Three’s Company

Jordan exited the sliding glass doors of the hospital and did a touchdown victory dance that looked a cross between clogging and disco.

"Does this mean the date is on?"

Jordan jumped. "My God! Don't sneak up behind me like that!"

"I didn't sneak. I walked like a normal person,” Edison said. “If you weren't so busy spazzing out, you'd have seen me," Edison said.

Jordan went back to her jubilant state, hopping from foot to foot. "She said yes. She said yes. She said yes!"

"So when’s the big day?"

"Today. Now.”

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now. She's meeting me out here in a few minutes."

Edison looked at her watch. "Okay. I guess I can do lunch."

"Not you," Jordan said. "It's a date. That usually means only two people. You know, the whole ‘three’s a crowd’ saying."

“I thought it was ‘three’s company.’”

“That was the TV show, not the saying.”

“I liked that show. I had a crush on the brunette. What was her name?”

“Maryanne, I think.”

“No, that was the brunette on Gilligan’s Island.”

“Aha! I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to divert my attention so you can go on my date with me. But it won’t work because her name was Janet,” Jordan said.

"I'll drive you, that's all. I won't sit at your table or anything."

"You're going to stare at us. I know you. You're going to sit and stare and eavesdrop. I won't be able to concentrate."

"I will not! Besides, it's my car. I drove you here. How will you get home if I don't go and take you home after? And you don’t want her to see where you live until the house is finished. Your house will make you seem like you never finish a project. I read a book once that had this psychological test where people went into dorm rooms and did a personality profile on the person based on what they saw. It was spot on. That’s why if you’re checking out a person you should go to their place and see what it looks like, then you’ll know if you want to date them."

Jordan was horrified. “The state of the house is your fault.”

“Ah, but you let me do it,” Edison said.

Amy appeared behind them. "I'm ready."

Edison and Jordan jumped. Edison said, "My God! Don't sneak up on us like that!"

Amy laughed. "Yep, that's me. Miss Sneaky Pants."

“Edison is going to be our chauffeur. She'll be driving us to lunch. If that’s all right."

"Great!" Amy said. “I left my car at the dealer.”

“Is something wrong with it?” Edison asked, her I-can-fix-it-myself proclivity quivering with anticipation.

Jordan was certain if Edison ever got hold of Amy’s car it would end up being Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – except it wouldn’t be able to float or fly. Or even drive.

“No, they’re giving it the once over so I can pick up my new car after work.”

“New car?” Jordan asked. “What kind?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Are you going to show me the surprise sometime or will I always have to wonder?” Jordan asked.

“We’ll see how lunch goes,” Amy said, smiling mischievously.

"I'll go get my car," Edison said, giving Jordan the evil eye as she walked to the parking lot.

Jordan watched her go, thinking having Edison as a best friend was like having a cold sore – she never went away and as long as she was around, Jordan would never get kissed.
