Amy’s Big Coming Out

Amy was high. She didn’t know if she was high on love or high on life, but whatever it was felt delicious. Jordan had called her last night and asked her out on another date. Amy said yes before even asking where they were going. Jordan told her they were going to a lesbian poetry reading and she thought it was going to be quite the spectacle. Amy didn’t care if she was inviting her to the dump to shoot BB guns at rats, she would go anywhere with Jordan.

Today was her day off and she had bounced out of bed and gone shopping. She bought 47 different pair of panties with matching bras. That should have been her first clue that she was in love. Nothing says “I’m in love” like a woman buying new underwear.

On her way back from the mall, Amy slammed on her brakes when she saw a familiar pair of shoes sticking out of a dumpster. They were turquoise cowboy boots with pleather snakeskin uppers. She would have known those boots anywhere.

Amy pulled her car up next to the dumpster and honked the horn. The boots wiggled but didn’t come out. Sighing dramatically, Amy got out of her car and approached the dumpster.

“Mom, it’s me,” Amy said. “Your daughter. Remember me?”

The boots wiggled in response.

“Can you please come out of the dumpster for a moment? I need to tell you something.”

To be continued…
