario and he showed his face sometime after three this morning. He must’ve thought I was nuts.”

“Mario?” Sam asked, curiously.

“Yeah. Mario…” she paused watching the question written all over Sam’s face, then added, “my dog.”

Sam shook her head back and forth as she grinned. “There’s a lot I have to learn about you, isn’t there?”

Brooke grinned at Sam like the cat that ate the canary. And when she winked, Sam was sure that her heart would melt on the spot.

“You’ll see,” Brooke answered with another wink.

“I’m betting on that one. Trust me.”

“Sam, he’s really a great dog. You’ll fall in love with him as soon as you see him.”

“As much as I am with you?” Sam mumbled to herself as she sighed and glanced out the window again.

“I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“Oh, nothing. I was…just thinking about the food I’ll need to pick up.” Sam hoped that her quick cover would work.

“Oh, okay. Well, we’ll be near the store soon.”

“Good.” Sam rolled her eyes and looked out the window, trying to hide her nearly uttered thought.

Brooke stole a glance, wondering what her younger passenger had on her mind. “Hey, why are you so quiet over there? Are you bored? There’s some CDs in the glove compartment,” Brooke offered as Sam turned around to look at her.

“Bored? No, just thinking.” She opened the glove compartment and searched through the music selection until she found a disc that caught her eye. “Do you mind?” Sam asked Brooke as she held the CD up for Brooke’s approval.

“Sure. That’s fine,” Brooke answered, turning her eyes back to the road.

As Sam put the disc into the CD player and closed her eyes to the mood of the music, Brooke stopped the 300Z at a light and looked over at Sam.

The younger woman could feel those blue eyes watching her, as the heat came to her face, her cheeks turning slightly pink by all the attention.

“So, thinking about anything in particular?” Brooke’s question came out in hushed tones.

Knowing that Brooke was watching her, she opened her eyes and looked over at the ocean of blue staring back at her. “What’s to think about when the weather is so nice, the music fills the air and I have you sitting next to me?”

Brooke couldn’t help but smile. She grabbed Sam’s hand and brought it up to her lips, kissing the smooth skin. “Almost there,” she informed the blonde at her side as the light turned green.

Sam smiled, wondering what the Fates had in store for the two of them that night. “You know, Brooke…I think we’re going to have a great time tonight.”

“Me too,” Brooke replied as she briefly glanced over the top of her sunglasses, tilting her head in Sam’s direction.

“Hey, isn’t that the store there?” Sam pointed up ahead.

“Yep.” Brooke pulled into the parking lot and selected a space to park.

Unfastening her seatbelt as soon as the car stopped, Sam turned quickly toward the driver. “I’ll run in and get the food while you stay here.” Sam saw the hurt in Brooke’s eyes and quickly added, “Ah…it’s part of that surprise. You wouldn’t want to ruin it would you?”

Brooke poked out her bottom lip in a mock pout. “So, you’re going to make me wait out here all by myself?”

“Make you wait? Ah…yeah. You could say that. But, it’s okay. You’re a big girl and I’ll be right back,” Sam said flashing a bright smile.

Brooke laughed softly, then agreed, “Okay, but hurry back.”

Sam winked as she got out of the car and shut the door. Before walking into the store, she turned back and leaned into the open window. “You don’t have any allergies, do you?” Sam inquired.

Brooke arched one eyebrow at the question; her curiosity peaked at the surprise Sam had been plotting. “Just one.”

“And that is…?” Sam asked.

“Surprises,” Brooke answered with a smile. “No, Sam…no allergies.”

Sam shook her head as she laughed at her date. “What am I going to do with you?” Before Brooke could answer, Sam added, “Don’t answer that,” she cautioned then winked and turned away from the window.

“I can think of a few things,” Brooke whispered under her breath, thinking the younger girl wouldn’t hear her but she did, and smiled to herself as she walked into the store.

Brooke turned the key in the ignition, killing the engine, then searched through the radio stations, not particularly pleased with anything she was hearing. Finally she settled on a station that was playing blocks of music from the same artists before moving on to the next. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headrest as she waited for Sam to return when the DJ’s voice broke into the end of the song.

“And next we have a band that shot to the top of the charts over six years ago, only to breakup a short three years later when many believe they hadn’t even reached their prime. I’m talking about singer and guitarist, James Anderson; bass player, Peter Butler; and drummer, Brooke Loran. Otherwise known as, Anti-Zero. We hear that James and Peter are working on a new project together and we wish them luck. As for the mysterious Loran, no one knows exactly what she has been up to as of late, so the bombshell drummer remains just that, a mystery. Here’s the first song in our Anti-Zero block, Inside Your Head.”

Brooke opened her eyes at the first mention of the band, her head cocked to hear more. Full of mixed emotions, she listened to the familiar lyrics that she had written on the tour bus late one night. This song was all hers. Not like the majority of them where she had always written the lyrics while James wrote the music.

“Going crazy, caffeine hazy. Gonna watch TV all day, crash computer say: Superstar love, one I dream of. Could I be a millionaire? Would you even care?

Would you tell the truth of all the things inside your head? Would you lay it down, the secrets kept inside your head? If there’s gonna be time makes you and me never to fall down.

Am I jaded? Confiscated? Could I be a VH1 Hollywood movie son? Off the Love Line, she’s got my mind… Do I have a fighting chance? Can I really dance?

Would you tell the truth of all the things inside your head? Would you lay it down, the secrets kept inside your head? If there’s gonna be time makes you and me never to fall down.

You’ve got me all tied up. You rock me. All fired up.

Would you tell the truth of all the things inside your head? Would you lay it down, the secrets kept inside your head? Would you tell the truth of all the things inside your head? Would you lay it down, the secrets kept inside your head? If there’s gonna be time makes you and me never to fall down.”

Other than re-mixing the one song a few nights earlier, she hadn’t heard any of those songs since the last night she had played them on stage. She reached for the controls to turn off the radio all together but was distracted from her task when Sam reappeared with two grocery bags, rolled tightly shut.

“Okay. I’ve got everything we’ll need for tonight,” Sam stated as she sat down, placing the bags between her feet and clipping her seatbelt into place.

“Great.” Brooke turned the volume down on the radio when Sam stopped her.

“Hey, you don’t have to turn that down. Not that music.”

“Oh, sorry. I forgot that you liked them,” Brooke pulled her hand back from the knob and started the car instead.

Sam smiled, then closed her eyes. Her shoulders began to move as she picked up the rhythm of the song. It amazed Brooke to see the blonde getting into her music.

“That song always puts me in a good mood,” Sam stated as the song ended and the next song started. “Great. Anti-Zero, my favorite.”

“Yeah, it’s not bad,” Brooke added as she turned down a long private driveway.

Sam had begun to sing along with the radio and before long, Brooke found it contagious, joining in as well, singing the harmony she had recorded years ago.

Sam listened carefully with her eyes closed, wondering why she couldn’t distinguish Brooke’s voice from any of the others on the song. Maybe she’s just not singing loud enough, she finally resolved, opening her eyes to see the house as they slowly approached it. “Are we there already?”

“Yep. This is it,” Brooke answered as she pulled up in front of it and parked.

“Wow! No wonder C.C. never told me about it. I wouldn’t know how to describe it either.” Sam’s eyes roamed the exterior of the house.

Brooke smiled as she climbed out of the driver’s side door and walked around to open Sam’s door. “Well, let’s go.”

Sam got out of the car and turned around in a circle as she looked over the house and the land surrounding it. “Is all of this yours?”

Brooke walked up the steps to the front door to unlock it. “Yep. I made some wise investments a few years ago.”

“Obviously. But, I mean…you don’t have any roommates or anything?”

“Nope, just me and Mario. Speaking of which…” Brooke opened the door and whistled for the black and white husky.

“So, when do I get to meet this…oomph…” Sam found herself flat on her back as the large ball of fur proceeded to lick her face. “… Mario?”

Brooke laughed at the antics of her dog as she reached down to help Sam to her feet. “Sam, meet Mario. Mario, behave.”

Sam reached down to pet the dog. “You know, a simple handshake would have done just fine. You’re just a big mush ball like your Mommy, aren’t you?” the blonde gazed up at Brooke as the dog paid attention to her every word.

Brooke reached down and began to pet Mario as well. “You know, I was just thinking, that wasn’t quite what I thought you meant when you said you had a kiss for ‘Auntie’ when you came to the car. I think Mario got more than me.”

Sam blushed, slightly. “It wasn’t, huh?”

“Sam, why are you blushing?” Brooke asked as she tilted her head to the side.

“I was just thinking that I wished you had met me the way we talked about.”

Brooke smiled and walked over to Sam, sweeping her up into the tall woman’s arms. “What…this way?” Brooke asked, then kissed Sam.

Shocked, Sam pulled her head back. ” You’re reading my mind. Yeah, that way,” she answered, returning the kiss.

“Guess what?” Brooke withdrew from their kiss, placing her forehead against Sam’s. “Your feet are dangling.”

Sam looked down; it was true, her feet were dangling. You are going to be in so much trouble soon if you don’t stop. “So they are,” Sam commented before kissing Brooke one last time on the cheek, then eased out of Brooke’s arms to stand back on her own two feet.

Looking up at Brooke, she saw that bottom lip poked out in a pout once again. “There you go again with that lip.” Sam pointed out as Brooke nodded her head in agreement. “Do you always get your way?”

“Nope. Never,” Brooke answered.

“Good, ’cause you’re not going to now, either. Show me where I can put these groceries.”

Brooke smiled down at her companion and held a hand out for her to take. “Come on.”

“Okay… Ah, let me just get these bags.”

“Need any help?” Brooke offered. “I promise I won’t look.”

“I don’t know. Can I trust you?” Sam asked as Brooke knelt down until she was eye level with the shorter blonde.

“You tell me.”

Sam tilted her head in thought even though she didn’t need to. The answer to Brooke’s question was a simple and quick, “Yes.” Regardless, she couldn’t help tweaking the older woman. “Yeah. You look harmless enough.” She leaned forward and kissed Brooke on her chin.

Brooke smiled as she grabbed the bags from Sam so the younger girl could carry her overnight bag. “Come on, I’ll give you the nickel tour of the place.”

Making their way to the kitchen, Sam smiled and winked at Brooke as she turned the taller woman around, pushing her gently back out into the hall. “Just give me a minute to put everything away.”

Brooke rolled her eyes but grinned anyway. “Oh, all right. Come on, Mario. We know when we’re not wanted.”

Losing no time, she started putting away the groceries, the young woman could hear Brooke running up and down the hall with the dog like a child. God, how can I not love her? Sam stopped what she was doing, to give full attention to her thoughts. Did I just say love?

The blonde shook her head then finished, walking out the doorway to join Brooke in the hallway where she wrapped her arms around the tall woman’s waist from behind. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Brooke turned around in Sam’s arms and raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you?”

Sam blushed slightly at the teasing, “But, of course. After you.” She held her hand out for Brooke to show her around.

Grabbing the overnight bag, Brooke toured her around the first floor of the house, then proceeded to climb the spiral stairs to the second level.

Sam kept her eyes slightly to the left and upward as they made their way up the circling stairs, smiling as she watched the gentle sway of Brooke’s rear end hidden by the faded, worn jeans.

Reaching the top, Brooke showed her around each room, letting her choose which one she would occupy for the night. Of course, Sam didn’t realize until after making her choice that the next room was Brooke’s. The tall woman placed the bag next to the bed while the blonde walked over to the window to gaze out over the property.

“My God, Brooke, it’s absolutely gorgeous here.”

Brooke looked over at Sam and ignored the view outside the window. “Yes, it is.”

Sam turned around to face her date and began to blush as she realized that they were discussing two different things.

“So…do you like this room?” Brooke asked trying to take some of the pressure off her guest.

Sam looked around at the spaciousness of the room with its large four poster bed before turning her eyes back to Brooke. “Yeah, it’ll do,” Sam answered with a grin.

Brooke turned back to the blonde at her side. “Tough to please, aren’t you?”

The young blonde grinned and stepped forward, tapping her finger on the tip of Brooke’s chin, then running it straight down her torso to the open-mouthed woman’s waist. Grabbing a belt loop, she pulled the taller woman against her and kissed Brooke’s chin.

“That depends on who’s doing the pleasing.” Sam winked before turning and walked out the bedroom door, leaving Brooke speechless in the process.


“Coming.” The stunned woman shook her head and walked out the door, meeting Sam at the top of the stairs, before descending them together.

“Well, ah…that’s the nickel tour, pretty much. Well, all except for the studio downstairs. Would you like to see it?” The enthusiastic nod of Sam’s head gave Brooke her answer. “Okay then, come on.”

Brooke walked in front of Sam and led her to a door off the main hallway. She opened the door to reveal another set of stairs leading underneath the house in what should have been the basement. The dark-haired woman flipped a switch and the stairway was illuminated.

Starting down the stairs, she turned around when she didn’t hear the sound of Sam’s steps behind her. “Come on. The studio’s down here.”

“In your basement?” Sam asked as she began to follow Brooke.

“No, in the studio. The basement is off of the kitchen.”

Brooke opened another door once they were at the bottom, revealing a long hallway. She entered, then waited on Sam to clear the door.

When she did, she was in awe at the numerous framed pictures that lined the walls. There were pictures of Anti-Zero from the time the band formed up until the time they broke up several years later.

Brooke stood back and watched as Sam intently studied each photograph to the extent of bringing her hands up to several of them and tracing her fingers along the figure of the short-haired drummer.

“Wow! Where did you find all of these? I mean…these must have cost you a small fortune. Loran hardly ever let her photo be taken. I can’t believe it.”

“Yeah, well…we uhm…we’ve known each other for a long time.”

Brooke smiled at the star-struck expression on Sam’s face as she walked up beside her.

Brooke hoped her explanation would fly, while inside she was praying that Sam wouldn’t recognize that she was, indeed, the drummer the young woman idolized. Even though she was extremely flattered that Sam had such a crush on her as Brooke Loran, she wanted Sam to be with her, for who she was now, not what fame tried to make of her years before.

“Loran pretty much liked to keep to herself,” the woman stumbled a bit, finding it a bit difficult to speak about herself in third person.

“With a body like that, I can see why.” Sam traced another photograph of Brooke as the woman in question tilted her head in thought.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at the lines of her arms and shoulders. God, what some would give for a body like that? Drummers are usually in the best shape out of all the musicians.”

Brooke nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, but she was much happier staying out of the limelight.”

“I bet, ” Sam began as she moved on to the next photograph. “Women were probably all over her.”

“They were. I mean…from what I’ve heard.”

“Is it really true that she was never into groupies?” Sam turned to look at the woman beside her. “I had heard that groupies followed all three members of the band everywhere they went, but Brooke was the only one to walk away from it.”

“Yeah it is. She never accepted an invitation from a groupie. Believe me she had plenty of opportunities to do so.”

They moved on down the hall towards the sound room, passing several smaller rooms on Brooke’s side of the hall, all of which had sound proofed glass for windows.

“I bet that must have taken some will power.” Sam rolled her eyes. “Did you know her for long? I mean…you still know her, don’t you?” Hopeful eyes stole a glance at the woman’s face.

“Yeah. I’ve…we’ve known each other for a long time. Most of my life actually. Why?”

Sam stopped and turned around to face Brooke. “What’s she really like? I mean…what turns her on?” The blonde looked away for a moment, embarrassed by what she was asking. “It’s just that she never told things like that when they interviewed her. She’s got to be one of the most mysterious people I can think of.”

Brooke thought about it and let the answer form in her mind before speaking. “Turns her on? I think her turn on was people who never cared about what everyone made her out to be. She’s quiet, actually, kind of shy to a point. She doesn’t let too many people see who she really is. Besides, she doesn’t come out too often.”

Sam thought carefully about everything Brooke was telling her, then came to her own conclusion, “She’s not into the fame thing. That seems about right for her.”

“Nope, not into fame at all. You know, that’s one reason the group is no longer together.”

“What broke them up? Do you know? The media never gave a reason,” green eyes looked eagerly for the answers.

Brooke ran her hand through her hair. “Yeah, I was there. It’s a long story.”

Sam smiled in response. “We’ve got all night. Unless you’d rather not talk about someone else.”

“Uhhh…it’s okay. Fame was one reason. The biggest reason actually. James and Peter had become obsessed with it. They no longer cared about how anything really sounded as long as the camera flashes were going off and the video cameras were rolling.”

“And she did…care about the music, I mean…?” Sam watched as Brooke walked up to a candid shot of the band playing live on stage.

The older woman studied it intently and then quietly answered, “More than anything.”

Sam walked over to Brooke and placed a hand against the tall woman’s lower back. “I always figured that music was the beat of her heart. I bet I’d never even recognize her if she were standing right in front of me today.”

Brooke laughed softly at the irony of Sam’s statement, then pushed open the glass door to the next room. “Care to see the studio now?”

“I’d love to.”

Brooke released a sigh of relief that Sam hadn’t walked an additional five feet down the hall, where the gold and platinum albums were hanging on the wall. Those would be a little harder to explain. She moved in after Sam to find the blonde looking at the sound board and then over to the drum set in the corner.

“Are they yours?” Sam asked in reference to the drums. Before Brooke could answer, the young woman had walked over running her hands up the short sleeves of Brooke’s shirt, feeling the muscles she found there. “Yeah, you play,” the smaller woman nodded her head.

“Uhhh…here, let me clear some of this stuff off of the board so you can check it out.” Brooke removed the master tapes and production notes before Sam could notice that they were Anti-Zero masters.

“Hey, I’m not a musician. That’s your department,” Sam pointed out as Brooke put everything away.

The dark-haired woman laughed as she turned back around to face the blonde who was spinning on the stool in front of her soundboard. “I guess it is. So, what would you like to hear?” Brooke asked as she pointed out a sample of her music collection. “Feel free to check out anything you want. Hell, sit behind the kit if you want to.”

Sam stood up and walked over to the cabinet where Brooke had her studio collection. Picking out an Anti-Zero song, she placed it in Brooke’s hands, then walked over to sit down behind the massive Pearl drum set.

“You wanna hear this?” Brooke asked as she watched Sam pick up a pair of sticks.

“Sure. Why not?” Sam answered as she stared at the sticks in her hands and began to twirl one between her small fingers awkwardly.

Brooke placed the disc in the player and walked over to Sam with the remote, pointing to the set of drums. “Can you play?”

Sam looked up at Brooke and laughed as if the older woman had lost her mind. “Noooo.”

Brooke smiled, “Would you like to?”

“I think it’s a little late for lessons, don’t you?”

“Not at all. I’ll show you.” Sam watched as Brooke positioned herself on the stool behind her. “Okay. Now, place your hands lightly over mine but leave your arms tucked under mine.”

Sam fidgeted nervously but did as she was told.

“Okay, now place your feet over mine.” She waited a moment until Sam was settled, then leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “It’s okay, Sam. Just relax.”

Taking a deep breath, Sam looked down at her smaller shoes on top of Brooke’s. Her legs were barely touching the tops of Brooke’s feet.

“Okay, now just close your eyes.”

Sam closed her eyes as Brooke hit the play button on the remote. Anti-Zero began to flow from the speakers around their heads. The young woman had never felt anything like what she was experiencing at that moment, and found herself in awe at how well Brooke knew the songs. There wasn’t a beat missed or a time change skipped, making Sam feel like she was in the middle of some vivid, musical dream.

Once the song ended, the blonde turned in Brooke’s arms and kissed her. Brooke swallowed the moan that was forming in her throat, as she placed her drumsticks on the snare and wrapped her arms around Sam.

“Thanks, Brooke. That was incredible.”

Brooke smiled in response and placed her forehead against Sam’s. “See? You can play. It’s as simple as that.”

“Yeah, but only with your lead,” Sam blushed as she spoke.

“I guess you’ll have to…practice, won’t you?”

“Hmmm…Do you know of anyone that would let me use their drums every now and then?” Sam pushed a stray lock of hair out of Brooke’s eyes.

“I’m sure I can think of someone. Hell, I guess I should practice too.”

“Brooke, you’re not the one who needs it.”

The woman laughed at Sam’s comment. “Hell, I haven’t played in well over two years. I can’t believe I still remember how to play those songs.” Brooke closed her eyes, taking in the soft touch of small hands as she felt Sam begin to massage her biceps once again.

“You were amazing, Brooke. Really, I can’t believe how great that sounded. You never missed a beat. You had every fill exactly as Loran played it. Hell, you even got that fancy bit at the end.”

Brooke opened her eyes and looked at Sam. “Well, I like to be thorough when I learn something.” Damn, she noticed. Why not just wave a red flag and say, “Hey, by the way…I’m the drummer you’ve been lusting over since you were in high school.”

“I can see that you’re thorough. Well, if they ever got back together and Loran didn’t want to play, you’d be a great second choice.”

Brooke grimaced then stood up and walked over to the CD player to remove the disc, returning it to its original location. “Yeah, thanks but I don’t think that’ll ever happen.”

Sam became worried at her friend’s behavior. “Brooke, did I say something wrong?”

The woman stopped and turned around to smile at Sam. “Not at all, Darlin’.”

“Good, because I didn’t mean to. Hey, why don’t I go make us that dinner I promised?”

“Sounds great. Need some help?” Brooke asked with a wink.

“Only in finding my way around the house and back into the kitchen,” Sam held her hand out to Brooke. “Feel like being a tour guide again?”

“Hmmm…It will cost you.”

“Damn, and I spent all my money at the store.”

“No you didn’t. I’m going to reimburse you for it. I did ask you out, after all.”

Sam responded by shaking her head, “Nope. You paid for the movie. And I offered to make you dinner.”

“Sam, at least let me pay for half of it.”

Once again, Sam shook her head. “No, Brooke. A deal is a deal and we agreed that the next time would be on me, so just live with it. Besides…can’t you think of a better way for me to pay my way?” Sam winked at Brooke.

Grabbing Sam’s hand, Brooke pulled the smaller body against her, wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist. “Well…it won’t be money.”

Sam tilted her head to the side. “Ooh…so we’re bartering now, are we?”


“Okay, what’ll it cost me to have you as my very own personal tour guide?” Sam asked as she leaned into Brooke, wrapping her arms around the woman’s neck.

“A kiss.” Brooke leaned over and placed a soft kiss against Sam’s lips.

“Only one?” Sam asked as she placed another kiss to Brooke’s lips.

“Well, I didn’t want it to seem too expensive.”

“It’s a big house, deserving of more than one little kiss.”

Brooke thought for a moment about Sam’s response before seeing the logic in it. “How about a kiss for each floor?”

Sam thought for a moment then nodded her head in agreement as she reached up and kissed Brooke again.

“Mmmm…so this is the floor in the studio.” Brooke stated the obvious before picking Sam up and carrying her out into hall where she kissed the woman again. “This is the floor in the hall.”

Now, Sam caught on to what Brooke was doing and began to laugh.

“And just think, Sam, there’s technically a floor on each step of the staircase.” Brooke wiggled her eyebrows.

“Brooke,” green eyes glared then softened just as quickly, “We’ll never get to eat.”

“Well, I said a kiss for each floor, not for each level.”

Just then, Sam’s stomach began to growl and the smaller woman blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry.”

“Okay, let’s feed that monster in there and you can just pay me back later…with interest.”

Sam smiled and leaned up on her tiptoes to place one more kiss against Brooke’s lips before heading up the stairs. “Deal.”

Brooke walked Sam back to the kitchen, but never made it through the door. Sam already was chasing her out so the surprise wouldn’t be ruined. Reluctantly, the tall woman gave in and started down the hall with Mario at her heels before turning back around. “But, Sam, you don’t know where anything is.”

“Brooke, I’m a big girl. I think I can find everything.”

The dark-haired woman rolled her eyes, but smiled just the same as she went out the door into the backyard to play with the dog.

Sam watched out the kitchen window from time to time as she prepared their dinner. She smiled as she watched Mario chase Brooke around the pool, catch her, and knock the woman onto the ground, where Brooke would rolled over to pin the dog and continue playing with him. Sam noticed a tattoo on the small of Brooke’s back. There was something so familiar about it but she could not figure out why. Shrugging her shoulders, the blonde turned her thoughts back to preparing dinner, never giving the tattoo a second thought.

Sam opened the kitchen window and yelled down to the figure below. “Hey, Brooke. Dinner’s ready. You coming in?”

“Yeah. Be right there.”

Sam closed the window, not wanting to let any more of the air conditioning out than absolutely necessary. She heard the patio door open as Brooke walked inside and down the hall tothe bathroom to wash up. A few minutes later, Brooke walked into the kitchen, crossing over to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

“I hope you don’t mind… I took a few liberties with your kitchen.” Sam pulled a couple of plates out of one of the cabinets and placed them on the table against the wall.

“Nope. It’s all yours. I don’t tend to use it very often, anyway. It’s kind of a waste for just me and Mario,” Brooke answered as she took the cap off of the water bottle and downed nearly half of the bottle.

“Yeah, I noticed. How many meals have been made in here? Two? Three?” Sam teased as she placed napkins and silverware on the table as well. She had considered setting everything up for dinner in the dining room, but decided that she didn’t want Brooke to get a peek at the surprise.

Brooke looked up to the ceiling in thought. “Uhmm…let’s see… I’ve been here for three years. That doesn’t count, that was microwaveable… ” Brooke continued to think and talk out loud as Sam watched on, amused. “…uhmm…Six.”

“Six? Is that all? Who did the cooking, your Mother?”

Brooke pretended to be hurt by Sam’s question. “No. Actually, I cooked for my Mom, thank you very much.” She nodded her head, proud of the fact. “I just chose not to do it too often. Besides, do you honestly believe that the woman would ever let me, or any of us for that matter, leave home if we couldn’t cook?”

Sam stood with her backside against the countertop of the island and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing the woman in front of her critically. “You? Cook?” The blonde began to shake her head, “I don’t know about that…”

“Yes, I cook.” Brooke’s eyes glared with defiance, and then she lifted the bottle of water and finished it, placing it on the counter. “Every six months or so she makes me cook dinner for her to prove that I haven’t forgotten how.”

Sam laughed at the defensive tone in Brooke’s voice. “Let me guess, your favorite meal is…breakfast, right?”

“Yes, I do tend to like breakfast. But, I will have you know that I can cook anything you name.” Brooke puffed out her chest, proud of the truth in her previous statement.

The younger woman thought for a moment. “Hmmm…What about squid?” Not that she really wanted any, but just trying to gauge Brooke’s reaction.

“Calamari?” she questioned. “I could but would you really want me to?” Brooke asked as she turned her nose up at the thought.

“No, I was just asking.” Sam smiled as Brooke breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, this smells great. You know you didn’t have to do all this, but I appreciate it. Thank you.”

“Come on and sit down. I made us some steak and baby potatoes.”

Brooke’s eyes grew wide. “How did you know I like steak with baby potatoes? It’s one of my favorites.”

“I didn’t know. You just look like that carnivorous kind,” Sam replied with a wink.

“You have no idea.”

Sam smugly dug into her potatoes, spearing one on her fork. Oh, I think I do.

“Would you like something to drink?” Brooke offered as she opened the refrigerator once more.

“Sure, what do you have?”

“Pretty much anything you could want,” Brooke replied as she bent over to look on the bottom shelf, giving Sam the perfect opportunity to admire her backside. “Sam?”

“Oh sorry… just thinking.” Sam was glad Brooke had her back turned and could not see the blush crawling all over her fair cheeks. “How about some caffeine-free soda? And I don’t mean the diet kind.”

Brooke smiled as she grabbed two sodas and shut the door. Turning around to face Sam, Brooke held up the cans for her approval. “How about some caffeine-free Dr. Pepper?”

“Sounds good to me. Thanks,” Sam took the offered soda and placed it on the table.

Brooke pulled out Sam’s chair and waited for her to take a seat. “Now, before you say anything, I’m just trying to be nice and show you how grateful I am for dinner.”

The blonde ran a hand down Brooke’s cheek before sitting down. “Thanks, Brooke. I mean that,” her green eyes twinkled in their sincerity.

“You’re welcome, Darlin’.”

Taking a seat next to Sam, Brooke began to eat the meal. After a few bites, Brooke slowly closed her eyes, savoring how delicious everything tasted. She’s prepared this steak, perfectly. I’m going to have to ask her later just how she knew which way I prefer it. “My God, Sam…everything tastes wonderful. This dinner is fabulous.”

“Dinner was nothing. Wait until you see the dessert,” Sam caught Brooke’s gaze as one dark eyebrow arched high on her forehead.

“Oh yeah? I get dessert, too?”

Sam placed her fork down, resting it on the plate. “Oh, come on, Brooke. Somehow, I get the impression that dessert is your main course.” She picked up her fork and continued to eat her dinner.

“Of course it is. See, everyone thinks that my arms are all muscle. Wrong, it’s dessert. Years and years of dessert.”

“I thought so. Now I’m really sure that you’re going to like my surprise.” Sam smiled as she watched Brooke’s blue eyes twinkle with delight.

After dinner, Sam disappeared from the kitchen to make sure everything for Brooke’s surprise was all set, as the older woman cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

“Hey Brooke, do you have a stereo or speakers for the living room?”

“Yeah. Look in the entertainment center, under the TV, the stereo’s in the bottom cabinet. There’s surround sound in there so the speakers are scattered around the room. I have them kind of camouflaged.”

Opening the entertainment center, Sam stepped back and admired the system. Ooh, surround sound. That’ll be nice. She’ll get the full effect from all sides. The blonde smiled as she moved around the room lighting candles, then she turned the lights down to a soft glow.

“What’re you doing in there, Sam?” Brooke called curiously from the kitchen where she was feeding Mario.

“Just getting the dessert ready, Hon…” She answered, only mildly surprised at how easily the term of endearment rolled off her tongue. “You almost done in the kitchen?”

“Yeah, I’m all done. Can I come in there now?” Brooke called back.

“Nope, not yet. Just give me another minute or two, okay?” Sam brought the dessert from the dining room into the living room and placed it on the glass end table next to the leather couch.

Brooke looked down at Mario, who had devoured his entire dinner by this point. “How about that, Mario? I’m being held prisoner in my own house.”

Mario lifted his head from the plate of food and looked over toward the tall woman, offering a soft “woof” at her.

“Yeah, and I don’t mind either, boy.”

Glancing around the living room, the blonde surveyed her handiwork. Then, with an approving nod of her head, Sam was satisfied that everything was in place. Reaching into her purse to retrieve a CD, she opened it gently and ran her fingers across the label on the disc’s surface. “So, you liked that dance number, eh, Brooke? Let’s see what this one will do for you.” Sam spoke quietly, reassuring herself that she had the nerve to go through with her plan. She kissed the CD for luck, placed it in the stereo and hit the button labeled ‘play’.

“Okay, Brooke. You can come in now,” she called into the kitchen.

Being cautious and not knowing quite what to expect, Brooke walked to the door of the living room, looking for the young woman.

“Is it safe?”

“Depends. Maybe…maybe not.” Sam walked over and took her by the hand, leading the curious woman to the couch.

“Oh yeah? Depends on what?”

Sam pushed Brooke down onto the couch as the song from Friday night, ‘All or Nothing’ began to play. “On you,” Sam answered softly as she began dancing.

Brooke followed the blonde’s every step and soon she could feel the perspiration beginning to form on her upper lip. Within a few provocative moves from the young dancer, the older woman was breaking out into a full-blown sweat. Despite the coolness of the room, the mesmerized woman’s entire being was now on fire as she watched the display in front of her. Rivulets rolling down from her head now accompanied the beads of sweat that had started as a sheen on her upper lip.

If that wasn’t enough, every hormone in Brooke’s body stood up and shouted to be heard as they screamed out their message loud and clear in her head. In fact it was so loud when Sam straddled her lap, Brooke thought it had to be deafening to anyone within a mile radius.

With each of her hands running down Brooke’s face then throat, Sam continued her taunting assault causing the dark-haired woman to loose all track of the world around her. Suddenly, Brooke found herself being drawn deeper into the world of feelings and passions than she had ever been led before.

“You said you wanted to see it again. Well, I made a little improvement on it,” the blonde offered.

Brooke’s eyes were as big around as saucers at Sam’s boldness. Her throat was dry as a bone as she tried to speak. “Oh yeah? How so?” she finally croaked out after clearing her throat.

Sam’s only answer was a smile and a sultry wink as she began to play with Brooke’s hair, causing the woman to close her eyes and take a deep breath as she leaned into Sam’s touch. Reaching over into a bowl on the end table, the blonde picked up a nice, juicy strawberry. After dipping it into a fondue pot filled with dark, melted chocolate, Sam brought it toward Brooke’s lips, then bent down slightly to place a soft kiss on the perfectly formed mouth.

“Open up, Brooke,” she whispered as she withdrew from the kiss, “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Brooke opened her mouth as requested but kept her eyes closed from the kiss, as Sam placed the strawberry past her lips.

“Okay. Now, take a bite. Ah…gently please.”

Her lips first formed around the plump fruit as Brooke carefully closed her mouth, not knowing what to expect. The sweet explosion of juice that burst into her oral cavity surprised the tall woman as she slowly sank her teeth into the unknown offering. The moan that escaped Brooke’s lips could not be helped as she bit down. It was too much of an effort for her to reason out if it was the taste of the fruit or the position of Sam straddling her legs as its cause. At this point, she didn’t really care. Besides, why would she? One pleasure was just as good as another, especially now when they were just beginning to learn about each other.

“Mmmm…I thought you’d like that,” Sam replied as she ate the other half and proceeded to kiss the remnants of chocolate off of Brooke’s mouth.

“Mmmm…uh-uh…I like this better,” Brooke replied as she opened her eyes, watching Sam as she licked her lips.

“I was right about that too, I see.” Sam picked up another strawberry, dipped it in the warm chocolate and offered it to Brooke.

“Well then, you’re just batting a thousand tonight, aren’t you?”

“I always was a good hitter. I don’t let too much get by me,” was Sam’s quiet reply.

Brooke grinned at Sam as she stuck out her tongue to catch the chocolate dripping off of the strawberry before her lips. Instead of the warmth of the chocolate, she tasted a different kind of warmth as Sam captured her tongue between her lips.

With the fruit forgotten and dropped back into the bowl, their kiss deepened until both women were breathless from its intensity. After several leisurely moments of exploration, they broke away, each one gasping for a much-needed breath of air.

“I think I like you as dessert more than the strawberries,” Brooke licked her lips in demonstration.

“What strawberries?” Sam asked as Brooke grinned. “Silly, I come with strawberries.”

Both of Brooke’s eyebrows found their way into her hairline as she grinned at Sam. “Really?”

Stunned by what she was seeing, Sam reran the last few verbal exchanges in her mind and realized what she had said to justify Brooke’s reaction. She placed her hand with the chocolate tipped fingers to her face as she blushed. “Oh my God. I didn’t quite mean that the way it sounded.”

Brooke threw her head back, laughing as she hugged the embarrassed girl. “Hey, I’m just teasing you. I’m sorry, I’ll behave,” she wiggled her eyebrows, “…a little.”

Sam held up her other hand to prevent any further apologies from her friend. “Nope, that’s alright. I walked into that one myself. You don’t have to apologize.”

“Well, I love the surprise.”

Sam removed her hand from her eyes as she looked confidently at Brooke. “I figured that you would. I kind of saw that the other night.”

“Huh?” Brooke asked with confusion until realization hit her and she remembered walking in and watching Sam as she danced around the dorm room, half-naked. “Oh, when I walked in and you were…uhm…”

“Yeah, that’s it. It was just the look on your face. Besides, you didn’t know what I was doing. You were there for C.C.”

“Actually, Sam…to be honest with you, once I walked into that room, C.C. was the last thing on my mind. Other than you telling me that she had gone to class, I didn’t think about her at all that night,” Brooke admitted as she looked down. “I…just thought about you.”

“Hmmm…Is that good or bad?” Sam asked.

“That depends on if you mind or not,” Brooke replied as she looked back up into Sam’s eyes.

“Me? Mind you paying attention to me?” Sam shook her head as if the thought of her not wanting this woman’s attention was completely absurd. Which, it was. “No, I don’t mind at all.”

Brooke’s radiant smile vied for the right to illuminate the room in competition with the candles that were placed all around. “Really? Then you wouldn’t mind if…” she paused for a second, “…if I wanted to pay attention to you a little more often?”

Sam became speechless at the offer being placed at her feet. Searching for words, she finally started, “Brooke, what can I say? I’d like that…very much.”

She leaned in for a kiss when Mario halted their advances and jumped up to join them on the couch.

“I’m kissing you, Brooke. Not that dog,” Sam stated as she threw her head back in laughter.

Brooke grinned as she scratched the husky behind his ears and stared into Sam’s eyes. “Sorry, I guess he got jealous. Come on, boy. Get down.”

“Do you think it’ll be enough if we get down on his level?” Sam asked as Brooke continued to laugh softly.

“We could try, I guess.”

Sam removed herself from Brooke’s lap and sat down on the floor. “Come on, Brooke. I said ‘we’,” the blonde curled her finger inward beckoning the beauty, “that means you, too.”

Brooke slid down onto the floor next to the blonde and was soon followed by Mario who placed his head in Sam’s lap. “Yeah, but you’re younger.”

“What’s the matter? Are you too old to get back up? I’ll help you, Auntie.” Sam found it impossible not to tease the woman sitting next to her.

“You’ll help me get up? Then yes, I’m too old. Hell, I’m so old; I owe Moses a nickel. No, actually, come to think of it, that would be Randi.”

“Brooke, didn’t your mother ever teach you not to exaggerate?” Sam rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I never exaggerate,” she said with a devilish grin plastered on her face.

The woman arched her own eyebrow at Brooke’s statement. “Well, from what I’ve seen so far, I guess I can take you for your word. Would you like another berry?”

“Only if I get a kiss with it.”

Sam grabbed a strawberry and started to place it against Brooke’s mouth, then pulled it away. “Hey, what do I get in return?”

“I don’t know. What would you like in return?”

“Hmmm…I’ll think of something,” Sam answered as she gave the berry to Brooke only to have her fingers captured and cleaned of any remnants of chocolate.

“See, you kind of made a mistake the other night when you kissed me. Now, I’ll always want to kiss you.” Brooke pointed out as she released Sam’s fingers, much to the younger woman’s dismay.

“Well, that kind of mistake I can live with…for a long time.” The words were out of her mouth before Sam could stop herself.

“You sure about that?” Brooke asked, scared to hope.

“I think so…yeah,” Sam answered with a gentle nod as she smiled and leaned in to give Brooke a quick kiss. “Are there any other mistakes that I should be careful of making?”

“Don’t know yet. I guess we’ll find out along the way.”

“I guess we will.” She grabbed another strawberry and offered it to the dark-haired woman before grabbing one for herself as well. After eating it, she leaned into Brooke and kissed her, catching the other woman off-guard and causing her to topple over onto the floor.

Brooke’s only response was to laugh and pull Sam down with her.

“Is Auntie alright? Has she fallen and can’t get up?” the blonde teased.

“Yeah, laugh it up, Darlin’. I’m old remember? I might break a hip. Besides you’ll be here one of these years,” Brooke brushed a strand of blonde hair behind Sam’s ear.

“I hope so. Right here with you.”

“You’d like to be here in ten years?”

“Ten thousand years,” Sam answered as she placed her head on Brooke’s shoulder and hugged her. “But, I don’t think the strawberries will last that long,” she added with a giggle.

“Sam, there’s a lot you don’t even know about me.” Brooke heavily stressed her last words, “A lot.”

“I’m young. I’ve got time,” was the muffled response as Sam sat up and looked down into Brooke’s eyes. “Brooke, you don’t have to go into anything tonight. We can learn everything about each other, little by little,” Sam reassured the woman beneath her, scared that she had revealed too much too soon.

“Well, I really…what I mean is…I uhm…” Brooke leaned in as if to reveal some deep, dark, hidden secret and whispered, “I like peaches, too.”

Sam laughed, hysterically, happy that Brooke’s mood wasn’t as morose as it seemed a moment before. “Peaches, huh?”

“Yep. I love peaches,” Brooke added with a lick to her lips.

“I’ll have to remember that for the next dessert I bring you.”

“I will not be responsible for myself if you show up with peaches,” Brooke pointed out.

“Then we’ll just have to save them for later…”

Sam leaned over and kissed Brooke’s forehead. “You know…” she kissed Brooke’s right cheek, “like for another time that you invite me over.” She kissed Brooke’s left cheek, “Maybe after we get to know each other a little better.”

She tried to kiss the older woman’s nose but was stopped as Brooke kissed her deeply on the mouth.

“Mmmm…or next month…whichever comes first,” the words were whispered by Brooke as their kiss diminished.

Both women laughed nervously, letting it casually trail off. That’s when Brooke remembered to mention C.C.’s birthday. “Well, actually, you’re invited over on Saturday for C.C.’s birthday. But, you’re welcome here whenever you’d like.”

“I really don’t think that would be the appropriate time for peaches, Brooke…with your family around…do you?”

The older woman laughed at the way Sam refused to let the ‘peaches’ conversation drop. “Maybe not. Hell, my Mother is way too nosey for you to bring peaches over here. Speaking of birthdays, what do you plan on doing for yours?”

“My birthday?” Sam ran a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her eyes. “Nothing, like always. All the excitement is always the day after my birthday.”

Brooke placed a hand behind her head as she looked at Sam.

“Yeah? Why is that? What’s the next day?”

“Halloween. I was born on Devil’s Night.”

“Ahhh…I shouldn’t be scared, should I?” Brooke asked as she teased the woman next to her.

Sam leaned in until she was almost nose to nose with the older woman and whispered, “Watch it, I’ll cast a spell on you.”

“Yeah, what kind of spell? What are you going to do, turn me into a sex monkey?” Brooke asked as she noticed the twinkle in Sam’s eyes and the evil grin on her face.

“Not exactly.”

“Okay, so what then?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Sam answered as she touched her finger to the tip of Brooke’s nose.

Brooke rolled her eyes, “Okay, don’t try to change the subject on me, young lady. What would you like for your birthday? I mean, if you could have anything?”

“Hmmm…” Sam thought for a moment, then asked, “Anything?”

“Anything at all,” Brooke confirmed.

“That’s easy. I’d love to see Anti-Zero in a reunion concert. But, we all know that’s impossible. I know it’s a pretty hefty order but, what can I say? It’s always been my dream.”

“You’ve never seen them?” Brooke asked, wondering if there would be something a bit easier and less painful to pull off for her friend’s birthday.

“Only on the videos. Never in person,” Sam elaborated.

“Never saw them in concert?”

“Nope. Remember, Brooke…I’m the young one here.”

“Well, uhmm…if you want…I think I have some old concert videos around here somewhere. You can have them if you want.”

The tall woman started to get up to go check her video cabinet when Sam placed a soft hand on her arm and stopped her. “Brooke, you don’t have to find them now. Let’s enjoy the evening together. Just you and me.”

“And Mario?”

Sam laughed as she modified her previous statement and pulled Brooke down onto the floor next to her, “And Mario. Now come on, Brooke. Sit down here, put those strong arms around me and just hold me tight.”

Brooke smiled as she grabbed some pillows off the couch, scattering them around her, then wrapped her arms around Sam drawing her closer.

“I’m all yours, Darlin’.”

Two strong arms gathered the small woman closer as they settled in for a relaxing night. All talking was ceased and the task of communication was solely left up to the music that played softly in the background and the touching of their lips. Silently, each woman offered her own prayer of thanksgiving for the perfect date.
