SHE’D NEVER HAVE IMAGINED CADE or Merrick dress shopping, or that they’d be so patient. They indulged her every whim, though, and encouraged her to find the perfect dress and not to settle.

In the fifth shop, she found perfection. It was a strapless silver dress that fell down her legs in a shimmery curtain. It conformed to her every curve and gathered gently at her ankles.

Next she bought a pair of three-inch Cinderella heels that sparkled and caught the light, reflecting it so they shimmered when she walked.

Afterward, Cade and Merrick carried the bags to the spa and handed them over to the receptionist with strict instructions to pamper and indulge Elle and then have her dressed for the ceremony.

If the woman thought it strange that two men would be so adamant about having her ready for a wedding, she didn’t say anything. But when it came time for the two men to leave and they both kissed her long and hard, Elle could swear she saw a look of pure envy on the other woman’s face.

For the next two hours, Elle was immersed in pleasure. She was massaged, her toes and fingers done, and then her hair was swept into an elegant knot and arranged so that several tendrils floated down her face.

Then it came time to put the dress on, and Elle’s stomach was in knots as her excitement grew.

It was really happening. She was dressing for a dream wedding in Las Vegas, and Cade and Merrick would be here any moment to pick her up.

She slipped on the heels and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She looked…radiant. Blissfully happy. Just like all women should on their wedding day.

As she stared back at herself, an image flashed in her mind. A fleeting memory, or maybe it was just a sensation.

Will he ever ask me to marry him?

It was a thought she knew she’d had before. More than once. There was lingering sadness—and worry—feelings she knew she’d experienced before.

Who was she thinking of?

The knot of anxiety grew in her belly. Was she doing the right thing? Was it really fair to Cade and Merrick to commit to them when she couldn’t remember her past?

“Miss Walker, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Walker are here for you.”

Elle shook off the lingering uneasiness and turned to the woman standing in the door of the dressing room. Cade and Merrick were waiting. For her. They wanted to marry her and build a future together with her.

No matter what was in her past, they were her future.

At peace with her decision, she walked out the door and into the waiting room where Merrick and Cade stood. When they saw her, their faces lit up and there was approval in their eyes.

When she saw them, her heart pounded a little harder.

They were both wearing black suits. Expensive. Well tailored. They looked absolutely mouth-watering, and they were all hers.

“Elle, you look beautiful,” Cade said as he came forward.

“You look fucking amazing,” Merrick breathed.

Cade reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box and handed it to her. With shaking fingers, she opened it to find a pair of glittering diamond earrings.

Merrick held up a necklace that matched and motioned for her to turn around so he could clasp it around her neck.

She felt like a fairy-tale princess.

They both reached for her hands after she’d attached the earrings to her ears, and they led her out of the spa to the waiting limousine.

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up to a casino and were ushered out. The two men led her to the wedding chapel, where they were met by a couple who explained how the ceremony would be held.

Though the legalities concerned Merrick and Elle, there would be a special vow exchange between her and Cade at the beginning. At the end, instead of pronouncing Merrick and Elle husband and wife, the declaration would be made that Elle was given into the care of Merrick and Cade and that they would love and cherish her all the days of their life.

She was so jittery as they walked into the room where the ceremony would be held that she nearly stumbled. Cade caught her elbow, and then he pulled her in close to his side as they continued forward.

Positioned between the two men in front of the man performing the ceremony, she turned first to Cade as they exchanged vows.

His eyes were full of love as he held her hand, his thumb stroking over her knuckles. To her surprise, he produced a sparkling diamond solitaire and slid it onto her ring finger.

It was the most gorgeous ring she’d ever seen, and it fit her perfectly.

When their vows were said, Cade leaned in and kissed her long and deep, his hands framing her face.

“I love you,” he whispered.

She smiled and kissed him again. “I love you too.”

He gently let her go, and she turned to Merrick.

His eyes were fierce, and to her complete shock, they glittered wetly. He caught hold of her hands and held on so tightly her fingers were bloodless. It was almost as if he were afraid if he let her go, she’d disappear.

His voice was choked with emotion as he recited his vows, and when she in turn recited hers, he swallowed visibly.

Then, as Cade had done, he produced a ring. He slid her diamond off and pushed on the platinum band before sliding her solitaire back in place.

“On the inside is inscribed, Merrick, Elle and Cade forever,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

“I love it,” she whispered. “It’s perfect.”

And then he kissed her. Sweet. Hot. Deep and aching.

“You’re mine now,” he said softly, fiercely, his voice ringing with possessiveness.

She slid her hands into his and leaned up to kiss him once more. Then she reached back for Cade, pulling him in close so she was flanked by both men.

She listened to the rich, beautiful words that bound her to Merrick and Cade for all time. Absorbed them and held them precious in her heart.

A year ago, she’d been no one. Desperate, cold, more dead than alive. Cade and Merrick had taken her in. Given her care and love and had been infinitely patient, allowing her time to recover both physically and emotionally.

Now she had a new life. She had focus. And she had a future.

She loved and was loved in return.

She gazed up at her husbands’ faces, saw the joy and adoration in their eyes.

A year ago, she wouldn’t have considered herself lucky or fortunate. But now, she realized that whoever had tried to kill her had in fact done her a huge favor.

“Come on, Mrs. Walker-Sullivan,” Merrick said, pulling her toward the doorway. “I feel the distinct need to make love to you for the next forty-eight hours straight.”

“Only forty-eight?” she teased.

“To start with,” Cade said. “After that? Who knows. We have all the time in the world, and I plan to make love to you for the next forty-eight years.”
