11 Easy to love you - MacKenzie -

Our ceremony is over and I’ve got my prince charming. Our day is only half over and it couldn’t have been anymore magical. The sun is about halfway set, our guests are all having cocktails while my wedding party and I are having our pictures taken.

The photographer has us all out on the beach posing for different shots. We’ve taken some formal ones and funny ones too. Now that the formal pictures are taken with my brothers, we start the funny ones. I am being held up across their bodies.

Mason is holding me up by my shoulders, and I feel the need to start grilling him. “I saw you repeating the vows to Hailey.”

He looks surprised.

“Was she watching you?” I question him.

He doesn’t answer at first because the photographer is making us change position.

“Yeah.” He finally responds.

“Was she saying them back?” I probe.

He nods.

“Mase, talk to me.” I beg. He’s breaking my heart, I know he loves her. He worships the ground she walks on. I know my brother, he wouldn’t cheat on Hailey. He despises Lily so there has to be a reason why he was with her that night in the bar. I want to beat it out of him. I want to yell at him.

We change positions again, “I can’t Kenz.” He looks out over the ocean. “I want to, God I want too but it’s something I just can’t do right now.”

I place my hand on his shoulder and stand on my tip toes so I’m somewhat eye level with him, “I’m here when you’re ready. I don’t care what time or where I am.”

He looks at me and smirks.

“Well, just not until I’m back from my honeymoon.” I tell him.

Mason groans and I laugh.

“Everything will work out. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.” Then he kisses my cheek.

The photographer calls over Hunter and the girls while I stand aside with my brothers and watch.

I look on as Hunter bends down on one knee while Hailey sits on his other and Jaylinn and Chloe stand behind them and to the sides. The photographer snaps a few pictures and I see Hunter and Hailey start talking. I wonder if he’s questioning her like I did Mason. After our honeymoon I’m stepping in and calling a family meeting, I think to myself. We all promised to tell each other everything. No more secrets. It’s supposed to be us against the world.

The photographer dismisses Jackson, Chloe, Alex, Jaylinn and Cooper. Now it’s time for pictures with the bride, groom, best man and maid of honor.

The tension is making it feel awkward. We take a few just as the sun is setting behind the ocean, it’s beautiful. The sky is lit up pink, purple, orange and blue. The photographer places Hunter and I facing each other, hands held. Then he stands Hailey and Mason just behind us but to the side in the same position.

I hear Hailey say, “This is really beautiful.” And I couldn’t agree more.

Then I hear, but just barely, “so are you,” come from Mason. Hailey gasps and Hunter squeezes my hand, he heard it too. It’s the first time they have spoken to each other all day. I know Hailey would need alcohol to deal with this situation, but since it’s my wedding day she’s handling it fairly well. I think I would have run.

The photographer says she’s got all the shots she needs and tells us to go on ahead and join the rest of the party in the bridal suite. We walk into the suite; it’s our own little party. Everyone has champagne and they all cheer when we walk in. The group is talking about the wedding and how much fun the reception is going to be.

Hailey, Jaylinn and Chloe pull me aside and help me get my dress bustled. When we finish and join everyone else, I see Cooper and Hunter huddled in the corner talking softly to each other. I snake my arms around Hunter’s stomach, and he turns and pulls me in front of him. He kisses the side of my head. Cooper rolls his eyes.

Hunter and I laugh. “What are you two over here talking about?”

Cooper looks up to Hunter and he tells me, “Cooper is asking if we can change the song for the wedding party.”

I look to Cooper for an explanation. He huffs, “It’s a song that reminds Mason of Hailey. He doesn’t know that I know that. I heard him tell Hailey the other night when we were all at the bar.”

Changed By You by Between The Trees.” We both say at the same time. Cooper’s eyes widen.

“She told me all about that night. I think it’s perfect.”

Hunter shifts just slightly so that we can see where both Mason and Hailey are. Mason is talking with Chloe and Jackson in one corner while Jaylinn and Hailey are in the other corner, chatting. Our family is divided and it’s killing me inside.

Hunter places another kiss to the side of my head and says, “I’ll go change it up.”

I turn in his arms and place a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, baby.”

Cooper and I walk over to Jaylinn and Hailey and start talking to them while Hunter sneaks away. A few minutes later he returns, winks at me and then says, “Let’s get this party started.”

The DJ announces the wedding party, Chloe, Jackson and Alex, followed by Cooper and Jaylinn and then Mason and Hailey. Our wedding song, Easy To Love You by Theory Of A Deadman, starts playing and the DJ announces us. Everyone is standing and cheering for us as we walk in hand in hand.

Hunter and I are dancing in the middle of the dance floor while our wedding party stands to the side. I have my fingers locked behind Hunter, while he has his arms tightly around my waist.

“Thank you for today. Everything is amazing and perfect.” I tell him.

He rests his forehead against mine. “Perfect, just like you.” He kisses me before he continues. “While you look stunning in this dress I can’t wait to strip you out of it later.” I feel my cheeks start to burn. “It’s all I can think about since you wouldn’t come home with me last night.” He pulls me a little closer to him and I feel his hardness between us.

I giggle. He’s in for a treat. Hailey and I had gone shopping for the lingerie under my dress; she even talked me into getting waxed. While it hurt like hell, I’m glad I did it. The look on his face is going to be priceless. “You’re in for a surprise.”

“I can’t wait.” He says, almost breathless.

We continue our dance, telling each other how much we love each other. Hunter’s mom sneaks up on the dance floor and hands Ryder over to us. The three of us wrapped in each other’s arms finishes up the dance as the DJ asks the wedding party to join us as he switches the song over to, Changed By You. Our friends and family have no idea what we secretly did for Mason and Hailey as the song is fitting for us as well.

Cooper and Jaylinn look over to us and then over to Mason and Hailey, who are barely holding on to each other. Hailey looks up at me and I give her a look that says, “Pretend for me.” She rolls her eyes and holds on to Mason tighter. I see Mason’s shoulders relax and then he wraps his arms around Hailey and rests the side of his head against hers so his mouth is just near her ear. As they are dancing Mason is now facing our direction. I glance up to Hunter who lifts his chin to Mason. I give Ryder a little kiss on his cheek while his head rests on Hunter’s shoulder.

Everything is perfect now, if only it would stay this way. Hunter and I sway back and forth and I see Hailey just over Hunter’s shoulder. She has tears streaming down her face.

I look up to Hunter who smiles and starts singing the song to me. It’s about being tongue tied and trying to express what the heart needs to say, changes that happen and the more that happens, the closer you become, and melting fears away. Being blessed and being the one, forever.

Now it’s my turn to cry. This song really is perfect for all of us, especially for Mason and Hailey. I don’t think Hailey has a clue about how much she really has changed Mason.

I steal a quick glance over at Cooper and he’s singing to Jaylinn, and Jackson is singing it to Chloe.

The song wraps up and there is barely a dry eye in the place. Hunter fully grabs Ryder in his arms and walks towards his mom and his aunt and uncles sitting at the table just off the dance floor. I follow behind them but catch Hailey running off in the direction of the bathrooms.

I place my hand on Hunter’s back, he turns and I tell him, “I’ll be right back.”

He smiles and says, “Love you.”

I follow after Hailey but swing past the bar first. I need my best friend to get her shit straight for the rest of the wedding. I want her to have a good time, not painful memories. We will remember this day forever. I take the two glasses of sex on the beach and stroll over to find Hailey. Just as I am about to open the bathroom door I hear Hailey’s laugh. I stop and listen for a second.

“I promise, no pranks. Well at least for a week.” I recognized that voice as Bentley’s.

“Okay. Deal.” Hailey says.

I push the door open and walk in. Bentley and Zeke are sitting on the couch in the bathroom in the ladies’ room. When they notice me both of their eyes go wide.

“Having a party without me?” I ask them. “In the bathroom nonetheless.”

“Of course not, beautiful.” Bentley replies.

“Benny, you know I don’t like liars.” I joke around with him.

“Hey now, Sweetie, you know it’s not a party unless the two of you are together.” Zeke says while waggling his eyebrows.

“Pig,” Hailey laughs.

I look over at my best friend, her eyes are all red and puffy but she’s beautiful anyway. I take a few steps over to her and hand her the drink I got for her.

“God I love you. For a minute there I thought you were two fisting it.” Hailey says while taking the glass out of my hand.

“Would I ever leave you hanging like that?” I kid around with Hailey.

“Well our job is done here. Save me a dance, hot stuff?” Bentley asks.

“Of course.”

I catch both Bentley and Zeke wink at Hailey as they leave.

“Going on a trip?” I probe.

She shrugs her shoulders at me, “Maybe, still deciding.”

We are both quiet for a few minutes. It’s a little uncomfortable and I feel the need to say something to fix it.

“You know I love you right?” I say with a smirk on my face.

“Like I’d ever give you a choice.” Hailey quips back.

“I need you to do me one favor to make this wedding of mine even better.”

She raises her eyebrows at. “What’s that?”

“Just let go of your shit with Mason. Just for the rest of the night. For me, please.” I beg.

She stares at me like I just asked her to cut off her right arm. Finally she says, “Fine, but the second you leave, things are going back to the way they were. Let me introduce you to Cole and then we can go and grab another drink. I need to cool off a little after your brother tried to kill me with that song.”

I fling my arms around her tiny little body, “Thanks Hails.”

As we walk out of the bathroom we almost run into someone I don’t recognize. Hailey grabs my arm. “Kenz, I want you to meet Cole.”

So this is Hailey’s date. “Nice to meet you, Cole.”

“Nice to meet you too, and congratulations.” Cole says.

Someone taps me on the arm; I turn and look, Mason. Shit, this is going to be weird. “You may want to go rescue your husband; the twins talked him into getting drinks. You know how they get.”

Oh hell. I look over and sure enough my twin cousins, Nicole and Laura, have Hunter between them with what looks to be about six shots between the three of them.

“Go.” Hailey says when she sees my face.

I hear Mason chuckling as I walk away. Asshole. He could have helped Hunter out there.

I finally steal my husband away from my cousins and we take our seats at the head of the table as dinner is being served. Mason makes his best man speech and Hailey says a few words as well.

After everyone finishes with dinner we make our way back out on the deck. The DJ is playing all the latest hits and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. It’s so good seeing all my family that I don’t get to see often enough. Hailey is dancing all crazy with Ryder snuggled close, giggling away, and poor Cole is trying to keep up. If Hailey wasn’t so hung up on my brother then she and Cole would make a really cute couple. The music changes to I Will Be There by Art Of Dying. I make a bee-line directly to Hailey, wanting to steal a slow song with my little monkey.

I see Mason watching Hailey just off to the side of the bar that’s closest to the dance floor. I reach Hailey and hold my arms out. “You’re stealing my date away?” she whines.

Ryder gets all excited when he sees me, arms and legs flailing all over. “Yes, give me my baby boy.” Ryder practically leaps out of Hailey’s hands.

“I think someone wants to dance with your Aunt Hailey, huh Ryder?” I croon to him while looking over at Mason who smiles at us.

Hailey looks all around, purposely avoiding Mason. “What are you talking about? Cole is right here.” she says dumbfound.

Cole scratches the back of his head, “Uh, I think I’m gonna ask your mom if she wants to dance. She looks a little lonely over there.”

Cole meets my eye and I silently thank him. Then he turns on his heel to go and grab Ms. Taylor.

As soon as Cole turns away Mason quickly walks up to us and whispers, “me.” into Hailey’s ear.

Hailey jumps and her left hand flies to hold her chest, “Damn it, Mase, you scared the hell out of me.”

Mason pulls Hailey close and she wraps her arms around his neck. I spin around with Ryder in my arms and leave them to the dance.

“You gonna help me get them back together right monkey?” I say to Ryder who now has my finger in his mouth.

“His teeth bothering him?” My mom asks as she cuts into our dance.

Mom takes Ryder out of my hands and I slip into Jackson’s arms.

“I didn’t see you standing there.” I tell him.

“I know. I finally saw my opening. You’re a pretty popular girl today.” He says, smiling at me.

“That’s ‘cause I got the dance moves.” I joke with him.

“I’m proud of you, Kenz. I know I don’t tell you that often but I am.” I gaze up at my big brother. My heart skips a beat. Jackson and I haven’t ever really been that close, the age difference affects us. Plus he’s been wrapped up in Chloe for so long, I never bonded with him like I did the twins.

“Thanks Jackson. I’m trying. I’ve got a pretty good teacher as a brother you know.”

“Is that so?”


We dance for a few more minutes while the song wraps up. Chloe asks to dance with her husband and before I even have a chance to look around for Hunter to take his place, Cooper sweeps me away.

“I don’t think you should have invited so many people.” Cooper says.

“And why’s that? I thought Hunter and I did fairly well. We only invited family and our closest friends. Could you have pictured it if we invited everyone we wanted?”

“I’m just kidding with you, Kenz. I’m just bustin’ your balls ‘cause I keep trying to catch a dance with you.” He laughs.

I push my hair off my shoulder, “What can I say, everyone loves me.”

“We sure do.” He winks at me.

“So what’s up with Mase?” I ask. Cooper goes tense.

We sway past mom and Ryder and I blow my baby boy a kiss.

He’s staring over my shoulder like he’s a million miles away. “I don’t know.”

“Coop …”

“I don’t, Kenz. He’ll talk to us when he’s ready. You know Mase, he has to do everything his way.” Cooper reminds me.

“I know, but I hate that he’s so stubborn.” I complain.

“You should talk.” He chuckles. And the mood changes light again.

I roll my eyes, “Shut up.”

“You look beautiful, Kenz.”

I smile at him; Cooper’s always been the laid back brother. He’s great with the ladies, always has been. I wish him and Jaylinn would get their shit together. Those two are next on my list to figure out.

“Where’s Jaylinn?”

“Dancing with your husband.” He answers with a nod of his head.

The DJ makes an announcement for the father of the bride and the bride to please make our way to the dance floor. Cooper kisses my forehead and heads back to his seat.

The floor is just about empty when I see my dad. I Loved Her First by Heartland starts playing and the tears burn my eyes.

“Hey baby girl.” Dad says while he places a hand on my back and holds my right hand.

“Hey Daddy.” I’m trying to hold the tears back, I really am.

“You look like a princess today.”

The dam breaks and the tears fall. I look over my dad’s shoulder, trying to calm myself down. The whole room is watching us. I spot Hunter holding Ryder just off to the side, he waves Ryder’s little hand at me.

I laugh. “Thanks Dad. You don’t look so bad yourself. You know, for being a grandpa.”

“Such a smart ass.” He laughs. “Your mom and I are really proud of you MacKenzie. You’ve grown up to be such a great young woman and a wonderful mom to Ryder. You really stepped up.”

“Oh Dad,” I manage to choke out.

“Just because I gave you away today, it doesn’t mean you’re not my baby girl anymore. I’m always going to be here, whenever you need me.”

I take a few moments to compose myself, “I love you Daddy, more than you’ll ever know.”

The song comes to an end as my dad says, “I love you too baby girl.” He kisses me on the cheek and I hear him sniffle.

The song ends and the DJ starts playing Cupid Shuffle by Cupid. I’m so happy for the upbeat song; I think I’ve cried enough for one day. Mason is sitting at the table looking miserable. I dance over to him and force him onto the dance floor. He knows better than to say no to me today.

Mason stands to the side while I dance and he looks on, laughing at me and Aunt Betty. Our Aunt Betty is in her seventies, she’s a trip to hang out with. You would never know she was that old by the moves she has.

When the song ends, I link my arm with Mason’s and pull him down to the beach with me. I’m all sweaty from dancing and need some fresh air.

“Wow, look at it out here. I love the way the beach is lit up with these candles.”

Mason doesn’t reply, he just sighs loudly.

“You hanging in there?”

He looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. “You let her bring that Cole guy?”

I knew he was going to ask that. “Mase, what choice did I have? She asked, I couldn’t exactly tell her no.”

He sighs again, “I know.” He digs his feet in the sand.

We stand there for a few minutes; the reception carrying on behind us, the ocean crashing in front of us.

“Don’t make me regret what I’m about to tell you.” I say to Mason.

He looks over to me and nods.

“Hailey is taking care of Ryder from Sunday until Tuesday at my house. If you can find the time in your busy ass schedule, stop over there.”

“Is he going to be there?” Mason questions.


He nods.

“No. It’s not like that with them, Mase. Hailey isn’t ready to move on, she’s still heartbroken. I’m hoping that this time I’m giving you guys to ‘play house’ will help. I know you had plans to move her in with you.”

He snaps his head over to me.

“Remember, no more secrets between Hunter and me.” I wink.

He laughs, “This ought to be good.”

I get chills from the mental images flashing around in my head. “No, we don’t talk about that shit. I don’t ever want to know.”

We both laugh.

I see a couple standing up down near the ocean, it takes me a minute to figure out who it is. Once the wind picks up and they walk a little closer to one of the candles I can tell its Hailey and Cole. Hailey turns towards the ocean again while Cole keeps walking. I tap Mason with my elbow and nod in her direction. Mason stares at her with a painful expression on his face. Cole passes by us and I give him a little wave.

I lean over and kiss my brother on the cheek, “Go talk to her. I’m going to go get Hunter and get out of here.”

Mason groans, “I didn’t really need to hear that last part, Kenz.”

I laugh as I start to walk away. “Try to keep her from walking in on us huh?”

He shakes his head and wanders over to Hailey. As I walk back up on the deck Hunter swoops in and wraps me in his arms.

“There you are, baby.”

I wrap my arms around his waist, “You ready to get out of here soon?”

“Hell yes.” He moans in my ear.

Hunter and I walk over to the DJ and ask him to play one last song for us since we are heading out when it’s over.

The Time Of My Life by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes starts playing. Hunter and I start singing it to each other, laughing and carrying on. Damn, I love him with everything that I am. He’s so handsome when he isn’t worrying about the rest of world.

He pulls me close to him. Our fingers entwined and hands down to our sides, chest to chest, and our noses just about touch. He stares into my eyes and it makes me weak in the knees. “I’ve got one last little gift for you.”

“Yeah?” I say breathlessly.

He lets go of my right hand and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a little blue Tiffany’s box with a white bow.

“Hunter, I think you’ve given me everything a girl could possibly need. You didn’t need to do anything else.” I say as I reach with shaky hands to take the box.

“I didn’t buy this recently.” He says as I slip off the bow.

When I take off the top of the box, nestled inside is a diamond encrusted key. I look up at him, a bit confused.

Hunter kisses me. “It’s the key for the locket I gave you a two Christmases ago. I told you it had a key and I would give it to you when I was ready.” He kisses my lips again and a tear slips down my cheek. “I’m ready CC.”

I put the lid back on and slide my arms around his neck, “I love you. I love you so much that sometimes I feel like this is all a dream.”

Hunter wraps me tightly in his arms and lifts me up off the ground. “Then is a dream that I don’t want to wake up from.”

I kiss him until we are both breathless.

After the song ends, Hunter and I walk around and say our goodbyes to our friends and family. We tell a few of my cousins we will get together soon and we promise to stop down to see Bentley and Zeke when we get back. I thank Logan for coming and tell him we’ll stop and see him when we visit Bentley and Zeke. I smile over at Dominic and thank him for coming as well. He barely meets my eyes when he congratulates us again.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into letting him come.” Hunter says as we make our way over to Mom, Dad, Hunter’s mom and Ryder.

I pat him on the stomach, “Hey, if it wasn’t for him screwing up then we may not be together.”

Hunter stops walking. “I was coming after you one way or another, CC. It just took me a little too long to realize that I couldn’t live without you.”

I stand up on my tip toes and kiss him, long and hard.

“I love you so damn much, baby.” He says as he rests his forehead on mine.

“And I love you too.”

We say goodbyes to our parents and make plans to meet for breakfast so that we can say our goodbyes to Ryder before we leave for our honeymoon.

“Let’s go, Mrs. McCormick.” Hunter says when I finally pry myself away from Ryder. “We’ve got a honeymoon suite calling our name and I plan on putting that room to good use.” He whispers in my ear while we wait for the elevator.

“Lead the way, Mr. McCormick.”

It’s an incredible ending to an incredible day. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
