
To my husband, I love you Boo! Thank you for finally understanding what I do all these hours at the computer. I don’t know what I would ever do without you.

Monkey, Love you Monkey!!! Thanks for being Mommy’s sidekick the last few days while I finished writing HTLY.

Dad, Mom, Smooter and Mimi, Thank you for helping me with everything, cheering me on and believing in me. Love you!

My beta readers, I don’t even know where to start. I love each and every one of you in your own way. Thank you for voicing you opinions and calling me out on different stuff. I don’t know how I would have got through this without you. HTLY definitely gave me some grey hair writing it.

Elle, I really don’t know what I would do without you!!!! Thank you for listening to me panic, whine, bitch and complain for hours on end. Thanks for the brainstorming and calling me out on my shit when I tried to half ass something LOL. And most of all thank you for being such a great friend to me.

BFF’s, I love that the ten of us get along so well, it’s hard to find a group of girls like you. Thanks for all the laughs, crazy ideas and advice. VEGAS BABY!!

Heidi, Thank you again for allowing me to use your photos (Thank you Luke and Jada).

My Passion Posse ~ Thank you for all the love and support you have shown me! This is a great group and I love you all!

Sarah, One day I will come and visit you in the UK. I love your edits and little tweaks to make everything I write flow so smoothly. I’m so glad I found and can’t wait to work on my projects together.

Sommer, Thank you for designing another breathtaking cover!

My author friends, Your support makes me feel like I can make anything happen. Thanks for taking the time to always help!

Holly Malgieri with I love Indie Books blog for help with my blog tour and all the other bloggers who help spread the word and support indie authors, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

And last but not least my readers, Thank you for all your love and support!!!!

Contact Megan Smith



