Amy’s Big Coming Out, Continued

“If you don’t come out of there, I’m coming in,” Amy said.

The boots wiggled again, but made no move to right themselves and come out.

“Okay, I lied,” Amy said. “I’m not coming into that stinky dumpster. But I am going to tell you what I need to tell you and if you don’t like it, then… well then you don’t like it, that’s all. So there. I’m a lesbian. At least I think I am. I mean, I’m pretty sure I am. I mean, I am. I’m in love with a woman. And we’ve kissed. Several times. And I liked it. I’m going to kiss her again. I’m going to kiss her as much as possible and I even bought new underwear. I hope you won’t disown me or be embarrassed by me. It is my wish that you will accept Jordan – that’s her name – I want you to accept Jordan as my significant other. That’s all.”

There was no answer from the dumpster.

“That’s all I wanted to say.”

Silence. No movement.

“The end.”

Amy stared at the boots. They didn’t move.

“You can respond now.”


“Mom? Are you okay in there?”

Amy was gripped by a fear that her mother had suffocated under the heap of stinky, gooey dumpster stuff. She quickly mounted the side of the dumpster, yelling, “Don’t worry! I’ll save you!” and dove inside headfirst.

Amy pushed off the bottom of the dumpster with her feet and swam to the top. Her head broke above the surface of the trash and she gulped down fresh air. She was face to face with the turquoise boots. She grabbed them both and pulled with all her might.

The boots came away easily and the force of her pulling sent her reeling backwards. She plopped into a corner of the dumpster and stared at the boots in her hand.

“Hey, what’s the idea?”

Amy looked up. An old woman stared back at her. The woman had only one tooth and her face was as wrinkled as a dirty dishrag. “Those’re my boots!” the old woman yelled. She grabbed the boots out of Amy’s hands, jumped overboard and scurried down the alley.

“Sorry, I thought you were somebody else! My bad!” Amy called after her.
