Chapter Veintitrés

Antonio’s words felt like a hard kick to Ixtab’s gut. Woman? On the other side? Why hadn’t he ever mentioned this? You dramawhore, Universe! How could you?

Antonio couldn’t possibly be destined for another female. Could he? It didn’t seem right. Not when the connection between them felt so powerful, like the Universe herself had forged it with the strength from her very own heart.

Ixtab couldn’t decide if she felt angry or heartbroken. Or both. Both! Vampires Are Icky reason number ten: because they’re like tumbleweeds; they’ll roll on top of anything!

Ixtab walked over to Antonio’s neatly made bed and sat down. Her heart sagged. None of this made any sense. How had the woman gotten there? How had he met her? How did he know that this woman was destined to be his? Why would the Universe bring Antonio into her life only to give him to another?

Dammit! She couldn’t accept this. How could she have lost him already? Had she been wrong about her feelings?

Yes! Because you’re an idiot! A complete idiot! Of course, he doesn’t want you. You. Are. Not. Destined. To. Ever. Love. The Universe hates you. She always has, and she always will.

“You’re not my brother’s usual type. Although it’s hard to tell with that outfit you’re wearing,” said a deep voice.

Ixtab turned her head and instantly felt the room swirl in such a way that indicated her humanlike body might go into shock—ironically, the same thing happened the last time she was in Spain. But that was because she’d stupidly tried to assist a large crowd of people hell-bent on killing themselves. Unfortunately, the bulls had already been set free. Who knew the beasts loved black lace?

Well, this time her body wasn’t suffering from a blow to the ribs, but from another blow to her heart, mind, and soul. Because when the Universe decided to roll with a doozy—i.e., producing the most improbable outcome thinkable—well, the bitch had flair. Fucking Universe.

Ixtab slowly rose to face Antonio’s brother.

“Let me guess,” he said, “Antonio didn’t tell you about me?”

Ixtab cleared her throat. “No.” The word still came out scratchy.

The man bobbed his head and produced an arrogant smirk. A beautiful, arrogant smirk. “Yes. He’s learned the hard way that telling women he has an identical twin isn’t the smartest move.”

Ixtab shook her head slowly. “N-n-no. I suppose it’s not.” How could you, Universe? How? You made two copies of Francisco? Come! On! Goddamned, dramawhore!

Wait. Hold your whoreses! This situation could no longer fall into the quirky-way-of-the-Universe category. There were two men who closely resembled the man she once loved and snubbed out? This situation had officially become an “Oh, hell no!” Something unearthly was going on.

But what the heck was it? She didn’t have a crumb of a deity inkling.

Hmmm… Cloning?

No. Francisco died long ago before any technology existed to store DNA.


Space aliens were stealing her memories and using them to create people suits to live inside?

No. The gods had put a stop to that little cluster of a situation last year, after those Cimilites (yes, yes, they named their damned planet after her—idiots) were discovered. One would think such an advanced civilization would have been more careful to not get caught. And know that there’s only enough space in the Universe for one Lady Gaga.

No, señor, something else had to be going on. What was it?

Ixtab sighed and looked the man over. He was absolutely gorgeous. The same dark green eyes, powerfully built frame, and olive skin. Only this identical version had delicious waves of dark, jaw-length hair, wore plain khaki pants and a white polo. He was also warm and full of life.

Human. Ixtab sighed. He was lovely.

“Oh, gods,” she whispered. “Please don’t tell me your name is… Francisco.”

Antonio’s brother laughed. “Yes, it is. How did you know?”

Well, that explained the man tantrum Antonio had in Bacalar.

He walked over to Ixtab and held out his hand. “My family calls me Franco for short. Francisco is what we call my father.”

Ixtab’s pulse thumped away at a million immortal miles an hour. His father? Okay. Her goddess alarm went to DEFCON one. This situation screamed supernatural conspiracy, though she couldn’t figure out what could possibly be happening.

She looked at Franco. Yes, he was identical to Antonio in every way. Would she be able to touch him, too? The possibility tumbled loudly in her head like a pair of sneakers in a dryer. Then she looked down at Franco’s outstretched hand. She knew she shouldn’t, but she felt entranced, as if in a bizarre dream or an alternate universe. She slowly lifted her hand to shake his.

“Don’t fucking touch her.” Antonio moved quicker than the eye and swiped Franco’s arm away.

Ixtab’s moral compass snapped into place. Holy crap. What had she been thinking? She cupped her hands over her veiled face. “Ohmygods, I’m so sorry.”

You’re in shock. Yes, hot-man shock. Oh, please don’t let me see doubles. Please don’t let me see doubles. Of the doubles. Because that would be a little too ABC Family teen special.

Franco turned and snarled at his brother. “Qué? Qué me dijiste?”

“You heard me.” Antonio bellied up to his brother and growled in his face. “Don’t,” he said in low, quiet, menacing sort of way. “Touch. Her. Don’t ever touch her.”

Franco laughed. “Calm the hell down, coño. I’m not going to steal her from you.” He looked at Ixtab and studied her as if attempting to decipher if what lie hidden beneath the shroud was worth competing for. Then he flashed a wicked little smile and added, “Yet.”

Uh-oh. That meant, “Game on.” Ixtab stepped back, waiting for the boy explosion. And shockingly, some sick, twisted part of her wanted to block out the perturbing details of the situation and instead focus in on a little fantasy involving mud. Goddesses had their pervy little twin fantasies, too.

“You’ll have to excuse my brother’s poor manners,” Franco said. “I’m afraid we have a long history with women. If you’re staying for dinner, perhaps I’ll get the chance to tell you all about it.”

Ixtab felt oddly annoyed. She didn’t want to hear about any other women in Antonio’s life.

“She’s not staying,” Antonio growled.

“I’m not?” Ixtab retorted.

“No,” Antonio replied.

“Says who?” she asked. “Last time I checked, I superseded you on the evolutionary totem pole.” And she wasn’t going anywhere until she got to the bottom of whatever the hell was going on.

Antonio’s eyes narrowed and his face turned a pissy shade of red.

“I’ll leave you two lovebirds to quarrel alone.” Franco winked at Ixtab. “I hope we meet again.”

“Don’t count on it,” grumbled Antonio, watching his brother leave.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had an evil twin?”

Antonio studied her. “He’s not evil.”

“Well, he doesn’t seem like the nicer version of you.”

Antonio rubbed his brow. “He is angry with me for not being here sooner. That is all.”

“Okay. So he’s not your evil twin. Point for Antonio. Now why the hell didn’t you tell me about him?” she asked.

“Why would I?”

“Well… well, I guess—I don’t know. Normally humans tell everyone such unique tidbits about their lives. They can’t help it; it makes them feel special.”

Antonio shrugged. “I’m not human; I’m a vampire.”

“Don’t start. Why were you hiding this? What aren’t you telling me?”

“I’m not hiding anything.” His body went rigid.

“Then why are you suddenly cloaked in a cloud of bloated cockiness? For the record, bloated cockiness is the same as cockiness, but without the legitimacy factor. Kind of like when a really stupid person tells you how they rock at Jeopardy! when you know that isn’t the case.”

Anger simmered in his eyes. “I’m not hiding anything. And I do not appreciate your questioning my integrity.”

“Oh. Look at that. You just moved up the ladder to defensive cocky. Why do men always do that? Instead of simply owning up when they’ve been caught lying, they behave as if they’re at a cocky poker game. I’ll see your defensive cockiness and raise you to colossal cock,” she said in a deep mocking voice. “Oh, well then, I’ll see your colossal cock and raise you…” Ixtab burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he growled.

She exhausted her chuckle while he glared. “Oh—I made a joke! Get it? I’ll see your colossal… oh, never mind. Where was I?” She cleared her throat. “Oh yeah. You’re totally hiding something.”

“Am not.” He stepped forward.

“Are too.” She stepped forward, leaving an inch between them. She could smell his sweet breath and feel his energy seeping into her veins. Gods, she wanted to kiss him.

His head dipped an inch, as if he were thinking the same, but then he stopped and turned to leave. “I need to go see my father.”

She grabbed his arm. “You just went. Stop running and tell me. Why didn’t you ever mention the woman? And your twin? I know something is going on, something bad. I can sense it in the air.” He didn’t respond but once again, she felt the fear and suffering building inside him. “Maybe I can help.”

“My father is dying, and there is much to settle before he moves on.”

So that was why Antonio was here. “I’m sorry.” She stroked his arm, not knowing if it was to comfort him or fuel her need to touch him.

“So am I.”

Of course. It was never easy for anyone to lose a parent. This had to be weighing heavily on his soul, and here she was poking the bear, picking a fight with him during his time of need. Gods, she was such a bitch. “Is there anything I can do?”

“I wish you could. But no.”

“Are you sure? If the cause is something dark.” She swallowed, knowing this entire place felt poisoned.

Antonio shook his head and she could swear she saw his eyes tear up. She’d never seen a vampire cry over anything. They were too tough. They were numb. They were like those little calluses on the edge of her big toe that no amount of pumicing could remove.

“How long has he got?” she asked.

“Not long. A few days, perhaps.”

“Your mother must be heartbroken,” she said.

“My mother died after giving birth to us, so it’s just me and my brother now.”

“If there’s anything I can do, say the word,” she said. “I never had parents, but I know it can’t be easy to lose him.”

“I’m not worried about losing my father. The bastard can rot in hell for all I care.”

Whoa! That was unexpected. “I’m not following.”

He rubbed has hands over his face. “I have to go. If you need anything, ask Kirstie, our maid.” He stopped and looked at her, his gorgeous olive eyes filled with distress, a distress that spiked her heart. “Ixtab?”


“I must open the tablet tonight.”

“You’re not going to tell me why, are you?” she asked.

He shook his head no.

Ixtab watched Antonio leave. Nothing about his situation felt right. Nothing about it made any sense. It was hands down the oddest situation she’d ever been in. Even stranger than the time Cimil threw a chocolate fondue party—for the record, there were no strawberries or cake for dipping; there was only… Cimil. But as bizarre and painful as this situation had become, nothing was worse than the hollowness burning inside. She could no longer deny that she felt something for Antonio. And it killed her to know that he wanted this other woman.

Who was she?

Reason number eleven: vampires are really good at keeping secrets.

She had to know what was going on before that portal opened, and there wasn’t much time. She scratched her itchy veil. The answer seemed to be staring her right in the face. Perhaps if she got away from the darkness of this house, she would be able to think clearly.

She picked up her phone and called for her chauffeur.
