Chapter 13 Spooky

“…The heroes, freaks and geeks and vampires all will be there to act real cool, break some rules… “

Sam rolled over in the big, warm bed, balling the pillow up under her head. It wasn’t but a few seconds later that her body was being encircled by Brooke’s long arm and six feet of human teddy bear was being tucked up neatly against her back. One tired eyelid opened barely enough to make out the glow of the digital clock. The neon numbers didn’t register in the woman’s mind until after her eyes were tightly closed and she had already snuggled back into the warm embrace.

“Aurgh!” Sam bolted upright, throwing off the covers. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she grabbed the clock and brought it closer to her face, blinking several times to clear the sleep from her eyes. Finally, she was able to focus and the numbers were clearer. It was 8:38 in the morning.

Nudging the woman that was still in the bed, Sam put the clock back down. “Brooke, we overslept again. If we’re going to spend all weekend in bed, we’ve got to remember to set the clock on Friday night so we get up on time for Monday morning.”

“Huh? What?” Brooke raised her head off the pillow and grabbed for her watch on the nightstand. Rubbing her eye with the other hand she looked at the date. It read 10/28/01. “It’s Sunday, Sam. We’re not late for work. We’ve got another whole sixteen hours before we’re late.” Brooke wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “Come on back to bed. I know a few things we could do to pass the time together.” The dark-haired woman winked and patted the mattress next to her.

“Is that all you think about anymore?” Sam got up and crossed the floor to where her T-shirt from the other evening had remained, once it was stripped from her body. The blonde picked up the shirt as a smile came to her face. The events following the discarded article of clothing were coming to her mind.

One dark brow raised steadily on Brooke’s forehead. “And tell me you don’t?” The woman sat up in bed, leaning back on her elbows. “Hmm…?” Brooke watched the blonde pull the shirt over her head, the smile quickly fading to a frown. “Hey, why are you getting dressed?”

“Brooke, for the last two weekends we’ve…ah…we’ve…stayed in bed.”

“Making love. So, what’s the big deal? I thought you liked…”

“I’m not saying that I don’t…It’s just…I’ve got to call Crystal and what am I going to say if she asks what I’ve been doing for the last couple of weekends?”

“Oh, I see.” Brooke turned onto her side and rested her head in the crook of her arm. Pausing for a moment or two to think, she bit slightly at her lip, then a sly smile grew across her face. “You could tell her that you’ve been sowing your wild oats while you’re still young.” Blue eyes twinkled with delight as she watched the perplexed look on her lover’s face change to one of shock.

“Brooke Gordon!” Sam crossed her arms over her chest and looked directly at the woman in bed. “And what should I tell her that you’re doing, if she asks?”

The smile broadened, revealing the older woman’s smugness. “Why…helping you, of course.”

Sam picked up the pair of boxers and T-shirt that were Brooke’s and threw them at her, catching her off guard. “Put some clothes on and I’ll call Crystal right now and set up the meeting for my birthday on Tuesday.”

“Huh?” Brooke made a face as she plucked the clothing off the bed where they landed. “I have to get dressed to talk on the phone? Since when?”

“Since now.” Sam picked up the phone and tapped in the numbers for her cousin.

“But Sam,” the older woman protested, “This isn’t television or video of any kind. It’s just a telephone conversation.” Brooke threw back the covers and started to get out.

The blonde stood there listening to the phone ring on the other end as her eyes were filled with the emerging nakedness of a tall, dark-haired woman. “Come on, Crystal.” Sam closed her eyes unable to view the tempting sight another second longer.

“Hello?” The voice sounded tired in the phone.

“Hey, Crystal.” The blonde opened her eyes to see Brooke now lounging on top of the bed, swinging her boxers on one finger. Sam quickly turned and gulped out a rather stressed, “It’s me, Sam.”

“Hey there, Sam. This is a nice surprise. What’s up?” Crystal’s voice became more excited almost immediately upon hearing her cousin’s voice.

What’s up? You had to ask, didn’t you? Sam looked down to the obviously erect nipples under her T-shirt and muttered under her breath. “You don’t really want to know.”

“Where are you calling me from? I didn’t recognize the number on my caller I.D.”

“I’m at Brooke’s. I’m a…staying here this weekend.” Sam crossed the few feet to the bed and sat down on the edge, facing away from the unclad woman. Okay, here it comes. She’s going to ask me. The blonde dropped her head forward and hid her face in her hand. I might as well get it over with. “You’d better write it down. That number seems like the best one to find me at on the weekends.” The young woman plunged right along in the one-sided conversation hoping her cousin wouldn’t remember what it was she wanted to ask, once she got a chance to speak. “I was thinking we could get together for my birthday and have dinner down here.” Sam could hear Crystal laughing on the other end as she took in a very much needed breath.

“Oh, finally you run out of air?” Crystal teased her. “Okay, dinner sounds cool. So, tell me, are you two an item now?”

Amused by what she was hearing come over the phone, Brooke sat up and leaned into Sam’s back, then whispered in her ear, “Item…huh?” She laid a flock of feather light kisses upon the blonde’s neck and listened for Sam’s answer.

“Ah…” Sam sighed trying to keep her mind from roaming with the kisses. “You could say that.”

Pleased, Brooke wiggled her eyebrows as she inched a little closer to the T-shirt clad woman, then let her dark head rest on the small shoulder.

“Sure, Brooke’s house. Got it.” Crystal copied the number down.

“Hey, speaking of got it… how about you pick me up at the dorm on Tuesday, and then we’ll meet up with Brooke at the restaurant. I want you to meet her.” Sam tilted her head until it rested on Brooke’s.

“Oh, I get to meet this honey of yours? GREAT!” Crystal cleared her throat.

“You were going to meet her sooner or later.” Sam giggled and touched Brooke’s hand with her hand, pulling the larger one around her stomach.

“Okay, I can do that. What time do you need me to be there?”

“Ah, Crystal…” Sam paused letting the brows furrow. “You might want to come prepared to stay over night. Brooke’s going to let us stay here. Okay?”

“Sure. You need to be up early for class or what?”

“No, nothing like that. I’ve got a late class on Wednesday afternoon and it will put you closer to home for the morning. So, are you working on Tuesday, Crys?”

“Only until two in the afternoon.” Crystal sighed.

“You pulled that early shift again?”

“Yeah, but that means we could have an early dinner. How about if I pick you up about fourish?”

“It will take about an hour to get to the restaurant. It’s out by Brooke’s place. I’ll be packed and ready for you.” Sam looked back at Brooke and smiled, happy that their plan was taking shape.

“Okay, sounds good. So, you’re sure Brooke has enough room for us both to stay there?” Crystal sounded skeptical.

“Ah…Crys, there’s more than enough room here and if not, we’ll just double up.”

Brooke’s jaw dropped open when she heard Crystal ask, “You and me or you and Brooke?”

Sam turned around to see her tall, naked teddy bear sitting back on her haunches with her lower lip sticking out a mile or more. The blonde couldn’t help smiling at the childlike face now filled with disappointment.

“Hmmm…what do you think, Cous?” Sam teased Brooke with her words.

“I don’t know. How serious are you and this woman, huh?

The dark-haired woman pointed to herself then got on her knees positioning her hands as if she were praying. With the cutest ever childlike face she whispered, “I love you.”

Sam turned a thoughtful glance at the woman, doing a double take, realizing just how sexy Brooke looked on her knees. “You better bring some heavy pajamas, Crystal. It can get cold down here by yourself at night.” Sam chuckled, trying hard not to act upon the thoughts that were going through her mind at that moment.

“Oh, I see. Pretty serious, are you?”

The blonde shook her head, “Like you wouldn’t believe.” She watched as Brooke gathered her in with those familiar long arms and nuzzled her neck.

“That’s great, Sam. I’m happy for you. In fact, I’m really looking forward to meeting the woman that made you forget all about Loran.

“Well, why wait?” Sam looked directly into Brooke’s eyes, wrinkling her nose and puckering up to send a kiss her way. “Here she is…” Sam’s small hand held the phone up to Brooke’s ear. “Talk Baby, talk.”

“Hi there. How are you?” Brooke smiled at Sam as she held her tightly around the waist, not letting the small woman move away.


“Nope, I’m…” Brooke looked down at Sam’s T-shirt then at her own unclad body. The older woman chuckled at Sam’s horrified expression at what she was expecting might be said. “I’mmmm…taller.”

“So, you’re Brooke. Hello.”

“Yep,” Brooke started with a sexy grin. “Ow…” The tall woman looked down to the offending hand that wasn’t her own, then up to Sam’s mischievous grin. “She pinched me,” the startled voice cried out. “Crystal, right? Well, I’m Brooke.”

The voice on the other end laughed. “That’s our Sam. She’s always the little instigator,” Crystal revealed. “Well, most of the time.”

“Oh, really?” Brooke’s face turned serious with this new information.

“Yeah. So Brooke, I’ll ask you the same question that I asked Sam. How serious are you and the little troublemaker, there?

Caught off guard by the question, Brooke looked deeply into Sam’s eyes and spoke. “Very. I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” She watched as a smile graced the blonde’s beautiful face. Brooke leaned in and kissed her.

“You do know that she’s only been serious about one other woman in her lifetime.” Crystal felt compelled to warn her.

Coming off of the kiss, Brooke thought for a second and then muttered, “Oh yeah, Loran.” There was a hint of disgust in her tone. “Well, at least as serious as she could be without meeting her, right?”

“But we all knew that wasn’t an option. Imagine her and Loran. Now that would be funny to see.” Crystal chuckled at the concept of ever meeting someone so famous.

“Yeah,” Brooke smirked. “Loran had a pretty big bad girl image. But you can’t believe everything you read and hear. Most of the images in the music biz are just that, images made up by the publicists to sell albums.”

“You think? That chick is probably holed up somewhere with a hot little babe of her own and doing it around the clock, if you ask me.”

“I know!” the older woman stated. “I’m in the middle of it. I own my own recording company.”

Crystal let out a burst of air. “Hey, what would I know? Now ask me about hearts or recovery time…” her sentence stopped suddenly, then hesitantly she asked, “You own a company?”

“Yep, Brownstone Records,” Brooke said, proud of her accomplishment.

“Jeez…When Sam falls, she falls big.” Crystal said half out loud.

“But, I’ll agree with you on one thing.”

“What’s that?”

Brooke wrapped one arm around Sam and pulled her into her body. “I’m sure Loran does have a hot little babe by her side at this very moment.” She looked at Sam, and then winked.

“See…and you should know. I told Sam to go with the sure thing.” Crystal’s voice sounded eager as she proved her point. “The last time we got together with my Mom, that would be Sam’s Aunt Sandy,” the woman explained. “She told Sam that you would be better than any dream she could ever have about Loran.”

“Really? I’d like to meet her sometime.”

“Too bad Mom can’t make it for Tuesday’s dinner. She’s working the evening shift that day.” Crystal paused for a second, then continued. “Maybe you’ll get to meet her sometime.”

“That would be great. I’d love to. Sam speaks very highly of you, both.” Brooke squeezed the blonde. “She’s met just about everyone in my family and likes them anyway.” Dark eyebrows wiggled up and down as Brooke added, “No matter how twisted they may seem.”

“I’m sure she does. Well, I’d better get going. Tell Sam I’ll pick her up Tuesday around four. It was nice meeting you even if it was over the phone. Bye.” She paused only for a second before adding, “Brooke, could you tell Sam that I love her?”

“Okay. Bye, Crystal.” Brooke pulled the phone away from her ear, knowing the line was still activated. “Sam, I love you.” Then she pushed the button to end the call.

“So…” the blonde looked up into Brooke’s face, letting her see the slight blush that came to her face after hearing the declaration of love. “What do you think of Crystal?”

“She sounds like an interesting sort.”

Sam thought about her cousin finally getting to meet the man of her dreams and a silly smile came to the blonde’s face. “You think Peter will like her?”

“I think he will,” Brooke nodded. “Think she’ll like him?”

“Good. And about her liking Peter, that’s a no-brainer, Hon.” Sam snuggled closer to her lover. “She’ll love him. She always has.”

Brooke looked down speculatively at the pensive woman. “And what about you? Have you always loved me?”

Green eyes locked onto wandering blue. “Not as much as I do now, or will for the rest of time.” Sam leaned in to kiss Brooke, then one kiss led to another. The passionate lovers laid back down on the bed, intent on making good use of their time together.

The tall brunette fidgeted from one foot to the other as she waited for her mother to stop lecturing her on the merits of studying. Finally when an opportunity came, C.C. grabbed it. “So Mom, don’t forget to be there early. It’s a surprise. Brooke and I don’t want anyone to blow it for Sam. You do remember that Tuesday is her birthday, right?”

“Cjersti, do you think I’m stupid or something? Of course I remember it’s Sam’s birthday. She told me so herself at your party.”

“Mah-um,” C.C. whined, “do you have to say that?”

“Say what? That she told me…”

“No, the other thing…you know…”

“Oh…oh. I don’t understand you. It’s such a pretty name.”

“It’s different.” C.C. pouted.

“Honey, we’re all different.” Mable shook her head and gave up. “Now, back to the surprise. Don’t worry, I’ll let myself in.”

“Have you gone shopping yet?” C.C. thought for a moment, then added, “Hey, could you call and let Randi and Terri know? I think I hear someone coming to my door.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it all.” Mable suddenly became more alert. “Did you say she’s coming in?”

“Yeah.” The woman holding the telephone cupped her hand over the mouthpiece. “Oh, hi Sam.” C.C. gave her head a nod and held up the phone, then brought it back to her ear. “What’s that Mom? You want to talk to Sam?”

“Why, yes Dear, of course I do.”

C.C. held out the phone to the young blonde who had just turned around from closing the door. Then the brunette shrugged.

Sam hesitantly took the phone and brought it to her ear. “Hello, Mrs. Gordon. Were you looking for me?”

“Why hello, Sam.” The cheerful voice came across the phone. “How are you, Dear? I hope that daughter of mine is treating you right.”

“I’m fine and yes, she is treating me very fine indeed.”

“Well, that’s good.” Mable’s voice trailed of. “I’ve been thinking that maybe you could join us for dinner sometime soon. Are you free anytime?”

“Hmm…” Sam thought before continuing. “I’d say tomorrow but I’m already meeting my cousin and Brooke for dinner.”

“Well, sometime soon then. Is that all you have planned for your big day?”

“Big day?” Sam questioned, then remembered the date. “Oh, you mean my birthday? Well, yeah, I don’t celebrate it that much.”

“You know, you don’t turn twenty-one every year. You make sure that daughter of mine makes it extra special for you. Ask her to cook. You’ll learn soon enough Sam, that birthdays are a big thing in this family.

“Her, cook? I thought she only did that for you.” Sam remembered Brooke telling her that was what she had done in the past.

“Samantha, I think she’d be more than willing to share that gift of hers with you as well, Dear.”

Sam looked down at the floor as she mumbled, “She’s ah…sharing quite enough for right now, Mom.” Sam could feel her face warm with the rising blush.

“Oh,” Mable was sensing the young woman’s embarrassment on the other end, “really? That’s wonderful! I mean…it must be…well…” she hesitated. The matriarch ran Sam’s shy comment through her head once more. “Hey, you just called me Mom,” she declared.

“God, I’m sorry, Mom…” Sam’s eyes shot wide open when she realized that she just used the term again. “I mean…ah…Mrs. Gordon.” Sam bowed her head and covered her face with her free hand. “I’m digging a deeper hole here, aren’t I?”

“No, Sam…”Mable didn’t wish to hurt the young woman in any way. “Don’t you dare apologize. You are more than welcome to call me Mom. As a matter of fact, I really like hearing it from you.”

“If the truth is to be known,” Sam voiced her opinion in demure tones, “I really like it too.”

“Well then, you forget all about that Mrs. Gordon mumbo-jumbo. I mean…Randi’s husband calls me Mom, so does Terri’s. Why shouldn’t you?”

“But we’re not…ah…” Sam stumbled, unable to get the words out.

“You’re not what, Dear?”

“Forget it. It was nothing, Mom.” Sam tried to feel more comfortable using the new term.

“Good girl, Sam.” Mable complimented her.


“You’re welcome.” Mable paused for a moment then continued. “Oh…and Sam…welcome to the family. I forgot to tell you that at C.C.’s party.”

Sam choked back a tear, knowing what Brooke’s mother was referring to. “Thanks, Mom. I think I love this family already.” Green eyes filled with moisture as she looked over to her roommate and wiped away an escaping tear as it rolled down her cheek.

“Mom,” C.C. grabbed the phone from Sam. “You’re making the poor girl cry. What’s the matter with you, she’s going to spend her last evening as a twenty year old soaked with tears.”

“Oh, I am so sorry. C.C., put her back on the phone.”

The brunette held the phone out to Sam, following the direct order of her mother. “She wants to talk to you, again.”

Puzzled, Sam hesitantly took the phone and brought it to her ear. “Yes, Mom?”

“Sam I’m sorry that I made you cry. I didn’t mean to do that.” Mable apologized.

“It’s a good cry. Don’t worry about it.” The tears rolled down Sam’s cheeks. “I’m just not used to having people be that concerned about how their words react on me.”

“Well, you better get used to it. You love my daughter, so how could I not love you?”

“Okay, now that really brought a smile to my face.” Sam looked over to C.C. as the brunette kept motioning for the phone back. “Well, C.C. wants to talk to you again. I’d better getting going anyway.”

“Okay, Dear.” Mable hesitated for a second, then added, “Happy Birthday, Sam.”

“Thanks,” Sam spoke the word softly, then handed the phone to C.C. before going toward her side of the room.

“C.C., she doesn’t suspect anything, does she?”

The brunette studied the crying woman for a minute then decidedly answered her mother. “Nope, not a thing. Okay, Mom, I’ll study harder. See I do listen to you. Bye.” C.C. hung up the phone and began to shake her head. “Okay, so let me guess.” The tall woman put her hands on her hips and struck a pose. “She’s adopted you, right?”

Sniffing back a tear as she tried to wipe the moisture from her cheeks, Sam whispered. “God, I hope so.” Then looking up at her roommate, she asked, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course I don’t mind. We’re roomies…we’re like sisters already.” C.C. flashed a big grin then turned around to walk over to her bed. “And believe me, when everyone else finds out about you and Brooke, they’ll love you even more.”

“That’s two down, and two to go,” Sam muttered with just the hint of a laugh, then spoke up. “Ah…C.C., I’m not so sure. Randi might have some issues with my age or me. She seems a little protective of Brooke.”

“You don’t know that.” C.C. protested. “Randi will be fine. She’s…well…Randi has sort of designated herself as protector of all of us.”

“See, even I could sense that.”

C.C. mocked an angelic pose with her chin on her hands and stood there. “All Brooke has to do is bat those baby blues of hers,” she did that herself, only with brown eyes, “and Randi will be toast.”

“I still think if anyone has anything to say about our relationship it’s going to be her.” Sam moved over to her bed and sat down on it.

“Well, I guess we’ll see.” C.C. flopped down on her own bed and stretched out. “And if she does…she’ll come around. Give her some time and she’ll be fine with the whole thing.

“I hope so. I don’t want to be a source of family dispute here.”

The brunette rolled up on her side and leaned on an elbow. “Don’t worry about it, Sam. Worry about the fact that you’re going to be legal in about six hours.”

“Legal, yes…and grown up.” Sam shook her short hair and smiled as thoughts of Brooke entered her mind. Grown up, huh? The blonde remembered their shared lovemaking over the weekend and sighed as she fell back on her bed. That’s already done.

“Well, Peter, there you have it, a complete tour of the Gordon Estate.” Brooke led the way up from the studio to the main floor of the house as she joked about her home. “Now, if you really paid any attention you’ll have no problem if the lights go out tomorrow when we plug in all that sound equipment we used to use.” She turned to face him at the top of the stairs with her hand poised on the light switch. “So you ready for a test?” She threw the switch off, teasing the man.

Clutching the tapes that he had in his hand, Peter grabbed for the railing with the other one. “Now Brooke, cut it out. You know I don’t like the dark.”

“Okay, take it easy.” She flipped the switch back up and the lights came on. “I’m not stealing those tapes back, so don’t get all worried.” Brooke winked at him and moved out into the hall.

Peter looked down at the tapes in his hand, then held them up for Brooke to see. “Hey, thanks. You don’t know what this means to me.”

“No problem, Peter. You have no idea what tomorrow means to me. Everything will be all set up by the time Sam gets here tomorrow evening.”

“Oh, I bet I do,” the man taunted her. “She really has your heart all sewn up, doesn’t she?”

Brooke smiled and nodded her head. “Yes, she does. She owns every little piece of my heart.”

“James always said you were heartless. Guess this one time he’s right.”

“Well, what do you know, the bastard was right.”

Seeing the distant look in Brooke’s eye, Peter thought that a subject change was in order. “I’ll have my stuff and drop it off early tomorrow, along with James’ stuff when he gets in. You’ll see. It will be like old times.”

“No problem.” Brooke led the way into the kitchen. “So what time is his royal assness getting in?” She went to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer, offering it to Peter.

Peter shook his head and pointed to a soft drink in the door. He reached out and accepted it as Brooke handed it to him. She grinned and grabbed a bottle of beer for herself.

“Last time I talked to him, he was coming in sometime in the afternoon. I’m supposed to wait for his call.”

“Is he calling your cell phone?” Brooke twisted off the cap on the bottle and downed a swallow.

“Yeah, if he remembers it.” Peter looked at his soft drink for a few seconds, then asked, “He seems kind of…different here lately. Have you noticed it?”

“No more different than he normally was. I don’t know. You’re around him more than I am.”

“Forget that I said anything. It’s probably just me.”

Brooke shrugged. She was not really interested in talking about her former band mate. “Peter, this house is massive for one person. You could stay here. In fact, why don’t you stay here? I wouldn’t mind if you did.”

A little shocked by the offer, Peter didn’t quite know what to say.

“I wouldn’t have offered if I thought it was a bad idea.” Brooke took another long draw on her beer. “You’re not the same person you were three years ago and neither am I.”

“You…you’ve got something up your sleeve. What is it, Brooke?” Peter demanded to know.

“Nothing.” She held her hands up, feigning surprise. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I would think that you’d want to be alone with Sam. I mean…it being her birthday and all.”

“Hey, who said I was going to put you up in the next room? It’s a big house. You can stay in the guest room down here on the first floor.”

“Okay, I just don’t want to cramp your style.” Peter took a drink of his soda, then muttered just barely loud enough to be heard, “It’s taken you long enough to find someone.”

Blue eyes pinned him with a stare, then softened as she admitted, “Well, she’s well worth the wait.”

Peter watched the ends of her mouth turn up into a smile, then he winked and clinked her bottle with his. They both drank at the same time and let the silence settle around them before he nonchalantly asked, “So…is Sam’s cousin staying, too?”

“Uhm…Yeah. She is.” Brooke studied her friend for a moment. “Why…you interested?” Brooke smirked.

The man’s eyes darted around the room like a caged tiger paces his kingdom. “I’m…I’m curious.” He stuttered out. “Argh! Hell, yes I’m interested.”

Brooke smiled and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, then clapped it several times for emphasis. “Don’t worry, Peter. You’ll meet her as soon as she gets here with Sam. She seems pretty nice. I talked to her yesterday morning.”

“I hope so. I think I’m tired of the road show.” Peter confided in the woman. “You’ve got the right idea Brooke.” He watched her standing there, smiling from ear to ear. “Never thought I’d hear those words come out of my mouth.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Maybe it’s time to think about settling down.”

“You and me both, Petey. Like I said before, neither one of us are the same person we used to be. Believe me, settling down sounds absolutely perfect.” Brooke smirked, “Never thought I’d hear those words come out of my mouth.”

“You’re right.” He clapped a hand on Brooke’s shoulder. “Neither one of us are the same as we were years ago.” He watched as Brooke arched an eyebrow in his direction. “Okay, so I’ve grown up. It’s time to put away the toys and really get down to living a full, rewarding life.”

“I agree.” Brooke nodded her head, then turned to look at Peter with furrowed brows. “Wait a minute…toys?”

“That’s what James and I used to call the girls, our toys.”

“Ahh…” It was dawning on the tall woman now, “…the groupies that you played with.”

Peter was blushing, ashamed now at how he had acted in the past. “I can’t see me waking up next to the likes of them for the rest of my life.”

“Stop blushing, Peter. It’s not like you were the only one who ever slept with a groupie.”

“You didn’t.” He looked her in the eye then let his gaze drop back to the bottle in his hand.

“No, I just waited until music wasn’t the center of my life before I let sex enter into the picture.”

“Maybe that’s where I’m at now.” His voice trailed off.

“When we played together, music was everything. I didn’t have time for anything or anybody else. Sam changed all that. And let me tell you,” Brooke grinned, thinking of how Sam had opened up a new world to her. “It’s a nice place to be.”

“Well Brooke, if it makes any difference at all, I’m liking what I see in you.

“I’m glad, ’cause I’m liking how it feels.”

Peter nudged Brooke’s shoulder with his hand and winked at her. “So, you want to show me where I can sleep or what?”

“Sure, I’ll even help you get your bags. You did bring clothes to change into, didn’t you?”

Peter looked down at his larger form, then back up at Brooke. “Please, it’s not Halloween yet. I don’t want to scare anybody to death and your stuff just ain’t gonna cover it.”

After getting Peter settled in, Brooke grabbed another beer and went to her small office on the second floor of the house. With Mario at her side, the tall woman sat down in her comfortable chair and turned on her computer, while the plans for the next day’s events ran through her mind. Once the monitor screen came to life, Brooke pulled up her list of things to do and quickly perused it, mentally checking off everything that was in place for Sam’s party.

“Well, Mario.” Brooke petted the furry head that now filled her lap. “Looks like everything is on schedule and ready for Sam’s surprise.” The dog looked up with its tongue hanging out as he leaned into her gentle touch. “You like that, don’t you? You’re gonna be spoiled tomorrow with all those people here, aren’t ya Boy?”

“Woof,” was Mario’s short reply.

Turning her attention back to the screen, Brooke finished her list and gave a sigh as she read the last line out loud. “Anti-Zero performance. Hmm…well two thirds of us are here and ready. I guess I’d better check in on that last missing piece.” She thought for a minute about James and could already feel her temper rising. Looking at the clock in the corner of the screen, she saw that it was almost midnight and an idea came into her head. Logging on to the Internet, she quickly sent off a variety of funny birthday cards to Sam, listing the senders as Mario, the 300, and the ‘Dessert of the Month’ Club.

“Those should have Sam laughing. What do you think Mario?” She looked down at the dog that was curled up at her side, his head rising with the sound of the blonde’s name. Hmmm…Brooke started thinking, her grin turning a little devilish in nature as one eyebrow rose. Birthdays are for wishes…maybe I should give her something to dream about. “Yeah…” she softly uttered, nodding subtly.

Closing out the windows on her computer, she hurriedly clicked into her E-mail account. Brooke pulled up Sam’s addy from her address book, then sat before the blank page, gathering her thoughts. A few minutes later, she took in a deep breath, then her fingers started dancing across the keys, pausing only for seconds here or there before continuing on. Before she knew it, she was done. With her hands in her lap, she read the message, making only one change.

She read it over one last time just to make sure that it said what was in her heart. Satisfied, Brooke blew a kiss at the screen and sent it off to the woman she loved. Then, the tall woman took in a breath and set about doing what she had put off a few minutes ago.

Flipping through her address book, she found the phone number she was looking for and quickly punched it into the cell phone that was almost always with her.

“Okay, Mario. Let’s rattle the cage a little bit and see if the animal will come out to play.” She leaned down to give the dog a pat on the head, then sat up taking on a more businesslike and aggressive positioning at the desk.

As each ring sounded off, her level of aggravation raised one more notch. Finally she heard the ringing stop and the muffled sound of the phone being clumsily answered.

The gruff, raspy voice of a man on the decline barked out a somewhat dazed, “Yeah.”

The raspy sounding voice in the background was a total opposite with its cooing words of “Hey, where are you going?”

Brooke smiled, knowing she had definitely disturbed the man’s plans for the night. “James? It’s Brooke.”

Rolling over in bed away from his companion, James focused his hazy attention on the voice from the phone. “Brooke,” he drooled, and then quickly turned his head to the woman behind him and directed her. “Hey Baby, go get me something to drink.” He watched as she got up and walked out of the room, and then only turned back to the phone. “So, finally feeling a need for my company or is this just to tuck me into bed with a story?”

“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t forget about tomorrow night.” Brooke shook her head at his ramblings.


“Yeah, remember…A-Z for one night? You’re supposed to be here in Virginia to pay off your little debt tomorrow.” Brooke was getting angry now.

There was a disgusted intake of air from James as the words jarred his memory. “Yeah, right. A-Z,” he snorted.

“James, what time is your plane due to land?” Brooke’s anger was evident in the harshness of her tone.

“Ah…I ah…”

“I’m waiting.”

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to get back to you when I find out.” He tried to evade her question.

“What do you mean, when you find out? Don’t you have the damn flight booked already?” Brooke’s nostrils flared as thoughts of his not showing up crossed her mind.

“Well, I figured that you could send the company jet…you know, sort of log it off as one of Sam’s flights.” He smirked, ” That’s what this is all about, isn’t it?”

“What?” Brooke looked into the phone she was holding as if that would clarify things. “What made you think I would do that? I forked out twenty grand to do your little project and you expect me to fly the company jet out to get you?”

“That’s my price. You know you just can’t get A-Z together for the asking. You want it. You pay for it. I’m a star in A-Z, even if it is defunct. But then again, you made it that way.”

“No,” Brooke’s voice rose with a vengeance, “My price for recording your shit was tomorrow night.” Steely blue eyes glared as she stared at nothing, but kept her full focus on the conversation and the man that irritated her to no end. “You know what? I’m not getting into this bullshit with you tonight. Have your ass ready bright and early tomorrow morning, Sunshine. Expect a car to pick you up and I’ll fly your sorry ass here.”

He laughed knowing the rage that she had worked herself into. “Face it Brooke, you’re nothing but Loran and Peter without me.”

“I’m not Loran,” she snapped. “Just be ready tomorrow morning.”

“I knew that you’d see it my way.” He laughed at her again and commented. “And remember Babe, tomorrow night you are Loran.”

“No, tomorrow night I’m Brooke Gordon…” she countered then added, “and James?”

“Yeah, Loran?”

Her anger was getting the best of her and she knew it. It was definitely time to end this conversation before she popped a vein or two. “Don’t even think about fucking me over with this. You really don’t want to piss me off.” She terminated the call, tossing the phone down onto the desk. Brooke got up from the chair with such a rush that Mario jumped to his feet and paced nervously, trying to stay out of her way.

“To think that I actually considered you a friend at one time. What was I thinking?”

Tuesday morning greeted Sam with several surprises in all of her mailboxes. First there were the funny greetings from her buddy Mario, her favorite car, then she nearly lost it with the well wishes from the Dessert of the Month Club. It was evident that Brooke was in a playful mood last night when she sent them. Sam smiled and tried to imagine the dark-haired woman. God, I would have loved seeing her face when she wrote these.

Sam pondered that thought for a moment then moved on to the rest of her E-mail. The next one was a rather plain card with only a simple line. “Happy Birthday.” She looked for a name, but there wasn’t any. Now that’s funny. Who would have? Sam thought about the people in her life and came up with a very short list that would even know her addy. I wonder… Her thoughts came to her immediate family but quickly died as she remembered her mother’s last words to her as she hurriedly left what had been her home. You’re dead to me. You died when you chose that lifestyle over a normal, healthy one. I’ll not have you infect your sister with your perverted notions. I’ve lost one daughter. I won’t lose another. The sound of that front door slamming still echoed in Sam’s head, even after four years. “Oh, Sarah…” Sam brought her hand to her mouth, stifling back the tears of a sister lost.

Sam closed out the card and looked at the sending addy for it when her mail list came back up on the screen. It was no help whatsoever. It simply read: Citizen , nothing more. Sighing, Sam pushed back the harsh memories and chose to accept that someone out there in Virginia had wished her happiness on this day.

Moving onto the next E-mail, the sender’s addy brought a smile to her face. “Brooke…” she mused out loud, then clicked on the icon to open it.

Subj: Happy Birthday

Date: October 29, 11:43:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brooke Loran

To: Sam Moleson

Hey there, Sweetheart. Happy Birthday, Beautiful. I figured that you had already received a birthday greeting from the Z and our favorite boy, Mario, now it’s my turn.

Sam…words can’t even begin to express the love I feel when I look into your eyes. I thank everything that is holy everyday for bringing you into my life. I love you, Samantha and I always will. Have a happy birthday, love of my life, and I will see you soon, although, it won’t be soon enough. Forever could never be long enough to spend with you.

Happy Birthday, Beautiful. I Love You.

Yours Forever,


Brooke’s thoughts and wishes for their future had definitely melted the blonde’s heart and brought her to tears of joy. God, how did I ever deserve this woman? She knows exactly what I need.

The day was an uneventful one on campus and soon Sam found herself just waiting for her cousin Crystal to pick her up at the dorm. Sam stood waiting by the window, watching for the familiar old green car to pull up, when C.C. entered the room on the run.

“Hey C.C., are you sure that you won’t come to dinner with us? You’ll miss meeting my cousin.”

“Nope,” the brunette threw her books on the bed and started looking for clothes in her drawers. The brunette reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. “I think this is yours. I guess it got in my mailbox by mistake.” She handed it to Sam.

“I wonder who…” Sam looked at the flashy cursive script on it and knew immediately. “Aunt Sandy.” The blonde hastily opened it. A smile came to the young woman’s face as she read the sentimental card. Holding it up, she offered it to C.C. “I can’t believe she’s still sending things out by snail mail. That was so thoughtful of her.”

C.C. looked at it, nodding her approval. “I’d like to meet her and your cousin someday, but not tonight. Terri wants me to meet with her and the hubby for dinner. It’s not often that they’re both off together, you know.” C.C. looked up and grinned at the blonde, “I’m sorry, but I’m sure you’ll have a blast with Brooke, besides, you know how Brooke and I get when we have dinner together.”

Sam nodded in agreement. “Not to mention the added attraction of alcohol.” She idly looked out the window and thought out loud, “I wonder if she’ll toast me tonight like she did you?”

“Who, Brooke?” C.C. brushed past her on the way to the closet and whispered in Sam’s direction, “If she does, I’m sure it’ll be a nice and mushy one, just for you.”

“I’m hoping that she’d keep that one until we’re alone…later tonight.” Sam had a coy smile on her face.

“Definitely T-M-I.” C.C. shivered and looked through the closet for something to wear. “It’s bad enough that I know you two seduced each other.”

Laughing, Sam answered her. “C.C. you’re thinking right. I won’t be home tonight.”

“Speaking of which…” the brunette looked directly at Sam and leered. “Can she?”

Blonde brows knitted tightly as Sam thought, “Can she what?”

“Roll her tongue?” C.C. demonstrated it. “Come on, give.”

“Oh, that again.” Sam smiled. “That’s for me to know.” She looked back out the window and felt the daydream coming on.

Throwing the hanger down on the bed, C.C. pleaded. “You told me you’d tell me. That’s the only detail I care to know about.”

Sam turned back to her roommate and grinned. “Let’s just say that Rome wasn’t built in a day. There are lots of things we haven’t uhm…” Sam turned red from embarrassment. “…found out yet.”

“Uh huh…sure…Okay.” C.C. winked at Sam and went back to finding clothes to wear.

“What…what did I do?”

“I don’t know. You won’t tell me.” C.C. turned to the blonde and grinned evilly.

“God, C.C.” Sam hid her face in her hands. “Isn’t it enough that you know that we’re in love?”

“Yeah, that’s so nice but you know me.” C.C. surprised Sam as she pulled her hands away from her face. “Inquiring minds and all that jazz. We’re roommates. Hell…we’re practically in-laws. We’re supposed to discuss these things.”

“Excuse me?” Sam had a shocked look on her face.

“Why? Did you burp?” C.C. laughed and went back to her task of getting ready to meet her sister, Terri.

“Where exactly is that in the marriage vows? Love, honor, obey and discuss my sex life with my in-laws and her siblings?”

“It’s in there. It’s the small writing at the bottom that the priest whispers after the ceremony. You know, after you’ve already agreed to all the other stuff.”

“I’ve never heard it.” Sam gave a doubtful look at her roomie. “And I don’t think that you have either.”

“Sure. You’d be surprised at what I’ve heard at my sisters’ weddings.” C.C. laughed just thinking about it. “Like at Randi’s…”


“She had the priest add a vow that would make her husband take out the garbage.”

“I bet that was well received. It figures that she’s a lawyer.”

“Yeah, and we all busted out laughing when he got her back. He added one that had Randi agree to watch football with him during the playoffs.” C.C. smiled as she thought of her sister Terri. “Terri’s was pretty interesting too.”

Sam shook her head wondering what else these sisters could get themselves into. “Okay, I’ll bite. So, what nonsense did Terri want…a daily massage?”

“Ah…No. Actually her and Rick got married at his parents’ house. It’s huge.” The brunette shook her head and laughed. “When the priest asked about the…” C.C. used her fingers to emphasis the quotation marks in the air as she said the words, “If anyone finds just cause why these two should not be joined, blah…blah…blah…blah…let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

“Yeah…I’m waiting to hear this one.” Sam turned away from the window, now engrossed in her roommate’s story.

C.C. held in a laugh as best she could, then blurted out, “The cat meowed loud and clear.”

“Are you telling me that Rick has a feline fetish?” Sam teased, as she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought.

“No, but his parents do. They had four cats and they all started in with the meows.” C.C. grinned. “It was so hard not to laugh, the cats sounded like they were trying to carry on a conversation.”

“Argh!” Sam looked skeptical at C.C. “Why do I even encourage you?” She laughed, then countered, “You’re making this up, aren’t you?”

“Nope. Swear to God.” C.C. held her left hand up and looked to the heavens. “You can ask her next time you see Terri. Everyone including the priest completely lost it. The priest looked at the cat that started it and said, ‘I’ll take that into consideration.’ Honest, that’s what he said.”

Sam looked at C.C. and just shook her head as the woman walked over toward her.

“Well, look Sam,” the brunette embraced the smaller woman in a hug. “I need to get out of here before I’m late. You have a great time and Happy Birthday, Roomie.”

“Thanks, C.C., I will.” When the embrace ended, Sam turned back to the window and watched the parking lot below as she muttered to herself, “God, I wonder what you’d hear at Brooke’s.”

C.C. stopped dead at the door hearing her sister’s name spoken. She turned back toward Sam, an eager look on her face. “Brooke’s what…wedding?”

“I meant that figuratively. Don’t go getting excited.”

The brunette shrugged then casually replied, “Well, I guess if anybody’s going to know, it will be you. Bye Sam. Have fun tonight.” With that said, the woman was out the door, throwing her purse on her shoulder.

The blonde turned back to look out the window. She thought back on what C.C. had said and found herself daydreaming about what in Brooke’s wedding might lead to a story for years to come. Sam envisioned the tall, dark-haired woman standing there in front of a group, then watched Brooke turn and finding herself on the receiving end of a ring. Closing her eyes to make it seem more lifelike than a dream, Sam let herself be carried away to what might be in her future. Reflexively she found herself holding out her hand and imagined the ring being slipped on her delicate finger. In her mind she looked up to see love-filled, blue eyes twinkling with delight, moving closer until she was lost in them forever.

It wasn’t until she sighed out of wanting it to be true, that her mind slowly started to surface back to the real world of college, dorm rooms, parking lots and ringing phones. Coming out of the haze that her mind had left her in, Sam thought she heard her cell phone going off. Turning to look over at her purse, she saw the tiny blinking light as each warbling ring sounded.

“Oh, jeez.” Sam moved quickly to answer the phone. “Hello?”

In a very melodic voice, Brooke was singing out her greeting. “Happy Birthday… my baby…happy birthday to you.”

The tones brought an immediate smile to the young woman’s face. “Brooke, I should have known it would be you. In fact, I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh, yeah?” Brooke asked.

“Hmm…Nothing but nice thoughts Babe, trust me.”

“I do. Happy birthday, Gorgeous.” Brooke drawled out. “You miss me?”

“Don’t I always? Yes, I miss you.” Sam sat down on her bed, wishing that her tall lover where there to wrap her in those strong arms. She shivered just thinking about it.

“I miss you, too.” There was silence on both ends as each longed to be in the presence of the other. Then finally Brooke ended the silence. “Is Crystal picking you up soon?”

Sam looked at her watch. “Yeah, in fact, she should be here any minute now.” Sam got up from the bed and went over to the window, looking down at the parking lot.

“Good, because it’s been a long day without you, Sam.”

“A long two days,” the blonde stressed. “Or did you lose track of time?”

“No, I haven’t.” Brooke smiled thinking of the last time she had seen Sam. “But at least I got to see you yesterday morning when I drove you back to the dorm.”

“You know, that was the second nicest part of my day.”

“What…the drive back?”

“Yeah, the first was waking up in your arms.”

The words came clearly across the wireless connection, bringing a smile to Brooke’s face. “That was nice, wasn’t it? I can be so cute when I want to be.” She teased.

“You’re cute all the time, Brooke Gordon. You just don’t let other people see it.”

“I don’t know. We’ll have to see if you still say that after tonight.” Brooke tried not to give away her surprise.

“Hmm…that has ominous undertones to it.” Sam laughed; delighted that Brooke would think of ways to tease her.

“You’ll just have to wait and see now, won’t you?”

Sam thought for a moment about how Brooke was acting. “I think you’ve got something up your sleeve.”

“Me?” Brooke said with surprise. “What could I possibly surprise you with?”

“Brooke, you’re not going to do anything at the restaurant to embarrass me, are you? God, I just hate when they come out of the kitchen singing those stupid birthday songs and clapping like lunatics.”

“No Honey, I swear not to embarrass you at the restaurant…” the woman paused before she added silently in her mind…Because, we’re not going to a restaurant at all. Brooke grinned knowing all too well what she had in store for later. “So, you won’t have to worry about any embarrassing kitchen staff. I promise, Darlin’.”

“And no one making a scene about my birthday, right?” Sam was making sure Brooke understood her.

“Now, who would make a scene?” Brooke tried not to chuckle but lost the battle. “Besides, you know I can’t speak for Peter.”

“Hmmph!” The blonde let the air escape her lungs in a disgusted rush. “Knowing you, Peter, and Crystal…who wouldn’t?”

Brooke’s laughter filled the air. “You’ll love it, Baby. I promise.” The woman’s voice became less playful as she ended the conversation. “I’d better go so I can get to this meeting. If I don’t, there’s no telling what time I’ll get to leave.”

“Okay,” Sam was sorry their time was over. “But just remember, you’re meeting me alone later. And I do mean much later. Love you.”

“Oh…just you and me, huh? You promise?”

“Well, that’s all I want in my bed…don’t you?

Your bed…Hmm…I like that. “Nothing sounds better. Okay, Darlin’, happy birthday and I’ll see you soon. I love you, Sam.”

That brought a huge smile to Sam’s face. “Good, now hurry up and get done. I love you. Bye.”


Sam pulled the phone from her ear and stared at it. The sound of knocking broke her spell and the young woman got up and crossed to the door.

‘Hey there, Birthday Girl. Let me in.” Crystal’s voice was full of energy.

The young blonde opened the door after hearing her cousin’s voice. “Crystal?” She looked to the window in the tiny room, then back to the woman standing at the door. “How did I…I just…it was only a minute or two.” She looked at the phone still in her hand.

“What?” The woman dressed in casual clothing peeked into the room, then back at Sam.

“Crystal, how did you sneak in on me? I was watching the parking lot.”

“I parked at the wrong building and got confused so I just walked over.”

“Oh well, let me grab my coat and bag and we’re out of here.” Sam stepped back to retrieve her belongings.

“Okay, but I’m going to use your potty first. That’s a damn long drive.”

“Yeah, and another one to the restaurant. Brooke’s meeting us there.” Sam looked down at the phone still in her hand and smiled. I just got off the line with her.”

“Oh, yeah? How is she?” Crystal entered the room.

“Busy, she was just heading into a meeting when we hung up.”

Crystal pointed toward the door on her right, “Oh, so I take it this door is the bathroom? Not like I have much to choose from in this tiny room.” The eager woman looked around.

“Well, if it’s not a clothes closet then it’s a water closet.” Sam laughed at the expression on her cousin’s face. “Go on, I want to get to the restaurant first and surprise her when she comes in.”

“Okay, smarty.” Crystal looked at the doors and chose the one on the left. Pleased that she had picked the right one, the woman looked back at Sam. “Be right out.”

Within minutes, Crystal emerged from the room. “Okay, we ready to go?”

Sam gathered up her bag and purse after putting on her coat, pausing to look at the sparsely decorated wall. Brooke was obviously on her mind. “God, I love that woman,” she muttered under her breath.

“You know, Sam…I must say that I’m impressed.” Crystal pointed at the wall. “Only one picture of Loran and it’s not even that massive collage you had hanging at our house.”

“Huh…what, Crystal?” Sam came back to the present.

“Yeah, only one. Just as a reminder.” Sam felt the blush creeping up her neck. “Brooke kind of takes up the rest of my thoughts. I don’t really need any photos for that. She’s kind of ‘up close and personal,’ if you know what I mean.”

“And she doesn’t get jealous over another woman hanging on your wall?

“Why would she? Brooke knows that she’s the one that I love.”

“That is so sickeningly sweet.” Crystal grimaced like she’d just bitten into a pure sugar pie, then shook the look away as she reached into her purse and took out the car keys. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” Sam smiled. “Wait until you meet Brooke in person. She can be so sweet. You’ll die of sugar overload. Come on,” Sam moved toward the door. “Let’s get a move on. I can feel a craving coming on.”

Crystal watched Sam walk out the door. “Hmm…This I have got to see.”

Both time and miles were passing rather quickly as the two women caught up on the happenings in their lives. Sam had almost forgotten how much fun she’d had growing up with her cousin until they slipped right back into the easy banter that they’d always had.

“Hey, Crystal.” Sam glanced down at her watch. “You don’t have to speed. We’re ahead of Brooke by at least fifteen or twenty minutes already.”

“Ah…Sorry, I guess I’m just still on an adrenaline rush from work.” The driver monitored her speed and started to slow down. “After all, we do want to get there in one piece now, don’t we?”

Sam nodded her head. “Yeah, I think a certain tall friend of mine would be…” The sound of her cell phone disturbed her train of thought as it warbled on. Taking it out of her coat pocket, Sam looked at the number that was displayed and smiled. “Yeah…” the young woman laughed. “Where are you at, Babe?”

Brooke’s voice sounded hurried as she rushed to get out the words. “I’m sorry, Darlin’. I’m just now getting to the house. How far out are you?”

The blonde looked around for a familiar landmark, and then answered. “We’re just passing the grocery store. Why?”

“Make the turn and just come to the house, Sam. I’m sorry Babe, but I still need to shower and I’d hate for you two to be sitting in a restaurant waiting on me and Peter to get there.”

“Well, I guess it is dumb to take both cars now. I mean…since we are going right past you.” Sam watched the road ahead. “Up there, Crystal. That’s where you’ll need to make a right, then follow that down for about two miles or so.” She turned her attention back to the phone. “See you in a few then.”

“Okay, I love you.”

“Love you, too. Now get dressed…er showered…whatever…” Sam laughed and shook her head. “You’ve got me all befuddled just thinking about you.” Sam glanced over to her cousin, daring her to comment.

Brooke let go with a sexy little laugh. “Wait until tonight when it’s just the two of us.”

The young woman rolled her eyes, bringing her hand to her face, trying to stave off the growing blush that was taking over her fair skin. “You are a wicked woman but I still love you.”

“You’re blushing, aren’t you?” Brooke teased. “I love you. I’ll see you soon.”

“As if you didn’t know. Love you, too. Bye Brooke.” Sam turned off the phone and smiled, too embarrassed to look over at the driver.

Crystal stole a glance at her cousin and laughed as she muttered under her breath, “Ah…to be in love.”

After hanging up with Sam, Brooke paused for a moment to savor the time that she had just shared with the woman she loved. She could feel the smile widen across her face and knew that she had made a wise choice in coming upstairs to her office to make the call. Here, she had been able to speak without anyone listening in on her conversation. Leaving her thoughts of Sam’s voice and the small office behind, she moved swiftly down to the lower floor of the house where the rest of the family and guests were waiting. Rounding the corner of the hall and turning into the living room, she made her announcement.

“Okay, they’ll be here in about ten minutes.” She looked over toward the entranceway at the man leaning against the wall. “Peter, can you answer the door when they get here?” Brooke looked to her family. “The rest of you will hide out in the dining room and kitchen, okay?”

“Cool…I can do that.” Peter nodded vigorously, trying not to show his nervousness.

“I’m supposed to be in the shower…” Brooke raised her arm and sniffed. “Whew! As a matter of fact, I’d better go take one now. I don’t want Sam to get too suspicious right away.”

“Do I get to help?” Peter wanted to know.

“What? Help me shower?” Brooke raised an eyebrow in his direction. “No way, Dude.”

“Ah…” Peter sighed. “Same ol’ Brooke. Never wants to share with a friend.” He tried keeping a poker face but it was a losing battle.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Save water and shower with a friend.” Brooke crossed the room to the door and made sure it was unlocked. Then she leaned to whisper in Peter’s ear. “Dude, you’re not that friend.” She winked at him, smiled, and then started to walk back to the stairway leading to the second floor.

“Hey, I’ll do my part for the ecology,” he yelled after her teasingly. “I’ll suffer through it, just for you, Brooke.”

Brooke rolled her eyes at Peter’s teasing and made her way past the kitchen, stopping briefly to check on things with her mother. “Mom, is dinner just about ready?” She asked from the doorway.

“Yes, Dear. You go…get ready now. I’ll handle the kitchen.”

“Okay, thanks Mom.” Brooke turned to address the rest of the people who were now milling about the hall and dining room area. “Well, everyone, make yourselves at home but only back here. We don’t want to let the surprise slip out before its time.” Brooke smiled at C.C. then winked and hurried off to get ready for Sam.

The eldest Gordon daughter stood in the hall where she was able to watch Brooke as she orchestrated the events to come. Randi’s analytical mind was having a hard time putting all this together. She moved her position to the doorway of the kitchen as Brooke ascended the spiral staircase to the second floor and she watched the thirty-year old almost run up the stairs.

Mable sensed that something was troubling her daughter and took it upon herself to find out what. “Randi, come give me a hand will you?” She beckoned the woman with a wave as she turned toward the kitchen.

“Ah, sure Mom.” Randi went to her mother’s side.

“So, what’s up?”

“What do you mean, Mom?” The woman took the spoon that was offered to her and began stirring the contents of the pot cooking on the stove.

“I’ve seen you eyeing your sister. What’s on your mind?” Mabel busied herself with putting trays of appetizers into the oven.

“It just seems a little odd. That’s all.”

“Odd? What’s odd?” Mable turned and looked at her child. “Is it odd that Brooke wants everything to go smoothly for her sister’s friend?”

“No.” Randi shook her head. “Brooke is the one going through so much trouble to do this. That’s just it Mom, Sam is C.C.’s roommate, not Brooke’s.”

“Maybe you forgot how it was to be away from family on an important birthday. Maybe Brooke remembers, huh?”

Randi stopped stirring the contents of the pot. “Mom, don’t get me wrong. I like the kid.” She bit her lip, and then stirred the pot a time or two before continuing. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right.”

“Can’t you cut your sister a little slack here? She’s happy. What more could you want?”

“Happy?” The lawyer ran that concept through her head. “Of course I want her to be happy. But what do happy and Sam have to do with each other?”

Mable stopped abruptly, thinking about what her daughter had just said and bit at her lip.

“Mo-o-oth-er-r-r?” Randi drew the word out as a dark eyebrow rose high on her forehead.

“I was just thinking of how close Brooke and C.C. have always been.” Mable resumed her work putting more appetizers onto the pans for the oven.

“Uh-huh…Go on.”

The matriarch tried to downplay her thoughts. “Well, Sam’s just that same age. It seems to work well for your sister.”

“That,” Randi used the large spoon in her hand to make her point as she banged it against the pot, “has nothing to do with the words ‘happy’ and ‘Sam’ being placed in the same sentence, when it concerns Brooke.”

Shrugging innocently, Mable offered, “Maybe she sees something in Sam that she likes…or…” The woman trailed off.

“Or?” Randi demanded an answer.

“Randi, you know that Brooke has always been different.”

“Mom, you’re making absolutely no sense whatsoever.”

“Just watch her tonight and see if you don’t agree that she’s happy. Okay?”

The younger, frustrated woman threw her arms up in exasperation. “If you say so, Mom. I just wanted to know how it concerns Sam. That’s all.” Randi turned back to the pot of food and stirred it a little more vigorously than before. “Oh, I’ll be watching alright. I’m obviously being left out of something here.”

Mable turned and smiled at her daughter, then gave her a stern look. “You’ve got a long way to go when it comes to being a mother, Randi.”

The beat-up green jalopy pulled up the driveway, stopping in front of the huge house. The driver craned her neck to take in the entire building but was having a tough time of it through the windshield.

Sam unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door. “Come on, Crystal. You can see it up close and personal-like if you get out of the car. If she didn’t leave the door open, I know the access code to get in.”

“You’re sure this is the right place?” Crystal climbed out of the driver’s side hesitantly as she looked all around.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I told you that I’ve been spending the weekends here.” Sam rounded the car and pulled her cousin toward the house. Looking up she saw Peter come running out of the house and heading straight for them.

“Hey, Petey. Long time no see. How are you…umph” she was picked up and swung around by the exuberant man, “…doing?”

“Happy Birthday, Toots!” He laughed as he gave her a final turn and set her down next to her cousin. “Much better now, thanks.” He pointed to his cheek. “Come on, give me a kiss right there.”

“Surely.” Sam waited for him to bend at the knees to be able to reach his check and gave him a quick kiss then stepped back, grabbing onto Crystal by her hand. “This, Petey, is my cousin, Crystal.” Sam turned slightly, continuing the introduction. “Crystal, this is Petey. Ah…you know him better as Peter.”

The man bowed his head at the introduction. “Hello, Crystal. It’s so very nice to meet you.” Peter produced two roses from out of his back pocket and offered one to each of the women.

Sam watched as Crystal became pale and started to stutter. “You…you…Sam,” she turned to her cousin. “You didn’t tell me that we’d be meeting someone.”

Peter looked on with some concern, even offering Crystal his hand. “Are you going to be okay? I won’t bite. I promise…I mean…I haven’t bitten Sam yet,” he winked at the small blonde.

Finally Crystal mumbled some words. “God, I think I’m gonna faint.” The woman grew increasingly paler and did just that. She fainted.

Brooke’s ex-band mate stepped in, catching Crystal before she could do any additional injury to her condition before hitting the ground. He held her and looked over to Sam. “What do you think, Toots? I’d say that meeting went well.”

Sam sighed. “I was afraid of that happening. I’m glad it was here and not at some restaurant.”

“Well, let’s get her inside. Brooke’s in the shower, she’ll be down any minute.” Peter scooped the woman up in his arms and carried her inside, laying her down gently on the couch. “Watch her,” he directed Sam. “I’ll be right back.”

Sam shook her head in disbelief. Sitting down on the arm of the couch, she started fanning her cousin and patting her hand. “You’re in for some real surprises tonight, Crystal,” she muttered under her breath. “Tell me you’re not going to faint for each one.”

“How is she?” Peter came back into the room carrying a glass of water and took a seat on the couch by Crystal, watching her as she slowly came to. “Crystal?”

“You’d better not let her see you right away.”

Sam watched as her cousin opened her eyes to see her idol sitting next to her and watched as Crystal’s eyes rolled back and she fainted again.

“I’m sorry, Sam.” Peter got up and walked over to the other side of the room. “I didn’t mean to.”

“I told you she would.” Sam turned her attention back to her relative.

The guilty looking man gazed down at his feet, then back up at the women on the couch. “I’ll just go check on Brooke.”

Sam got up and went over to him. “Don’t feel bad, Petey. She’s just been dreaming about meeting you for years. Just give her a minute to have it all sink in. Okay?”

Peter nodded, then walked out of the room looking a little dejected but no worse for the wear as he trudged up the stairs toward Brooke’s bedroom. Reaching the door he called out to the woman inside. “Hey, you about ready in there?”

“Yeah, just about. Come on in,” Brooke answered him.

“You sure?” Peter opened the door and poked his head in, keeping his eyes tightly closed.

“I’m dressed, you fool. Come on.” She watched as he opened the door wider and stepped inside. Seeing his somber mood, she commented on it. “Why you looking so glum, chum?”

“Why didn’t you warn me that she’s a fainter? One look at me and she passed out in the driveway.”

“I’ve never seen Sam faint. Why would I know something like that?” She turned back to the mirror and ran the comb through her hair.

“You mean to tell me that Sam didn’t faint like her cousin Crystal when you told her who you were?”

Brooke looked at Peter’s reflection in the mirror. “No, actually, she chewed me a new asshole. She thought that I was impersonating myself to get her attention.”

The man found his eyes concentrating on Brooke’s butt. “I hope that was meant only figuratively.” He chuckled.

“Smart Ass,” she snapped at him, then went back to finishing her outfit off with a leather belt.

That brought a smile back to Peter’s face as he polished his nails on his shirt and then looked at them saying, “I’ve still got it. So, when are we yelling ‘surprise’ here? You know that I’m not good at keeping secrets.”

“Pretty soon. In fact, as soon as I see Sam and take her into the back of the house.” She turned and grabbed the shirt on the bed, pulling it over one arm. “Come on, let’s go see if your girl woke up.”

“My girl? He looked confused, then said it again. “My girl…now that has a ring to it.”

Brooke walked to the door then stopped in front of Peter. “So, how do I look?”

He tilted his head from side to side as he looked her over. “Like someone I once knew.” He laughed and patted her on the shoulder.

“Well, it’s for one night and only the way that I’m dressed,” Brooke stepped out into the hall before she added, “and only for her.”

Peter laughed. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll enjoy it a little too. God, it will be good to play together again.”

“I’m looking forward to playing with you, Petey.” She started down the hall.

“You know it.” He clapped her on the shoulder. “Let’s go have some fun.”

Sam watched as Crystal slowly came to and started to get up into a sitting position on the couch. She could feel the presence of someone as warm breath touched her ear.

“Is it safe to come in?” Brooke whispered as she stood behind the blonde.

Sam turned around and smiled at the woman she’d longed to see all day. “Always, for you.”

Brooke stole a glance over her shoulder, then held her arms open, inviting Sam into a warm embrace. “Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Brooke.” Sam’s voice was soft as she closed in for a kiss, hugging her like mad.

“I love you, Sam.” Brooke whispered in her ear, so no one else could hear her. After giving her a kiss, the tall woman picked her up, hugging her once more.

“Brooke.” Sam scolded her. “Crystal’s here.” She watched as Brooke playfully wiggled her eyebrows, then set her down. Sam pulled her around the side of the couch and stood in front of her cousin. “Crystal, this big Amazon here is Brooke Gordon. Brooke, this is my cousin, Crystal.” Sam made the introductions.

The tall woman extended her hand to Crystal. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry that my friend scared you earlier.”

Crystal pushed her hair back from her face. “Well, it’s not everyday that you meet someone that you’ve dreamed of.” She looked over at the timid looking man in the doorway. “Come on, I think the initial shock is over.” Crystal blushed when Peter pointed to himself. “I’m sorry.”

“Awe…don’t worry about it.” Peter shyly walked in and crouched down in front of Crystal, then hesitated before smiling into her face.

“I’m okay now, Peter…ah…Petey…I’m not sure what to call you.”

“Brooke normally calls me Shithead so, I don’t think it could get any worse.”

The confused woman looked first at Peter, then Brooke, then Sam, not sure of what to think.”

“Yeah, keep it up Shithead and it will,” Brooke cautioned him.

Peter made a face at her then turned back to Crystal, handing her the rose from earlier. “Here, I believe you dropped this outside.”

“Brooke…” Sam nudged her off to the side. “Isn’t that cute.”

“Hmmm…?” Brooke looked back at Peter, then agreed. “Yeah, I think he’s trying to be a new man. He’s finally growing up.”

Sam watched Crystal’s reaction as she took the rose from the man. “I think it’s working. Why don’t we give them some privacy?” She motioned to the front door.

The dark-haired woman nodded. “Okay, maybe we could use some too.”

“Now that, I could like.” Sam led the way out onto the front doorstep.

“What’s that?”

“Private time with you…even in those very retro clothes.” Sam commented on Brooke’s outfit.

“Hey, I found it in the closet earlier.” Brooke tugged at her outfit. “I happen to know that I was wearing this outfit in that one photograph that you still have on your wall.”

“So, that’s why it looks so familiar. And I thought it was from rooting around in your closet for something to wear.” Sam laughed.

“You don’t like leather?”

“I didn’t say that. Not at all.” She reached around and hugged the woman. “I love it, Babe.”

“Come on,” Brooke pulled back from the hug after giving Sam a brief kiss. “What do you say we go get those two and do something about dinner?”

Nodding her head, Sam agreed. “That might be a good idea. That leather is just too intriguing.” The blonde ran her hand over the leather pants and wiggled her eyebrows seductively. She looked into Brooke’s eyes, noticing a lone arched eyebrow and began to blush. “You know what I mean.”

“Uh-huh. I do.” She turned the blonde around and scooted her inside. “Hey, Petey, you ready for dinner?”

“Yeah,” he turned toward her as he stood up holding his hand out for Crystal to take. “Hey, you’re not forgetting to get the dog in, are you?”

“Oh, yeah,” Brooke feigned forgetfulness. “Sam can you let him in through the patio door? He’s in the side yard.”

“Why don’t we all just head out that way? It’s going to save us some time.” Sam pointed out.

“Okay,” Brooke looked back to Peter and motioned with her head. “Let’s go.”

Peter helped Crystal up from the couch and they followed Sam’s lead as she made her way toward the back end of the house.

“Ah…Listen. He knows I’m here.” Sam could hear the whimpers of the dog and quickened her steps to get to Mario. “Where’s my buddy?” She turned the corner and the sound of people yelling startled her.


The blonde stopped short and gasped for air. “What? Who? C.C., Brooke.” She called out not knowing which one to blame as the group was singing a rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ to her. Too embarrassed, Sam shook her head and hid her face in her hands, sneaking an occasional look at Brooke as she surveyed the room.

Brooke watched as Sam reacted to the surprise, pleased that she was able to pull it off.

Sam turned and whispered, “You did say ‘not at the restaurant’, didn’t you?”

The tall woman leaned into her and whispered back, “Yep…I love you.”

Sam got a very pleased look on her face as the song was coming to an end. This has to be the best birthday of all. “Crystal, did you know about this?”

“Not me.” Crystal shook her head looking innocent.

Amid the cheers and well wishes at the end of the song, C.C. walked over to Sam. “Happy Birthday there, Ms. twenty-one year old roomie.”

Sam reached out and hugged her friend. “God, C.C., I love you. You’re the best roomie a girl could want.”

C.C. whispered in her ear, “Yeah, what are in-laws for, right?” She stole a glance at Brooke, then amended her words, “Well, almost. Happy Birthday, Sam.” She moved back from the blonde but continued talking. “Come on. Mom made dinner and Dad made dessert.”

“Thanks, everyone. I never expected all of this.” Sam looked around the room with tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love she was witnessing. “I really feel like I’m at home here with you guys. Thanks.”

Mable walked over to Sam and gave her a hug. “You are home, Dear. Happy Birthday.”

Sam tightened her grip on the woman, then released it saying, “Thanks, for everything.” The blonde glanced at Brooke then back to Mable. “I feel very at home here and it’s all because of you.”

“You’re welcome, Sweetheart.” She smiled and moved back toward the kitchen.

Brooke stood by the door watching her mother and Sam, smiling the whole time as she waited for Sam to make her way over to her.

“Now I know where you get that endearment from.”

“Which one…Sweetheart?”

“Yep, that’s the one.” Sam nodded her head, not seeing Mable come out of the kitchen, pausing momentarily as she walked by.

“She gets that one from me and the ‘Darlin’ from Henry.” Mable commented as she passed by.

“Well, I like them both and she uses them equally as well.” Sam called after her.

“Okay, everyone. The buffet line starts in the kitchen so don’t be shy.” After this announcement, Mable turned and took her place behind her husband in the line for food.

Brooke stayed still watching the crowd shift to the other room and grabbed Sam’s arm before she could follow them.

“Yes?” Sam gave her a puzzled look.


Sam looked around to see if anyone was looking at them, then got up on her toes and stole a kiss from the tall woman. “Very surprised.”

Brooke chuckled at her antics. “You ain’t seen anything yet.” She winked at the blonde, “Come on, let’s eat.”

Blonde brows furrowed for a second or two, and then Sam grinned boldly. “Guess I’m just going to have to wait and see what comes next, huh?”

The tall woman let her one eyebrow arch in challenge to the younger woman. “Guess so.”

With the dinner done and the dishes of leftover food just about all put away, Henry ventured over to Brooke and put a glass of beer in her hand. “You’re up, kid.” He winked and motioned in toast fashion with his own glass of suds.

Brooke started to protest as she accepted the glass.

“Let’s go, Brooke. We don’t have all night.” He teased her.

“Ah…you know how I hate to be put on the spot… but I seem to be doing these quite a lot.”

C.C. overheard Brooke’s protest and eagerly sought to help her sister out. “Hey, I’m twenty-one now. You want me to give it?” She jumped up ready to start, but was quickly pushed back down by Randi and Terri.

Brooke took a few steps to the center of the room and nodded in C.C.’s direction. “A sharp tongue this one has for someone who’s too big for her britches…But then again, so do the rest of you…uhm…ladies.”

“There you go, C.C. That will teach you,” Terri interjected.

“Teach her what, Terri?” Randi commented, “You know she’s hopeless.”

Brooke cleared her throat in an effort to regain control. “Excuse me. I’m trying to do my toast.”

Terri looked over at Randi and made a face causing the lawyer to roll her eyes as she sipped from her drink.

“God, no wonder you’re a pediatrician. You get down on their level, don’t you?” Randi threw her comment out just as Brooke was about to start again.

Mable glared at her daughters, then urged Brooke on. “Please continue.”

“The newest addition is no longer a child… But a twenty-one year old woman gone wild.” She winked at Sam and then continued. “I’m glad we could share with her this monumental day and welcome her, from our hearts, to stay. In such a short time she’s come to mean quite a bit…”

“Hey, Sam. You going somewhere that we don’t know about?” Terri asked.

“Ah…no. I don’t think so.”

“Hell we’ve got to keep her. Look at who she rooms with.” Randi yelled out as she heckled her youngest sister, pointing at her.

“Hey, I’m a good roomie. Just ask her. Right, Sam?”

The blonde shrugged her shoulders and nodded, never taking her eyes off of Brooke as she walked over to Sam and presented her with a single red rose.

“A rose by another name could never be as sweet, as her name on the wind, sure to make some lucky heart beat.”

Sam took the rose and found that at the same time, she was also holding her breath, waiting to hear the rest. A shy smile came to her face knowing that it was Brooke’s own heart that she was talking about.

Seeing the reaction on Sam’s face pleased Brooke to no end and she smiled warmly as she motioned to the rest of the family and she started back up with her toast. “Please accept this night as just a small token… Of our friendship, our love and deepest devotion.” She hesitated when she saw the tear roll down Sam’s cheek, but forced herself to continue on. “May your twenty-first birthday be more memorable than all the rest.”

Brooke reached out and wiped the tear from Sam’s cheek with her thumb and then smiled. “As I’m sure patience will be put to the test, of how much you can stand and how much you can take, of this birthday pastry C.C. attempted to bake.”

Sam giggled and glanced over to her roommate just in time to see the angered woman shoot the finger at Brooke as she muttered under her breath. “You wait, Brooke. I’ll remember this.”

Laughing it off, Brooke turned back to Sam and continued, “All kidding aside, we all mean well and hopefully after tonight you can tell…”

Sam looked around the room, then centered her full attention back on Brooke.

“How deeply you’ve affected the lives in this room. We’d steal the sunrise or lasso the moon to keep you smiling and keep you here to stay.” Brooke could see that Sam was trying to restrain herself from showing all the emotions that she was feeling. The fact that she was biting at her lip and sitting on her hands only confirmed her lover’s desire to be doing something else with them and she found herself getting a little warm at the thought. “Welcome to the family and Happy Birthday.” Whew! I made it.

Sam reluctantly tore her eyes off Brooke and took in the rest of the room. “You guys are the greatest. I…I don’t know what else to say but thank you.” She turned back to Brooke who was standing in front of her. “And especially you, for that wonderful toast.” The blonde wiped the tears away from her cheeks using both hands as she felt the warmth of a blush start up her neck.

The tall woman shook her head and waved off Sam’s words, “Ehh…It was nothing.” She held out her arms and embraced the small woman. “Happy Birthday, Kiddo.” Then she quietly whispered in her ear, “I love you, so much.”

“Hell, Brooke.” C.C. spoke up. “Aren’t you going to finish it? Jeez, if I want to drink I’d better do it myself.”

“Yeah, C.C. go ahead. You can finish it by adding your own for a change,” Terri egged her on.

C.C. stood up boldly with the glass of beer in her hand and proclaimed, “Sam Addams for life and Molson forever!”

Brooke turned from Sam to see the boisterous woman, not realizing that she still had her arm around the blonde’s shoulder. “C.C. that’s wrong. It’s Sam Addams forever but Molson for life.”

The brunette stopped in mid drink and thought for a moment. “Yeah, I knew that,” she assured her sister before letting out a loud hiccup that surprised her as well as everyone else. “I stand corrected by my older sister.” C.C. laughed and downed her beer after first lifting it in Sam’s direction.

The family all laughed and followed suit, downing the toast in their hands while Brooke whispered in Sam’s ear again, “Happy Birthday, Sam.”

The blonde took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, wanting to savor the moment. “Thanks, Brooke,” she said softly. “That was the best present yet.

“You’re welcome.” Brooke winked at her. “And just wait, there’s quite a bit more.”

“MORE?” Sam asked, astounded at what she already knew about. “What could you possibly do that would top this? Tell me.”

“You’ve only gotten the small stuff,” Brooke gave her a little squeeze, then winked at Peter and motioned with her head. “Mom, should I tell her?” Brooke let her arm slide down from around Sam’s shoulders.

“I don’t know…” Mable looked at her daughter then at the blonde. “You think she’ll like it?”

“I damn sure hope so.” Brooke had never given that a thought.

Mable shooed her daughter off, “You go do what you have to…I’ll get her there.”

“Don’t worry, Sam. Mom and Crystal will help you, right Crystal?”

“Hey, whatever I can do. Come on Sam, it’s got to be fun with these guys all around.” Crystal egged her cousin on.

Brooke reached into her half-opened shirt and produced a blindfold. Holding it up, she smiled and motioned with her finger for Sam to turn around. “Trust me, Sam. It’s only to ensure the surprise until the right moment.

“Oh…” she looked at Brooke, then her mother. “Okay, you know that I trust you.” Sam turned around and allowed the blindfold to be put in place.

“Can you see anything?” Brooke asked as she turned her around and waved her hand in front of Sam’s face. Waiting a few seconds, she leaned into the blonde and fiddled with the knot.

“Nope, nothing.” Sam advised her after twisting her head around trying to see out. Then, while Brooke was still close she whispered, “But I can still smell.” She sniffed the air and smiled, “And you smell delicious.”

“Later, Darlin’,” Brooke whispered back as she moved away. “Okay, everyone. You know where to go.”

“I know…I know.” Sam muttered under her breath as Crystal and Mabel both took her by an arm.

Brooke walked out toward the patio as she removed her outer shirt. Coming up behind the woman in a cut-off shirt missing the sleeves and half of the body, Crystal had a clear shot of Brooke’s lower back. As Brooke raised her arms to put her long hair into a ponytail, the tattoo came into view. Drums blazing with fire and the words written above it started Crystal thinking.

Grabbing the pair of drumsticks in one hand and the sunglasses in the other from the table next to the door, Brooke turned around to see the honored guest following behind. “You okay, Sam?”

Crystal watched as Sam nodded, then turned her gaze to the woman at the door. Now it came to her. “SweetMaryJesusandJoseph!” Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped open.

Sam sensed her cousin’s shock. “Crystal…am I going to like this?”


Mable stepped in to ease Sam’s trepidation. “You’re going to love it, Dear.”

“Now you’re scaring me,” Sam took in a breath, not knowing what to expect as she heard the sound of a guitar. “Petey, is that you? Tell me that you’re going to sing Happy Birthday to me now.”

“Sure, I’ll sing to you, Toots. But not that song.” He looked around at his two band members, then settled on Brooke as she sat down behind the kit and got comfortable.

Sam was startled by the new set of hands on her shoulders as someone leaned in and talked to her.

“Well, they’re going to sing something, that’s for sure.” C.C. nudged her roommate. “And it’s just for you.”

“God, not one of your drinking songs, C.C. Have pity on your mother.” Sam laughed knowing how rowdy her friend could get.

“Not likely,” C.C. said and walked away.

The next thing Sam knew, she heard Brooke’s voice loudly count off the beat to four and the area was filled with the sounds of ‘Inside Your Head’. Mable pulled the blindfold off and stood back giving Sam a front row view of the group of musicians.

Squinting to adjust her eyes to the light, Sam started to recognize the song and before she knew it, the band had come into view.

“OhMyGod!” She turned and yanked on her cousin’s arm. “Crystal…do you see…see who that is?” Tears were forming in the young woman’s eyes as a smile grew in intensity across her face. She knew how much Brooke despised being Loran and now, here she was, taking on that role, just to give Sam the one thing that she’d ever dreamed of…seeing Anti-Zero live in concert. The blonde was filled with such love for the woman that she thought her small body would bust from holding it in.


The blonde stood smiling, her gaze directed at only one musician, Loran. “What, Crys?”

“Loran…Your Brooke is Loran?”

“Yeah,” a huge smile came to Sam’s face. “Isn’t she great?”

“But…she…I mean…isn’t she…” Crystal stuttered, unable to put her thoughts into words.

Just then Brooke placed her sunglasses on top of her head and winked at Sam as they ended one song and moved into another.

Sam nodded along with the beat of the music. “Yeah, and don’t say it here. No one else but C.C. and her mom knows.”

“Knows what?” Crystal asked.

Leaning in to keep the secret safe, Sam whispered. “Knows that Brooke and I are…ah…”

“OH!” Crystal’s eyes grew bigger as she got the message. “Seeing one another? But I thought that Loran was…” She searched for a better way to put it but couldn’t. “…uhm…ah…slut?” Crystal looked at Brooke and then back to Sam. “She didn’t seem that way at all now when I just met her.”

“Loran, yes. Well, that’s what they wanted us to think. They did a good job with rumors and stories about her exploits.” Sam looked up to Brooke and returned a wink to the woman. “Brooke. She’s just like me.” Sam nudged Crystal as she centered her eyes on her favorite drummer and smiled.

The group was really warmed up, now that they were several songs into their gig, when Sam heard the opening strains of her favorite song, Anti-Zero. Immediately her head started bobbing with the music and soon her body was dancing shamelessly, as if no one was watching. She couldn’t help herself when that song came on and she knew not to fight it.

Sam danced her way over to Brooke’s mother. “I don’t know how she did it…but God, you’ve got to love her for it.” She turned just in time to see the drummer move her mic closer to her mouth and knew that Brooke would be singing her heart out soon.

Mable viewed the young woman with pride. “Actually, Dear, that would be your job.”

“Oh, I will Mom, don’t worry about that,” Sam assured her.

They shared a look, and then the matriarch hugged Sam. “So, are you any better with that toast of hers now, or is it still bothering you?”

“I’m still wondering if that was a fluke or did she really know of my coming. If that’s what you mean.”

“What do you mean, Sam?” Mable noticed that her dancing had slowed down some and motioned for her to move away from the others. “I think we need to talk, Sam. Do you mind?”

The blonde looked back to the dark-haired drummer and nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.” She stopped her dancing now altogether and followed the older woman back toward the house. “Before you say anything Mom, I did the math. I was still in my mother’s womb when she was at camp that year.”

The matriarch laughed. “You know, Brooke had turned her nose up at the mere mention of alcohol until that summer. It seemed like everything changed then.”

“I’m being foolish, aren’t I?” Sam looked down to her feet. “It’s just a little spooky. Don’t you think?”

“Not at all, Dear,” Mable put her arm around Sam and pulled her into a hug. “Not really. She was so funny as a child.”

“Funny?” The blonde looked up, waiting to hear the story. “How?”

“I remember Brooke came home on Valentine’s Day from school that year…” Mable let her mind go back to that day. “She was nine then and had never really been one to make up things. That was when she invented her own little imaginary friend, or at least that’s what Henry and I thought.”

“Hmm…I think we all do at times,” Sam offered remembering her own childhood.

“Well, it didn’t last long. Valentine’s Day was the first we ever heard of her and then, poof…” Mable exaggerated the word, throwing her arm up and then continued. “She wasn’t there anymore.”

“I wonder why?” Sam turned to look back at Brooke as she played, well into her music.

Mable joined her and slowly told the rest of her story. “Don’t know. Brooke had been planning for weeks what to wear for trick or treating that year. I remember I asked her when she came home from school that Halloween afternoon if she needed a costume for her friend…” the woman paused and turned pale.

“Yeah? You can’t stop there,” Sam urged her on.

“She said that Mas wasn’t there anymore, so she didn’t need one. As sudden as her imaginary friend had shown up, she was gone.”

“That’s even more spooky, Mom. My birthday is the day before Halloween.”

Mable looked Sam in the eye and just smiled. “Maybe she knew something back then.”

“What did she call her?” The blonde’s gaze was intent.

“Mas…that was her imaginary friend’s name. Well, at least that was what Brooke called her.”

“No…” The color in Sam’s face drained, leaving her pale. “That’s not possible. Is it?”

“What, Sam?” Mable searched the young woman’s face for an answer.

“That’s Sam spelled backwards.”

Both women slowly turned to look up at Brooke. Each one trying to fathom the possibility of it all. With nothing more to say on the subject, Mable hugged Sam and kissed her on the forehead, then walked away from the young woman in search of Henry.

Sam wandered through the guests as she slowly made her way back up to where Crystal was standing. “Hey, Crystal…are you glad that you came?” The blonde tried to lose her pensive mood.

“You betcha,” She smiled at her cousin. “But you are a devil for keeping that from me.” Crystal motioned to Brooke and smiled as the music ended.

They both turned to look at the small stage as Peter started to talk.

“You know, it has to be Halloween time. I remember Brooke saying that Hell would freeze over before all of us played together again.” He grinned and looked to his two band mates.

Sam closed her eyes and knew just how much Brooke loved her to do something like this. Pulled back to reality by the sound of her name, Sam immediately looked up at Peter.

“Not only that, but we actually have a couple of new tunes for the birthday girl, penned by our illustrious drummer, Brooke…” he turned around and glanced at her, “…Gordon.”

God, she wrote songs just for me? A bigger smile crossed Sam’s face as she stood in awe of the woman. Now that’s the woman I really love.

The music started and within seconds, Sam recognized it. The song was the one that Brooke had written after their fight. As Peter sang the words, Sam found herself biting at her lip, holding back a tear for what the song was really about.

“Never again, Brooke. No more secrets between us.” Sam whispered as she became lost in the drummer. Before she realized it, the song was over and Peter was setting up the next one.

“Thank you.” He acknowledged the applause. “Now this next one is my personal favorite. Another new tune, this is Unbroken.” He turned to catch a quick glance at Brooke, then looked back out to the audience. “It’s so like Brooke to write a song about a hammer hitting her balls.”

Everyone laughed, that is, except Brooke’s father who just cringed, then shook his head.

Leaning into her microphone to be heard, Brooke voiced her reply. “Keep it up, Petey and something will hit yours.” She grinned, raising one eyebrow in challenge while twirling the drumstick in her fingers.

The man looked out into the audience. “Hopefully, it will.”

C.C. looked over to Crystal and yelled, “You go, girl!” She raised her hand in the air and made a whooping noise.

Obviously embarrassed Crystal hid her face in Sam’s shoulder. “If I’m gonna die, Lord take me now.”

Sam patted her cousin’s head and laughed. “Don’t worry, C.C.’s harmless.”

The music started once again and Sam found that even though it was a new one, it sounded so familiar to her. “The shower song.” Green eyes lit up with delight. She saw the question on Crystal’s face and elaborated for her. “That’s the song that Brooke’s been humming in the shower. I know that melody.” Sam stopped and listened to the words.

“Cause when the hammer falls and it hits my balls it’s cool…cause I’m Unbroken…”

“I can see how close that song comes to actually describing Brooke. It’s her song alright.” Sam smiled as Brooke pointed her drumstick at her just as the next phrase started.

“Give me the chance to prove to you, that you’re Unbroken, too.”

Sam nodded slightly knowing that Brooke would see it. All the time, she never noticed that James had caught it also. He’d been keeping his eye on her and not saying much of anything.

Soon the birthday girl found her name being called out once again.

“Sam…” Brooke leaned into her microphone. “Could you come up here for a moment. Please?” The drummer watched as Sam turned red from embarrassment but complied. Once she made her way there, Brooke stood up and pulled Sam in front of her.

“What are you doing?” Sam whispered.

“You’ll see.” Brooke sat as far back as she could on her stool, then pulled Sam down to sit in front of her.

“In front of everyone?” Sam’s nervousness was evident as she turned a deeper shade of red, then winked at Peter, throwing her head back into Brooke.

Brooke spoke softly. “Yep, this way I can touch you without anyone knowing.” The tall woman smiled and settled against Sam.

“Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” The blonde eagerly wrapped her arms around Brooke’s and stretched to place her feet on top of the woman’s much larger ones. “Okay, ready to go.”

Brooke gave Peter a nod and they went into the next song. The drummer kept her eyes open to watch Sam as they played out the percussion of the song. The two women were lost in a private world of their own making as they moved together to keep the beat.

Sam concentrated on the movement of the sticks as she stole glances over her shoulder at the woman behind her.

“Having fun?” Brooke whispered in her ear during a break in the song.

“You better believe it.”

When the song ended, Sam rose slowly, thanking Brooke for the experience and went back into the crowd to watch the rest of the show.

James watched closely at the look that was on Brooke’s face. He’d never seen her like that…all nice and loving. He turned back to his amp tower, took the bottle of beer in his hand and guzzled it down.

Off to the corner of the patio Randi sat taking in the cozy scene of her sister and Sam. She’d watched them throughout the night exchanging glances and winks. The protector button was pushed as the oldest sibling assumed her role. The lawyer took another drink from her glass, then muttered under her breath. “Smitten by the love bug, are you little sister? Well, I’ll just make sure that is all that bites you.” Randi’s gaze followed Sam as she left Brooke’s side and went back into the group of guests.

When it finally came time for a break, Brooke didn’t hang with her band, but instead sought out Sam. The tall woman watched her from a distance, then slowly sauntered up to where the two cousins were standing.

“Having fun, Sweetheart?” Brooke drawled out.

Sam turned to see the tall drummer standing by her. Teasing the woman, the blonde shook her head a time or two then quickly changed it to a nod. “Yes, I’m having a wonderful time. Thank you so much, Brooke.”

“You’re welcome.” Brooke reached out and gave her a hug with an arm around her shoulder. “Happy Birthday.”

“I never expected this when you asked me what I wanted for my birthday.” Sam turned her face to Brooke’s ear. “God, I love you.”

Brooke grinned, feeling the butterflies in her stomach coming to life. “I love you.” The woman looked down to the ground then back into Sam’s green eyes. “Do you have any idea at all just how bad I want to kiss you right now?”

The young woman blushed slightly as she admitted her own need. “About as bad as I do.”

With too many people around for her to take action, Brooke drew Sam’s cousin into the conversation. “How are you doing, Crystal? Are you having a good time?”

Distracted by watching Peter, Crystal hurriedly turned to Brooke. “Uhm…did you say something?”

“You having a good time?” Brooke asked again, a knowing smile showing itself on her face.

“Yeah, the best time of my life.” Crystal’s gaze didn’t leave Peter’s image for more than a few seconds before returning to it.

“Glad to hear it. Would you mind if I borrowed your cousin for a moment?”

“Ah…no, go right ahead,” she turned back to view Peter. “I’m busy here anyway. Is Peter…ah…no forget it.”

“Is Peter, what? Single? Interested?” Brooke raised an eyebrow, pausing for a moment, then continued. “Interested in you, perhaps?” The drummer winked at Sam.

Crystal dropped her head as if she had been sentenced to death. One eye raised and she slowly turned to look at Brooke. “You read all that in two words?”

“Yep! And just in case you want to know the answers they’re yes, yes and hell, yes.”

Sam poked the tall woman in the side as she talked to her cousin. “You should see what she can do with no words at all.”

Brooke wiggled her eyebrows as she took a drink of her beer.

“I think I’ll pass on that one, Sam. Her hands may be good but sometimes you just have to have a little more to play with.” Crystal turned to look for the bass player. “Now Peter on the other hand…”

Caught off guard by Crystal, a fine golden spray of beer shot out of Brooke’s mouth. The drummer swiped the back of her hand across her mouth to get the excess moisture off of her lips, as a startled look came to her face.

Surprised by Brooke’s actions, Crystal asked, “What did I say?”

“Nothing, nothing at all.” Brooke whistled loud in the air and waved her hand for the man to see. “Hey, Petey. Someone needs to talk to you.” She watched as he acknowledged her call and walked away from James, toward them.

Taking Sam’s hand in her own, Brooke winked at Crystal. “Have fun.” Then started to walk away.

Noticing that she was now standing alone, Crystal turned from watching Peter walking toward her to the two women walking away from her. “Hey… where are you two going? You’re not going to leave me here alone…with…” she turned to see Peter only a step or two away. “Oh, hi Petey.”

Moving through the guests as quickly as they could without causing a scene, Brooke pulled Sam around the side of the house and into the deep shadows of the bushes.

“Hmm…My mother always told me to watch out for drummers that pulled me into bushes.” Sam tilted her head for a better view of Brooke’s face. “Should I be worried about you?”

Brooke spun her around and backed her up against the side of the house, pinning her there with her own body. “Only if you’re worried about me kissing you.” The drummer leaned in and kissed the blonde on her neck.

“Not in the least.” Sam giggled at the featherweight touch. “Kiss away.”

They stared into each other’s eyes, speaking volumes where words could not. Slowly they came together, thoroughly kissing each other until they were almost breathless. When they couldn’t hold out on air another second, they parted, gasping for the sustenance of life.

“Promise me…” Brooke started but hesitated.

“To what…” Sam searched the blue eyes for her answer, “…to love you always?”

“Yes…and to kiss me like that for the rest of my life.”

“Hmm…maybe even better with some practice. Do you think you can pry yourself away from those drums some time?”

“For you…anytime.”

“Speaking of time…” Sam looked up at the darkening sky. “You know the longer you play, the less time we have to ourselves.”

“I know. There’s not too much more. Just a few more songs and…” Brooke leaned in to the blonde. “You…” she growled playfully, “are mine.” The drummer nipped at Sam’s ear.

Sam shivered as a chill ran down her back. “Now that really gives me something to look forward to.”

“MMMmm…” Brooke purred. “Come on, let’s get back before we’re missed.”

“And why would we be missed…Hmm…?” Sam teased. “Other than that I’m the birthday girl and you’re the drummer? Let them wait another minute.” Sam pulled the tall woman down into a kiss that told her exactly what she thought of the drummer.

“And to think that I was just going to ask you what you planned on doing with me now that you’ve got me.”

Sam laughed and slowly pushed on Brooke’s chest to move her away.

“If you’d like for me to survive the remaining time with everyone here, I’d watch those hands.” Brooke cautioned her lover.

“Gee, and I thought it would make you play faster,” Sam teased.

“Oh, it’ll make me play faster, Sam. Just not the drums.” Dark eyebrows wiggled as she laughed.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that…not right now at least.” The blonde smiled coyly. “Come on, we’d better get back.”

Brooke gave Sam a quick kiss on the cheek, and then took the blonde’s hand, leading her out of the shadows and over to the corner of the house. As they made the turn and started down the path, they could see Peter walking rather briskly toward them.

Looking up from the path, Peter saw the person he was looking for. “Ah…there you are.”

“Are we ready to go back on?” Brooke pulled Sam’s arm up into the light and looked at her watch. “I thought we were taking a twenty minute break.”

“Brooke, can I talk to you before we do?” The man seemed very intent on getting his wish.

Thinking that it might be personal, Sam took the hint when blue eyes glanced over to her. “I’ll head on back to the gang,” she spoke softly to Brooke.

As she passed the bass player, she gave him the homage that he was due. “Nice job, Petey. Thanks for the gift.”

“See you soon, Sweetheart.” Brooke watched the blonde smile and nod in her direction, then waited for her to leave before turning to Peter. “So, what’s up?”

“Ah…” Peter looked down to the ground then brought his eyes up to meet Brooke’s. “I just wanted to tell you that James might not last too much longer tonight.” The man looked away for a moment, then started to speak again. “I…I told him that I’m leaving the group…as soon as he finds someone to replace me.”

Brooke’s blue eyes narrowed as she gazed at the man. “What do you mean by you’re leaving? Peter, when did you decide on that?”

“Just now, while we played together.” He gulped, and then rubbed his hands together nervously. “I think I’m growing up, Brooke. I looked at you and Sam. I want that. I want what you two have.”

The tall woman ran a hand through her hair and let out a long breath. “I take it that he had a shit fit?”

“He’s too shit faced to do that yet. But it will sink in sooner or later.”

Brooke looked down to the group of people gathered on her patio and a smile came to her face as her eyes fell on Sam. “You know Peter, I won’t let you have her.”

“What? Who?” He turned to follow Brooke’s stare. “Oh, Sam…God no.” Peter smirked at the insinuation. “I’m kind of taken with Crystal. Well, at least I think I am.”

“So, I’ve noticed. She seems to be pretty taken with you, too.” Brooke put her arm around his shoulder. “Just take it a day at a time.”

Peter looked back to the crowd to find the woman they were talking about. When he did, a smile came to his face. “God, I hope so,” he sighed.

“Hell, Petey, you don’t even live in this state any more.”

“That can change. A lot of things can change.” He thought for a moment, then shook his head. “James…he ain’t ever going to change.”

“So, what are you going to do about him? Hell, what are you going to do about playing?”

Peter shook his head in disgust. “Do the best I can and find someone to take my place.”

“No, I mean for you, not him.”

The man shrugged. “Don’t know yet, but I’m open to suggestions, as long as they include one New Age Crystal.” Peter smiled as the blush brought color to his face. He paused for a few seconds, not being used to this new feeling. “Damn it, Brooke. If this is love…I think I’m feeling it for the first time.”

“Really? You just met her ah…six hours ago?”

Both musicians looked back to the crowd and sought out the women in their lives. Without realizing it, they both nodded their heads in unison.

“Six hours…six years…six days…I’m there…hook, line, and sinker.” Peter thought out loud.

Brooke stared at Sam, seeing the woman of her dreams, and she had to agree. “I hear ya brother, loud and clear.”

Only a few people still remained when it came time to pack up the equipment at the end of the night. C.C. and Mable were clearing glasses off the patio while Randi and Henry were seeing the last of the guests out the door. Sam chose to help the band, certain that it would keep her close to Brooke.

James straightened up after putting his guitar away in the travel case. “Well, Brooke,” he grabbed his bottle of beer and drained it. “Are you happy with your little charade into the past?”

Brooke’s head shot up from the task she was doing and turned in his direction. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Was it good enough to get you what you wanted?”

“What in the hell are you talking about, James?” Brooke put her mic and stand down.

James’ face took on a cocky disposition as he looked over at Sam and smiled lecherously. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot, play the saint, Brooke.”

The drummer walked over to him and stared down into his eyes, using her height to her advantage. “I don’t play the saint.” Her gaze was colder than an iceberg. “And just for your information, my relationship with Sam is none of your business.”

“I’m not scared of you.” He lost his balance and used a hand on his amp to steady himself. “You took away my future before and I survived.”

“I’m not trying to scare you, but I’m not intimidated by your bullshit either.”

“What’s the matter, Brooke? Wasn’t that enough…now you have to turn Peter against me?”

“I didn’t take anything away from you.” She clenched her fists and took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “You managed that all by your pitiful, pathetic self. You did that all on your own.”

James took another swig from his beer bottle, then wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. “It was always about you, wasn’t it, Brooke? Never what we wanted.”

“You’re deranged, James. Why don’t you go sleep it off somewhere? Anywhere but here.” Brooke shook her head pathetically, then turned her back to him and started to walk away.

The irate man reached out and grabbed her shoulder, attempting to turn her around. “Just like that last night as Anti-Zero. You turn your back on me when I wanted more.”

“It was exactly what you wanted that made me turn my back.” Brooke let the words seethe out of her mouth with all the anger she could muster and still not go ballistic. “Now get you’re fuckin’ hands off me.”

“Sorry, I forgot. You don’t play with boys, you just want to be one.” He stood there and laughed.

Brooke’s eyes turned to a steely shade of blue. “Remove your hand or I’ll remove it for you,” she commanded.

James’ eyes quickly found Sam and he leered at her. “Don’t worry Baby, if she can’t do it for you, just let me know. I’ll take care of you.”

He puckered his lips to blow a kiss but never got that far as Brooke’s temper flared, causing her to lunge for his neck. Their loud voices had already started to draw people back to the patio.

“You sonofabitch!” Brooke growled as she moved fast in his direction, trying to wring his neck.

James stumbled backward, trying to stay clear of her fury. “Well, at least I’ll get one good tumble out of you now.”

“You stay the hell away from me and Sam. You really don’t want to piss me off anymore, James.” The enraged woman was trying not to kill the bastard.

“Brooke…” Sam came up behind the angered woman and with her small hands around the muscular arms of the drummer, tried to hold her back. “Not here. Not now. Think of your family.”

The woman’s tone was sharp and cutting. “I am, and he’s not part of it. You are.”

“I never was a part of it…of you…was I?” James looked her straight in the eye, challenging her to say differently.

“You were my best friend. You were more a part of me than anyone. Damn it, James. We grew up together. We’ve known each other since we were four years old.” She leveled a cold, clear glare at him. “You were the one that screwed that all up with that shit you pulled the night I left.” She brought her fist down with a vengeance onto the small table next to where she stood, causing it to rock from side to side. “I will never forgive you or trust you ever again after that.”

“We grew up together, but into separate worlds.” James raised his hands and feigned pushing her and the others away. “I’m out of here. You can tell Peter that he doesn’t have to pick between us. I know that he already has. You won,” he snarled. “You always win, Brooke.”

“No, he wanted out.” Brooke corrected him. “He won.” Brooke turned to walk away, muttering under her breath, “That’s because you’re such a loser.”

“Yeah,” James yelled back, trying to hurt her. “Whatever, Loran.”

Quickly turning, Brooke lunged for James again. The prudent actions of Sam only slowed her down enough to barely miss him as he started walking away.

“Hey, James,” she yelled.

“What?” James yelled back as he turned, snarling at her.

“Come anywhere near her and you’ll regret the day you ever met me.” Brooke’s angry stare was as much a part of her threat as was her words.

The man smirked and cockily replied, “We all do what we have to do. It was nice seeing you again.” He gave a little wave, then smiled sweetly at her, letting his waving hand turn into an obscene gesture.

“Fuck You!” Her voice was filled with rage.

“Oh, Happy Birthday, Sam.” James winked and blew her a kiss.

The emotions ran through Brooke like water over a dam. Between her anger, rage, and her need to protect Sam, she took off after him without any thought to her own safety.

She rounded the house, gaining on him with her long strides. Just as Brooke was ready to latch onto him, she found her body starting to slow down. The weight on her arms, like anchors to a ship. First one, then the other and with only the smallest amount of space left between them, James slipped by.

“Damn it! Let me go.” Brooke thrashed, swaying C.C. from side to side until Sam finally caught up to them, coming to her roommate’s aid. The two young women held on tight to the raging drummer, letting her pull them along until she gave up any idea of advancing further.

“Why…” C.C. tried to reason with her sister, “so you can do something that Randi will have to work on? Brooke, he isn’t worth it,” the sibling appealed to her sister.

The two roommates watched Brooke as they tried to figure out her next move. They were both a little surprised when she gave up, just hanging her head with her eyes tightly closed. The slumping of her shoulders was the clinching act of defeat.

“Hey, what’s all the commotion out here?” Peter’s voice came from the front door.

The dark-haired woman raised her head and looked to Sam, seeing the concern in her eyes. “Nothing, Petey. It’s over.” She turned to face the front door. “Go back inside.” Brooke turned back to Sam, the guilt of the ruined evening weighing heavily on her mind. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your birthday.”

Still a little out of breath, Sam took in a few deep ones as she tried to calm the beleaguered woman down. “Let it go, Brooke. It was a great day. Let’s not let him end it on a wrong note.” The blonde placed her hand on Brooke’s back and rubbed soothing circles on it.

Randi came to the door and watched the interaction of her sister and Sam, then shook her head in a motherly kind of way. “Maybe you kids will grow up one day and not squabble. But then again, hell could freeze over, too.”

Brooke looked over at the woman in the doorway and rolled her eyes. “Randi, please give it a rest. You have no idea.”

“Sorry Brooke, but I think you said that already about this band. Now maybe you’ll see it’s true.” Randi took a deep breath in. “I really don’t care what you do. Just don’t let me see your name as a defendant…”

“Yeah, yeah…” Brooke waved her hand in the air as she looked away from her sister. “Okay.”

“I’d really hate to have to send my own sister up the river,” Randi warned.

Trying to think of something to caution her older sister with, C.C. could only think of one thing. “Yeah, and remember…no conjugal visits…”

“Bite me, Smart Ass.” Brooke snapped out under her breath, keeping it from Randi’s ears.

Sam’s eyes grew bigger as she listened to the sisters’ bantering.

“Bare it, and I will,” was C.C.’s final retort.

The low key lighting of the first floor and the absence of noise from the chattering guests of earlier were all hints that the surprise party was over. The glittering shine of the bright lights of the concert were now replaced by the soft twinkle of stars overhead as Sam stood on the deck, waiting for Mario to come in from the yard.

Brooke stood at the door, not trying at all to hide the look of love on her face for the small blonde who was lovingly greeting Mario as he made his way onto the deck. She wiped the towel through her hair once more as she watched them walk toward the door.

“Did he behave for you?” Brooke asked as she opened the door to let them in.”

Sam let her hand graze over Mario’s head. “Mario?” The dog looked up to her, then she winked, “We have an understanding, don’t we boy?”

“An agreement…really?” Brooke looked from Sam to the dog.

“Arf!” Mario barked and wagged his tail, looking up at his tall mistress who couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, it’s kind of like we both know that we each love you, but in our own separate ways.” Sam smiled at Brooke. “He has you during the day, and I have you at night. Well…” she thought for a moment, “at least when I’m here.”

Brooke looked down at the dog with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I hope he doesn’t love me like that,” she teased Sam.

The blonde shook her head vigorously. “No, silly. Only I can do that.” Sam sidled up to the tall woman, wrapping her arm around Brooke’s waist and leaning her head on the woman’s shoulder.

“Hey, Brooke, you won’t mind if Crystal and I raid your fridge, do you?” Peter stuck his head in the doorway of the kitchen. “Oops, didn’t mean to interrupt anything there, Ladies.” He winked at Brooke.

Brooke wrapped her arms around Sam and smiled. “Raid the fridge? No, go right ahead. And Peter, you weren’t disturbing us.”

“Hehehe…” the man chuckled. “Yeah.” His eyes twinkled and he looked back out toward the hall, then back at Brooke, “I think we might be staying up and talking for a while, and you know how I get when I talk.” He shrugged, and then stepped into the room completely.

Reaching out, Brooke patted his stomach. “Yeah, you have done quite a bit of talking over the years haven’t you?” She teased him, then turned to wink at Sam.

Giving a scornful look to his ex-band mate, he addressed Sam, letting a smile tug at his lips. “Happy Birthday, Toots.” Peter leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then whispered in Sam’s ear. “Thanks for introducing us. I think she likes me.”

Playfully, Brooke leaned toward Peter. “I think she does, too.” The subtle motion of her head aimed in Sam’s direction.

Peter backed away from the women and waved as he headed back into the living room. “Don’t worry about us, okay?”

The tall woman assured him, “Don’t worry, we won’t.” Brooke gave a little wave as he turned, leaving them alone.

Brooke held out her arms and waited for Sam’s return, letting the small woman nestle in against her. They stood like that for a few moments before the blonde nuzzled into Brooke’s neck.

“Thanks for everything, Brooke.” Sam spoke softly. “You really made my twenty-first birthday special.” Sam smiled into Brooke’s chest. “You know, in a way, tonight with seeing Anti-Zero in concert…it was like putting an end to my childhood and bridging the gap into my new life as an adult.” The young woman brought her hand up to rest on Brooke’s shoulder.

The dark-haired woman was warmed by the sentiment and kissed the blonde head just under her chin.

“You wouldn’t know anyone willing to guide me on that journey, would you?” Sam closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the answer she knew would be coming.

“Hmmm…” Brooke inhaled deeply, “You know, I think I might.” She grinned when she felt Sam’s body relax against her.

“I hope it’s someone that I can get along with…someone who…” Sam looked up, seeing the well-formed lips descending to her own and got caught up in the kiss.

When it was over, Sam savored the taste of those luscious lips on hers. “Mmm…That just answered all my questions.”

“Good, now come on,” Brooke wiggled her eyebrows, “I hear that there’s a bed upstairs in a room that has a great view of the sunrise. Do you think you might be interested in sharing that with me?”

“Sounds like a perfect way to start this new year,” Sam purred, “of life…” then she trailed off, “and love.”

“Oh yeah? I can think of a better way,” Brooke’s blue eyes twinkled, knowing all too well, that they would indeed be awake to see the sun rise.
